
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 1919 Justice Exemplified Getting to America Via Cuba PANAMA BANKING COMPANY In The Canal Zone Courts.
dealings De Me are: Ist Abra ty tals are deprived saible The boats not going alongside the freely given.
that boys he bladder?
grip tɔɔ desirable.
lake It then como a mujeres. El yourself.
W, Stove to us value of thaove been testifying to the heavily. The test poemshed him Horas others us at this dow.
but On Monday last, without any (BRANDON BANK)
display of thestriel sentiments; without any qui ble of racial Conditions to be Observed ty to entrain for Hayana. Two ethics, and any of the bypocris ently demon trains leave Santiago daily taking COLON THE PEOPLE YOU MUST AVOID nearly 31 hours to reach Havana.
with One leaving at midnight arrives Jus: Negroes, tice Hanan, un reserv dly vindi650 a. the other leaving n.
The Jamaica Times arrives 30 Train fares Our large Resources and well known cated and exemplified the of a recent date publishes 331, 3rd class 14. 50. There are class approximately conservative Management afford unwithout reequality of justice wi cards to color, elass or creed, as the attached: laid down in the constitution of no 2nd class rates. If you have questioned security for every dollar the United States by the Father In response to our request Mr baggages to be checked deal with Geo. Stephens of Havana, Cu the emplovees in the Baggage deposited with this bank.
of the Republic George ba, hrs sent of the followers who loiter around. On the train Department and avoid the men ington, Andrew Jackson, Ab ham Lincoln and of others the partienlars which will prove of brilliant defenders of the interest to those who travel to journey be careful and do of man before the law.
the United States by way of too early in accepting the ad have failed Cuba Yances, of those who will pose as to poise more evenly General Banking Business Transacted Foremost and most important, looks very much like dealing being very much interested. This the scale of justice in laying down the principles which every precaution should be taken with juveniles, but when one is ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON shouid guide the conductof Slack President.
Vice President, Treasurer.
United States Consul, as in the and white in their dealings with individuals each other on the Canal one.
event of this not being done no of their property such a one finds The good Judge censured the end of inconvenience wilinbe en comment necessary.
appellant for holding up a white child perienced here, resulting in by the arm, whose misotherwise be or days. To be asked for checks for baggages weeks of delay, when it woul. On nearine Havana you will be chievous pranks, had covered one side of his face with mud detained for weeks means incur. Keep your checks and at the sta which the boy of 10 years old and a pos. tion you can arrange to get bag Howard Severs Lodge eigerung stranded gages easily. If you deliver Charter of the Spanish The Voice of Wis alleged that his brother of 13 No. 5515 the unfortu. checks it means out of your as has already years Lodge Has Arrived nate cases with some.
The Judge in allowing the apI might pockets.
peal and quashing the conviction mention that immigrants are In the station you will be ap Unvelling of Charter, Re. elecwhich was a fine of 10. 00, invery much mistaken in thinking proached by men offering their tion and Installation of Officers the Aurora del Istmo Lodge Witts Pills have won the world great id. Alick you ought to have The Officers and Members of The Allies taking their own or lower Pot Court, for disorderly conduct.
dicted at the Balboa Magistrate moing via Cuba does not cost services as guides. There are wach. It is just to the contrary, some to be careful of, therefore, are specially notified that their Beware! On the ground floor there The meeting of the above lodge Charter arrived the early part of war for the freedom of man.
DeWitt Pills have won greater allowed the little boy to have On arriving at Santiago passen. is an Information Bureau where was called to order at 15 this week, and time and date for gers have to pay 50 cents to get English is spoken. Advice will be with President McLean in the unveiling same shall be arranged VICTORY over humas disease. Mil. gone about his business, and you Inggage through the Custom.
chair. After the usual routine as early as possible.
lions all over the world have been cured would not have been in this was gone through Bros. Morales and millions more are being oured. Shop trouble.
Hotels in close proximity and and Smith proceeded to unveil You must remember WHY NOT YOU?
are boys and whether to be tiken there, In the case of directly composite the station chn the Charter with every member Do you suffer from depremed and are white or colored will do baggages strongly advise the be conveniently reached. The to their heels, needless hun bay tired feelings, restlesene at nights, paino Alick, remember where you are the same mischievous things.
carrying of suits cases and grips, charges range from to for that Bro Morales did not fail to AVISO backor joints sometimes as trunk with swellings, aching limbs, pains in the on the Canal Zone, these white handled cases cause a lot of wor beds in a rom arrangements can berpress upon the minds of those Groins, sannty urine, too frequent people don like you; they dont a En la Clínica Venérea del portance of such an emblem The accomodations in next item on the program was desire to urinats, weak or lame back. like your race and it you were taken from the whart to one of cents. The Hospital Santo Tomás Be prac burning sensation, or jeritation of the up in the United States, they the hotels not chains off. cost such rooms, however are none the re election of officers who tican exámenes y se dá tratahave undoubtedly mobbed between 75 cents and were unanimously voted back to miento gratis tanto a hombres If you observe any of these discom you and brought some trouble.
If you allow a tha In regards to Mr. Deane, it he lo it will Passports must again be vised their former positions; especia: forts, stort to day to take the only real were sent up to this car on lista encargado atenderá per: is needless to here by the British and Amerienst 50 cents.
came the installation ceremony cure DeWite Pills, and you will be the charge of assault, would have protest. It serves no purpose. can Consuls. The former charg which was ably performed by Isonalmente a cada caso, prac1. ticando exámenes de sangre y The sensible thing to do is to es 52 cents the latter 1, Past Master Jarrett, assisted el 606 cuando lo AND LONG LIFA. LTH CARTRENGTE convinced hansault, woul take whatever you can manage Boats on the Key West and by Bro. Tavinier of Local No applicando Isthmus of the Tampa routes run daily except 2500.
bur untir ozges des servicio gratis pa.
value of this medicine. Have no doubt, appelant is corroborated by the boy and that when Deane and begin your treatment Inducements will be tactfully Sundays. Going via these places ing Organizer, gave en exámenes la made to detain you in Santiago cost aproximately 71 either way junction some of his usual good Profilaxis Wenérea del HospiOne bottle is enough for some, went up the at to have your passports vised by including traiu fares. To go advice which should inspire ev.
tal Santo Tomás: deep rooted cases need longer treatment liberty. Deane had no right to in depending on the severity of the the no grievance.
as Deane suffered the British Consul, especially by direct on the Ward Lines which ery member present to be men Para hombres: De a p. He had a perfect at all people who are interested in is the only westerly direct ser the real sense of the word. What Los lunes, miércoles y viernes; stores. Beware of imitations some deal right to protect the bos, but hotels in order to obtain your pa vice is less expensive. The rates was quite an enjoyable meeting De tronage. This is unnecessary, and are 1st class 850. Intermediate came to a close at 12 ere are handing out. Dewiu he had none whatsoever to bit your delay will mean to you a 30, 2nd class 28 plus 88 head Thanking you for your valuable! Los martes, jueves y sábados.
Co. Ltd. London Bottle with blue th Negro, unless, he was so vio prolonged stay in Cuba, Indivi tax. This boat leaves on Thurs space.
La Oficina de Profilaxis Ve sal. City Pharmaay printed on weap lent as to endanger the child nérea permanecerá abierta a life. It would appear that there Yours, duals have regretted falling vic day but in consequence of the pers.
todas horas, día y noche.
tims by the plausible manner great number of people going is a class of white men down NATHANIEL JONES, THE CITY PHARMACY. in which they are so craftily im her it is not advisable to depend Sect. Treas.
NOTICE pressed by these people, hence on an early passage. The Key 139 Con. Avenue, Panama. here who with every opportuAgents for Republic of Panama biok they nity unprovoked or otherwise the wiser course to pursue is in West Tampa routes are advanought down and Canal Zone, availing the very first opportunitageous in this respect.
Unique Lodge No. 2514 First class examination and will Negro and beat At a general meeting held on breatment of all private disease you boys to stop that as it wili lead to trouble.
Wednesday, 8th inst. of the above of men and women free at Ve The Negro must be treated as a BROTHERHOOD NEWS named Lodge business were con nereal Clinic Santo Tomas Hosducted in the usual manner pital.
Important Notice man and his rights must be pre Specialist in charge who The gives personal treatment to police Seven new members enrolled and my opuginn, each then the examination and election case. Blood examination think only to arrest and and put peo and 606 All property owners living ontside ple in prison, the Colon Monte Lirio) are hereby that this man was not asked for am quite sure of officers took place, and being administration where (HELD OVER FROM OUR LAST ISSUE nucided that Corporation has been his metal check in the same manat a late hour a motion was made necessary.
Hours: Men. to pm, formed, and An con Lodge, No. 2516 read, at this jun ction the meet. which brought us to a close at to suspend all further business, pendays, Wednesdays and MOTOR BOAT man. The police has every Installed Officers.
ink was brought to a close at 12. 30 is now being constructed to carry forty right to treat a Negro with the 11. 25 JOS SKEETE Women, to p. ne. Tues.
same amount of WALKER The name of the Corporation to be sideration as they do a wbite days, Thursday and Saturrespect and conSecretary Journal Agent.
known as the NEW PROVIDENCE days.
On Monday night October 18th Poverty is the only load which is the Prophylactic Station open all PORATION Considering that this man was heavier the more loved ones there are hours day and night.
a regular meeting of the abovenamed Lodge was held at San assaulted by Mr. Deane and he Success Lodge No. 2502. to assist in supporting is Shares will be at the par value was allowed to go free, the Richter.
Miguel Lodge Hall, for the purof 1100 Judge requested Mr. Hindman, pose of installing Officers for Gatun. Canal Zone.
the the Prosecuting Attorney to ensuing term, and for the withdraw the of other business.
transacuri VAS called to order Success Lodge No 2502 had On the night of the 8th inst.
For further particulars, Apply to The the charge of disor derly conduct against hitn, and at p. by Vice President special meeting for tie purpose: PERCY JOHNSON, New Providence, that the appeal would be upheld Nathaniel, Acting Pres. After the of nomination and election of. Calidonia Road.
usual opening the Activg Presi oficers for the ensuing term, Hyman at first pointed out that dent declared the house ready after the discussion of much appelant was guilty of the disor for business. First was the roll business, the Lodge Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, charge, as he ein call or officers and next the called to order by Brotber Exporters and Commission Merchants. JONES, minutes of the last meeting was Stoute, Organizer, who the police his metal check num.
read, approved and confirmed. gave a short address. He ad ber or to Justice Hanan said, ha emphati give his name: Having gone through these buis vised the members, in perform Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: Builder Contractor cally refused to punish the pe ness some discussion arose and their work, to pat aside was settled. There were partiality and nominate and elect ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
Io now located at Paraiso, Ca Mr. Hindman pellant after what is happened.
new candidates initiated. At the man who is capable for the withdrew the he Provisions and Canned Goods.
the close of this initiation our offi He stated that office nal Zone, where he can be found charge and the appellant was set acting President Brother seekers are not the best workers at all times by those who may re at liberty.
South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
Nathaniel quire his services: The case for the appellant then called on the gen. when elected. Let the office seek eral Chairman Brother Carter the man. then o nour institution will Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye. Postal address Box 145.
defendant was ably conducted Paraiso.
by Mr. Simon Loy. whose new officurs. This noble brother heardily applauded who was present to install the be safe. Brother Stute was Colgate Co. Octagon. op brilliance in the cross examinain his efficient manner called the Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
of the witnesses was very much Several nominations were made officers as follows: marked.
for the various offices, but the The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Hair Pins. Plehards. President. lucky men were as follows: Important Notice Leon, Vice President Irving Barrow, President, Mark, Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. In Shoe Polish Paste Seey Treasurer, Walkecent, Maloney, Sec. WILKINSON Watches, etc ROWLINS Ingersoll Journal Agent, Moulton, ChapCONTRACTOR BUILDER TO Agent, Jain, Brown, Conductor, Begs th notity bio old custom Bil, Conductor, lahoney, Warden, Smith, Alkins, Warden, Cave, Chaplain, ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. ers that he has returned from the Inner Sentinel, By field, Outer Callender, Inner Guard, BurUnited States of America, and First Class Workmanship has taken up his position again Plans and Specifications Free Sentinel. The noble grand ton, Outer Guard, Rayside, Chairman then installed the offi Past President. After this was For Wholesale Quotations Weate or Phone us. as Agent for the eers manfully and convey them completed the members gave a Washington Talloring Co. 5th Street West House 90 to their respective stations, at vote of thanks to Bro. Stoute, cunciusion ul this ceremony the which was moved by Brous, OF CHICAGO, ILL.
HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE new President and the rest of Hill, same was dɔne in due form. Box 411, Panama, 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
Samples and styles on hand officers thanked the officers We are asking the brothers to Panama, R, proper fit and workmanship Colon, and members of this Local for stick together for there is much guaranteed, or money refunded.
the honour and confidence they in unity and harmony, and if we Box 152. Phone 80 Box 585, Ancon, ADVERTISE Phone 895, Price and Quality Can be Buster had shown them in placing are able to stick together we can Postal address: Box 788.
IN THE WORKMAN them in their positions. The re accomplish all we attempt.
ceipts of the evening was then GEORGE Journal Agent Ancon, IT PAYS to jump in ner as whites they would have asked a passengers.
Lee Chong Co.
quashed. Me was conduct phaticly trained to hand up to Mr.


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