
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1919 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands THE HIGHEST COMPACT y ago chars unavoidable abto the The Calidonia Jewelry Store error has is is a The young gentle wonderhand that you.
United States Pharmacy Jamaica helped to bring Victory. Now comes the time when all eyes are undoubtedly equitable means of Trinidad (From the Times. raising money for States purs ter days there comes a loathsome poses has been demonstrated almost rumour of linking us with Amer As Visitors, Yes; ica, Yes, sending us to a far WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. adoption in all civilised countries Last Draft of Pubworse slavery than that from and its successful working has Rulers, No. Let there be truth botween which we emerged about a centu.
eliminated all objections, except lic Contingent ry write this way because those which the self steking and us two for evermore shitty continue to raise agains. Given Stirring Welcom Annexation Talk Loyally the papers refer to Jamaica as its introduction. Much of the Denounced.
being the most important of the PRICE by Mayor QUALITY SERVICE taxation which was, as a result of the war, brought in to meet We have received from Samuel cans who reside in America will The Port of Spain Gazette oken, Baltimore, and would not for one moment swear with they Gasolino: Oil: contingent expenditure, will have are of the 20th ulto, reports that Repair Paris. Accessories. to be removed, not alone because the last batolt of continuent men. of the faet that it was more or from that island returning from City, a letter in which, as British allegiance to the Stars and Seri less of a personal. subjects from the West Indies, pes, when they think of the denounce the suggestion Peace and the Happiness the Wade WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
designed for the purpose of maken e battlefields of Europe arriv: most oa in the daily issue. August have enjoyed since the days of from the circumstances of mis Governor the forma and that the 4th of The Baltimore Ameri. our beloved Queen Victoria.
GRAVES JOHNSON fortune contribute towards the ean. that it was being consider: rica, and newspaper writers to Irresponsible persons in Ame.
7th Street Ancon Avenus.
ed on both sides of the Phone Corp. 85.
alleviation of the increased bure reception given to previous drafts den which was placed upon the however made up for by the stir.
had to be deferred, This was whether the 1, should be be serve particular interests, keep Colony, but because it was not passed over to. annexation talk, but there is for the kind that could de adopted the brave boys by the Mayor of ing address of welcome extended debt.
Theyo Amitern her was not the slightest evidence that permanently. It was all good in Port of Spain, and which reads a knowing the the Imperial Government has any are here in America knowing its way at the time, but now that as follows: contemptuous manner in which such intention at that which the affairs bex Baltimore American, and other pa tin ne gradually returning Negroes are received, we beg normal the general feeling Mayor Welcome our people of our islands to propers in the states pretend is beis to make not one party pay for the ing considered. ED.
test to the Government of all another, but to so stabilize the Lieut. Owen, Non Commisislands and that said protest will economic situation by making sioned Officers and men of the be forwarded to the Crowned Jamaican Takes Canadian everyone pay according to the British West Indies Regiment, Head of the British Empire. Rhodes Scholarship.
measure of his financial ability, owing to some error or some mis.
That the islands should not be Obarrio Building. No. 2, ilidonia Road to the American Govern more reasonable desire could take, we had no idea you were ared to not be given birth to. This de riving this morning and conse for our Mothers and News has arrived in this Isstre, however, can only be well quently His Excellency the Gov.
Fathers who have lived, and are land that a Rhodes Scholarship achieved under an Income Tas, press his regret it not being able requested me to exliving to day in their days of hap awarded in Canada has been won LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR and it is but the man when to be here as is very busy on piness in these islands will not, by one who is Jamaican by WATCH REPAIRING ashamed to expose the tremen: the Executive Council and cannot and cannot stand the treatment birth and family connections.
dous income he has as the American Negroes are re This is Mr. Terrance McDermot gaining a son of the late Canon ceiving, even of today.
by methods which possibly leave. am sorry to WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE.
night give rise to specder, aboard the ship, but on the other hear there was some disturbance MacDermot.
We are begging your kindness, tion, thought and to publish this hat all the peo man served along with his four will oppose it. His spirit of hand am proud to state on the ple of the islands, from the brothers in the great war 8o al.
Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty. grab and greed quite naturally authority of the Inspector Gento the smallest, also the so did the Canon eldest daugh.
largest revolts against the law which that could be desired. The Trini the law which eral that your behaviour was all rich and the poor, can read and ter, who was one of Canada Will force him to part with a sin dad boys. Cheers. Red Cross nurses.
S, O, CAMPBELL consider, think and then take Ble cent of bis accumalations, action against sueh movement as WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. and it is this particularly mons Once inore, and for the fourth that we have mentioned. For we still more for Cocoanuts.
Phono 1053.
Cars Step at the Door.
trous protection of sell in legis occasion, it is my privilege to who are living in the United lative quarters that has succeed welcome back, on behalf of the States can tell you more of the Cocoanuts it is said are going ed up to the present in keeping Citizens of Port of Spain, another treatment than you really know, up to 30s. per 100, but a few from its place on the Statute Contingent of the West India Reand knowing that our islands are years ago one was glad to get 9s.
Book the most honest and fair giment. am pleased that it has free from such treatment as Theye are some things that are method of taxation that has ever again fallen to me to convey their Race Riots, Lynching, Jimcrow. improving in Jamaica, anyhow, been propounded.
message of happy welcome to For centuries we have had Jus.
Of a Truth had purposely left over tice anu Liberty to all mankind. The age of virtuous politics when previous contingents return certain remarks and references, and are not in favour of such a Working To Save The is past Bables.
move. The Americans are welAnd we are deep in that of gallant Boys, desiring that all ed waitine the arrival of all out come to our homes and the Last Sunday a number of cold pretence.
islands as visitors and livers, Churches throughout this Island, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Patriots are grown too shrewd may carefully weigh and fully but not as rulers. Take st.
varied in their creed, and liturgy.
realiza to be sincere the importance of what THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY Thomas and the other islands acted together, in bringing be for example. What is taking And we to wise to trust wish now to bring to their minds Used successfully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years.
and on which lay particular place there at present? What is hoek tebre Congregations, the of Baby IT IS POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, stress that the mission we have well do Washington. Chew na kinarol No com The coming session will, how before us, for our guidance in and a prompt relief for to Church over, once more see the question the future, and we all have in a government they will receive resus Christ chant does an effort Billiousness, Sour Stomach, Dizziness, Bad Brenth, Constipation, brought before the Legislature. common between us is expressel Then the people of our islands such as this.
Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, Certain members of the House in three words Indigestion, Sick Hendache, Malaria, Ballow Complexion.
should protest now before it will such of the Chris however astute they may at LEST WE FORGET Merves the south a better de tian Teacher, and of the subject Simmons Llver Regulator is a regulator that extends lernt to be longer And you more than those who the de its purifying and exhilarating Influence to every part of Christ Kingdom than does iece age papa anayed at home understand the ignore of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the the work which is being carried importance now ANOTHER STRONG mental faculties, sweetens the breath, restores vigor, ting systems now in vogue and call your attention to the keer for the re PROTEST It is work that is practically, activity, and cheerful spirits.
present system. It is clear that ing of the German away from with Another strong protest comes and (The Powder form can be sent by mail)
valorem duties will not be tolerate through untold hardships to win further tinkering with the ad our shores, You have suffered and gone to us from Jersey City, New Jer.
The great diffeulties and many dised. These are already quite bur.
sey, signed Maude Moore.
SOLD AND REOMMENDED BY writer, after referring to the rudealsements. It needs a great United States densome and are borne by these freedom which you must now support than it has so Pharmacy mour above mentioned continues: far received, and it needs the en who are least able to pay them. continue to jealously guard 149 Central Ave. Panama Opposite El Sol Silk Store, It then it As a Jamaican and a true Briere is not to be against: a a busy Scheming and LOPEZ, Proprietar.
tisber, wish to express my feel lervising support of the continued (Hear Hear)
Tax, we are very anxious to know what other possible form is to be stated that a nation with two cen.
In 1915 tne Earl of Roseberry ings on the matter! have re thought, and sympathy, of all sided in America for over six those elements in this communi or can be proposed to supersede turies of tradition of unscrupuyears, and it is only a matter of ty that strive towards righteous.
it, Advertise in months when shall once more ness and true social health. It is The Workman lous and grasping policy. whi termed niakname is the hardest stone that aimed at having the greatest gaze upon my native lard. But work that might well be that of saving the future of the and the grea the thought of the United States country; and we commend it corthe devil can throw at a man.
IT PAYS greatest fleet in the to mankind HAYLETT.
This bas buen fully demonstralove, makes me possessing the dashudder dochoredially to every sound hearted and.
citizer, ted during the fearful war of car: read the acegunts of nage and wilful by the recent race riots in Wasbing his or her rank or station.
these fiends destructions the past ton, The rioting reached as far as the President door, when Barbados four and a half years.
The crushing of militarism has two negroes were shot and killed in front of the been accomplisbud. there is now House. And still later eomes the the further obligation on our part Chicago riot. The Income Tax or keep the These riots are nothing when ravening eagle from compared to the brutal lynchings What?
Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York again placing the fraction of a thatoeeur the Southern States.
claw either on our island, or on So far nothing has been done to aty part of the Empire; forgetful of his crimes and the desolation stop them. An to Presi The Barbados Weekly Herald he has caused; for him, everydent Wilson by the National As of the lith ulto, commenting Capital, Surplus, and Undividud Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Cy. thing must be forgotten and forsociation for the advancement of editorially on the proposed Ingiven. Ha proposes to start as he Coloured People brought no sa come Tax Bill which it is intend.
RESOURCES OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
left off in 1914. We must see that tisfaction whatever. Is this the ed to introdnce into the Legisla he doesn Nation to whom England is con. ture of that colony, at its next trade. Hear Hour. On the 31st person or templating yielding us? God for session, writes: bid it Attracted by high March 1897, when speaking at the If there is one thing more than wages, Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama the Royal Colonial Institute the late hundred of us have emigrated to another that the returned moneAmerica, and we share the ever bers to the House of Assembly Mr. Joseph Chain berlain, saidDepository of the Panama Canal Let it be our task, to keep alive lasting insults that are heaped on were forced to admit at the re the torch of Imperial Patriotism, the American negros. But we cent nominations it was that inbe have one consolation. Down, increased taxation would neces.
warni tue affection of our sabu our Island home we can go about sary to meet the Government THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Kinsmen across the seas, so that unmolested, we have freedom of gradually rising expenditure and IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF in overy vicissitude of fortune speech and enjoy life to the full the numerous improvements the British Empire may present est extent. The American ne which the present period of re The National City Bank of New York an unbroken frout to all her foes groes are not aware of this. Un construction demands of each and my carry on, even to dishere in the north where jimerow. colony that desires to keep step tant ages the glorious traditions AND IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUof the British Flag.
ism is barred you are snabbed with the progressive age. We do TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES These inspiring words of the and hissed on the street ears and not know how many of these retrains, and even in the churches, presentatives have decided upon enlightened and lar sighted If you resent it, why anything is the form such taxation must OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES statesman, have been vindicated liable to happen. The Police af take, but there are some, by the action of the Lion Cubs.
ford little or no protection, as was all rose as one in Jefence of the with the sane and proved in the two recent riots, ever, who have been compelled to INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM unsel realm, and that front has been Then, to return to our Mother ish opinion of the majority of kept intactfin spite of every land. When King George issued persons that the Income Tax is MORRIE, ROBERTSON, mean and despicable method em.
a call for men, and still wore the only tax which can meet all Sub Manager, Acting Manager, ployed by the Kuiser and his men our brothers gave their ser needs without pressing unduly mernidons to rouse discontent and dissatisfaction within the vices voluntarily.
Some have on any particular section or class paid the supreme sacrifices. They of the community. That it is an (Continued on Page 3)
much be too late.
aggrava: re arrangement of carried a united against an Income Shameless Diemy, army and world was a was a danger so when a INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION White in appeal neither no keep how


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