
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919 gence, Which? de PO Box 74. Panama RP RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION which Six Months These Oue who Editorialettes.
gro to be told bý a white boss game back home as superan Indolence or Indi Shut up you so and so nuated wom outs with their THE WORKMAN Of Course Be, Manly.
kind of back son of 10 knees bent and their shouldand so. Exactly what he ers stooping from too much No man will respect an means by shut up is not clear curtseying and bowing and On every side from the press Published on Saturdays by Rates for advertisement on applies other who is unmanly, and to West Indians, and so they serap ng in their days. The and valget, and even ta theo WARDS, a nawe uthe Sentral are sio correspondence on all matters avho will easily submit to aby keep on talking back as they manly Negro is the one that webear, Why don the west bo Que and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest insid kind of treatment however have a right to do. Then they will let his white brother know disns take advantage of the splend All copy for patiention must be menu and revoltáng. Every are told Don talk back to that he is under no law that contes agriculturals glorious little wereitten on one side of paper ouls, and man owes it t) himself to de me. God damn you, don talk can make him swallow his of Panama afforded or neal Republic must tre accompanied by the name oil feud and protect his manhood back, you damned Negro. words when in the art of de papers, with landable seal con82. 00 0x the writer, not necessarily for publice tion but as a mark of root in a way that will cause eren Well the kind of Negro that fending himself against the stantly ange them to emulate we do not undertake to medums taire his spirit. Many of the is the old school kind who to boast of his Southern origa and around Pasama and Colom his greatest opponent to ad doesn talk back in that ease accusation of a man who likes those sho have Gatun Valley; but the many idlers white Americans, down here, was taught to quiver whem nation. Nothing but scorn and apparently do not tar aler The Liberty of the Press is the patiesium of our right Jus do not seem to like this dis backra massa tawk. There contempt should be felt for unly have not hesed the adposition on the part of the are very few of that class on the Negro who permiishimself vice given. Was are they da to SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1919 colored man and it so to the Isthmus, now; those who to be buil dosed by any other she call?
common experience for a Ne were here are either dead, or man whether he be black or industrial tendencies of the West Only those who do nnt kaoz the Cola Facis, But Warm Thoughts.
white. They can lyneb down lodian, and the part he played in obscenity on a colored man? Did he think that he might here, and even if they make the constraclan of the Pana be tempted to do the same thing again, or was he indis the attempt, it would make Canal, would ignorantly allege Confining observation to this narrow strip of land on erent to the success of the commissary of which he was different reading from what shat he is shifless and when the which the feet of travellers and globe trotters pass every in temporary charge?
we see in the crisis. Here, it good things like read our consider his fondness for the day, and upon which the eyes of all parts of the world gaze It is such eases as these that will always cause trouble, would be no onesided orgy, selves trying to discover the Unwillin construction and operation of the Canal, built with finance and dispensation of them, when they do arise. If the Pedro with two full sides. It is un ness to stretch forth bis from the United States, but with the brawn and brains of Miguel commissary men had blundered when they had derstood that a plan is on seine she golden opportunity Night and day.
is. is proportion his ledge, or rather, practice in humane relations on the part liar with the case, would say that their subsequent atti lynch a white map for every to the degree of their eartert hiss, of a certain section of the Isthmian population. The con tude was hostile or uneonciliatory. They were willing Negro that is lynched. That that his hanging around the ciduet of this elass is suggestive of the idea that this is a to resume their work, and accepted the ruling of the sounds ke setting near to tias is due to indolence. country in which Jim erowism might find a prolifie field. Chief Quartermaster in good faith. But as they returne bare raght way of things. brand this sertion as verbal emanation from minds warped When the Canal construction began in 1904, the con to work, they were all told that they were no longer and twisted by the best of pre ditions, sanitary and civíe, gave a euphemistie exeuse for needed. This, some tell us, is justice and fairplay. Too Bad, Pedro judice, while we venture to state the introduetion of such diserímínatory regulations as One redeeming feature on the Canal Zone is that not The newest rumor about that INDIGENCE, and not indo gold and silver roll, white and black gangs, all of the white Americans ean be categorized in the pre Pedro is that he can no more bounties of Mother Earth lence, prevents his enjoying the citizen and alien employees. It was told that the judiced and unjust elasses. There have been, and are change his habits than cana elimate in this country was most devitalizing to the con scores of conscientious American gentlemen as bosses and leopard change his spots. thed in the Gaton Valley ban a few Indians who setstítution and general make up of Americans; that their foremen whose executive ability and sense of humane re Somebody asked last week if dimes to tide them over the roagh unfamiliarity with West Indians made it necessary for them lations have placed them in a class all by themselves. knew how to spell leop places, so they stared and reme to live in sections away from them; that, as citizens of the These men have never had trouble with their men, white ard. leper. leprosy or Many others are anxious to folUnited States, Americans were entitled to the largest part or colored, in any of the departments in which they have anything sounding like that. Ibarshe trail of pioneers, but they of the pie in the matter of salaries and emoluments.
served. Why is Mr. Boyd, Municipal foreman at way sure, if ever little Pedro their daily needs antil barvest back supply Provincial prejudice constructed a net work of difti. Pedro Miguel, respected by all sections of the community spent much time in elemen time. The question is.
euities under which the colored employees of the then Isth white as well as colored? There is not a single colored tary schools anywhere around will farnish the necessary capimian Canal Commission had to labor, and discrimination man who knows Mr. Boyd and has worked with him but Seotland, in the days when and We refrain from stating operated like a clock against the men who had to perform does not have a good word to say for him. bonnie pepper gave flavor to ar aowever, viral tae West who will not. We are satisfied the lion share of the work. During all these days, and Why was Mr. MacFarlane the favourite of Paraiso to the serieket gill and red Indians themselves mast finance uutil 1914 when the water rushed into the great divide, among colored people although he himself was a white crab sauce and the cofee any such scheme; and they can the silver employees found it discreet to continue their man? Who does not regret his departure from the Isth. water washed it all down: even it that scheme calls for a work with as little murmuring and as great determina mus? What made Mr. Charlie Mann popular among colored when the Mary and Joe million dollars.
tion as they could possibly summon. But the times have people at Culebra, Balboa and Cristoba. It was not be tooken their puddin from the You need nət opa2 your mvuta changed, and what was tolerated between the years 1904 cause Mr. Mann, or any other of the white men referred fires in the fore day mornin s, and eyes so wide in surprise.
and 1914 will no longer be taken, lying down to, entertained any special and unusual esteem for colored when marms and parm and We are not a gang of lunaties The recent outrages against Negroes committed by people, but because these men wanted to be just in their Betsies goeses to milks the big things are they coal tale o do. white bosses and foremen are beginning to give rise to a dealings. They knew the simple application of the golden cowses in the pastures and dose of CO OPERATICN, large most serious state of affairs on the Isthmus of Panama rule, and, at the same time, they endeavoured to com little Pee Pees washes his enough to set then moving Already, one can see in the air signs of threatened mend their country favorably to subjects and citi footses and rubses them with Toere are about 15. 000 West disorder. Kiekings and firings are becoming too nu zens of others merous and too frequent to escape notice. There are Why cannot every other white American on the Isth; ses offs to schoolses away take into consideration 10, 000 coconut oilses and then run Indians employed by the Panama and the We shul more cases of aggression on the part of white men against mus be a Boyd, or a Mac Farlaneana Mann? Why should over the hillses to Mr. Antro onkey Each of these ands at colored employees now than ever have been known before, a District Quartermaster try to lead a commissary mana, buses (requiescat in pace. least, on an average, 30. 00 and without apparent reason, If the idea is, as niany ger into an act of indiscretion that would ultimately ra Those were the days when month. Or this believe, to intimidate the members of the United Brother sult in the loss of employment and cause of suffering little Pee Pee used to play than. 30. 00, not less hood and to suppress their activities, a more cowardly and among several familie Why should lado me take the with the colored children who postale profish Drissement as This amounts trouble to go over to the locks to sow the seed of dissatis, consented to mix with him, year. You turn away in disgust When the thirty five men at Pedro Miguel commissary faction between the foremen and the colored employees? because Scotland Johnies when we state than these dorests were given their clearances and told to go, it was rumored And why should the houses of silver men for which they were not all very popular in which amount to more than half that their representation to the Governor of the Panama have to pay rent remain unprotected from rain, bats and those days, over in Bimshire. a million dollaos are large enoak Canal resulted in instructions through the Chief Quarter mosquitos when repeated complaints have been about if for no other reason, our set many idlers to work in master that they be re instated in their jobs; but up to the their unsanitary conditions?
Racial prejudice is one of the most incontrovertible in kindness for Amd Lang Syne the control of the West Indies: friend should show a little the fertile ruiya ya state that this sum present moment none of them has been placed back in not under ther positions in the commissary, and only two have sue dications of ignorance in any one; and not only does it im. The world isn so big, after that it belo to those who eeeded in obtaining work in another department since the ply a lack of good breeding and the absence of practical all, P. so if they didn supplied is vith the necessaries time that they were rent off their jobs. When the instrue common sense, but it shows that the persons manifesting know you up thar dem ole of life: and that those who have tions of a Governor, or head of a department can be flouted it are unfamiliar with the most elementary facts of human boys from de pond merba saling men Problemen.
profits by under officials, it looks like a system in which every history and progress. Such individuals are those who cre you fo true.
here the eslation to the seatman is a law unto himself, or, as General Blatchford puts ate race riots, and other disturbances; and if ever a race ingly knotcy problem.
it, every white man on the Canal Zone is a governor.
riot did come about on the Isthmus responsibility would Mr. Theo McGinnls and If the 15. 000 West Indians wil The action therefore of any semi official to over have to be laid at the doors of the governing body of the the Roosevelt Memorial tool their resources and supply their needs on the 00 OPERArule or disobey the mandate of Governor Harding, Panama Canal and the inconsiderate whites who regard ali if the rumor is true gives evidence of the fact Negroes as being fools and gullible nincompoops, The Governor of the Canal TIVE plan, the half million whicit that his rulings are not considered seriously by There is a strong need of economic education among Zone having appointed our ge pockets of others who will not now finds its way into the niai and popular. Mr.
Canal, and presents him in the light of a figure plied there will be little improvement, if any, in the fret the committee in the city of West Indians themselves who. of or lossa oont of it will return the pockets of the head. Why should not the thirty five silver clerks find re. ful conditions that exist here. It is up to the Governor to nama employment in a place where the commissary department issue authoritative circulars as Governor Goethals used to or the terection of a subito portions will then be able toredlist their is always needing men? If it were not a matter of blind do in the good days gone by. Respect for circulars calling morial to the late ex President of brothers to anearth the goldea opposition and persistent spite, not one of the men would upon bosses and foremen to observe proper treatment to the United States, Theodore treasures which lie buried in the be walking around seeking work with clearances wards their silver employees will obviate much of the un: Roosevelt, the Workman takes we without being able to get anything to do? What is to pleasant relations between the two races complained the undertaking to the good con have spoken, this is the sam become of their families? Must they starve in a country of at the present time. It requires a firm hand and an sideration of citizens and alien INDIGENCÉ, and not indolence, where the opportunities to obtain employment are numer unwavering voice at the head of the Canal operations if residents of this Republic. prevents the West Indian fron ous, in such cases as theirs. normal life is to be cosmopolitan centre.
taking advantage of The late ex President In the good Goethelian days when the cheif executive It is also necessary for the week kneed and a cringing velle history ai dent know. taral opportunitial attordedicul was a firm but gentle administrator, and when the or Negroes, of whom there are a good many in this country, in this country. his connectiɔn this Republic. The West Indians were so easily adjusted that the greatest satisfaction serving is obsolete, and every Negro that continues to sell memory indelibly on the big cansate millions of dollars and ganization of the work was at concert pitch, complaints to bestir themselves like men and sit up. The old time with the Panama Canal being of the elemenbremse their needs nature as his on the CPERATIVR chus be able to.
attempt to dictate the policy of the gubernatorial chair, being injured by his boss, or any other white man, will find this country will fail to see the neither could any boss, foreman, or even head of a himself left far behind in the race for racial improvement. necessity ror subscribing to this the INDIGENCE and apparent. department dare withstand the instruction of the wise Incidents in the courts have proved that some colored peo the West Indian people will do STOUTR old man who held the reigns of government in his own ple testify falsely, as witnesses, rather than speak the their best in this creat cause, Cristobal. hands. If the rulings of General Goethals were not accep truth, because the testimony, if given correctly, would Subscriptions of any amount table to any semi official all that was necessary was for turn the case against the white foreman, even when that and not less than 00 gold can the Governor to ask him to seek reservation on the next foreman assaults, beats and abuses a Negro employee. be sent to Mr. Theo McGinnis at Shoemakers Association of out going steamer for the United States.
This sort of subjugation is so familiarly known among or to Me. Walrond When the manager at the Pedro Miguel Commissary white men that they do not hesitate to insult and attack the Workman Printery, The United Shoamakers Ass refused to re instate the men who had been let out, was colored men in the presence of any number of Negroes, as ciation held a meeting on the 15th October 1919 in the Panama he obeying the promptings of his own mind or was he they feel confident that their victim will receive no assistBritish Consulate Notice Capital Friendly Society Hall tollowing the advice of another official, or a suggestion of ance at the time, or none, later, before the courts.
20th Street Guvchanali, and ins.
an ultra departmental interloper? Did he demonstrate kind of cheap bargaining is therefore made of this The British Consulate would talled officers for the ruling of any executive skill when he kept out of employment thir class of Negroes, who, in addition to their meanness, be, glad of any information re the Association. ceneral invity five men whose experince he was as familiar with a make the rotten assertion that the race has always been garding one Nicholas Prince, ap tation is extended to all shoes his own? Was it on the grounds of fear for men who subjected to the domination of white men and, it is stu parently a native of British Guia makers to atteud a meeting on na, who came to the Isthmus some Monday evening Oct. 27, 1919 at made him know that he could not explode his store of pidity to resist this condition now.
nshot 00 into someboir is in in the or ENS in at seven years ago.
17. 30 at the same place.


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