
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 PAGE PEREE LA MASCOTA The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes Honour, The men procession MULLER feel sure is exercises.
Speech with fisheries that to the unusu from these Panama Furniture Company Ti e Late Mr. Scipio Hit by a Storm.
Interesting News From the (Continued from page. Pollard, P, late Dutel West ledis Cable vis Bermuda states that the trent storm ir dates in Chemistry, Physies and the Caribbean sea, ted through th Blulogy. Mr. Laurence gained an entrance exhibition at St. Bar.
JUDGE RUSSELL PANE the most terrible damage on the Bahamas round Havana; in Che, but di tholomew in October lasty Port Cons!
of Spain Garette GYRIC.
towns of the Gulf of Mexico, Corpu Chisti, especially, suffered, Round this te THE HOME OF gion the dead are said to number som We clip the following from a hundreds. The Werther Olli was able u Dominica West Indian Exchange, rclatire warn the town long before the storm to the high tribute paid to the showed itself, and all day Sunday people Dominica. Srd. On Monday al ternoon the Dominica men who late Scipio Pollard the able were removing themselves and their retnrned from the front were Negro Lawyer of Trinidad who goods. When the storm struck, water was ten feet deep over the business publicly entertained. banquet died recently :streets. Wreckage is now being cleareri High and Low Cut was given in their honour at the St. Gerard Hall. His Before begin the work of up, and relief work done, under martial law with the the day. desire with the per censorship imposed.
the Administrator. His Lordship mission of the Chief Justice, to ghastly ine dent of the storm in the in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet persons being present. The the Bishop, and other prominent express my deep regret at the loss of the Spanish steamer Valbanera. death cur esteemed brother which, on the 18th, was days overdoe.
were then marched the Pocket of All the in the sofession, Mr. Emman Cuban gun boats were enching the Be town, preceded by sted mobel si o Pollard. The hamas for traces of her. With three hun news red me in Tobago, and dred passengers and a crew of 159 she arin national costumes, and follow this the first opportunits sived off Havans in the midst of the storm ed by a squad of mounted men have had of expressing She could not enter pont, and therefore and Boy Scouts. The pro here, in this Court where he was put to sa to fight it out there. Faint wirehalted at the Savanah, where the tened to practise, the sense less calls came back but too (aint to lomen, after being liberally served which individually, cate her. On the 19th, divers from Key.
Sole Agent mshments, carried out hich am Some some legal retitioners, bon Telt by all west, working in forty feel of water, off es were delivered by several genmembers Rebeca Shoals Lighthouse, found the of the Bar and Solicitors, and by They declare it is the Valbanera.
a bhull of a vessel fastened in a quicksand.
tlemen before the proceedings but 37 CENTRAL AVENUE ions of the whole com PANAMA wide sections terminated. The crowd, which munity. Trinidad is poorer by there is no trace of the people she carried.
numbered several thousands. WAS the loss of an unique personality, PEARLS TAKING PLACE most enthusiastic and orderly.
Cut oti at an age when be retain.
ed seemingly all all the buoyancy, OF DIAMONDS all the vigour of mind which Tobago ALLMAN the Panama Hats bust years of life, oui Hand Ironers friend was yet old enough to Londºn Augast 22. By a strange freak WANTED Quite a lively entertainment in have belonged to a time, and to al fashion diamonds have become tabu. CLEANED and BLOCKED LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR in the ultra circles of Fnglish society, and and TRIMMED to Order school practitioners, known to Between 10th and 11th Sts.
the form of a concert and sale came off at Wesley Hall on Wedthe rest of us, with few excep now passing before the conquering pearl Bottle Alley. nly by tions, only tradition ALSO Colon, at La Esperanza nesday evening 16th instant. The la Paix in Paris as well rom the Rue de Ther were giants in those days. So London we have the word that the woS the Regent Street jewellers here in MILLINERY DRESSMAKING attendance was MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LAUNDRY he bimsell delighted to assure sales brisk.
us. Charles Warner, Maxwell mon of faction are exchanging thelr dia. HOUSE No. 965, La Boca LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY Philip and later on, Vincent monds for the softer glow of the Oriental The rainfall recorded at the Duneon Estate for the month of Brown, were the models on treasures, and not in of connois memory Latest English and American Fashiors. Only First Class Need Apply)
which doubtless he he had formed seurs of precious stones have pearls comAugust last is 09 inches as PAY EVERY QUINCENA.
compared with 8, 34 inches for himself at different stages of his wand such a price as to day.
FITZ BOWEN Alse Cleaning Pressing Sando different qualities Because of the dislocation of of the richest Your Patronago Solicited the same period last year. Precipitation took place on 17 days. Too ori in the South Seas and else THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Prices Moderate NEED AT ONCE!
lower of a school be source of pearls has been partially closed, 28 November Street, San Miguel mere Our well appreciated gnavas stood out during all the time and the suppleo trickling in do not nearly House 20.
MY MOTO. PUNCTUALITY are in season. The preserve knew him, and that meet the demand, South Afrion, meantimes TWO COMPETENT makers are busy with the first COMPOSITORS tended to close on thirteen years, which has hoa ded its diamonds during crops. The scarcity of bottles is a figure so distinctive, so strike the war, is dumping as fast as the specua great draw back to a more exlators will permit.
Good men will find good tensive trade being done with the combineeresting in of his qualities and wages.
various delicious preserves made. would fruits.
never dream of classing him with not perhaps to buve succeeded, Apply atthis other practitioner, or with but the heart of humanity which that, whether at our own or any verdict of a jury when they are From certain parts of the island speaks in the honest, deliberate 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA The Workman Printery commenced. This means that the the other Bar. Law had been the stndy of his life. pursued not misled and our friend, what.
Next Door to Cecilia Theatre ured, ever other arts he practised, Central Ave. Corner cocoa erop will be early this year.
Weather conditions have been in throughout with intense, unreAnd was no intentional thrower of Street, No. mitting ardour; and beyond any dust in jurymen eyes is bet lits favor all along. We trust prices will continue to be good.
question he was a splendid ali Headquarters for round lawyer. Despite the fore the world.
ter than all the technicalities in midable, though friendly rivalry Mr. H, Monteil of the SubIn Ilaw he had no speciaof younger competitors. he re res lized knowledge of particular High Class Furniture Coming! Coming. Coming. Treasury has returned to the to: up He mained to the end the best known branches, such as our ever la!
our criminal lawyers He was inented friend, the late Mr. Louis THE COLON looks all the better for his holithe criminal lawyer par excel Wharton head of the law of All New Goods Sold at day.
lence. That fact must be taken Colored Comedy Co. SPEAKING OF WAGES knew law thorough into ac ount to understand bis Reasonable Terms.
ly as a general practitioner to take you on a trip to ebara ver. Great advocates bord, not made. Their develop must have tried hundreds of knows it, in all its branches. Laughland with an None but a mean and niggadment, however, is largely deter eine UP TO THE MINUTE aly soul writes the New York Roenreises in which he appeared. and mined by their environmght. ea WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US cannot recall one in which he Now, it may seem at first sht was not from the outset prepar when buying Furniture.
Comedy and Minstrel Show ing Telegram would grudge any man demanding and getting his fall deserts for his labour.
criminal law must have a dete: which could possibly arise.
as it a career in the practice of a ed to discuss every point of law Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock, Saturday Evening, Oct. 11, 1919 We will even strain a point apd, morating, a hardening effect on that bring me to sperk of his to an extent, let the worker fix a man character One is glad anplication his unvarying indus his own wage, put his owu value Silver Clubhouse, Cristobal.
to think that in point of fact ad on himself. Mark you, we say really quite otherwise. Our Eng. try to studying, backwartaa to an extent. There is a limit in ng forwards, and from ev ry e lish law is so tender towards the ceivable point of vie, every ADMISSION everything PHILIPS Reserved Seats. 500. It is possible for a man to be than one Jodge has not hesitated case, even to the must insigniti Genl. Admission 25e.
cant, which was, entrusted to his liberal without being a fool. Pogto declare that a criminal Court, charge. Som tim is one could sible for him to be good humourif not exactly a school of gene not help thinking that it he had Purchase tickets early to avoid Jiho rushed and generous without being a rosity, is more of that nature studied them less it would have WE LOVE THE LADIES coward and knuekling down to than of the contrary, better, Still if it was a fault, Guarantees Satisfaction in th.
threats of dire disaster unless he Prof. E, DEANE, sententias vendunt. mikes his employers equal partcutting and manipulation of phruses and their it was a noble, a generous one their (fine)
Manager. ners and pays them big wages as (tine nam declared or the bar pion ut al personal costs of wlinta the old Ros have said made him the chem alder part of his characters which, as VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE well.
Demands for wage increases risters of his day. But have reached the point of absurKards you must have them to ever member of the public sell tice sentiments you must services. For rich, for poor, he enouch to bis Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats Drivers of milk wagons demand have those coo, and that is part gave ulike alus, tuo lavishly SPECIALTY 50 a week and commission and a as of your nature. Pure pretence his comparatively brief span of six hour day: window cleaners may succeed for a moment but lite has proved to his energy, LADIES SKIRTS COATS want 39 a week; bricklayers, not for them the mouth speak his very life blood as it were to 10 a day and so on.
34 YEARS EXPERIENCE EYES EXAMINED With these demands granted th. The gl of the real ora went to see him on his death 111, und even then he was wor.
what will be the next?
GLASSES PRESCRIBED That these demands are of neBox 968, Ancon, to can ry 18th Street, Central. ere must be son e true feeling rving himself about a case which certainly did the Perfect fair and near vision in cessity to meet living costs is there. man with a cold na exces excessive, one pair of glasses.
bad heart is not likely to sit nou But he was al the inordinate care he not true. They are largely a had doubtless, make a good eriminal lawyer in as who strike demands. They are If you do not need glasses we made because the getting is good.
any British Court of Justice. born la wsee a boru plerder, will tell you so frankly, That, say advisedly, man of wit, a man of heart and We offer best Optical Service. Plegable have got into the habit of giying had the best possible opportuni liike him for all in all we shall We recognize that comparisons ties of judging, and having geyer isok upon his like aguin are odious but it is permissible to known the man well, was the In his family circle his goodness Office. 182 Bolivar Street, ponder window cleaners drawing secret of our friend success of heart made itself telt with 122 Central Ave. Panama COLON more pay for their work than enHe had a warm heart. Let a man happiest results, and am sure (IN FRONT OF MASONIC TEMPLE signs in the navy or lieutenants retain him he was to that man the sympathy of the entire pro The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment in the army; bricklayers more and of Dr. BUCHANAN, In charge. han naval lieutenant commandnay, more a protector, champion others, gows out to those who and Prompt Attention.
ers or army majors and drivers of milk wagons as much as colfest of risk to himseil, or as he was so dese a thick and thin defendered were so dear biun and to whom Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of WM. LAWRENCE Post office employés clergsconsequence whatsoever.
never believe his client ADVERTISE IN PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDImen, a majority of bookkeepers Tailor and Outfitter guilty, He wanted justice done, and others are admittedly lement CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC.
and attain what he tervenils The Workman ably underpaid and this fact is Dealer in School Books, bekeved to be justies he would used as a lever to push unionism brave jules, juries, puolie opin We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
and Stationary.
and otherwise contribute to the general unrest ion, anything. Ajex lylóg the lightning. That is the sort of Ir. JOHNSON Things are not equitally ad.
Phone 930 No. 11 49 Street, Panama O, Box 829, Ancon.
metaphor he loved himself, How justed as they should be and SURGEON DENTIST chains from Central Ave.
merie was a word habitually in BROWNE MCALMON must be, but indiscriminate wage his mouth) Bon Coeur. That Phone 1003 Address Address: raising and pretence of curtailing helped him out in many a case.
profiteering are not ways to se Sometimes, tonically be ought Ancon, 852 Box 805, Ancon, Toure the desired result.
that mort sage; but he tre koje. at the it is ry CM TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Verba been. man shirist aity.
Panama Optical Co.
ra baviny The Chemical Hall 10


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