
IPHÊ WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919 PAGE WIE Canal Lone Notes American Bazaar to Haney party then Walk Oder The Shide for you are wor possess u very sweet soprano voice and berin stage of their baby boys Phillip thaniel. as taptiana by the Rev. KightU. Association engsles Paraiso, in them. The ceremony started at 30 with Mr.
LA BOCA NOTES George Willians in the chair, who gave Holds Meeting at Colon a noble address followed by a prayer by Sanday 19th October was inThe concert given by the Silver City Mr. Walker, Song by Mrs. Wil deed a red letter day in Colon for Band at the on Friday night lama address by Mr Cohall Duty the Universal Negro Improve RELIABLE HABERDAS TERS 17th inst, was preces from the young sole by Mr.
all angles addresses by reveral gentlemen, song by Communities. League.
ment Association and African The decorations were the most elabor Mise Brown, Mr.
ste y. diaplaved at thie Clubhouse.
Armstrong pre sided at the organ. The As was announced to members The different items in the prossembled at the dining table, and did must do his and her best to make by the President that every one pramme, the rendition of me, and the justice to a sumptuous spread, packed base of the patrons of this out the occasion eventful from the weloved in pular Band all helped to We sympathise with Mr. and Mrs, representation and large attendcrown tbets of the promoters with George Allen in the low of their baby ance which filled every possible girl. Baby Allen was quite sekly from seat in the Church, it had manibirth and passed away Tuesday the 21st. tested itself that members had me whieb consisted of Muriel deuts, and quartettes, Vocal The few last incoming boat from Js risen to the request of the PresiSolon, Biek Dancing, Gags, Farces, maica helped to swell our numbers. At dent for though the rain tell etc. ele, was handled in a very maspresent we are three stronger and three heavily between the hours of Gine young ladies at that, we use this and p. people came ie from terly online like mener by the medium to say Welcome contribut every side.
Our very popular Teacher Reynolds QUALITY, The is throngh with his part of Loyal to the cause the New took ti bir and directed the affairs the bushing it is said and as that re Providence and Panama brancliof the evening in his usual appreciablo inepeetor, we hereby call his attention the Colon Branch, and may it be maining is the property of the sannitary essent delegates as asked by style, wd in his opening address he APPEARANCE, stated the sime and objecte of the Band, We understand that the Municipal said with honor to those branches and the good it has done and is doing Engineering Department is the sole they sent able men to represent ar ill continue to do. bons for our streets (some streets. so them. Bros. Burnett, Woodham Fatty Dedier started the Ball a rolling DIVERSITY OF STYLES, we are inviting Major Boyd to take. Providence and Bros. Headley, and Gordon were sent from New in his song They all go wild over me.
ride out to the Auto Rond terminal, and bro and truly did they go wild, even the infants hollored for an encore, but owing then dismount and walk along our Grant aud DeSouzs from Preama. These gentlemen main street to the Tracks thy sons of the race, and have to the length of the programme same AND DURABILITY ARE which he would be alarmed to know could not be done, and even a we went goes by the name of Brondway. This trusted to them. They spoke enfully carried out the mission endown the programme every piece was would bring action, encored. Mise Muriel Fastmond, and her BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN Com On account of the unavoidable ab deserve the thanks of the Colon tutor, Mrs. Thomas Millington, rendered sence of the President Dunn, the Branch for the hearty and able La Gracieuse piano duet in good style, installation which adds another laurel in the Crown MARK OF oual No. 2511 manner in which they addressed was postponed until our first regular the meeting. Special mention, of Mrs. Millington cap. Our very popular Mrs. Frederieka Weeks was meeting in next month, when all mem. however, must ba made of the again there and surely did she deliver bere should make it their duty to attend. Messrs. Grant, DeSouza and Bur.
the roods, and as sweetly did we receive WALK OVER it. Mrs. Julien in the sunshine of your nett We regret that Mr. Grant you GATUN address could not be published wed smile was very much appreciated, and verbatim; such an address the sunshine did come into our smiles Let your next pair of Shoes be worthy of a true son of Africa.
at the conelusion. Mis Evelyo Williams The regular weekly meeting of the He said that he came to speak to in Ab have sighed to rest me taken Literary Association came off last even no other negro but those who from Il Trovatorie Selection was very ing and the community was well pleased were 100 per cent negroes, He beautifully rendered. This WALK OVERS lady young to see on the programme such men as exhorted the audience from Dr. Radway of Colon, Corpl. Watson every angle and sphere possible in the next few year we expect to see Intely from Europe and Mr. Sargeant of to be true men and women to the the forefront of our leading colored Colon. The able speakers kept the race, he dealt heavily upon petty artists audience spell bound and no special men. jealousy and small talk and askMiss Francis surely spoke to us in her tion can be made for everybody thought ed every true negro to cast such song If he can fight as he can love then that it was just a prelude to the arrival tendencies aside for they do not Good bye Germany Messers Boyke and of the Hon Marcus Garvey. Great tend to help but rather to detract Dedier in The Duet The Wounded Sol credit must be given to the Secretary and prevent progress. His time dier presented the REAL THING the Association for the real he is ly and valuable suggestion to call they were befittingly dressed to play the giving to so noble cause. The next for membership during the part and right well did they play it, of EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
meeting of the Association will be on course of the Seourse that was expected of them for Panama and Colon.
Priday the 31st instant and the entire in 53, who gave meeting brought they are not novices at playing on the.
COROSKOOX OXSXSCOXoe: to thank the Colon gentlemen vers deed grateful to this loyal and Miss Irene Payne in am lonesome much for their able elocution and trust talented member of our race for all day long and in her part of Minnie, that when they are asked to return, they his very thoughtfnl and valuable Minnie Shimmie for me with Mr.
will gladly acquiesce.
help. Mr. DeSouza serious and Bookles had the audienee going insomuch Prima Dona keeps on singing Tey Sol of the 23rd. Quite a number of members CULEBRA forceful address with historical that they would not stop clapping until Quest Anima; were present, and a very inspiring meetKnights of Pythias Supper cciyed. Mr. Burnett witty and references of facts was well reback to the stage Aleo The Dunbar Dramatic Company, ing this proved to be.
composed of Messe. Dudley, Bedeau, Mr. Luther Riley in his Buck Dancing Munroe, Mise Payne and others, was Dance.
On Sunday November 9th at 11 am.
master ful mind has manifested the Cerio Baptist Church will hold its Stunt, which was the best wen for a Inasmuch as the dance which will be that New Providence has an able PARAISO dedication service in their new church iven under the auspices of the Knights thinker.
while Mrs. Julien and Mr. Dedier in there with their usus jully stunts, which at Empire House No. 52 On account of Pythias is far distant yet to every an abundance of laughter.
their representation of the Shepherd boy provoked Now As was announced last week the of the diffirulty in getting into the old bunch of people you meet talking of the the Isthmus are linked up let us that the three branches on wat everything that could be there is no animandine deliver goodsMissionary Services posed of Sun. church during the rainy season. topic is what kind of a cuit are you hope that every eđort will be expected, and that item was put on the company one ander plut delivered the cous day the 10th ist, Mr. Goodall bave secured the Building, programme by special request.
they do not on the same stunt was me going to wear at of The Quartett The Husband mist twice The prencher for the day will be the the 22nd of next month? and in the to an unqualified success. The ske taken by Mr. Vinn Holder Our genial Tench called a halt on and 730 His sermons were most majority of cases the answer is white un usical side was well represeatMassero, Lagrie Pile Rouget the concert at 11. 15 and the hall impressive and will long be remembered Rev. Steven Witt of Gatan p service There will be special speakers suit The management of this dance would ed by Messrs. Morales, Layae, illustrates the husband coming home being cleared for dancing the Silver City by the people of Paraiso.
peakers p Pulpit supplied. like to inform the gentlemen that their Roberts and others to whom the from work and not finding his wife in Bad occupied the stage and the audi On Monday night the public meeting Sunday Oct, 26, 115 Deacon subscription must be paid on or before Coloo Branch due much thaakes.
worried about. and sees, fantastie until 12. 00 midnight.
the partor or dining raom a customary encen dhad to changes to tanie niekto, light was held when the chair was taken by Stewgrt and 30 Mr. Lib the 15th mo that the calentheans of Miss Applewhite solo Jesus Mr. Louis MeGrath, who certainly ton of Chortllo Baptist Church Lodge No. 6, of was melodilying on the role, a mur There is no guinsaying that there was pleased the audience with his opening know what they are about in the way of ous. Miss Palmer solo was also tically the same as the one owned by a very delightful time spent and it is the and closing addresses. The speakers preparing the supper which will be held good. Mrs, Morales saxophoue EMPIRE his wife and in taking it up, he finds consensus of opinion that saine should of the evening were the Revd F.
at the Gatun Lodge Hall after the dance. solo was effectual and Jove letter in it, but the muff and letter be repeated, and we trust the mannge. Parker and 1. Evers. recitation The examining physician of the function Blackett sang a composition by was belonging to a hady friend who called most would see their way to her kino by Mister Ferdinand Atwell was highly Empire Folks ware treated to a grand will be present and it all depanda on the himself entitled Africa. Which during the day and forgot it there. In before us as soon as possible appreciated. also a reading by Miss dance on Saturday night at the Colored stability of the individual; anyway, he was highly appreciated. Mr.
ehe Ders while the having overslept Louise Me Grath, Hall. Quite a lot of the fairer sex from has promised to prescribe a dove every Grant poem of Afrion was a htrself, came out of her bedroom, only Song Service at La Boca Club Paraiso and Panama were present. They half hour.
to find her husband is a bad tempor over House vote of thinks was given to all all enjoyed themselves and are hoping to The Postal department surely has a The afternoon programme the discovery of the letter, and aneuses The Song Service beld at the La Boca sporukers and those who helped on this hear that Messrs. Mapp aud Hendly will hard job those days, having to assort, was brimful of good talent and her of infidelity and order ber out of his Club House, a. 30 M. on Sunday, wreat cause of Foreign Missions eo itinue to have same once every count and weigh all mail before delivery aspiring thought. The Presi If you cannot give your thousands; house, while she was erying and he 19th inst. was very inter sting. In It comes very hard on a one man office, dent opening address of welYou can give the widow mite, fuming the young lady re appears, accomachdition to the regular programme was Capt. Willie Green and his bunch of and the public are asked to get their come was brilliant and our lady And the least you do for Jesus by har sweetheart and explains a quet eutided. Come unto Me Will be precious in his sight.
cricketers journeyed to Parniso on Sun mail in the Pool Office at least one hour chairman has shown that our that she had returned for her muff and very nicely rendered by Mr. and Mrs day, Oct. 19, but owing to the heavy before mailing time and losing of me and that our men will have to be of mail. women are as good as our men, her sweetheart slates that she was a Sith. very inspiring adiress was The recent heavy raios must have rains on Saturday night the game had Catlin, employee of the Construcle ter in it she was afraid com, one loo kiven by Me Manning. Secretary of been responsible for the slide in Cule to be postponed for another date. tion of Dams, is now at Ancon Hospital op and doing. Much praise is would read. The husband realize the Red Tank Clubhouse. lle 10vk tor his bra cut, it continly looks like old time undergoing operation on one of his due to Sister Daley for the splenwhole truth of the affair and the curtain subjoe die word Camouflage.
On Sunday, Oct. 27. he Pickwicks CC All his friends and co workers join did flag she silently made ou be.
falls with the head and wife restored the close of this address Mr. to see the dredges eating at the dirt. will play the Jamaica CC. on the Isth wishing his speedy recovery.
Collins half of the Association which mian Park. The Pickwicks are deterto such other sondes The Commissary hias been out of Hour mined to win from the floated in the air by the door of made a few comments, and expressed Eagleson, Soeretary at the popu: the Church, also Bro. Taits and In the quartet The Professor at pleasure at sering the visiturs present, this week, and the supply of rice is Home, iaken by Miss Svely Williams, but he also showed disappoiatu na litaited. This is due to the recent Hir The oflizers of the Empire Colored lar Silver Clubhouse was a visitor to the evening function a Mrs. Julica, Moms. Dealer and Rouges, not seeing a crowded ball. Song Service bour strike in New York.
Club has now started up a practice Balboa on Tuesday, 21st inst. moking the Secretary for their weal in success.
the scene is with the Profesor with a special progratome was announced dance on Monday and Friday nights. for further facilities sud pleasure for our ma Talking about strikes heard one of All who are desirous of joining can see community.
gloating over we as of las cosa for Sunday, 26th. All are cordially in We trust that the spirit wanifortable brome, when the Pex Collecter viled to come at 3, 30 The so caled strik. rs from the Pedro Mr: Mapp.
the Song Service which took place fested on Sunday and the splenAt Miguel Cowary was in a crosd of on Sunday night last, we had the pleasure come in and makes him to understand that he is indebted to the Couny for mua tlaut was being employed for the Me. Mairs of the Culebra Com. to hear one of the most interesting ad did afternoon will always resome tases and sementes them. This Wedding Bells extra wurk caused by the winke, this wosary has romigued and left for Panama dresses ever haied at the Look City main fresh to stimulate the work of the Association and strengworries the Profesor, who bulls him of In spite of the inclemeney of the man name was the third called aid City. We wish this young man success Colored Clubhouse. Mr. Henry Simons then the hands of the oficers to from the ndy city was the achieve still greater deeds.
with a promise to pay wishin a wool, weather on Saturday, 19th inst. five was rejeeted with the words you are in his new undertaking On Monday night, at the residence of gentleman for the evening, and when we Th. Tas seker 37 wedding took place in St Peter one of the strikers from Pedro Miguel, receiving his money and wears he wil Chures. The ceremony was peef wieder dann wieder you, aud 10 others Mr. and Mrs. Courty, was brating say he touched the hears of mothers not come again and te The Prima tay the B:V. T. Matere within the were taken on after of a Birthday Party in honor of their it saying the truth, as be certainly Due then timidly calore, having board lours of to 30 Te most wonder if the or hundred shuu daughter Miss Daisy Ms Courty. Among knows the art of training the little one the quarrel onwide and states that she has sian able of those walls was the sand steel strikers in the States will ever the Miss Siddon, and the younger sex give them.
those present were Messrs. Mairs, Heads, and the eure which all mothers should o Nis Linat Hour to Me Bzury get another job, or the thousands that the time was spent in songs, came to sing Anima Give me your order for your They start to sing together. The maid Linek. The bride was con lasted by have the New York Harbour tied up.
speeches, All roads will lead to the Clubhouse WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, hearing them ing Tu sol Questwelve mide, and her beautiful traia was tonight, where our regular monthly RAIN CAPS FAND APRONS for Anima, and her name being are the carried by twart little bays. The The men involved in the Pedro It has been noticed since the departure dance will take place. Don forget the Gentlemen, Ladies and Chillthought the Professor as we fire jitneye formed a big procession during Miguel Red Tank trouble, was given of Mr. Sayers, that the mainbers of Silver City Band will be in attendance.
ten Annie, and she enters with wes, e these woldings and mida quite a lively alearance with no objuctions to re em the St. Barnabas Choir are not attending Ad nission 50 ets. Cy.
Tu. Profesor how to wway and is app was on this occasion. ployinent, yet wherever these men go practice as usual. It seems that they Tickets are now on sale for the SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM they meet the same rebuff, You are one dau get a good choir master. Why nos Excursion train which will take place spain pursuing his studies with MS THE BIGGEST VALUE ON Prima Dom when tho Fax Collector United Meeting at St. Peter the strikes we don want you. try Mr. Daly and we what he can do? on Nov. 3rd, 1910, same can be had from MV, Engleton, Secretary at the THAT LINE re enters bent on ruuan him do wa.
Church It would have been better if these men The Professor tries to get away from GAMBOA Clubhouse of this district: also from SANGUINETTI BROWN, hiro, bat moels Arnie gula teluros. United Devotional meeting on were deported, rather than be on the J, Neverson, opposite the railroad station.
He tells her to po, ko wa Robe. Sie sisting of te onganizatioas of St. Peter Zone, kad be denied the chance to work, Tickets are 00 Cy, which will FURNITURE DEALER is dumbfounded and appeals to the Churol, namely: The Brotherhood of St. is there no consideration for these men House No. 27 was quite worry take you to and from Pauma and Prima Dona, who sings Tey sol Quest Andrew. The Girls Friendly Saeiety and who have in most cases large familiest place on asunday 19th, when Mr. and admis you to the big crisket game which Corner 3rd November and 19th Anima. The Professor turns round and the Daughters of the King, was held in Surely, some one who has a big heart Ms Charles Malcolm entertained their will take place between All Jamaican Streets, Guachapall.
is jammed by the Par Collector. The the abova named Church oa the evening should come to their rescue.
friends, at the celebration of the Bap and All Barbadian teams.
Ancon Box 836, they were brought in the field either.
which is iden sweet Mr.
mouth Piniod making Waterproof Raincoats ete,


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