
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar Horas de ra Wälk. Goer The Shide for you via: wh It is No. The Loyal so form a lodge of the IndepenpiredSpecialist in charge who for while along days: of the play, their own with sym SC 00 Loyal St. Charles AVISO Celebrates Silver Anni En la Clínica Venérea del LA BOCA versary Hospital Santo Tomás se prae tican exámenes y se dá trataClub House Notes.
In the mystic circles there are miento gratis tanto a hombres RELIABLE HABERDASHERS como a mujeres. El especiaAt a meeting of the Bowlers held on ¡Orders that uphold and maintain certain inestimable honour and lista encargado atenderá perWednesday evening at the above named respect everywhere. The Inde ticando exámenes de sangre y sonalmente a cada caso, pracClub, it was suggested and unanimously agreed that a Bowling Lengue viz: La pendent Order of Oddfel applicando el 606 cuando lo lowship. Manchester Unity on juzgue necesario, Boos be formed. The following were appointed as Officer. Mr o. Collins, the Isthmus of Panama ranks first President, Mr. Robertson, Secretary and foremost among all seservicio gratis pa Trener, with committee of three, cret societies. The indisputable Profilaxis Venérea del Hospi.
exámenes en la Clínica de Messere Walrond, Clunes and prestige attached to this illustri tal Santo Tomás: Holder, ous Order here is enviable. And Para hombres: De a p.
has mothered the many The league has been formed with an lodges of this most noble Order Los lunes, miércoles y viernes; anticipation to formulate Clubs under on the Isthmus. from infancy to Para mujeres: De a p.
the auspices of the Clubhou e, and it is their adolation from their lowly Los martes, jueves y sábados.
expected that some keen contests will be estate to their eminent position nerea permanecerá abierta a La Oficina de Profilaxis Ve. pulled off.
in the hearts of fone and all of our todas horas, día y noche.
Grand Concert by the Isthmian Dra.
QUALITY, fellow citizens.
matic Company at La Boca Clubhouse St. Charles Lodge, No. 7252 on Saturday Oct. 25th, 1919, at p.
It was 25 years ago, when a NOTICE sharp. Special features: The Lady of the Lyons Act 3, Scence 2, by Edward APPEARANCE, few men of backbone (men who Lord Bulyer Lytton.
regarded not conditions, and who First class examination and were immune to discouragement) treatment of all private disease Man About Town. One Act playgathered together of men and women free at Ve.
ette by Stanislaus Strange in which that DIVERSITY OF STYLES, well known actor, Cyril Morand Will dent Order of Oddfellows.
Play Jack Wetherill The Msn About rebuff was met with, but through gives personal treatment to Town.
AND DURABILITY ARE dint of trying circunson circumstances each case. Blood examination The Atlantic Orchestra will be in atthey finally emerged and on the and 606 administration wnere tendance, Tickets are now on sale at the 11th of October 1894, 25 members necessary.
were initiated into the Clubhouse, Admission 500. Try BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN of the Order. Their labors end Hours: Men, to p. not to miss this show, Mondays, Wednesdays and ed not, On Sunday at 30 pm. there will be for while things went Fridays.
Song Service at the Clubhouse, Mr.
sometime, yet owing Women, to p. Tues.
MARK OF the Mannink, Secretary of the Red Tank abroad of some of days, Thursday and SaturClubhouse will deliver the address of the the members and the reaping of evening. Everybody is invited to hear bers were broken from the fold, hours day and night.
Prophylactic Station open all this speaker, Admission Free. WALK OVER Successtul Play at Clubhouso.
but the leaders, like shepherds, ceased not and there were times The Operetta staged at the La Boca when even the dispensation was Clubhouse last Tuesday night by the Let your next pair of Shoes be nearly wrested from them on ac Dedication of Charter Girls Friendly Society of St. Peter count of financial deficiency.
Hea Church, was a pronounced success. Every them helps those who available sent in the spacious auditorium selv bes, and here Supreme Grama was un kedi Letter Day haliho his Sunday, 12th October, 1919 WALK OVERS was occupied. At 30 Rev. Mulcare.
Master of the Universe. see. tory of the of when the Chaplain of the Society, welcomed the ing audience and read a synopsis noble men and their yearn unveilled and dedicated their after which the curtain was lifted and their hearts desire, the realiza Lodge Hall No. 106 Broadway.
for the one gratification of Charter in the Jethro Temple twenty one girls in snowy white dresses and blue caps, rolled out in beautiful tion of an established lodge of Colon harmony as a prelude to the play, a smiled This Lodge was organised on beautiful song entitled Why did waste patby on them and today my time on you. This song electrified stand a victor in the fields prompt execution of the program the audience to such an extent, that presented bespeaks a day, the members can look the 5th Aug. 1919, and the great when the curtain dropped, they cheered reminiscently, as a a father on the future.
Iustily for nearly two minutes, EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
fruits of his labors dutiful and The unveilling was perior med few minutes later the curtain was Panama and Colon.
creditabie children as the pride by Sister Bailly, S, of taised, and the girls in pink to knees, of his heart. St. Charles is the Effort Lodge No. 3335, LOA came out skipping and singing a thrilling SOMOC OC 30 ocessos mother of seven Oddfellows lodg. She kept the audience spell bound song, es. And now with pride they join by the efficient and graceful way in celebrating their silver anni. she brought to light the dispenAt the close of the song the Farmer Brigade, hended by their gallant Captain ask that good man to have his hours undergoing but trusted for better in the versary sition of another link in the fraInto the Great Unknown were ternal world. The dedication cecame out in fine shape and marched Waterproof Raincoats posted up so that we can get him near future, in closing he remarked that led four noble young men Satur remony was conducted by Bro.
round the stage several times singing when we need him, instead of running along with the hard work which his as day night 11th inst. when Dr. Drummond, G lively chorus in tune with the fine around looking for him. of the sistant and himself were undergoing, no Simons, Mr. Facey, Mr. order in Central America, assisttouches of the Piano.
Give me your order for your other Clubhouse can top the average of Mascoll and Mr. Franklin Dured by Bro.
On Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Gatun Colored Clubhouse. Graham, Everybody present now realized that WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, something was doing and this some RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for McCourty will be having a birth night bam were admitted into the sub of Eleazar Temple No. 913, Sunday last will go down in history as limity of of the Order of Oddfellow City, chairman for the thing was in evidence nearly four houre, Gentlemen, Ladies and Chil party in honor of their daughter and brought down the house time and dren.
Joseph Richards. They invited mony, a (Red Letter) day for Evan Bailey and ship. After the initiatory cerele. The lodges in Colon at the close of the were well represented, also the again throughout the play.
SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM Sometime ago it was rumored. their co workers and friends to celebrate lecture, everyone repaired to the sister lodges in Panama. The ad So far as the characters are concerned, THE BIGGEST VALUE ON round that Messrs Skeen and others the Baptism of their two children. banquet hall where a a huge table dresses delivered were very inspecial mention must be nade of the was spread were about to organize a Cricket Club the appointed hour High Street where was THAT LINE of of which teresting, and many times the Queen, the Commodore, the Doctor, the on this side of the Canal, but nothing Bailey family reside was a scene was beautifully decorated with the Judge, Furmer Jim, Old Monica, and SANGUINETTI BROWN, house went wild when speakhas been done yet, wake up boys and with visitors, along with the sponsors variegated electric lights. ers referred to this order as the Dorothy get busy.
Messrs, Springer, and Mascoll. assist At the close of a most sump: one to be supported being solely The play culminated in a mock wed FURNITURE DEALER Capt. Willie Green of the Pickwick ed by Mrs. Roett; never before båd tuous repast, Dr. Best assumod organised by Negro Brain.
ding tall Farmer Jim being the lucky Corner 3rd November and 19th is taking his bunch over to High St. been so popular as on this oc the stand as toastmaster, and The ceremony was also graced groom and short good look Dorothy Streets, Guachapali.
Paraiso to try and see what can be casion.
after a few remarks, called upon by e very high class choir which done ip winning this match, he states the bappy bride the in At the residence of Ji Richards, which noble sovereign, King George of of applause an uproar Ancon Box 836, that he is sure of defeating the Poter is known as Happy Cot, there were over England. In a very appropriate To Mrs. Barnes must be given the The following are the officers Boys.
higliest meed of praise for the whole fifty in attendance going and coming. manner did this gentleman toast for the present term. Hilda shing. For three months she had been forts in preparing the program. Before The sponsers for Richards child were the King as is his wont, Mr. Payne, Kerr, In regards to the All Jamaicans, Clifford Adolphus Holder, and wife and Whyte, Deputy Provincial Ethel Wallin, Robiltraining. her de este in patiences cannot be too highly class Cakes wers served, which brought All Barbados match which is Mrs Mark. Several addresses were Grand Master of the Central son. S; Duncan, lauded.
an enjoyable evening to a close. pected to take place on Nov. 2nd and given by well wishers and an enjoyable American District was next call Brown, Dias, liebe missionary Services at 3rd. There seems to be a doubt in Sunday evening was spent by all those ed upon to toast the Order. The Ballintine, Daniel There will Very heavy showers have fallen here during the past two weeks. On Sunday the Wesleyan Church on Sunday and selecting the Umpires. think that from Panams and Colon.
Messrs Ashby and Sam Merrit should B, 12th inst, it rained nearly all dry. Monday evening, Oct 10th and 20th Anderson. old timer employed by too lauded especially where there Stengel, McKenzie, be selected.
It was not until about sock Mr. Goodall will be the special the Municipal Dept, sailed for his native are young members and newly M; Francis, P, M.
On Sunday, 12th inst. the Empire Star home Jamaica on Thursday, 9th inst, initiated. Such a toast could not At the close of the ceremony in the afternoon that kue olke spenker on Sunday. Everybody should could be seen dressed in cloaks and avail themselves of this opportunity Lodge held an impromptu Pleasant Sammy, as he is called by his friends have been placed in the custody refreshments were served and uit coats and some under umbrellas get hear the speaker who always has some Sunday Afternoon when Songs and and co workers will return in the near fu of a more conversant person and repaired to their homes feeling ting home from church. It is regrettable thing rich and instructive for his hearers, addresses were e marked feature of ture, he expects to be absent for about Mr. Whyte portrayed the order that an enjoyable evening was that no means of conveyance is loosted The side walks in a certain section of the evening. The position of the months, all his friends and co workers in a very creditable manner. spent.
here, as much inconvenience is experiene. the Town are sadly in need of repairs. We Chairman was taken by the Secretary wish him a pleasant voyage and safe Mr. Harris, Provincial ed by the sevidente wtio notwillstand hope those respotsible for this work will in the absence of other return Corresponding Secretary of the ing the mall ster of the town, find it Excelsior Lodge No. pay us a visit soon Messrs Catlin and Baker, re Central Au. erican District, then rather difficult to get around in rainy Much thanks are due to Mrs. Royal ceived letters from their wives by the toasted the St Charles Lodge There are persistent rumours in Town special meeting of the Excelweather, that our genial M. is to leave us in Messrs. Payne, Richards and others last mail from Barbados, telhng them and its cornerstone, Mr. Simeon sior Lodge No. 9, of On Thursday night last, the Rev. the near future. Is this really true? Has who helped in their way to make the they reached their respective homes all Scott (in his silver anniversary of of will be held at 24th St. Nightengale, President of the Bro the day come so soon?
evening meeting success, the safe, and are enjoying a delightful time. United Brotherhoed gives United at thot Island.
therhood of Sanit Andrew on the Istb The people must have been praying. Effort, United Action, United Sueof the history of inst, commencing at 30 mus, visited the Chapter of St. Peters Talking about prayer, it was said that cess, it this is realy so, come on Vanterpool are kept very this duality will not fail to remain for the general transaction of bu church, and heard encouraging reports during the construction days when Gold fond reminiscence to many and siness. Members are asked to be of the work from the men of this Hill was sliding daily, that certa boys, lets keep and pull, and stand busy collecting the quarterly dues, from the high appreciation merit. punctual in attendance.
the members of Perseverance Lodge of led by Mr. Scott for his whole.
together church Colonel sat on the Sons of the local Assembly and said pposite sido in lears the B, L, at this district. ed Instructions heartedness and love for the If there is any person to whom your which will take place on Thanksgiving The Concert, which was given on Order and his lodge, in spite of feel a dislike, that is the person of whoma The Negro prayer is henrd.
GATUN Day Nov. 27th, were given to the memWednesday night, 15th inst. by the barriers which would have been you ought never to speak. Warning Don trouble the Negroes On Friday night about p. at Negro Glee Company from Colon, ansurmountable, had he been a bers by the President, who asked the RICHARD CECIL members by the President, who asked The latest dope in town is that only the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George proven that this company is not lacking man to yield to trials and tribu, the members to try to make this year French speaking people can get a jub celebrated her birthday, the folks who in amusement and when they say they lations, but no, be knew not what meeting the most iospirational that with the Department. But above tonded same speut happy time can give the public agood time, they it was to be daunted or to give up Mr. Kinnimouth. Mr. liten her, several games were playod certainly do it; wonder where they in the pursuit of his aim. Mr. Schmoll, one of the founders of may be held here all, no Bajan need apply. Why?
for the evening, and the gentlemen got that fellow representing Charlie Scott responded in few but sound The rector of the parish the Rev.
who were present gave hearty Chaplin, he is surely some factor. Althe lodge on being called upon, Mulcare was present and expregoed speeches for the occasion. Dinner remarks, EMPIRE few remarks, and were issued on the though it rained some, there was still appreciation of the President visit on presentcards The other toasts that followed ed to the Noble Grand Jonathan table, and same were highly appre fair attendance but not a packed house behalf of all the members.
as was expected were those of Mr. Levy on the Elias, the lecture book that was The officers and members of the Monday will doings Central American District res presented to him 25 years ago Paralsa Notes.
a on Oct. 18, Branco Colorad tardagi slight model and Song Service Draws Large At bene, mada helicoton balistele dine ponded taste by the Provincial bone thamaieuriste Grand Montenente the Jamaica when they.
1919, a large crowd is expected, coming over to make the bit of the American District. Elisee to came here to initiate them in the This town was enlivened on Tuesday Messrs Mapp and Headley are having evening, rain or no rain don miss this the absent brothers, Bolt mysteries of the evening by a csnort given by the Salva: everything in good shape to meet the to who spendertainly drawing the residents make you enjoy yourselves; our popu to the newly initiated, which was the whole executive staff of the The Song place chance as visiting At this function, there were tion Army here, there was a large attend crowd.
ance, confidering the inclemency of the out of their houses, the Secretary again lar secretary will perhaps be the chairs weather. The Songs and Recitations were Mr. Williatus our popular Bar delivered touching address by directing man for the evening so don miss it, manner by each of the newly in and over 80 other Oddfellows.
responded to in an inspiring District Lodge (an unusual bonur)
Joudly applauded, which show that the ber is back with us once more. We the attention of his hearers to the hard come early and secure a comfortable itiated, also the Republic of Pa Thus brought the close of a most energetic Captain Palmer spared no ef are all glad to see him back, we also trials which the colored population are seat.
nama by no less a person than pleasantly spent evening.
and at the From kike other officers.
gave a also


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