
PHE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, OOTOBER 18, 1910 PAGE SEVEN Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes West as 5o follows with infinite pleasure that we long SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE Chorrillo Drug Store of her own race.
blush where on the JUST RECEIVED In erusting West Indian News Prince of Wales Democratic Spirit. Continued from page Trinidad Latest An officer of HM Renown in speaking of the Prince Gold Medalist.
of Wales democratic spiait, remarked that he, the speaker, posMaster Armin Stewart AND sessed more swank than the their apparent. Strange to mentionz Success the Prince, when he was leaving the Renown at Quebec, casualThe Port of Spain Gazette of ly remarked that he was the 21st September, writing un.
that that the good people of the der the above headlines produe. Indies would be disappointed a striking bust portrait of el of not seeing him come to young Armin Stewart, West Indian NEGRO, who has recent them. He could not, he said, come Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
ly distinguished himself in the this time, but it will be among his Educational world, commenting greatest They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as pleasures to pay the West Indies a visit as early as it It is was found convenient or possible.
with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
To hear even the ordinary sailor we reproduce the portrait of speak of His Royal Highness, simMaster Armin Stewart. young ply helps to make one realize the son of the soil, who has just add the cause of Britain greatness ed another success to the list scored by St. Mary College in the education world. Master The Journeymen Tailors Stewart who is not yet 18 years Union Of Panama.
of age in securing the Gold Medal the blue riband of the On Tuesday night, Oet. 7th a regular Island Scholarship Examination Mose meeting of the above named Union was. has made another record for St. Mary which up to now has held at the old Home of ibe Red Cross, 21st Street, Guschapali, for the purpose Only been equalled in the early of transacting general business.
tition, by Sir Henry Alcaza, Kt. COMMENDABLE RACE years of the scholarship compe Telegram Expressing SymThe meeting was called to order at 30 pm. by the President Bro. another of the colony pathy sons who has shed a like lustre ENTERPRISE.
Jones, when the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. There on his Alma Mater. The community in general must indeed THE EVELYN HORTON MANU.
We readily publish the follow. being no unfinished business nor com be doubly proud of Master FACTURING CO, 46 STREET, PANAMA.
ing telegram. It was received at munications, the President asked if Stewart achievement, which 80 o clock yesterday afternoon, there was any new business. Bro. serves to illustrate the fact that St. Louis, Mo.
by. to Just received a full stock ofScipio Pollard. West Indians the house that there was quite a goodly ability is by no means the heriMADAM EVELYN HORTON is the of tage any favoured at New York deplore the irrepar number of visitors class.
enterprising colored woman who de.
Young Stewart comes from voted herself with great success to the SILVER CHAIN GOODS to able loss Trinidad distinguish therefore asked the President tehermend ed Barrister and Patriot. Extend strate to them the objects for which very humble parentage, and but study of producing high class toilet for the benefit of a free College Preparations suitable to the people Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES sympathy family.
they were getting together; that bring Exhibition, he like so many For overy form of disease. quite cussion out of which questions of great These preparations were plachd on another fellow being, hand. Joseph Genesse, a passenger importance arose, and were ably defined capped by the uncontrollable cir: the market 10 years ago, and on aboard the Delta, died by the Chairman, with much applause cumstances of humble family scientitic improvements the wonderful Hortona Toilet Preparations TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. aboard last Sunday morning. Seven candidates were enrolled when connections would very possibly have been produced.
native of Grenada, Genesse pass the receipts for the evening were taken have gone the way of the many The Hortona Toilet Preparaed through here about five weeks up, and the meeting was brought tos flowers that are born to Give us a call and inspect our New Stock, unseen. There is a bit of history tions which have stood the test of ago on his way to Elcallao, but close at 10. 15 ook ill with fever soon after Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in Master Stewart scholastic 10 years at using by colored people in States reaching his destination. He ap RELIEF TO WIDOWS AND career which should not go un introduced in the Republic of Panama, recorded; and of which we feel stand to day without equal for growJ. FLOWERS, Proreitor. parently walked across from Elcallao to Bolivar, he ORPHANS sure, he himself will be justly Ing and beautifying the hair, eradica: O, Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519, took ship for Trinidad, and died (3) to enquire and report prouder even in years to come. ting facial blemishes, and improving As way port. The body what relief should be given, and beauty of features has not come simple but secure containhrs to avoid will be seen by the portrait, the skin generally These preparations are put up in was examined by Hon. Dr. with effect from what date, to Lawrer. ce, who gave ed on pension and to widows and civil servants of the colony retirhis way, and when twitted by highorst in packing and be sold simple school mates over nature at tho lowest possible prices.
certificate as to the cause of failing in this particular, his in. The best recommendation we can death, and ordered the removal orphans in receipt of pensions cisive retort in varibly was to the ofer for these wonderful properacion of the body to the Hospital, from the colong Widows and he is the unfailing high whence the funeral took place in Orphans Pension Fund; the afternoon. 4) to advise as to ways and beauty of face, he hope that a results obtained by the many thos large and Fresh Shipment of wise creatora means of meeting any additional creator bad compensated sands who have used them for 10 year with a expenditure involved in recomfulness of brains. Give them a trial and prove CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE mendations made on the matters That young Stewart hope was for yourself, what we now claim for Demerara into which under this Commis.
well founded, goes without say. them.
sion the said Commissioners Royal Infant Preservative ing; and incidentally his is the The articles are: make enquiry and report.
satisfaction that while many Har ton a Hair Grower, Hartona Demerara Civil SerAND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
school mates of beautiful feature, shall Beauty Cream have been left behind vants Salaries Demerara Coloniza old Special Hair Growor, Har adorning the seats in the tona Vanishing Cream.
ability tion Delegates Temple Grower, Hartona add ol, bis undoubted him the entree to the Brown Skin Powder (3 School Teachers Stipends shades)
educational life of the Tetter Cure, Hartona Face FOUNDED IN 1881 East Indian Section to University, where his numerous Bleach.
The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY well wishers hope he will contri Pressing Oil, Hartona Hair Visit India Remover APPOINTED bute many a gem in the educaMANUEL ESPINOSA Shampoo, Hartona Deo.
tional dorant.
coronet of his native land.
Central Avenue, 33 The Argosy of the 1st Septem DR. NUNAN AS CICERONE It is related that exacting privaOpposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
It is learnt that the East Indian domestic nature, ber, publishes the following:Sold at the Eldorado Store, section of the Colonization Depukept young Stewart away from Following upon the message tation has been invited to proceed Bolivar Street, Colon, his college studies, but eventualBetween 7th and 8th Streets.
received from the Secretary of to India in the interests of InDr. CONNELL Lessons Given on those becoming known to ty State for the Colonies sanction. dian immigration to British Guiathe good Principal of St. Mary Agents Wanted, Write at once to: on the Clarinet, the leading mang the appointment of a Com. na. In London, at present are a College who future SURGEON DENTIST Madam DeWEEVER, mission scholarship winner in the humble Band Instrument. Band or of the increase of salaries of civa number of edeputations from Instudent provision was co DeWEEVER, Orchestra furnished for all servants of the colony, His Excel dia ingin section with the scheme of wards made by the folye Box 753, Cristobal, Indian lency the Officer Administering now before Parliament, and it is authorities themselves fux Sa 18 kinds of engagements.
Can be found at 175 the Government has appointed said that the consensus of opinfying all his domestic needs and, NEILSON Central Avenue.
requirements. With this assured Clarinetist Republican Band bers of the Legislature to form is that British Guiana has a good Stewart was thenceforth able NEED Ancon Opposite Station 175. Weat, House 37. Panana Bree Chairma: Mon. Ste laily in view of the embargo on Phone 1053 the Commission of to go on his way, rejoicing, and case to submit to the Indian peoColonial Treas in his late achievement to pro SA WATCH plu in favour. espe claim to the world that the conwars. acting Immigration Agent Asiatics imposed by certain parts sideration extended to him by General. Hon. McI. Reid, Come of the British dominions like the College authorities, was not United Brotherhood Directory troller of Customs, Hon.
bestowed in vain. His country We Always have in Hand a Com.
Brassington, Hon.
Australia, Canada, and South men who feel proud of the asso plete line at Reliable Low Prices and Panama Canal Lodge No. 2149, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, bers of the Court of Policy India has the support of the CoHon. McArthur, memciation will watch his future The visit of the delegates to career with pleasure in whatever WATCHES and JEWELRY Hall La Boca, Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Wil Messrs. Nascimento, McL. lonial Office, as also of the Beerefield of learning he may to Gee, Healin, Secretary Treasurer. liams. Secretary Treasurer.
Ogle and Cassels, Financial tary of State for India. It is exercise his rare ab lity.
Isthmus of Panama Lodge No. 2151, Victory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso.
Give Us a Call Before Going ElseRepresentatives.
understood that they will be acwhere. You are sure to be on Time Panama Cty, Woodruff, President; Wright. President; Fields, Secretary The text of the Commission pa companied by Dr. Nunan, AttorAnother Successful Trini. If Your WATCH wos Repairad by US Shields Secretary Treasurer, President.
per is as follows: dadian.
Allen Star Lodge No. 2500, Colon. Whereas as in consequence of ney General of British Guians says the Argosy. Spence, President; Jones, Gox, President; Callender, Secretary desirable that enquires should be Eureka Lodge No 2510, Gatun. the increased cost of living it is Tbe Returned Soldiers Authors News has been received from Remember We Make Wed Secretary Treasurer Treasurer.
made as to the sufficiency or ity in Demerara, at a recent Clem McUrecken (second son of ding Rings and Other Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gakun, otherwise of the emoluments of meeting discussed the applica Mr. J, MoCracken) who was a Chagres Lodge No. 2511, Gamboa, ail civil servants of the colony tion of twenty one returned solC. Porayth, President; Swall, Secre Dunn, President; Killing and of the teachers in primary diers for ten acres of crown land First Lieut in the Royal Field Jewelry to Order Artillery and is now demobilised, book, Secretary Treasurer.
Suecese Lodge No. 2502, Gatun. E, Rrant in aid His old chums at and schools of the colo each, and forwarded the same to elsewhere will doubtless be FULLER is the MAN You Want to Soo tary Trenduret.
Rayside, President; Bracey, SecreLiberty Lodge No. 2512, Red Tank, ny, the Commission is appoint the Commissioner of Lands and Austin, President; Bannister, ed. 1) to enquire and report as Mines pleased to hear that has been Secretary Treasurer.
accepted at Worcester College 122 CENTRAL EVENUE Victor Collins Lodge No 2503, Panathe sufficiency or otherwise It is rumoured that a large disin the University of Oxfora, hav Corner 22nd Street, Panama, ma City. Collins, President; Henry Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, Empire. of the emoluments of all civil ser mond syndicate is in course of irg passed the entrance examiPhone 939 Spencer, Secretary Treasurer. Wm, Stoute, President: Headley, yants of the colony and of the formation in London, with the obnation, and gaiued the Govern.
Aurora Ledge No. 2504, Panama Secretary Treasurer.
teachers in primary grant in aid ject of acquiring certaia diamond nient Educational Grant. He will read for a Degree in Elec. WILKINSON Day, Secretary Treasurer.
Panama City. Buckley, President; Unique Lodge No. 2514, Panama, schools of th: colony with a view claims in Demerara.
trical Engineerg.
Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, to increase such emoluments, it Secretary Treasurer.
necessary; as from the 1st Jan special ordinance has been Atlantie Pacific Lodge No. 2505, Pan CONTRACTOR BUILDER uary, 1920; drafted by the Georgewa Mr. Wilfred Calestam, Cor.
ama City. Humphrey, President Howard Sever Lodge No. 2515, Colon. 2) to enquire and report whe Municipal Authorities, with poral of the Regiment Manley, Secretary Treasurer, Jones, Secretary Treasurer. ther any bonus, and, if so, at the object of who returned with the last First Class Workmanship draft, has been given the acting Plans and Specifications Free City Headley, President: Nelson, President; Wm. Irving, Soere July, 17, to the 31st Decembar, of the year. Mr. Woolford is now Evergreen Lodge No, 2506, Preama Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Al. what rate should be paid in rs. Hon. G. Woolford, Mayor, pect of to hold to the end appointment of Third Assistant Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
Clerk of the Peace, at the City tary Treasurer.
1919, to civil servants of the colo in England Confering with exMagistrate Court in place of 15th Streat West House 90 Progressive Lodge, No. 2507. Colon.
ny who have hitherto been experts as to the best means of esColon Advance (New Lodge) Coloneladed from the benefits of the tablishing a sewerage system in Mr. Yiera who is acting at the Arima Magistracy, Box 411, Panama, Soott. President; Caterson, Seeratary Treasurer Gunter, Seeretary Treasurer.
bonus scheme now in force; Georgetown hion Central Drug Store highar edo lions of often Suw a ali officials. Santos Africa 00 enabling the


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