p. 8


ng see 00 that ly, not The Vampires the be game.
Holder. It one of se spoil chance The shares he will Blackman Archer, Harding ܕܘܪܐܘܘ King, you observo any of Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
been testifying to to the Park, pers.
CRICKET JONES, United Bro criood PACIFIC THEATRE UNION. HALL All cames in connection with the Git (Continued front page 1)
les Langue were postponed last Sunday PANAMA COLON Builder Contractor As the manab in order to facilitate the Preifie Creole The Atlantic Barbados gate that the benetit of anca.
lo now located at Paraiso, Ca hope to have berter was scheduled for that date, For the ennal Zone, where he can be found at our meetings and intr.
tire week before it SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19th had been very rainy Continuation of the 4th, 5th and 6th Epi: at all times by those who may reest taken in the work o ta hopes were entertained that Sunday sodes of quire his services: might be fair, but, these hopes were members. Unionism hawed dashed to the ground when about 11. 30 Postal address Box 140.
1st and 2nd Episodes of THE RED GLOVE a protection and bulwest Paraiso. on Sunday the rain began to fall so henvi.
unjust conditions, and heck on one ground in all the city and continuing with Episodes each night the achivitles of an erous was in a fit condition. The fans were untii tinished Important Notice employers. Now let us varik together in order very badly disappointed as many wagers Tary accomplish more. Bernat had been made on Wednesday, October 22nd ROWLINS in attendance Otober 21 On Sunday, October 28th, another Commences the New Special Serial 30 in, for the Install of great game is scheduled to come off on Begs th notify big old custom Orticers.
the Standard Oval. The boys of Barba Graft The great detective story ers that he has returned from the don will be playing a great test match United States of Ainerica, and KORKED between themselves, in order to assist of Parie has takes up his position again Journal Appen IN 20 EPISODES oras them in securing the very best men from as Agent for the and continuing with Episodes each consecu.
among themselves to meet the Alland continuing with Episodes each conseJamaica combination on the 2nd and 3rd Washington Talloring Co.
Foch Lodge Live night until finished eutive night until finished All the cricketirs whose OP CHICAGO, ILL.
Officers and Members of the Puch Lodge, French Citizens)
man Thomas and names are mentioned are asked to report Samples and styles on hand are respectfully requested to to Measts, proper it and workmanship tead a meeting at wie St Antho.
is not thought for a moment what of the under Inentioned will refuse to Prizes for Cricket Match. Grand Concert The Voice of Wis Price and Quality Gan be Beaten Guarand, or roues Hall on Sunday, the wid, at 17 30 play on that date, and 80 all We understand that several Grand Dramatic Concert will may have to represent his island, prizes will be billed for the be given by the members of the dom.
Postal address: Box 789. here also be special as we want it to be clearly understood Championship Cricleet Match be. Rose of Panama Lodge. No. 10106 meeting for members only of the Ancon, said Lodge on Tuesday, October that the selection is is going to be without fear or favor. Those men who Jamaiorns, to be played on the Hall, Calidonia rond.
be made tween the All Barbados vs. Alle lon Oct. 18th, at St. Anthony?
The Allies taking their cur from De21st, at Colon Street, in the So ciedad Union Obrera Hall. Don Race Riots in Kingston fail to attend this meeting as De Witt Pills have won a tra there is matter of importance to the side on which they playTowing week. Below are he names and Connell, who is offering a high goods from France. This the war for the freedom of man.
class bat to the batsn an making the bird transact. Remember Tuesday, appearance of this com victory over human diseases. Mil.
730 m, and be sure to ba there Thomas Holder (Continued from Page 1)
the highest individual score pany in Panama and can be tona all over the world have been cured in time. Alleyne, Holder throughout the tournament, beaten. Come and hear the fun and millions more are being cured. back and the police formed a cor WHY NOT YOU?
Best, Beckle, ny talk from this company.
Queen Hotel, Charter to be Unvelled Grabam, Crouey, Never attempt to bear more than one kind of trouble at once, Holfore, Some people Admission 250. Doors tired reeling so frete presos de petite pain and Inspector suillvan and Blackman, the All Electrical workers and bear three kind. all they have now, and open at 20 and concert start at lave de elements et les per a nights, paing his men went in and anadana sides or joints sometimes search Fourteen men, alleged members of the Excelsior Lodge, Hill. Edghill.
all they expect to have. p.
with swellings, aching limbis, pains in the to have been implicated in the No. 2519, United Brotherhood of Laybe, Come early and geta good seat. Groins, sonnty urine, too frequent affair were put uder arrest, and Maintainsne of Way Employes ED. EVERETT HALE Williams, B, Trotman, desire to urinate, weak or lame back, marched to Sutton Street. and Railway Shop Labourers, 10 Williams, burning sensation, or irritation of the The Military are requested to be present at. 11. Moore, G, Phillips, their Lodge Boom; the New The military, authoritles were West Indian Red Cross Hall, any of these discom12. 8, Ioniss, Garvey, Please notify Messrs Holder and cure De Witt Pils, and you will be re an armed picquet from the West on Sunday afternoon the puh forts, start today to take the only real notatiede of piecu dietro alle and Calidonia Bridge. Thomas at an early date if the invitation warded with HEALTH, STRENGTH India Regiment was sent down inst. to witness the unveiling of is accepted, as no other invitation will be AND LONG to Sutton Street gaol, while given.
Isthmus have been their Charter, and the installaparty from Port Royal came up.
Games for To morrow.
value of this wedicine. Have no doubt, They remained at Sutton Street tion of the officers, the double and begin your treatment now.
Jamaica, Vincentian at Isthmian until evening when everything the Organizer, Mr. Nicholas ceremons, will be performed by 28 One bottle is enough for some, but was quiet again.
Britannie, vs Yorkshire at Bishop Carter and others.
deep rooted cases need longer treatment FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Those Under Arrest.
Hollow, depending on the severity of the case. COOKING Sold in Red Tank, Standard, st Red Tank sixes at all first class drug The names of the men arrested Journal Agent.
Pedro Miguel, Piekwiek at Paraiso. GAUTEMALA stores, Beware of imitations some deal are. Ben Israel Walker. Nehe Gatun ers are handing out. DeWitt mish Sheerwood, Samuel Mit will leave BALBOA, Noon, SATURDAY, 25th October, 1919, for Co. Ltd, London Botile with blue shell. Frank Smith Henry Grand Pic nic at Operators C, defeated St. Martins Guyaquil, Payta, Eten, Paensmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azul, Pisco sealCity printed. Oscar Skyere, John Allen, e, on the Gstun grounds on Sunday Lomas, Mollendo, Arion, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chansral, Coquimbo and Standard Oval.
James Henry, Lue Ferdinand last, batting first the operators put up Valparaiso.
THE CITY PHARMACY, Alfred Toompson, Edward Dor the century for its entire iunings with Lynton top scret of 33, Gittens 20 and 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama, sett, Joseph Williams, and Daniel independence Day NovemS. EBRO.
Armstrong King 13. After the usual intermission Agents for Republic of Panama Payments to Mon.
ber St. Martins followed on, but collapsed will leave CRISTOBAL A. M; will leave BALBOA, Noon, TUESDAY, representative of the Gleaner before the dendly bowling of Lynton UST 28th OCTOBER, 1919, for applied at the Colonial office yes EX CUR10N TRAIN FRONS and could only put up 37 runs. The PERUVIAN AND CHILEAN PORTS.
terday afternoon for information COLON.
only tsman to reach double figures as to what arrangements, if any, November 3, 1919 promises to eclipse was Bennett who made 11 MANAVI Important Notice were made for the maintenance all events of a like nature in contation of the men who had been sent with the commemoration of the Na.
out to this island.
will leave CRISTOBAL, A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, SATURDAY, tional Independence of the Republic of All property owners living ontside The The Westmoreland Cricket Club of 18th OCTOBER, 1019, for the Colony Monte Lirio) are hereby notified that a Corporation has been informed ang Colonial Secretary Panama. Tie Standard Colon will play its maiden match against TUMAÇO, ESMERALDO, BAHIA, MANTA, and GUAYAQUIL.
the pressman that one whit behind hand in providing for is not the Sports at Camp Baird Oval toformed, and about ei ole 95 men had had their those who intend to day (Saturday Oct, 18h. commencing MOTOR BOAT ce! TEVIOT at pm, sharp, Alt Westmoreland boys is now being cozstructed to carry forty Transport Orca, which arrived Imperial Government on the tional life of the of the Republic; are asked to attend and witness the WILL LEAVE WEDNESDAY, 22nd OCTOBER, 1919, FOR partements of the Corporation to be at Kingston some three weeks Colon at 00 will be bringing over The excursion train which leaves maiden match, of the Club bearing the name of their home town, E, E, Samuels Havre and London known as the ago.
PRADING AND DEVELOPING CORE e con martoreas painel embleia large numit of the pleasures pilot the Westmoreland boys to in some cases to deductions for meet at the standard Ovat which com.
subject from the Windy City. The athletic SALVADOR advances previously ISLE OF SPRING LODGE Shares will be at the par value money was apparently exhausted the count vocanols after the arrival of will leave CRISTOBAL, A. M; will leave BALBOA Noon, FRIDAY, of 1100 a short time ago, and as a resalt the special, promises to prove very in 31st OCTOBER, 1919, for Puntarenas, Corino, Amapala, La Union, of representations made to the pete ani ere successful wil have notho teresting, and the athletes who comWill Celebrate 10th An. La Libertad, Acajula, San Jose de Guatemala, and Champerico. For further particulars, Apply to local government, it was deter. ing to complain of in the way of prizes.
PERCY JOHNSON, New Providence, mined to pay each man 4s, per In addition For Further Particularsor to A. HUNTE, The Hatter day for his keep. pending his already offered in connection with thes nutnerous Tomorrow Sunday October Calidonia Road. getting, word work or lebriod, 8s.
the 19th, will mark the 10th Anniis oue offered by no less a per Apply at the Offices of the Company at island for a certain afterwards for 38. sonage than our popular and genial versary of the above lodge and the olficers and members are CRISTOBAL specified Connell.
leaving no stone unturned to ADVERTISE for another definite period. It of the judges on this day, ed albe Mara to one celebrate this occasion as befits or at the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, was hoped that by this time the Bolt of Colon. Dr. Gittens has such an important fonction.
PANAMA IN THE WORKMAN wen would either be in positions promised to superintend the fixing of The preparanions being made in.
or have gone abroad.
dicate that should the weather IT PAYS The Gleaver was unable to the grounds so that the runners will have permit fair field. On the whole everything obtain from the Protector of Immigrants of points to the grandest celebrations over statement as to pulled off by West Indians in recognition a Room at Section 3, Calido Be where the function is to be held, what took place at his ofiice yes of the most importan of all days in the will be the scene of a gala day.
terday, in the late forenoon and National life of Panama.
Invitations have been extended early afternoon, in front of which to all sister Lodges as well as the men had assembled and from kndred societies, and an indoor which they started out to attack Death of Well known collection will be put into effect.
the city.
Another Outrage.
Chinaman, SOTA Juvenile Missionary (BRANDON BANK)
Shortly after six o clock yester We regret to announce the Meeting day evening Mr. Cham, death at non of Mr. Lee Min.
bers, principal of the Centre (Nephew of Mr. Lee Chong) of Branch School, was stopped all that City, which sad event took The United Methodist Church, 21st Street, Guachapali, holds its PANAMA. POUNDED 1868)
COLON Barry Street between Orange place at the latter residence, Street and King Street by a Bolivar Streeton Sunday 12th Juvenile Missionary weeting on Sunday 19th inst. at o clock.
Our large Resources and well known man who said he wanted to ask inst.
him a few questions. The man Mr. Lee Min, although a native Bliss, the Missionary the Rev. Pinnoek will take conservative Management afford unheld him by the arm and asked of China, inade quite a number of whether he was a Jamaican or friends during his sojourn in in the meeting His Honor Judge Hanan of the questioned security for every dollar not and pointed a revolver at his this country, his death thereface. He resented the menacing fore came as a shock to all those Canal Zone is expected to be present and to take the Chair, deposited with this bank: action of the man and on the ap who knew him.
proach of a pliceman the intrud The cortege left the house at except anything intervenes to or went off. p. on Sunday for the Mount Hope Cerctery, where his re.
Birth mains were interred. Among by The Rev. Anderson, the large number of persons who General Banking Business Transacted attended t4e funeral were Goverpastor of the Church, being ili bouncing baby boy was born nor Arcia of Colon and other and contined to his bed, Mr.
ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON to Mr and Mrs Conrad Toppin of leading Officials.
Russell Philips, Superintendent President.
Vice President.
of the Sunday School, and his Colon, at her parents residence, La Boca Mother and babe are chief assistant, will take charge doing well, while Daddy is hand The Grand essential of happiness are of the meeting.
ing around cigars and receiving something to do, something to love and hearty invitation is extended hearty congratulations from his something to hope for.
shipmates of the SS Caribbean.
QUALMERS. COLON Extingly erate obssages will Victory, The events is. iser day for another time, and 28. per day Surgcon Deutist, Dr. Pular cam Loyal Progress PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY Mrs: and the part prevent this.
reappropriate recitations will be to all.

    FranceSyndicalismUnion Obrera de Colon

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