
Published on Saturdays by de Box 74, Panama One Year tion but as a mark of good faith. 20 800 25e.
10 am not Coast more than 25, 000 uncounted exports of that a twants territory and as an apterm orm (God PAGE FOUR THE WORKKAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 Editorialettes.
status of Isthmian cricket h: finally made him do the right The Back to Africa been studied nobody would thing. It is rumored that all THE WORKMAN attempt to talk about profes of the men made most reMovement.
The Difference sionalizing the game in Pana speetful representations to Some people believe they ma. The difference is that in one of the Big Fellowson Mt.
Negro Fellowmen and women: Rates for Advertisement on applica have a lot of sense and rush the West Indies, like all Bri Olmypus and Pete was called It is with the deepest love for my Wohnoreorder the confisterece alam, tion Correspondence on all maters off to the newspaper with a tish places cricket has a dou on to give satisfactory reply race Elem dealing with Boole of Panamaof public invited And hope All copy for publication must be collection of incompatible ble classification, it is either to it will not only awake the spirit written on one side of paper only, and bash good enough only for amateur or professional, while against him. Pete fell into a of racialdove in you, but will also RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of themselves to read. They on the Isthmus it cannot bear pic and wore a look on his Awaken the spirit of Consolida 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica dabble in every imaginable such distinetions and has tak. face that showed he was to tion and salt wetermination for Mother Six Months subject and write about noth en on the status of one of the be pitied, it is rumored, and the restoration of our Three We do not undertake to return ing most of the time. The athletics. The decision to give after patching up in the Country Africa. write on this rejected correspondence.
trouble is not that the scrib. purse to playing teams is usual Scotland Johnie way) a subject, because know there race blers are serious in their at both commendable and just report on the question at is the very idex of being called a The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS tempts, but they are some The payers, in most cases sue, swore eternal vengeance decendant from Africa.
times SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 taken seriously by will have to lose a day pay on the gang who wrote the angry with them; no, God fortid; others who, like themselves, in order to get the time off. the letter of complaint, rather sympathize with them; a do not lose enough time in and it will be necessary for some people are wondering pity their lack of knowledge con cerning the stupendous wealth of Man, Know Thyself!
thinking how foolish, to the them to face the question of if it is true that Pete is trans Africa. Very iew of us know, majority of people, the rub transportation and equip serred from his present office, that Africa contains 12, 000, 000 bish might appear. The Bar ments for the occasion. The and everybody who knows square miles, and is three times The happenings amoag the colored section of the Isth bados Jamaica cricket match athletes will have u met ex him negro or blanco is pre as large Europe and half mian population point to the fact that there has been a scheduled for the 2nd, and penses which the public might paring to ring joy bells and Telancers Norna That it is the general awakening of the Negroes in this country, and 3rd, prox. is the best propos not be able to see just now, knook oldtin pans in cele of Africa as it is around the the prospects for racial recognition have never been as ed affair as yet in the history and it is unfair to them to bration of retnoval of Pre fly Alrica hus 40. 000 miles of river bright as they are at the present time. Yet, there is an of West Indian life on ihe suggest that they, or their in the ointment.
and lake miles of railevident sign of lagging and hesitation on the part of many Isthmus, and weather and managers, are playing the role Scotland Jounie, can you of the colored people who see nothing but a barren wilder other conditions permitting, of professionals.
bite a pepper?
ways. It has iroa ore equal to fire times the output of North ness and remember the occasional fiestas of a tyranous the public will tness one of No, be gads! s cans bites America, 50 percent of the past, forgetting, at the same time, the oppression of a the nicest forms of amusej Never Mind Pete.
a nigger world diatonds, hateful autocracy which kept them enslaved as so many ments ever held in this counThe men say that this per, gold and rubber. The Bel.
millions in ivory nuts, oil, cop inferior creatures existing at the permission of a benign try. The managers and com Rumours to date are re Scotie is not only trying to giad Congo alone sufferance.
mitties of both teams have sponsible for the statement te them, but has sworn to 10, 000, 000, dollars worth This feeling has taken such hold upon the uneducated arranged their plans and con that Pete has decided to get eat them out of existence; and rabber yearly, Very few of us and ignorant colored people that they have ceased even to ditions, it is therefore unneces. rid of the old timers in his de rumor says, that the oldest kuow, that Atrica has all degrees climate, all way feel that they are entitled to any rights as human beings. sary for anyone to shoot off partment has an act of spite men in his department have truw the tropical the mud Among such people the thought is that they should be on the subject with the idea because the other day when baen letout one after the other temperature, cold temperature thankful for the merest necessities of life which they are of suggesting to them what he held up the commissary in procession for the past thir aud arelic. African gold is permitted to gather through the onerous and irksome ex should or should not be done books of his men and subject ty days. This is something verbial. The country is so penditure of energy, and that they deserve much less than in arranging the conditions, od them to serious disadvan for the authorities to look into supplied with gold, blue tu energy they receive from their white over lords. The negro, they If the general character and tages they protested and immediately.
baru believe, is allowed a place on the earth, not because he is ought not to be allowed to go jeight miles. is called the Guid. as an of the same flesh and blood as any other man, but because, as not resist insult and outrage from the white man; tnere Pete, whatsoever a man sow ouest. the natives wash from on any longer. Never mind; plicauility of the a beast of burden, he is a most indispensable piece of pro, are not a few who show by their unconditional surrender eth, that will be also reap.
the sand and dirt, gold perty. An ex Governor of South Carolina once compared to the immoral suggestions of immoral whites that they Bhich has been the means of the Negro with the mules on his farm, and it is not cer are familiar with no better principle taan to let deception wakiog many rich. All the tain whether the cringing Negro does not feel that he is crush virtue beneath its feet, and we cannot contradict Contingent Men.
needs is scientific 000 devenothing more than the compeer of the quadruped. the affirmation that the higher per centage of illegitimacy Not a little difficulty is being very little ot tue above undeniaMany ot us us kuuw but It is the boast of thousands of colored people that for of the cross breeds is due entirely to the fact that Negro experienced by the paymaster of Lble facts, and the majority of us the briet period of emancipation the Negre race has women believe that they are compelled to quench the fiery the West Indian contingents, who to tuloy bligus totally. absolutely 18 achieved a progress that has approximated the miraculous; passions of their treacherous white employers, bas reently arrived on the Isthbut with all the success that has come to the energy and The intelligent West Indian men must teach these mus, to make final payments to gain say, sympathize with tnew, know aspiration of the thinking Negroes, great impediments women to honor themselves and piace the proper value the returued soldiers who have what they say, The Negro has have precluded the social advancement of the race. This on their womanhood: they should be made to know that any money coming to them. It! been taught by the cunning is true, not only in the West Indies where no color line in they would look more natural and more decent as lawful seeins that the majority of the write rubbers test they should sults the diguity and manhood of the race, but also in the wives in the homes of colored men than they would ap men made frequent and heavy regard Africa with disdain tunt the colored constituents of the population into a condition men pay checks. But in saying this, it is kept in mind tive service at the front, and now there are only savages and carilUnited States where segregation and discrimination vex pear as conveniences in holes in the wall paid by white drafts on their pay while in acest is a disgrace to consider one a descendant That of reciprocal hate.
that a great number of brown skins from ins island that they have returned here buis in Africa. From the earliest peculiar characteristic consigns the easily satisfied elect to be the mothers of children whose fathers are they have no clear knowledge of period of our childhood we are colored man to eternal serfdom, and it is dangerously nameless white men, rather than to honorably bear off what they are to expect, but wucht to disregard and disre.
near to the impossible to expect him to do anything that spring to Negro men whose names can be called in broad everyboby is expecting a good spect our race. We Nave been will contribute mis own interests in the matter of per day light and whose relations could not be clouded by tump. From what can be gather. der ourselves as inferiors and the from to sonal claims. Take away from the subjugated Negro the suspicion. The work of educating such women is not ed from the oftice of the paymas wiite tan as our superior. We doctrine of slavery and a creature able to take his place very easy, especially when they are of the class who tak ter, several of the men haye al were taught from the cradle that among the thinking races will present himself to view. more of color than they do of culture.
ready drawn the full amounts tue Negru can not get along witn.
If every colored man could be made to know his own There are colored men, also, who have learnt to bow due them, and in some cases was heard of the waite urao. Tuus we were worth every white man would be compelled to respect him down to every thought of the white man whetner that where the British Legation has ou the white mau for no less for his color than for his inteligence. The impedi thought be nonest or not. In most cases they know better made advanced payments to men we were caught segregation ments of the race are therefore not altogether from the than that, but they make it suit them to surrender their awaiting arrival of the pay master, anong ourselves. reminder outside, but are sometimes found within the race itself. manliness so that iney might insure the good will of the amounts have been over drawn. reading in one of the school books It may be difficult to get the majority of our own while man or men wnom, they believe, will always be in The men should understand th at a blac black man with flat Qose, nick people to admit the truth of the statenient that we do not a position and always disposed to help them keep their the monies they drew during their ups, and nard kinky huir.
place the proper valuation on ourselves. Just as the women jobs, or get work, when they are down and out. mer stay in Europe were from their you see clearly, that the child of of a fame bury themselves as denizens of the underworld ary propensity defeats manly traits, and the spirit of salaries, and not gratuitous dis mixed.
blood that 18 for lack of the correct estimate of womanhood, so, too, independence is sacriticed on the white washed altar of tributions, as they seem to be who does not possess a flat nose do the members of the colored race who submit uncom treacherous subjugation. Some go even further than this thinking, so that when this is ku uair, as not kuuw lois. Negro; and there are plainingly to the outrages of their white brethren deliver and offer to betray their colored brethren to the white considered they will see that way of tue so called brown themselves over to a senseless fatalism which compels bosses and others who may happen to have to do with their expectations of big sums meu who think su misu, thus causthem to lie down. If the race is to go forward, we can them in any relation, with the hope that these bosses may now were miscalculations of the ing a spilt in the race. Due wnite not afford to move with a single facior of it remaining show special favor them.
correct situation. In cases of kauw better than we do, in pontical or economic slavery.
The spirit of independence is exactly what the Ne made to their wives during their when they saw that both factiuas married men, the allottinents that the House divided anoux itself cannot stand. heretore, We must remind ourselves that we are faced by a groes of this age need in order to take their rightful place absence is being refunded, but were getaus whether, Sir sid.
problem which must be solved before we can hope to gain among the other races of the earth. This must first show no such sums are paid to single aey Oliver wrote a book showing the ends for which we are so persistently struggling, and itself in the more intelligent belore the substratum of en since there was no allotment out wat the the solution of the problem cannot be lound in any other colored society can be expected to manifest it. When any allowance in their case. This will be see vauue was superiore way than by the education of our own ignorant masses. colored man, from whom the worldfexpects better, turns serve to clarify the inutter, and her ine wuite man or the black This educauon will not be found in books or schoolrooms, turtle on principle and adopts the tactics of a picaroon the simple fact is that the men are mau, insad ul a disywve; as but in the hard cold facts of everyday experience. Ignor nothing much in the line of integrity is left to be expected expecting to receive payments to causing a wrrible Weakness in ance itself must be fought and defeated in a decisive way from a man of lesser advantages and experience. One which they are not entitled. our ruce. As a which knows no come back. The Mass Joe and Miss will not need a physcological microscope to see the inconтшано wa wawMary contraternity must be broken up into irreparable sistency of a man regeetting the fact that he was anfor The Lo yal Perseverance we ture fractions so that the obsolete curtsey might rest peace tunate enough to find nimself in the ranks of professional duct Dotween the sand we fully in its grave.
men. The facts underlying the statement not being able Lodge No. 10105 horse was a superar u. No As intelligent creatures, we ought to know that sub to stand publicity, it were magnanimous to dismiss it as a wonder then, that the gubraut servience and abject subjugation are draw backs and bar pointless episode, and to breathe a sigh of relief at the working direct for herself with the white woman Negro tries to disgrace aimselt riers to manly independence and integrity. The individual memory that a professional misfit does not necessarily under the Committee of Manage or the white inan ia order to get who has to bow and scrape every time ne sees a Supe imply that all colored luminaries are impostors. Yet, be ment in England, will give a ser a mulato; u superioe animal. No vice of song entitled The Pets wonder they try to straighten rior is the sort of being that will rather die than do any cause one of the number loses the respect of the commu of Camelian, on Sunday, the their kinky hair and bleach thing against the will of the person whom he reveres nity the whole must feel the blow, at least, for a time.
16th November next, at the St. their skin.
even if that action would be in keeping with the honor There must be a general and sincere respect for the be had frow Allman, Colou, uhe white man against members Charles lodgeroom. Tickets may No wonder they carry tales to and dignity or respectable manliness. The vileness of such leaders of the colored people by their own, and if this is of a propensity among the ordinary classes of West Indians lacking we will not be able to move an inch from where of their own race. white preacatoitures the pride of the more independent and self re we are. It is expected that people of another race will Much interest has been aroused in several Negroes tol him, they er told me soine tiute ago that specting among us, and imposes a sentiment of disgüst question the integrity and honor of our leading men, in British trade circles by the proposal to would prefer to be the slave of a which makes language creak in its effort to express it. tneir hostility to them, but when our own people shunt hold in London in the Summer of 1021 white in an than to be the servant in iie process of instruction to our blind eyed fellow off into tracks of disloyalty, and meanness of ingratiates, great exhibition of the manufactures and ot a coloured man, Apwhite foreTest Indians and others of the colored race the right the handicaps in the way of our progress are more heavily products of the British Empire with the man wid me just a walk ago that and wrong of things must be presented to them: they increased, and the goal of our success more remotely re Tre scheme which has receive the sup sub furemau because ne is a black object of promoting imperial trade.
must be toid what they are worth, how they can get their moved from our reach. Let all the colored people get to port of the colonial governmente, wawan merit, and where they can get it. Many Negro people gether in united strength, concerted action, and general fully discussed at the British Empire Club No wonder possess the feeling that they are bound to accept any kind loyalty to the race and all the intrigues of dark eyed pre mitohondon. When he was decided to non is sucha de moral cowardle but of treatment from another as long as that other is white; judice could never avait to impede our advancement in proval abide Goverment for official ap Guank Gud Tha New Negre several of them are afflicted with the idea that they should the world. Continuel on page 81 sella everywing.
Just a week ago, what a Negro is Now not pluck aod and ward kiuky (u prouuet between the Wulle a prou de symbuՆրա օմն lized wie ing Luas a proto work with his sentative committee tº organise to work.


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