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NEWS FOR MEN OF REGIMENT Strike Fever Hits INSTRUCTIONS FROM PAYMASTER The Barbados JaTo the Men of the British West Indies Regiment.
out as Tois ab it weekly trouble Althe articles Oganiza: an exam week)
allowancey to Panamanian Teamaica Cricket chers, Match.
School Teachers of PanaPrizes Ofered by Promima City Walk Out.
nent West Indians As the result of a presidential PANAMA CONTINGENT November 2nd 3rd will be Red decree suspending from duty for Letter days in the history of a period of two months three cricket on the Isthmus of Pana te chers of primary grade schools The following particulars, relating to the men who enlisted on Refundment of Allotinents: mnt when the invulnerables from in this city, a mass meeting of the British West Indies Regimentant Barbados will theat the invinci.
Panimanian teachers was held the Isthmus for service As the pers to be so ne inisinstunting existing in the bles from Jamaica in the hottest who have since been repatriated to the Republic of Panama, have minds of ex BW. Rostne rezarting the conditions under game ever played here, on Friday night, de been compiled with a view to setting forth a clear and concise which was decided walk which throfundont of allunnt is ind: the attention of all walk placed re.
The supporters of both teams masure. The teachers Suparding balances of pay, war gratuity, Aruny of Occupation Bonusen seitly davit fell information rich is ex are backing their men with all as a protest against sai traciel frontal Vir Orlatig verning sun confidence and the result of the ded wire Mr. Gi! Tapia, Mr and Ration allowance due to them. 1) M121MV Eerv married soldier who made an two days tu la loves uncertain Arvadio Aguilera 0, and Miss Ex men are requested to read this announcementeve allotmint this wife and clined, and was granted, separation Barbadians are over contidot Juana Oller. It appears that fully and to retain same. By so doing, they will be able to boat for herself and children, if any, is entitled to the refund that they will carry of their Ir some time past there has their precise position which will, it is lopu, prava histointima 0i pt. mber, 1917 or from a date subse. while Jamricans have already been owing discontent among standing and does the larga nuinbroquestions will Tue it to tf nut title it is time the leichern over conditions gen being put to the Piymister now in Panama engaged up This refundment is given it out that they will bear de in every 45 eral y and especially over the tow these claims.
Witere the wife of a soldier was residing in any of whare the wife resid on the the laurels back to their home.
wagis being paid them, which. There are approximately one thousand accounts sto sludscha Jamaica, Barbados. Trinidad, St. not known, but it is eertain that The personnel of the an are they cl im. is ina the high cost orquate to meet justed and these are bein laken intrict rotation and Licia, St Virt, mendment will be made after refer both teams will have some hot wever, will made (exe pt in cases where technical inta Officer of the islund con boys on their combination 8 explained by Prident ten to fourteen days from date of applicant name bingkistond. cronor the thin covered by the payatts to the will not be any child play as Porr to the deputatio which As the Pay una tertinds thitt his work must be cut wit Solar wit. my derinly certainel. The amounts refund neither side can afford to geasy wtod on him some time to out interruption des completo lay dwa a rigid ratinti det. in the case of a Pivate or Corporal od par day; e in a game that ineans so much to setias forth their griecay is quiries en be made by post or daily for one hour ea la morning a Sirgeant or higher rank 10 day. This payant will be the cricketing ability of the is.
that he was powerless to ac between a and 10 am this office. After this hnquir fuded in nedially the inforation is forthcoming from the lands.
the salaries of techers were ies will under any circumstances be entertained: but he hopes that Pying Officer of the island fixed by th National Assembly, prior the conclusion of his works to be able to dovoze several This is a long talked of match, but he rom sed to do whatever days to personal atention to all questions relating to soldiers ac. Allot nent to Dependants: and ladies as well as guntinen was possible as soon as that body counts. This date will be announced later.
Army Order of 1918 made provision for the refund nent of to come. The question all around are waiting for the eventful day met. Still, the teachers in fur.
allottient, in certain cases, where a soldier alloted a sum froin is. Who shall be the winuer, the rance of their canse esta: Men Returned on the Oriana his pay to a dependant, such as his mother, Father, Sister, Aunt, Barbados or Jamaica shed and published at This draft consisted of approxinately 800 men and was made pape called El Grandmother or other person for whom he claimed prior depend.
Maestro, managed up of two smaller drafts which left Taranto. Italy, on two dates, ancy By prior dependancy is meant that prior to joining the Numerous prizs have been and edited by the three trachers the first in May and the second in June. These drafts were con service, the soldier supported his aboven. entioned And herein lies bined and tinally made up the Oriana shipment, already offered as competitive that the person left behind was inconvenienced such an extent, stiinuli to the contestants in the dependant to by published in El Maestro have been described as the 5th Draft) had their accounts mide up prior to ex iely how much per week, or mənth, he allowed his depandant, ed this office; his The men of the first of these two sinaller drafts (officially absence, when inaking this allotment, the soldier had to state game a few of which have reach100 song in criticism of the leaving Taranto; their final auth rities in charge of Public July 1919. These balance of dischirg og given as 10h, and such claims were investigated by the Paying Officer, who ad Dr.
waich were aandacal to the men, and jalicated ther on.
Carrington, 100 In cases of proved dependency, the State add cigars to the winning team.
Instuction and of the upon their arrival in Panama (less advances made to them in ed a sum to the amount alloted by the soldier and it is only in Mr. Theo. McGinnis. Pair of tion Kenerally, and especially one France during their period of waiting. included all credits. War such cases that the allottment will be refunded As which appe: red in the issue of Gratuity and Ration Allowances to 10th July, 1919. Owing to lack ple soldier who alloted 6d per day to his mother (34. 6d. per cricketing shoes (conee to be nained later)
the 12th. This latter exhausted of shi isted or shipping accomodation these inen were detained at Havre for 44 claiming Government and the State upon investhe patience of the powers with rays, consequently their ti val date of discharge was extended to tigation, granted an additional sum of 1s. per we or more, then Dr. Connell. Bat tº the the result that a meeting of the 23rd August, 1919. These meri have therefore to receive 44 extra he recover Cabinet was called on the 17th.
amount of his cricketer making the most.
allotment as from 29th Septemruns in the match, inst assisted by the Chiet Jus: days pay and 115 days Army of Occupation Bɔnus from 1st ber, 1917, or a date subsequent to this, if not made on 29th Sept.
nethod adopted in regard to the refundment of allotments Mr. Wrond. Pait of tice of the Supreme Court, the May to 23rd August, 1919, and an additional month War made to flannel pants (specitication Attorney General and the Ins Gratuity.
to dependants residing in other Islands is the same as in to be made later)
pector General of Primary the case of married soldiers, viz: that the Paying Officer is first Men who left Taranto for Havre by the second Panama draft communicated with before allotments are refunded if due.
Mr. Peter Vandeyar. Prise to Schools (officially describ as the 8th Dralt) lad their accounts inakup No claims for a Government grant, can be entertained after the cricketer getting the best At that meeting it was pointep 7th August; 1919. this dat: baing viven as their tival date, war the soldier discharge from the army.
7th bowling average.
out that the article already le Gratuity, Army of Occupation Bonus from 1st May, 1919, Men of Other Drafts: Mr. Brown, Chemical Hall, ferred to was of a rebellious na August, 1919, and Rudowance. These balances, less advanc Bat (donee not yet mentionnot only the ranks of the ces made to the who wong at Havre, were paid out thein Certain other men have been repatriated to the Isthmus, on ed. teachers but among all classes of Havre for a period of sixteen days, their tinal date of discharge of the upon their arrival a Plana. As these men were detained at dates prior to the arrival of the Oriana, men discharged through sickness, etc. These men account are being made up other prizes will be offered and It is understood that several workers generally, that it was was extended to 23rd August, 1919. and they have therefore, lue with all sums due to thein, to late of discharge, including War we would suggest that persons unlawful by the Educational to them sixteen days extrapy and sixteen duys Arny of Oucu Code for subordinates in the pation Bonus.
Rition allowance, ete, and these amounts are being desiring to present them would Gorwart med the o teaeh ng department to criticise Thus the men included in the tirst Panama draft have a sum by leit rs or publications the act of approximately ll due to them and those forming the second certificates. The conditions regarding the refundment of allotment com inittee so that a fair distrialso apply to these men and such sums as may be due to them bution will be ma le, and not one tions o their superiors and that the ac ion of the management draft an average of to 2:5: 0, remitted at the saine time if the allottee resides on the man orja few As a considerable nunbar of payments have been made receiving all.
of the paper (wl. o are all tea chers) in publishing the articls upon thase lines those men who have already received their Certain men were discharged from Port Royal, Jamaica, and Where are You Going to was purishab, by fine, suspere cheques must not expact any further payments in consequence from Winchester, England, and subsequently repatriated to sion or dismis al.
Th y were of this notice.
Panam. In any such cases it hes been ascertained that these Pic nic?
suspended This men have already received their final balances. No further roused the ire of the entire Civilian Clothing: payments can be made to these men until reference has been bunch and as already mentioned mide to the officer fro:n whom they received their disenarge.
On the third of next month, Arrangements were made that every man included in Panaina they decided to quit until the Issued with the approval of the British Minister, be a grand variety of Independence Day, there will tbree were re instated. But an contingent should have a suit of civilian clothing handed to him athPanama, and the open letter from the Attorney upon arrival at Colon, but in a few isolated cases the clothing was letic amusements and dancGeneral in the Columus of the aut forthcoming upon arrival. In such cases each mal has been COMMAND PAYMASTER ing at the Standard Oval when STAR HERALD pointing our credited with the sum of 2: 12: to reimburse hun for the loss of Jamaica the beaux and belles, and the that the law prelibited strikes his suit. This sum is included in the tinal balance.
Panama, 22nd Oct. 1919.
lads and the lassies and the he alonk Giverament employees and she from Colon, along the brought them to their senses Notice of Postpone. nent.
line and Panama will meet for a and another mass meeting was while the cabinet was again sum day All roads will lead to this popuof sports.
called at which a deputation moned and another decree was ube consisting of the Misses El promulgated reinstating lar and acessible pleasure ground We heg to call the attention of la ace vira Ayala and Berenice Ru Suspended teachers. Since then Perseverance Lodge ward by Bro. Forsythe, the gist on the natal day of Panama and representing the teachers, and they have all resigued, and our readers to the postpone the richest band of music will be Messrs Crespo and Pezet, re several others as well of which is as follows: No. 2501 ment of the performance which on the grounds to discoure sweet presenting the professors was was scheduled to be given this In view of the fact that the est music for the gay and happy.
Gatun. Canal Zone, again sent to the Presidency BIRTH. NOTICE Nobody can afford to miss this evening by the Isthmian Drama Operation of the Grievance ComTull powers to bring about Perseverance Lodge No. 2501, mittee was not free and Anooth, that hearts long separated by grand time e and the possibility is tic Company of Colon at the La met in regular session on Mon and did not possess sufficient re distance across the Isthmus may a compromise. This deputation admitted in a certin ina ure Boca Clubhouse. Certain cir. day night, October 21st, Bror the hostility of the auch de. Born to Mr. and Mrs. cumstances arose which made Neverson, presiding, siliency requiring much time meet on ihe glorious day. Don the unloosing of nied that it was written with any Morias at their residence, PanaNOV. 3rd.
deck red the purpose of the an eight and a half pound baby date now set being the 15th of welfare of the Organization were tral Relief Committee be consid Bids will be received up to six Matters affecting the good and much red tape a Leal o Een forget POLE STANDARD intent at exciting rebellion and ma on Monday October 29 1919 the postponement necessary, the of brought up for discussion, and ered; the object of this commit o clock Wednesday, 29th inst, at teachers to return to work with boy. Mother and babe are di ing November next. Holders sid nt after severely censuring hearty congratulations of his mance are informed that they hated into the workings of the needs of brothers who have been Bragg, for serving retreshments any further talk. The Pre well, while Dad is receiving the tickets for the original perfor. te members were ini. tee being to relieve the pressing the city Pharmacy by instant thei action reserved his decision friends.
are still good for the postponeby on the Standard Oval at the piofir tie following day. Mean Bravo Sam. Keep it up. ment. suggestion was brought for Continued on Paye 8) nic on Nov. 3rd.
will the The bure and will be pay Isthinus.
imen therefore BROTHERHOOD NEWS with


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