
THE WORKNAN, SATURDAY, ODER 26, 1919 PAGE SEVEN Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes needed Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE fete lopment of the social, inter Sissss. The Open Forum: Chorrillo Drug Store is abso and indusand TOILET ARTICES, tc. Etc.
Their so that the JUST RECEIVED Commercial Clerks Bis POSSSEXCOM SEKEDSS18 the Negro should agitate and fight in so age as progressive me this one, for the Unite.
same things as other races are fighting for. The white man has deelared to the world that his rights shall not be Thursday last, at the trampled upon by any other race Builof the Trabajo, or nation, then why should not the der the and invita Negro speak of the indignitive per: tion of Mr. Alejandro Victor, petrated against him for 500 years?
whose enthusiasm for unity bewhy should be cotinue to be a supplitween Pananalans and other AND cant bowing at th foot stool of a supforeign labour interests, especipose superior master with the same purWening, have become posed other races are looking forward to a come ver one hundred future. that will make him free and indeleading commercial pendent, the New Negro also proclaims His city, assembled himself determined to carve the way for for the upose of associating his future generations.
As anber of themselves into a union for the the Universal Negro Improvement Assoprotection of their future good ciation and the race, hereby appeal to All branches of labour on the every Nero on the Isthmus of Panama Ito join this association and assist in the within recent months Havme organized, and the cause that needs resistance, this awakening must JOSEPH SENHOUSE undoubted go to Mr. Victor and New York City his associates who have become September 20, 1919.
figures in the indus trial and economic life of this Republic The concensus of opinion lavors this An Exhortation.
union between Pins and West Indians. There lutely no sane reason why these Paraiso CZ id Otoxosos 2013 SOC 08535 SOUSC:SUSE Oct, 14, 1919.
Dear Sir. Will you please permit me space in your valuable paper to express trial life of Panama, should stand my feeling towards my colored Brethren.
apart. It is a commendable Being a close reader of the Workman union and we hope the relation ship will develop into an unbreak1 paper, and have appreciated the many sentiments expressed in the paper: thereable chain of friendship un.
fore desire to cast in some Mine, trusting reserved confidence. That this that it will be appreciated by the readers.
union which has been establish. Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columnas 46 STREET, PANAMA.
the sentiments are purely those of the correspondents As a previous writer said, loses ed will become indissouble, and that all the sqare deal and better has come down to us, in the forn of LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Just received a full stock of Brother Sever. It is intended that his working conditions anticipated be mission is for good, and will do good to. SILVER CHAIN GOODS all who came under his mission, but we Communities League sed its must remember Pharosh. b)w it took a ple be ameliorated without any Wage and the High branches in Central and south America, Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES serious division between eapital long time before Moses could get his Cost of Living. the West Indies, the West Coast Afri.
and labour.
consent to le the people ko, For overy form of disease.
During cs, and in nearly every site in the Uni this time the Israelites were always offer.
ted States of America, and is Star of Rebeeca Inaugu Editor, Workman. The cost of living those of other races to sit up and take ing up sacrifices and prayers to God for their release. So likewise it should be for rated.
Is becoming so high that thoughtful peo notics, and it behooves every war man, us to give up ourselves to God in Spirit ple smoneat UK, are feeling that it hns woman and child to give the rul and in Truth, if we want to obtain what The Star of Rebecca Sveint which reached a dangerous stage Students of Negro Improvement Association we desire was working under the jurisdiction of the history will know that situation of support, Give us a call and inspect our New Stock, the Negro treat Improved Independent Order of Oddfel. like nature in the body politic have produ: ed as a manequal to that noticed since we have taken up our lows, London Unity, was inaugurated and revolutions. There is abs. lute danger and not as their inferior. Rourmer we Satisfaction Guaranteed.
new name, that is New Negro we are Lodge on October 8th 1919. Social in the preeent situation, and no one can buve gone a distance where we are not FLOWERS, Proreitor. all awakened from ou our long slumber, started in the month of Pebis 1919. positively identify the last strany that turn back. As a race we have already that am proud of: also that touch has and owing to its rapid growth It Was will break tv camel back. There is demonstrated to the world that Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519 been said about Preachers and so on, found necessary to discontinue its always danger when the poor man loaf Negro is capable of accomplishi va the but no encouragement have been given ingas Social and establish in it is threatened with paring below what we things other races hivi accomplished.
towards attending to Religious Datics; independent Lodge. The Executive Com may term the irreducible ininitum The upheaval brought about by the and to this end desire to express myself il in England spared no time in granting We are suffering from the results of world great war has awelowed the No.
In the history of the Israelites in the Dispensation.
sharp practice in the realms of finance gre from his slumber and enthused with Bible, we have obeerved that a loug ng The following Distriet Grand Office The whole world seems to be indulging in hair a sense of activity in period of they serve the Lord were deputed as delegates by the loween in an orgy of profiteering, and the consu reconstruction the Lord aright, it was well.
The bad spots in the with them, anel whenever they faltered, tive Council. Bros. Charles Austin, Dis mer is hard hit.
much boasted civilization have all come large and Fresh Shipment of their enemies prevailed against them.
triet Grand Master; Sidney McClean. It stands to benson that if there is no to light in the summoning of the Negro to So, in my estimation the same thing as District Deputy Grand Master; Celeridge bolt called, the breaking point will be the fight for democracy. There is none of CLARKE BLOOD MIXTURE existed in the past will continue to be Hurley the Negro extro race who does not wish that even though things hav have completely sepls Husband, District Grand Guard reached and the crash will come changed for God is the same God yesthe Officers skillfully conduction that the High Cost of Living is een ew years earlier, The efforts to meet Wo understand we general propesi aditions of today had presented itself ecremony, at which over which have Prise in As conditions the New Negro. exhort were made The following ringent on High wages or vice reren, but AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
all who bear that name put down all installed administer jurisdiction for we fail to see the economic principle in society, business, state and church must selfishness, all bad thoughts, and habits the present term: Sister Miriam vir volved in Low Wages and HCL But be given consideration and be faced of the past, and put on the whole Cleani. Noble Grand; Niss Budis colored people seem to live in Topsy frankly. Justice is the dominant demand, the inequalities Armour of God; let us qui gambling, Vice Grund; Mrs. Denny opportunity and reTurvey Town. and we are always the SOURCCs ist be dealt with, the democra.
drinking in excess, and wing into enter Miss Porter, Secretary: Mise Reptions to general rules ey for which we fought must be meted tainments and things that will bot uplift Covard Asst. Secretary, Mrs. Yestwood, Is it not passing strange that our offi out to us The vision sought by those of FOUNDED IN 1881 us Warden, Nirs Austin, Toner Guard: Mrs cial masters bewail the spread of Socialisun the race when summoned to the aght of The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
Grannum Outer Guard; Mrs. Chase, or Bolshevism, and then the next moment God has blessed with six days to Temaeraer, must be made to walk in the Chaplain: Misses Trott Chandler, and to the very things that sow the seed o homes, in business and social relations of MANUEL ESPINOSA work for our living and as a Civilized Mrs. Price Evans, Supporters. This rep discontent that surely lends to the race. For over 300 years we have Central Avenue, 33 body of Negroes, say we should give is the 3rd branch of Unity established on radicalism been kept down by other races, and now Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
God the Seventh day in Worship and the Isthmus, and the working nights will thanfulness for His goodness towards us be 2nd, Wednesdays and 3rd Fridays.
Individually, ench laborer is in a worse it is high time to awake, to awake out in the plight to day, than he was fuse to face sleep for now is our salvation near these past week. Let us not think because we have joined the United BrotherBest Paid Soldiers to re with prior to Juv 1, 1919. Consulte We believed. It is high time that the Lessons Given mit Nevero build himself, the building must hood of Maintenance of Way Employees Dr. CONNELL price of Commissary article the and Railway Shop Laborers that we will ceive a day; Canada and now, and see if y a proses of multi be in the thought and purpose of the lication sets Mark.
and comparison, the SURGEON DENTIST he change race. To bring about fuel conditions on the Clarinet, the leading be benefited by it without God. We must have God foremost in all our Band Instrument. Band or ings in all that we do or say. Let us In all our undertak has been of u beneficient nature! will be necessary to being reconstruction. Winnipeg Man. Aug. 17. Canadat While wages and the High Cost of Liv. into the desert thought life of the roos, Orchestra furnished for all bear in mind that, without will have the highest paid standing any ing are chusing esch other around the the old way must be reinterpreted in the kinds of engagements. do nothing; then by having God as our Can be found at 175 in the world, according to an announce circle, the consumer is suffering and ret. light of new experiences and necessities, guide, and leader and comforter; let us ment by military headquarters to day ting the worst of it. NEILSON its kres must be replenished with fuel to Central Avenue continue to give Him what is due The pay of private soldiers is to be in Him The solution lies somewhere else, than that will turn in the atmosphere of toClarinetist Republican Band day. The term reconstruction is becon When the day for Worship is come, let creased from 10 a day to 00, it is in an increase in wages of course. we ing swollen with new imoaning daily, Opposite Station 17 St. West House 37, Panama House set aside for Worship, let us Ancon Phone 1053 us all go as children of the Lord to the slate do increase; we are reason is that officers recruiting not decently remunerated anyhow but meanwhile the negro is looking to see put aside all party feeling or hatred for in Winnips and elsewhere ior the per this juzgling in e sts need to be stopped what part it will play in the day of new any preacher and serve the Land as we manent force have found it practielly im Why do we not lay hold on the busi, and enlarged opportunities. It is not ought possible to get men of good character If we have Preacher in our tistrict, and physilly fit to serve in the army ness proposition of Co operative Enter necessary to wait until the fine points o prises every reconstruction issuese seitled be.
for 10 a day when they can make and he does not prove satisfactory to the fere challenging to preThese enterprises are sound in princi ven won in the future of soditions that from te 10 a day in other vocations ongregation; then there are many ways Nearly five months of recaiting for ple.
have existed in the past, but to push of removing him, rather than saying unthe company of Princes Patricias to be Oce or two hive been brought before forward will our tenching and praetice AUNDRY pleasant things about him; We must resationed here has reulted in te negu the public recently, and we would do that coming generations of our race may member that all preachers or ministers sition of only fourter men. Ou er well to give them our hearty support, develop into a mhood and womanhood are called to perform the work of our units have fared even rse.
We would be bls ering up Industrial which seek the beauties of life instead of Lord Jesus Chtist, and that we should Democracy and the latter is a desid those things which tear down and treat all men as we are expeted to be eratum a thing, much to be desired. destroy. The Universal Negro Improve treated. We are Negroes, and as such, Press all kinds of Suits.
we should stick to the name, still we GRANT. ment Association is an an oruniation the world that means to stand by every ought not to be so drastic to those of principle of Twee manhood, and to other Races, by not going to the Church To the Colored Men Sight its vay through the great barriers in which they preach. We should placed in the way of the race. The ourselves as Negroes, and as such, we on the Isthmus of hour for manhood rights bus struck; Expert Operator and First Class Work should keep very close in Communion We Always have in Hand a Comand it is no time for Negro o gtninawith God in our Prayers and our doings.
plete line at Reliable Low Prices Panama.
Srons in any part of the world to SUITS CAN BE SENT TO OUR SUB OFFICES AT things that are not uplifting, and Inspiring bove everything, we must put down all cet promise their attitude in fighting for and Holy.
the rights of the four hundred millions of Chorillo Street or Calidonia.
Sir. Permit me space in your valu our people. glorious future awaits know that there will be many eriticisto in regards to this, but pray that Give us a call Before Going Else Alde paper to inquire of the Negro on the every member of the race who will but where. You are sure to be a Time Istbinus of Pama: what are you doinktake courage and link himself or herself Office open every day from 30 a. to p.
we all give it an earnest consideration, if Your WATCH was Repairad by US to belp that great and mgnifiernt move up with the great movement that is now and see if most of what say is applicaCALL UP PHONE 629 ble to us, and that we endeavour to do ment, a movement fostered and control encircling the world the Laiveraal Ne.
led solely by Negroes? the Universal sro Improve nent Association. The three our best to amend our rays and be a full New Negro.
Remember We Make Wed. Negro Improvement Assoeiation and centuries of sucrifice of the Western NeTrusting that my fellow brethren will ding Rings and Other African Communities League, under the gro has stirred hio sukobly through his own leadership. It as capable as any other race in taking be benefited by these few remarks, and of Hon to fight Inis way through Jewelry to Order Garvey, are you helsing us in New York the barriers of life. No Negro in this has been said the Negro cannot load bin advantage of the opportunities of life. thank ng you for space Mr. Editor, to demonstrate to the other races of the Western Hemisphere ean look forward to self; that for him to be sucessful in any The New Negro can se absolutely no remain yours FULLER is the Man You Want to see world the lie, That the Nogro cannot a bright future under the leadership of pursuit he must be led by an alien rae. reason why the comforts of life should be Respectfully accomplish anything tharough his own alien race, so it behovw all thought The achievements of the race in education, applied to other races and not be enjor.
initiative. Already the Universal Ne ful thinkers of the race of today to industry, art, ssions and on the benle ad by him. This is an age of the struggle Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Igro Improvement Association and Afrieau realize that the negro en save himself field, prove that the Negro of to day is for survival; and it is but natural that (Continue on page 81 Phone 939 District Roval Infant Preservative terav, today, and forever.
the new ondidate officers were Central Drug Store Treasurer AAAAAAAA.
God we can.
provide for the pre La Esperanza We are prepared to Clean and in NEED WATCH Prices Moderate quit WATCHES and JEWELRY reus him to make determined to


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