
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OOZOBER 18, 1919 PAGE THREE LA MASCOTA And This reception The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes like ciate the worth appre on the Tommy never strikes, exceptuat lieved Before calling on may assure for three MULLER was proud. to give such supportmas will en: breathed a provement ol Colon.
it ful way as burgesses hear years.
Panama Furniture Company accorded Interesting News From. Success and the advancement of Grand Reception your Island Home. Continued from page 2)
What is the blue on your fags boys?
The waves of the boundless sea.
By King George Lodge.
Empire in which to his bitter dis What is the white on our lags boys! grand reception was given on the appointment he lamentably fail. Tho Honour of our Land, bove date by the Royal King George ed. The recoil has crumbled his for the mothers and wives that pray we tight wherever we be Lodge, No. The modern Order of Empire dream to dust.
for the lives.
the Star of Bethany, when all the The share you have taken in or the brave hearts over the sea.
THE HOME OF kindred society of this eity of Colon. ment representatives claimed special mention by Geo The blood of our heroes slain, was in honor of the three Delegates sent eral Chaytor in bis address of And it cries to God from the crimson a from the Mother Order at Jamaica adieu to you, and which a few of sod, The delegates names are as follows.
you may have heard delivered. And the crest of the waves outrolled when he stated that your con. As our fathers fought of old.
That He send us men to fight again Brus. Barnett, D. Wright Chaplain, Botscol, Scribe duct left nothing to be desired, There were some very stirring addresses every report had been most We ll stand by the dear ola tag, boys, be delivered by these three Delegates. On favourable, indeed all the troops Though our only reward be the thrast High and Low Cut this noble occasion the chair was taken of my Division report that they of a sword, by Dr. Willis, of Colon, who in a to fight along with you in And a bullet in hears or brain most manly way did all he could on this fuct could never wish for any. The flag Boat on.
What matters one yone, if in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet oecision, The Supreme Chaplain when body better, you have had the called upon by the chairman, arose and opportunity and learnt to As your arrival is the last of stated in a wonderful way to his sterling the Pocket of All of the the receptions of the various many hreret the hearerst at the order was the first of dear old British Tommy who Contingents from Trinidad, the its kind to start to care for the children.
never knows when he is and to quote Horatio Decret of which left here on There were to many other points he made 18th September, 1915, your re: on the behalf of his Order in Jamaien; when referring to the civil strike tarn completes four years of he stated that throughout the Island of at constant anxiety now happily reJamaica, the Bethany Order stauds the the fue. Cheers. most financial and and indeed he was you that your every movement for rousing che for Sole Agent tu be a member of the same. The was closely watched and do not Majesty the King, consider it chairman then arose and responded to hesitate repeatingly as as I have a duty to impress on you, and the noble speaker. After which the already done on previous occa. your other comrades, as well as 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA various Representatives from the many Trinidad 810 09 and of their feels proud of on should he, and for which we must present, how proud we Lodges were called upon, spil enel of ber You them did credit to the left these to wage war in thank God, that we have as shores to to the Lodge represented.
duet entitled Some Better Day the crusade for Liberty and free: highest ideals of Christianity Ruler monarch imbued with was then rendered by the choir and was dom. The ordeal has been fear loudly applauded. Special mention must ful now happily tempered by the which has been an example not ALLMAN Panama Hats Hand Ironers he made of Mrs. Grant, who did the victory which tas crowned our only to the whole worid, but to leading part in this duet, and of little arms, and we all join in offering those nations particularly who CLEANED and BLOCKED LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR WANTED Miss Violet Carew for the able way she you thanks, and are grateful for detantly ignore and exclude God have given to from thei accompanied her on the orgu their counsels.
Between 10th and 11th Sts.
In the and TRIMMED to Order achieve such brilliant results withus delivered on the 6th July.
of His Grace the Arch Intermission was here announced ALSOBottle Alley. Colon, at La Esperanza when the chair called on Seymour, your further duty must now be ene The King Peace Proclamation MILLINERY DRESSMAKING (known as the local Marcus Garvon MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LAUNDRY to reprosent the Universal Nogro Imsure the keeping away of every LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Gomenemy alien from British soit trust, and a spirit of faith and recognition, also of HOUSE No. 965, La Boca we justice and as our God the Supreme head of all claim Latest English and American Fashions. Only First Class Need Apply munities Longue; of the district of a jus Right in Port of Spain they are Kings and Nations. His arms This speaker proved himself mself worthy of PAY EVERY QUINCENA.
excluded for ten years from be, have been Blessed. Cheers. the name Marcus Garvey for the forcein which ing enrolled At the conclusion of this ad FITZ BOWEN Also Cleaning Pressing he expressed himself.
recitation entitled Inex and Wilmentor In Australia by late cable we tional Anthem while in respons THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR dress the band struck the NaYour Patronage Solicited lies Prayer rendered by Miss Violet that admittance to the Com to the Mayor three cheers were Prices Moderate Carew; a song Ransom of the Lord monwealth is refused to them NEED AT ONCE! and a solo Unfolding Beauty by the tor choir brought a pleasant evening to a 5 years which was adopted justily given in honour of the 28 November Street, San Miguel in the House of Representatives King House 20 MY 0: PUNCTUALITY TWO COMPETENT happy close.
and you will learn with satisfac Lieut. Owen Speaks.
tion that on the 5th of the present COMPOSITORS Druids Welcome Brother month our Legislative passed an Addressing the Mayor and ordinance forbidding their en thanked thin on behalf of the others present, Lieut.
from the Front Good men will find good Owen trance here for wages.
men for the very hearty welcome On Sunday October 5, there express regret however that we have not followed our fellow the men on board was excellent them. The behaviour of Apply atwas a unique gathering at the Druids Hall, 20th Street Central, Colonials in Australia, and made and he was sorry they hal had to 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PAXAMA it years instead. They more ful leave some of the men behind in The Workman Printery the occasion was a reception in Hy realized that we have done the Egypt. He thanked His Worship Next Door to Cecilia Theatre the form of a banquet, given by Horrors of the fearful scourge for his kind remarks.
Central Ave. Corner the officers and members of the now ended, and the dastardly Street, No. Perseverance Lodge, No 22:32, in and cunnig poemy with whom After this the band played Headquarters for honor of Bro. Henry Sterling.
we had to deal.
Rule Britannia. On the command late of the who has just returned from the You who have spffered and of their Lieut. the soldiers gave have witnessed war in its shock lett turn and proceeded to Con High Class Furniture Coming! Coming. Coming. oficers and members of the Gui.
ing ghastliness will agree with stabulary Headquarters the THE COLON Britain Pride Lodge No. 2348, er to the mark and which feel ing melodies. On their arrival All New Goods Sold at Bro Robb certain, it called on, you would each man was paid provisional Colored Comedy Co.
preReasonable Terms.
confirun in no uncertain manner, allowance, and dismissed.
over the gathering sup.
sted by Bro.
to take you on a trip to Bannister. by the raising of both hands. formal reception will be given Laughland with an Bro. Thomas The absolute necessity for unit at the Princes Building to mor UP TO THE MINUTE ley Roberts ed altion jeuwerintären to Head: The following is the list of the WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US On leavGM ing here you will Bro. Clarence Butcher when buying Furniture.
Comedy and Minstrel Show quarters and all along the route men who have returned. Bro. Robb in the course from will of a short address welcoming the Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock greet you with eery smiles. Sergts. Shurland, Joachim, Joseph, McInSaturday Evening, Oct. 11, 1919 brother paid tribute to the stermothers, wires sweethearts at the tosh, Wood, T, Francois, restrain the welling Greaves, Nelson, and to ling qualities of Bro. Stertars, like burst of cloud in sun Williams. Corporals Silver Clubhouse, Cristobal. ling, who in May 1917, volunteered to serve his shine expressing more eloquent and Holder. Lance corporals King and Country ly than words, joyous welcome Gellinieku. and Thomas ADMISSION te fight for a righteous cause and the happiness felt that you Privates Andrews, F, Bynoe.
Reserved Seats. 50e. and for two years and three Genl. Admission 25e, months he was over there doing have returned in safety. Bailey Bernard, Beckles his bit, and, God has brought him The rose is sweetest wash with morn Baptiste, Creteau, home safe, and his brethren were No. L Street. opposite De Lesseps Park)
Clarke, Chapman, Darrell.
Purchase tickets early to avoid the rush there that evening to welcome And love is lovliest when misalna Daly, Douglas, WE LOVE THE LADIES him. Several addresses were in tears. Greenidge. George, Prof. E, DEANE, delivered, after which Grainger, W.
After completing the usual Harvey GOOD DRESSMAKING Her Sterling responded in glowing Manager. terms of his pleasure of again formalities by the military auT. Harry, Blackman, bert.
INDIVIDUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP meeting with his brethren after thority, you will be free to meet Isaacs, Joseph. Lewis, your relatives and friends who a. Logan, Ligestwond, a long absence. The meeting have longed for the moment when Mitchell, Maingot, came to a close by the singing of Modeste, the National Anthem.
MeBurney of joy in being re united to you Miller, Nelson, Peters, THOS. HEADLEY.
once more. After enjoying a well Payne ROCAT? Roberts Mrs. ANN THOMAS, deserved furlough, you will then R. Slocombe Grand Variety Enterbe returning to your former oc Subern, DRESSMAKER ern, Santico, Schoen, tainment Saville, Trotinan, Teles en nations, Proprietress.
ford, Taitt, s: Wood, Will EYES EXAMINED Boys refuse to believe that At the Christ Church schoolyou will not do so in the same tis, Williams, Ward Wil GLASSES PRESCRIBED spirit, which prompted you to Brathwaite, Lewis. Marquez ford, Wallace, Maynard, Perfect fair and near vision in inst. a great many people room on the night of the 14th the loyally and patriotically one pair of glasses. Atlantic City are expecting to your lives to save the world from and Earle. Total 70, slavery, and in defence of the If you do not need glasses we spend one of the most enjoyable flag, under which we are proud will tell you so frankly.
evenings yet anticipated.
Major Harragin, The teachers and scholars of to live, and belonged to; and to to as Otticer Commanding, acem We offer best Optical Service. the Methodist Episcopal Day which it requires but a silken panied the repatriated thread to bind us, more power soldiers from Demerara by the LAUNDRY School of that city, by whom the fully so, than the clanking chains Office. 182 Bollvar Street, entertainment will be given, are of boasted liberty leaving not a stone unturned to Orcato Nelson Island yes under any terday, where they will be bages COLON the other flag. Teinidad desires to racked until an opportunity at a memorable We are prepared to Clean and (IN FRONT OP MASONIC TEMPLE evening one. 23 do her share for the welding of for transportation to British Besides the recitations, actionthe link of Empire, but ask for Guiana.
Press all kinds of Suits.
We understand that Dr. BUCHANAN, In charge. songs, motion pieces, dialogues, no change. She is at one with Major Harragin will be relieved the declaration of the Australian by Captain Eccles, who had to tableaus, operetta, etc. to be renPremier, that whatever became be medically examined yesterday dered by the scholars, there will Prices Moderate of the League of Nations, the brid WM. LAWRENCE Also be number of instrumental and vocal compositions by some League of the British Empire prior to taking up his new appointment as Assistant Receiver Class Work would never perish.
Expert Operator and First Tailor and Outfitter of the best talents of the city General of Gambia; and who it The program on the whole, will England with all thy faults we love ie probable, will be in command thee be of a very high nature, and no Dealer in School Books, up to the point of disembarkaSUITS CAN BE SENT TO OUR SUB OFFICES AT one desirous of spending a very You have stood by the flag, the tion at British Guiana.
and Stationary.
fine evening could afford to be only emblem of Justice and LibChorillo. Street or Calidonia. Continued on page. absent, except from sickness or erty, and sacrificed ease and com No. 11 Street, Panama compulsion of work fort to defend it. It is now left to you individually and collectiveOffice open every day from 30 a. to p. chains from Central Ave. He who has conferred a kindness should to follow up, and in future to ADVERTISE IN CALL UP PHONE 629 Address: be silent; be who has recerved one should.
make the best possible use of speak about it, such sacrifice as will assure your The Workman Box 805, Ancon, SENNECA HeadAnd and Linable Pierre THE WOMAN EXCHANGE ing dew.
oro Regis REE offer La Esperanza make Wises oy


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