
PAGE SIX SHE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OOSODER 18 1919. The Open Forum:Lee Chong Co.
us futuro ose responsible for William TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT gave out vigor of South history sick Wake Up. HOLIDAY TRIP:RS!
PELLOW MEN OF THE RACE Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas As pra this message ie you all. Will Forsake South the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, feel the Realisation of the dawn of Exporters and Commission Merchants. Freedom for the Sons of Ethiopia, rising and Sail for Jaover the horison of time. The launch LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
ing of the first ship of the Black Star maica Inste id Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: Line, is our first move in the great Hail! for William Stout more to overflow it seems to be the campaign which will go down throughPROHIBITION BEHIND IT case in this instance. Although the out the angels of the New Negro His ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
tory, for the freedom of our Land, our Negro fellowmen and women, and all cup was avery long time being filled, yot Provisions and Canned Goods. Liberty, and true Democracy.
readers of the WORKMAN I, the the stand now taken is to be regarded Folks Say They Can Gut All outh Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
There is a saying which ger, vis undersigned, after reading the WORK. just and in the opportune moment, les They Want In Jamaica Out of evil, cometh forth good, and MAN dated Oct. 6th, and saw that grand Use sincerely hope that it will not be Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye. this present war has shown it plain to Drink Included.
ever editorial entitled The martyrdom of the only one taken, nor will we William Stout, was moved with enthu bave at any futu date, the displeas. Colgate Co. Octagon. 0195 the Negra People of the Wild siasm ta place my name among the many Let ure of experiencing a changed attitude Among the many million Negroes in LOSS TO AMERICAN RESORTS writers, in behal of my noble, energetic, this present attitude taken by the Hon.
Let us remind those Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc. the various parts of the Globe, at the and loyal teacher. Yes, he has lost his The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co. Hair Pins.
outbreak of the war, with their hearts The following article reproduce job, for what?
gentleman Mr. Santiago de la Guardia as big as a mallet, and their love fored from a Boston newspaper and the other Hon. gentlemen in the Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste England, they were very much unlike recent date will make please see the answer plainly written in Cabinet of this Republie, of the folthe white sons of Britain.
bright letters that can be read by every lowing quotation which originated by Ingersoll Watches, etc.
reading for the Jamaica hot eye, Fighting for his fellowmen. Isn one of their just and fairminded lead.
When England found that she wanted keepers: that noble, to ihink of?
men, and more men, to carry out the That in such a ers their nation, of ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. Palm Beach is going to be miwar to ite bitter end, even if it had nus time when the enemies of our race are 50 You can fool some of the people all caused all the desperate, we nus a whole lo: of people next youth and flower of the we have a representative as of the time Stout? Never British Empire to dio in the field of winter. Not only the famed winthe Canal Zone You can fool all of the people some in the For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us.
honour, the call to arms were made, all the resorts of the sunny South ter bathing spot of America, but Iristory was there a Negro as Stoute, and of the time we the negroes of the Isthmus and all over But you can fool all of the people many were the enticements on plae that have attracted the wealth of ards of Patriotism, but daily the situs, the North in the winter.
the world where er his name is mentionall of the time.
HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Etion grew more graver, the necessity of ed are proud of him; because he is Stoute 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
And hope that they will read well food for the cannon presented itself New England super resorts The parting of the golfers at in name and mind. Our friends. seem to think that because he a Negro, he mark well, and also digest well.
Colon, R, plainer, until finally they decided that this summer is not see you at Panama, R, they would have to pass a Bill for Con Palm Beach this winter, but should be an ape, or should be a tool for While thanking pou, Mr. Editor, P. Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, scripti hroughout the British Emthem; but God who created man, kives beg te remain yours very faithfully.
Phone 895, tres to meet the demands of the most instances the answer is see you in Jamaica? And in us all gifts. can surely and plainly GEO. SIDOINE.
igantic struggle.
say that Mr. Stoute bas his gifts, and is You said it.
using them.
Can a Leopard Change His The Negro in Africa, the United King Prohibition did it.
dom, South and Central America, the Spots?
After serving the Division of School West Indies and the Panama Canal, Hotel Lose Revenus.
for (9) nine good hard working years, whilst to the strain of Musio playing New Hampshire hotel man with no report of illconduct that has Mr. Editor: PHILIPS God Save the King and other patriotic who operates one of the largest gone against him, yet, they found one, Having heard so many complaints sirs, he volunteered and went to fight of the high class suin ner hostelone that every negro should be proud of. made by ex patients (colored women) of for a cause that he scarcely knew the ries on a lake in the Granite State Here it is: He knąws 100 much for a Section Ancon Hospital, about the real starting point of the following internigger. We are glad, though we are rough manner in which they were handled counted as monkeys, to have noble heart by a certain doctor who was once a RUS will not for a minute mention his view recently: Guarantees Satisfaction in the ed men, as Wiliam Stouto, and Marcus SIAN but who now claims to be an achievement, in Flanders, Italy, Pales Prohibition is going to mean a Garvey, as leaders of our race. Fellow. American, that cutting and manipulation of tine, but my Negro brot er, picture for big loss of revenue for the hotels have thought it fit and yourself away out in Africa, British in the South this winter, he said, men and women, why not hail for him, pron VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE Negroes fighting German Negroes with why not do all in your power to keep the pepper to denounce him openly in the have been quietly canvassing all the lights burning urend him. Schoolmates, hope that some one having the authority valor of battle, charging of manhood; with all the among my guests, most of who companions and frinds, why not cheer to put an end to such atrocities may see against his go in the it and lend a rescuing hand.
e winter and find him up? and bid him keep agoing, for that his uncouth and un gentlemanly acThey say Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats own race piercing to death is own This own that an average of about two to in due time, if he fint not, he shall have tions aggravated by his complete lack of SPECIALTY brother that was transplanted from him five, and perhaps a bit more than his reward ons a common deceney are appalling. Faneyn a century or two ago, and now through that are going to Palm Beach Cheer up Teach! It will not be long docter and a married doctor to boot) LADIES SKIRTS COATS the lust of battle by a people who or North Carolina or the other claimed before we shall be basking on our shores, taking the of woman reitmed they were fighting for a place Southerngolfing and sporting in the the shores of our ancestors, our native erating her statements and severely critiSun and another set who indirect places this winter are going to 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE land, the land of liberty; a shore that cising, yes, even abusing her in such a ly claimed at their industrial and Jamaica.
commercial high standard had been will not refuse you, be any Negro eun tone of voice as to heard by all the Imyself, operate a large hotel Box 968, Ancon, C, 18th Street, Central. threatened, these two Negro brothers in the South. am trying to sell ployment, but rather will welcome all the other patients and employees in the ward.
were brought to fight against each other, it. For when yot ask a guest, Are sons and daughters of Ham. Isn that Isn that a disgrace? Does it not show for the above statement that have you going to be with us this wininspiring to think of? Are you grieved that his RUSSIAN breeding still domimentioned ter? 10 chances to one he will and downspirited, if so, cheer up! Are nates his adopted American teaching?
you People who look on us as being lower reply. Sorry, but m going to cast down that your care worn Therefore, think it necessary to remind heart would break That you e en would this roughneck that these womea, though than man, and a little better than the Jamaica.
give up the fight for the race? If so, colored, are many of thom wives of men a people who are trying to teach Prohibition did it, the hotel brace up!
whose sense of deconey and modesty are us the right way to live, who tell us wan went on. The guests tell us 122 Central Ave. Panama that if we go back to the trees that wofthat they can get all the advanAnd, to my Negro fellowmen and womfar superior to his, that is, judging by the facts in question, that these women, would do better there, whilst the same tages of the south in Jamaica and en, schoolmates, companions The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment people for generations have made history can get their liquors beside. It is friends, though the road be rough and though colored, are sacred to the hearts of their husbands as his (the doctor s)
thorny, and the way looks dark and wife is to him, that for themselves in which the lines have not the class taat drink to the mone and Prompt Attention.
by been written with the Innocent Blood of of course. It is the man who afdreary, let us stand together, and hail men, women, and children, now be. ter his round of gull likes cocktail in for William Stout, remembering that these colored husbandskoes to help the making up his salary, and, in conclusion cause Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of united we stand, divided we fall, Negro finds that under his or a high bull, and he has got the to advise him to have the same considerapresent condition, he is no better of money to go to Janaica and to ELLEN JOSHAN, tion for other men wives as he Would PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDI than 250 years ago wo its his ambition Jamaica he going to go. And, of ex pupil of Stoute, expect his wife to get to start Steamship line on his own course, his family will go with if she CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC.
fell in the hands of any other physician. The mills risk. to start his first enterprise, and him.
Culebra, z, every one seems to kink up his nose and You will find. predict, that of the gods grind slowly, but surely. We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
Thanking you for the space, think that it is too classy a move for this winter will see a falling off of Word of Congratulation.
the Negro.
50 per cent if not more, in the Yours respectfully, Phone 939 Os Box 829, Ancon. Now in the face of all these facts, bookings for the American reHUSBAND OF AN EX PATIENT.
Dear Mr. Editor, Please allow me they are Negroes who fail to see the sorts in the southern part of the BROWNE McALMON good of the A, who United States. In the summer we a space in your valuable column to insert a few words of congratulation Cristobal PROPRIETORS.
fail to see the good there is in the bave gotten along without liquor on the opinion expressed in the speech The Editor The Workman. October 9th, 1919. Black Star Line.
here, of course, because the guests bave known that New made by the Hon. Santiago de la Oh People of the Negro race, when Hampshire is dry. but they Guardia, See, of the Treasury of the Sir. Permit une space in one of the will you wake up to the glorious fact, have brought their Republic of Panama on the question columns of your valuable paper to bring liquors with that every nation, people, race, are them. But they have always been of Social Evil on the Isthmus to the attention of the other members of Workman. re the construction of a mand, and eat bread by the sweat of looking out after their own it able to send their chauffeurs to which appeared in the Star is time for you to see about yours, they Boston or to some city or town Herald of the 30th September last. ciation. Ladies Branch, that ea re veloping Corporation; it was not desirable the Universal Negro Improvement Asso motor bont at the abovenamed Colony by our brows the New Providence Trading and De Thanking you Mr. Editor, for space are certain negroes who are saying, Oh just over the Massachusetts line Although it was printed at the back. this Isthmus, newspapers owned and editI remain, yours faithfully, must wait and see whether the ship to get them when the supply was of the paper (page 4) whica was not a ed by efficient Negroes.
that that news should have reached the ONE OF THE COLONISTS. sails first, for who knows whether, they exhausted.
very prominent place for such an im My reason for bringing about this newspaper at this time, and often wonwill sink it or not? Such Negroes are This winter it going to be portant article, yet it did not escape question 1 am not in Sir. Please grant me the favour of every one of us were to say the same slackers, because if it happens that Jamaica.
the notice of some of the most intelli: Dorition are an article signed by Sister der why West Indians like so much vauntFrancis, which appeared on the ed premature publications?
contoitizenca efetitio windy city of West Indian Page of the Star Horald de cord with such, because they are not to the space in your reluable columos thing am certain that they will never to voice my sentiments re The Marty be Black Star Lino as long as the Star of the South Encampresidents of this city, who have always appear in either the Workman. particularly most of Friday issue, the best road to success.
It was suggested that the boat should dom of William Stoute am astonish: World Black evinced deep interest in the welfare of Despatch of Saturday issue. Konw be built in like manner the Hush od most profoundly to see the Principal ment Councll No. the Republic ing that the Workman never fails to Battleships were built in England during Sir, St. Paul, Stephen and many others the name of Freedom, Achievement, Pro of Empire Colored School treated Now my Fellowmen entreat you in of ors, dence, not leaving the able manner in of the Negro race, would venture completed, it would have been time the Truth. In historic times Luther, along with a people, to make then inThe spirit of frankness and indepen. publish any news for the uplifting the war, and then when the work was in Bible times have been martyred for ress, and all that good which goes which he handled the question, is to be to say that this sister disregarded Ithe enough for publication.
All members of the above Counhighly commended, especially when he the Negro Newspapers on that occasion.
John Knox and others have suffered the dependant to become a member of the spoke as an independent individual. Though am not in any way against the son, and that is the reason why the lead liam Stoute has been politically marthan willing to sacrifice your lives to Friday, the 24th of October, at Of course, we admire Mr. Perey John same fate for the same cause. Mr. Wil above named organisation, you were more ci will please remember that on for Hall, tios ol Diplomatie Usages, saying as in all newspapers that are available, yet entrusted to him, and we are sure that the Wage Board with the plain truth in sake, how much more ought you to will be thrown open for installasetting aside the Fetters and Formall news of our organisation being publishing part of the abovenamed Corporation tyred for no other offence than hitting the Peace of Europe, and humanity 11. 30 at the Oddfellows at 21st St. Central Ave. Our door follows. shall take the liberty then would call the Secretary attention to to speak on my account as an the dietates of the association, and that he and his associates are travelling on the stead of beating around the bush. Sacrifice your time, money, and labour tion of officers for the ensuing independent and free citizen who is we are to consolidate ourselves into one road to snecess. And ab uno disce Right, hol Organizer Stoute, all to this ideal cause which will land vorms. All Rights from the VaW. L, members are with you into a new sphere of life, making us inNous sisters Lodges are cordially into one omnes.
responsibility not only body for the uplifting his words, not of our race, we he ox must begin at once to patronize and New Providence is not so remote after wholeheartedly and will back you as dependant people, where we can live invited. Please be be rendimals supour own vine fig tree and de. when they contain involuntary mis owned and presses right conception, but also port all business establishments etc. all. since it is only 25 minutes steaming long as the Organisation exists.
anaged by Necroes Trust by an ordinary motor boat from the Pa hope that your cause, will be vindicated mand the respect that we should have business of vital importance will the Cabinet of the Republic of Fana wake another error of the kind in the fu railway station.
takes goes to show that there are in ing that our Worthy Secretarye will not bata Railroad, e. from Monte Lirio to the letter, and that the Square Deal What must understand, that in the that the Brotherhood seeks after will be creation that a few million men were LAWSON, ma men of solid stamina who were per. ture, and thanking you for the privilege, Sa enhanced sent rendy booted and spurred to ride, Recorder.
Wo e the Colonists are proud of our enhaps only diplomatically dormant dur afforded me, Thanking you Mr. Editor, another hand full ready bridled terprise, which is second to no other ing the past crisis for reasons best and saddled, harnessed to be ridden. Yours, true Negro West Indian enterprises on the Isthmus thrown in the way of Hon.
known to themselves, and which is bet of Panama, and we thank Almighty God am sure that, that was not God inten been JASMINE TAVANIER, for our success already achieved, and we tion, when we are told that God is no Marcus Garvey the clever Negro Nevertheles, Mr. Santiago de la Treasurer Ladies Division are hopeful of further successes as the respecter of persons, so let us unite to. has only taken the ba erries, and is formGuardia has arisen to the occasion in When you play, play hard; when you sist the our God given leader in floating ing stepping stones of them, in which years go by. The only hindrance in our Splendid form meriting great conside.
the Black Star Line. We bave read the Negro Rice will bridge the chasm ration, he has stood up in defense of was now is, a road to convey our producte werk: don play at all.
to the market. We have demonstrated to THEODORE ROOSEVELT, divers of times of the barriers that hits that stands between them and Afrien.
New Providence, In conclsion must ask his country budget. like a bravo the Government and the public that we All men are liable to erfor, and most General, and will not oringe any long October 11th, 19 menn business, and would to God that men are, in many paities by passion or Dr. JOHNSON Breathe there a man with soulso deady er with bowed head and folded arm, The Editor, The Workman.
the road was being constructed simulta interest, under temptation to it.
Who never to himself hath said, and see his Government saddled with Dear Sir. Plense allow me space in neously with our motor boat, for then we LOCHE.
SURGEON DENTIST This is my own my native Land?
unnecessary expenditures.
the columns of your much appreci would further demonstrate that we would cruel story runs on wheels, and Phone 1003 The old adage which says that able newspaper to state the following make good use of it.
Yours Fraternally, Address every hand oils the wheels as they run.
vessel already filled only takes a drop read the news in to day issue of the We menn to follow the Divine com QUIDA Ancon, Z, 852 Panama City, The Chemical Hall animals, and to excess money paid on not the ed thus.
own ready to assume the when be am, er left unspoken.


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