
PAGE TWO PIE WORKKAN, MARDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1019 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands in introducing a Wooden hat East Indian The Calidonia Jewelry Store Bere they stay in sh. ed.
bados ed will not United States Pharmacy were Barbados mentioned cases, leaving sixteen Freedom for Labourers. tannias, bread fruit, pens? What. closets (раорифs эр шолу) bath houses, palings and palisades THE HIGHEST COMPACT At a meeling of the Lagista different kinds of cal flour are we maling out of them? We damaged ive Council recently, a very pry Gvus shis day our daily Trinidad Barrister After come diseussion the Vestry that WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. important step was taken to re bread, bat emast have the move a condition about which sense to make it and take it.
for Barbados.
decided to place a sum of 200 Let there bo truth between there has been quite some com: at the disposal of the Committee plaint. The law which made it for distribution among the suffer.
us two for evermore difficult for labourers to leave Trinidad Mr. Cook admitted to ers.
the colony for other fields has been amended and labourers can practise here.
Damages by Recent Bad PRICE QUALITY SERVICE now leave Grenada without hin. Cricket tour to BarThe legal fraternity has been Weather drance. The Attorney General. augmented by Mr. Alexander Gasoline: 011: the bados.
Accessories amendment Repair Parts. Kelly Cook, Barrister at Law, During the heavy weather made some observations which The we think are worthy of the highthe Port of Spain Gazette, Mr. N, Briggs, acting Chief Clermonte plantation, St. James, by 25th ultimo, the wind est appreciation. At last it has says that arrangement are going WESTERN Justice, to practice in the colony, the property of Mr. Skinner, AUTO SUPPLY Co. been acknowledged that we apace by Mr. Attule for the The introduction was made by should allow our laborers to seek proposed Cricket tour to BirbaMr. Reece, acting ning which badly damaged the as Executor, was struck by light GRAVES JOHNSON fields which offer them the best dos next January. The cricketAttorney General, who in doing ducement and that it is a fact ers invited represent the tinest 7th Street Ancon Avenue.
so said that Mr. Cook had in round house and spindle. The Phone Corp. 85. Tabourers when they go to other talent in the island and what is formed him that he had lost flash penetrated the liquor pipes Islands are paid on a higher most gratifying is they are all his certificate. He (Mr. Reece) and sinashed up guiter cale for what they cand keer and have consented to do Now provided of course coul however voach for him in besides slightly damaging one of has nation the trip open the West In nothing unforeseen happens. been stop the as much as they were contempo: the racking coppers in the boil.
ing house.
dies will have to provide them. few names should suffice to givo to the Bar silves with all the labourers they the public a fair idea of the in 1891 and Mr. Cook which was on the mill at the in the following year. Mr. Cook time, was also struck so severely can accumulate, and this may powerful side that is being got help them to expand in various together.
are: who had been practising in Tri as to necessitate its being des nidad, desired to transfer his troyed.
Major Harragin, Andre Ci.
Of course it activities to this island and was the instance of the Secretary of priani, Wiles, Fred Grant, Barbadian Labour Gerald Liddlelow, Fedo de Gar.
entitled to do so State that we have decided Reto His Honorsaid that, after hear.
open our door and may look to nes, Joo Kelshall, Vivian Maire turn Home Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road the ing Mr. Reece remarks, he had future development of these sot, Ray Maingot, Nelson Betan.
2uch pleasure in admitting Mr.
By the Chignecto wbich islands with pnrely West Indian Court, Gaillien and Dewhurst.
The side declared from the port of Georgesuc Atteen from which number ele.
Cook to practise here.
of LET EXPORT HANDS DO YOUR Mr. Cook bowed gracefully and town, a goodly number of the Barcess it seems to us that employen will be chosen. The badian labourers nearly fifty. the Court rose.
who went to tho colony recently WATCH REPAIRING once to learn to understand the and in search of employment, left West Indian worker and strive the team will play three matches Cricket at Barbados Augurt 28. They state that WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE.
for a spirit of co operation be une vs. All (Barbados, and two they were disappointed with the labour aad capital.
other games against the Pickconditions with regard to employ.
wick and Wanderers, Funds Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
will be needed for this tour Wanderers inflict Crushing ment in the colony.
and Defeat on Spartans It having been reported that we unded stand that Mr. Attale the West indiss will again be is forming a committee e impris The weather was also respon. O, CAMPBELL garrisoned by British Home Favoured with a good wicket sible for the overthrow of a few ing troops, and that St. Lucia Trini Leolaud: H. Cipriani Major Harragin, Sheult, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
Alfred Pereira, the Spartans met the Wanderers dad and Jamaica will be centres A at the Bay Grounds on Saturdayouses in Connell town and near Lyder Cottage, St. Lucy. Two Phone 1053.
Cars Stop at the Door. there is a mixed chorus of appro and himself with the object of where a tine game was witness of these were destroyed: val and disapproval of the idea in evolving ways and means to de Wanderers entering first boarded and shingled honse, Trinidad. We are sure that Bar fray what will be heavy expen.
Cuickly scored 217 for wickets 20x10, belonging to Elizabeth In.
who seems to be overlook. ses.
and declared. George Challenor niss, and one 12x10, the property made 61 in his old, breezy style of Joseph Licorish.
mind relieving Trinifollowed by dad of the honour or dishohour, The Railway. Austin, who as the idea may be held in the We understand that the four minds of those in Trindad who locomotives (two large ones with then entered and when the has responsible for 46. Spartan last Grenada appove or disappovse of the reman was bowled, had only realiz poted intention.
fenders and two small ones for ed 14 runs to which shunting, as well as some cars Browne contributed 59, and LB (From the West Ildian. SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR which Now that the corn season is in, non ordered from Tudor 39 The game en led in More and more it is being made we think it the right time to December, in time for the comAnerica, will be THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY e arriving here in an easy win for Wanderers.
clear that increased wages can sed successfully by the people of the United States for more than 70 years sound a note of warning against not keep pace with the increased waste. Corn is money to day, locomotives, the order for which ing crop Honour for Barbadian cost IT POSITIVE CURE FOR ALL LIVER TROUBLE, of living. What is wanted is and will be more money to mor. wes placed ie England are not ex: Lady.
a greater purchasing power of and a prompt relief for morrow. People who have corn money. This can be done only by Billiousness, Sour Stomach. Dizziness, Bad Breath, Constipation should save it, and practice pucted here before Julyo next Flatulence, wind in the bowels) Vertigo. blind staggers) Mental Dullness, It gives us pleasure to learn increased production, a better rigid will that Miss Ada Shepherd, system of distribution, and probably arrive economy in its use. Some year, and Indigestion Sick Headache, Malaria, Sallow Complexion. time ago the Agricultural De steamer, ordere for the Islard D. about the sa ne time as the new daughter of Mr Thomas Shep wherever necessary, by the eli Simmons Liver Rogulator is a regulator that extends partment did good work in Rute. The latter, ittis said wil herd, Postmaster of Christ mination of competitive methods Church, and Mrs. Shepherd, has and the establishment of the coits purifying and exhilarating influence to every part a csapaixo urging the people be simit ir to the Nap trima.
to plant, plant, plant! The eam in every way, except that she been awarded the Royal Red operative.
of the body. It helps the appetite, brightens the Cross for se paign needed at present is to will draw six feet of witar as services rendered mental facuities, sweetens the breath, restores vigor in teach the the late war. Miss Shepherd Trinidadian. who witnessed activity, and cheerful spirits.
preserve, preserve! It is of no Meanwhile a number of girders, thres of the Naprima who is a graduate of the Somer the Peace Celebrations in London (The Powder form can be sent by mail use to have the biggest possible both large and sna are bing ville Hospital Training School has written an interesting ac perishable crop for the biggest landed for the for Nurses, Massachusetts wint count to The Port of Spain Ga(or strengthening possible waste. It is of more and to France in 1915 After describing the va the Har zette SOLD AND REOMMENDED BY Surgical Enit rious international troops repre United States Pharmacy volue to campaign for the pre bubling of the bridges, and serving of perishable foods than their destination so that the are being rapidly conveyed to where it served under the Bii sented, he says inter alia, how140 Central Ave. Panama. Opposite El Sol Silk Store.
the mere grow work may be completed in time to campaign for tish War Office for nearly four ever, give the palm to the Yanks.
in of them. What are we going for the arrival of the heavy eA. LOPEZ, Proprietor.
in trench helmets years, She is to do with our corn? Where are rvice their band of about 120 sisters who gave devoted service are gines strong date mills and factories to alleviate the sufferings of the played the liveliest air.
for keeping local food Yanks are Coming. and as they victims of war.
long Advertise in The Workman as possible? What corn meal are Says the Exporters and imneared the King Reviewing we preserving, what pork, hams, po ters journal. New york, be.
Death by Drowning Stand they put on their best steps with chests pushed out like IT PAYS fish, bacon? Where and how are fore the wur. Inost of the razors Matilda Walters, 50 years of umbrellas. To look for colored we storing our potatoes, yams, sold in Trinidad were hollow ground and of German manufacage of Bank Hall, was drowned troops among the British was on Wedresda y last, while taking bike boek mee French had them ture, American looking and English bath with girl Bonnie razors now dominate the local Dundee, Christ Church, In fact met De markets and Anerican safety Negro officers ceased went into the sea and sud of the French Army. The West razors have met with such in denly found herselt in hole Indians wer were no Where. The creasing sale that now the trade in them includes the larger part which she could not free Yanks had colored troops. It herself. On being pulled out she of the razors sold, and the tra le a great pity that India, was still found to be breathing, East generally, were not repre. Head Office, National City Bank Building, New York in safety razor blads his be: subsequently died on the sented. On Friday before come a growing feature of in.
was at Hyde Park where coowds portance, especially in departinent stores An inquest was held later on were looking on at the prepara by Dr. Herbert, Coroner, and tions. There were French girls Capſtal, Surplus, and Undivided Profits Over 3, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
a jury in connection with the who got up a concert and games, Those interested in racing here matter, Dr. Johnson made and it was a pleasure to see them will be plessed to learn that an RESOURCES tributed death to drowning. The French troops, dancing and mak OVER 100, 000, 000. 00 Cy.
effort is being mvle to reviye thoroughbrel racing in the Wet jury returned a verdict of acci ing much of them. There was a Indies, Barbads has started to dental death by drowning.
ball thick, and Trinidad has followed.
heavy black officer Sole Official Depository of the Rep. of Panama It is now detinitely arranged to evidently did not want to dance, have 12 thoroughbred maidens Vestry Grants 1, 200 To. but he eventually just had to Shortly after, the dance became Depository of the Panama Canal between the two islands by DSufferers international and all hands joined cember next. Sometime ago soine Grenada gentlemen were talking There was a special meeting fun. had a great good Zuaabont a similar plan. Now that wo THE INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION war is over they have an oppor.
Thursday to consider the report land soldiers came up to me IS INCLUDED IN THE ORGANIZATION OF tunity of putting their intention of the Commitee appointed to re asked the way to Buckingham into practical effeet. We do not sport and to estimate the damage a tall Pite one of them was The National City Bank of New York hope that a few pounds will prevent some of our sportsmen from touthed houses of poor persons. the othur caused by the recent heavy raina coloured fellow: Are you a New AND) IN CONNECTION WITH THAT INSTITUinvesting in this respect.
that a total sum of secebe gran. Zealander to which he afirma TION AND ITS DIRECT FOREIGN BRANCHES News was recalved on Monday ted which, when divided, will in tively replied. said. No man last thst Ma. Laurence of their opinion, relieve the sufferers you are a Barbadian. He ownea at once that he was from OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL BANKING FACILITIES St. Bartholomew Hospital, Nine houses were stated to have Trinidad scholar, had passed his been entirely washed away, seven, good laugh. We went to Bucking Bridgetown, and we had a hearty INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT PER ANNUM first professioual examination. with distinction, a portarnageal way. and prevents tam palice water Belgoed in Pnysics and friends.
Biology, Mr. MORRIE, ROBERTSON, lost their clothes and furniture was also Laurence awarded the second scholarship and three persons desired to reSub Manager We enter and utter a cry and that Acting Manager of 15 offered by the authorities move their houses from Delamere is lite we yawn and depart and of St. Bartholonew for compeLand and Hall village Relief that is death.
tition among first year candi.
was recommended in the above de Chancel. Continued 01 Paje 3)
people to preserve, ayunst Faid one of three They led The the up to three INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION from was and the thie but beach who in the.


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