p. 8


Concert and Dramatic Programme tion, out LA BOCA SILVER CLUBHOUSE Saturday Night, November 15 et 11 out with the fine any IN SPECIAL FEATURES The Lady of Lyons אחריימר צי a better take warning of this total concern 0 Borrow, are those wh long life, and All the men are re De starting Graft PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 1919. RICKET.
United Brotherhood DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS Britannic defeats GRAND (Continued from page 1)
Returns to His Old Stan Yorkshire Boss ism anl iniquities of a The General Public and tonis like nature.
of Dr. Elwards are asked to The Britannie met the Yorkshire This suggestion, in essence, take notice that he has repared in the first cup match, that is worthy of careful considera from No. 114 Bolivar Street, to has been played in the second half of his action would be direct, as Old Stand, No, 182, Bolivar the 1919 season and defeated them by The old truth of the horse Street, Opposite the Masonic three runs. No other match was played starving while the grass is grow emple, and is is prepared to treat owing to the condition of the grounds, BY THE ing has an every day application all diseases, especially those of but as this match was slated for the and we have had a few concrete women and children, as bas Standard Oval the very best wicket in examples during the past few specialized these subjects Panama the game could be played. ISTHMIAN DRAMATIC COMPANY weeks.
luring his recent stay in New Reid, who captained Britannies. We are looking forward to the York.
won the tors, and sent Yorkshire into Under the directorship of LEYBURN arrival of Bro. Severs mean bat, and so well did he and Holford while, we are holding on to the McClean at 30 pm, after the AT THE bowl, that of all Yorkshire batsmen.
original and fundamental concep isual formaliting the Print Ed, bill Wits the only man to reach tion of the Broaherhood dressed the mem s ruminddouble figures, out of a total of 65 runs One in hope and doctrine, nk them that the live 18 made by his side, he made 31 runs not One in body we.
tile on the doors are in pen, and members shout! GRANT Holford bowled splendidly, keep ing a length, and wand again with their quarterly di Journal Agent Vine candidatas bied.
getting the ball back from th. lex wickBrother Jones vas cartas on CURTAIN AT O CLOCK, SEVERS COMING.
of works for 25 after having he job it gives is much The following esblusharubeniothing but pire seming see that our mn right through unchanged receivd froin the Broth rh od bad. Brother Worales is Jill, wh was once the mainstay with Britannie bowled Headquarters during the las ther dlats Womentat overs, and they yielded 19 runs. What week: vur meeting an they spoon has movir Jou? Does he not in Act 3, Scene by Edward Lord Bulwer Lytton Detroit, Michiran some very important mi intor his friends? Many Oct 1919 sting matters minds lost name and fame, Tecnie Nicholas night will be on on the tirsa he would Man About Town not esday of next mat Balbo, To the true mude by Yorktuie, Bri One Act Playette by Stanislaus Stange, in which that well known actor, Il minbers are urgently tannies replied with us Cyril Morand: will play Jack Weatherill The Man About Town Will leave the States on Novem be present not in the Hill 12, Smith 15 and Best 20, ber eight presentative m. shirp and the Bohrsthat Both Smith and Best played a find will be with ine. Collect all dat lid not pay their quarterlys ame, and deserve most of the praise Atlantic Orchestra in Attendance possible and hold grievance case it our last meeting mustry for the victory so far as the batting is until arrival unctul in doing south 11t The fielding of both sides HOWARD SEVERS, neeting was out, and leaves much to be de ADMISSION 0 0 0 c. MWASON sired. We wonder when will raptains Detroit, Michigan, Journal Ait learn that many a game is lost, because October 16, 1919.
he will not make his ten practice Nicholas Carter, Isles of Springs Lodge hough fieldina Tickets on Sale at all Silver Clubhouses and at the Kashmir Beauty Bulboa, This wat which Yorkshire has suscelebratas 10th AnniverParlor, Colon.
Severs will sail in about ten tamned, practically dashes to the ground dhys.
un nodoll hope she may have enter E BARKER On Sunday last the Isle of Tale of being in the race for the cup Springs Lodve cele 71 row the Standard Oval will be Ancon Advance Lodge brated its 10th anniversay the site of other great game, then No. 2517 large and representative rather Alr. Thoms XI will meet Mr. Holders assembled to congratulate X1 Among the men who will play to PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL The officers and members 10h Birthday and to wish them he members of this order on its are those whose names are up before the Committee to be votd on for the Colon Advance Lodge No committee to PANAMA COLON 2317 of the United Brotherhood continued success Dace in the Barbados XI vs. Jamais The Workman rer be and of Maintenance of Way Empiog ng able in this iste to faid quested to be on time as the game will TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, OCT. 25th. rs and Railway Shop Laborer 1s readers an account of this at 1290p. sharp, weather TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, OCT. 25th are making preparations for ery plasant function ind pro permitting. Each man is requested to swell time on the evening of Fri 10th, 11th 12th Episodes of nises to do so in its next issue.
bring along his bat, and not to come de day, the 31st isnt, where cer pending on a club. That each one Commences the Stupendous and Highly nony of installation of officers may know his place to mcrrow we again will be performed and the un Among the recent arrivals by publish the line up of the teams, and reDramatic Serial Picture veiling of their Charter Oficers he Sleep El Sol from San An.
mind the players that very much de of sister lodges are cordially in lies. Colorobiu. is Miss Hran.
pends on their showing up tomorrow vited.
will in Thomas Sunday, October 26th 66 Holder both in this GUNTER is City and Colon Alloy Holder Sec Treas. Miss Aguilar luft Pinami last Best Broadway Scandal.
February to vist relatives and Grabam Croney Victory Lodge No. 2509 riends in Old Providence and Sin Backman Holford Continuing Monday Night with the next and Continuing Each Night the Coming Week Andres dres and having returned Blackin in ooking a picture of health, during Episodes of.
On Monday. Oct. 20th, the re Archer ler stay at San Andres Miss Ephili Graft If You Have a Conscience this gular meeting of the aboven un Aguilar was the ham gu of Williams Trotman ed Lodge was held.
dr. and Mrs. Durfis ef that Williams King and Each Night the Coming Week Picture Will Appeal to it.
At pm. President Gran Moore Phillips called the meeting to order BOOKOOK Garvey SOXOXoot Owsro singing verse of On Sundays on the Pin Christian Soldiers.
After pray There is one game to morrow in conun Branch of the Universal ers the minutes of the last regu gro Improvement Association nection with the Gittens League.
lar Successful Meeting of the meeting were read and con vill hold its regulier meeting at Jamaica vs. Pickwick at Isthmian tirmed he Wst Indian Labu Union Park Universal Negro ImSeveral important communica 23. Street, Guhali.
tions were read and discussed provement Ass the Rev. Tyler Bist will be do membership war che principal speak for the THE BACK TO AFRICA Last Sunday At this stage Brothe evening Mr. Gadsby will pre.
Stoute was introduced to th MOVEMENT.
side as Chairinn. decent gathering attended meeting He spoke quite lengthil on Band and choir will be isatthe Mass Meeting of the Panama certain plans which we a ndance.
Continuerl on page Branch of the Universal Negro unionists should adopt. He wa sees different tc day. Our Negro Improvement Association last FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE beartily applauded and wa promised our hearty support.
men and women are learning Sunday at the West Indian La Our next regular meeting wil HAPPY FOUR QUARTET that instead of the mixture being bour Union Hall, when a very GAUTEMALA be held on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, an honour, it is a disgrace to the interesting programme was ren Monday, the 3rd, being a holiday MAKE HIT.
Negro race. The New Negro dered.
Al financial members are asked has lost all confidence in the The President Mr. Abraham, will leave BALBOA, Noon, SATURDAY, 25th October, 1919, for white man Payta, Eten, Pacasmayo, Salaverry, Callao, Cerro Azul, Pisco to be present; meeting to begin Prof. Whyte an: Bytin his own race.
man and is gaining inore declared the meeting opened at 430 at 30 sharp.
Lomas, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, Chanaral, Coquimbo and As an eye by the singing of the Hymn Valparaiso ATWELL, ran Stars of Co.
witness, The New Negro is From Greenland Icy Mountain. Journal Agent certain that he is not halt as followed by an appropriate praythe white er froin the Chaplain Me Jos EBRO Under the auspices of B.
man. The New Negro who is Smith.
Invincible Lodge No. 2518 and before a fair sized audi: one hundred per cent Negro sin After many brief and very intwill leave CRISTOBAL A. M; will leave BALBOA, Noon, TUESDAY, ence the abovenamed Comedy cerely believes and 28th OCTOBER, 1919, for is certain eresting remarks he (the chair. general meeting of the above Troupe chiselled an impression that he could hold his own to per man) introduced Teacher Wynter Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquiqui, Antofagasta and Valparaiso local will be held on Wednesday that will long be remembered on night, Oct. 29th, at St. Anthony the Isthmus as to what is possiwhen he shall have estab of the Panama Baptist School as Hall, Calidonia.
bis own Government with the Speaker for the evening.
Members are ble ajnong colored folks along the asked to be present at 30 in line of clean and sane entertain out CAUCA the aid of The New Nee the white man order that the business to be ment, if given am le encourage.
will sail for TUMACO, ESMERALDO, BAHIA, MANTA, and transacted may be got through ment.
to the point. Among the many GUAYAQUIL on or about THURSDAY, 30th OCTOBER, 1910. at an early early hour.
and he has no flag; but he is de remarks he said, that as a mem. MONER Miss Ethel Burton any My terwined that he must bave ber of the Race, which had made Journal Agent Belgian Rose and Miss Et a country and he must have a him a full fledged member of the SALVADOR Williams rendered am always chasing Rainbows both of which that you allow The Old Negro to form just as a soldier would will leave CRISTOBAL, A. M; will leave BALBOA Noon, FRIDAY, Howard Seavers Lodge were encored. While Mrs. Watts die a natural death. and. 31st OCTOBER, 1919, for Puntarenss, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, was seen in a beautiful setting New Negro reign with power and and it needs be to be shot (great La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose de Guatemala, and Champerico.
Lodge No. 2515 of The Rose of No Man Land the of full manhood in you.
On Wednesday night, Ostober which was highly appreciated.
Be a New Negro: 100 per cent and assured the co operation appluase) He audience that ELLERDALE 15th, a regular meeting of the for the Neg.
above named Lodge was beld forran held the audience spell bound Professers White and By.
or ask God to take you out of this roes to form themselves as onel WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ABOUT MIDDLE OF DECEMBER, FOR the purpose of collecting dues Gags, Songs, and Buck and world, Let us all dedicate our man quoting the war 1775 1783 also for the transaction of gen Wing Dancing. Byran being lives to the the cause of The Hon between Great Britain and Ame. ourable Marcus Garvey so that rica, and the French Revolution Havre and London eral business. The meeting was claimed to be in a class by himcalled to order by President self in Buck and Wing Dancing.
in the very near future hope, in 1879.
we will be able to chase the white Rectitation entitled the Black For Further Particulars a solo rendered by Miss Enid were also up to date and well The Choruses and Quartets man out of Africa our Mother Star Live was then rendered by Hall, after which the Chairunan rendered, and they were very Country and reap the benetits Mr. Raris which met the Apply at the offices of the Company at made an appeal for members, few, if any who did not feel sorry they are now reaping.
hearty appreciation of the entire audience.
CRISTOBAL and 35 persons paid contribution beside several who enrolled their when the last number of the Mr. Percival Toppin next took ADVERTISE or ałtv Pasii: Saan Navigation nin, names.
programme was announced.
the stand and delivered a very The Meeting was then brought This newly formed Troupe has IN THE WORKMAN interesting address.
PANAMA to a close until next Sunday 26th, certainly merited the ercurage.
The house was then bathed in when a special programme is ment of all who have seen and IT PAYS showers of appluases through being prepared for the occasion heard them.
Pisca Aguilar. Graft 66 Beenies. Harding LAD Innis Till Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
of iti much savage as fection lished of the fact that he has no country spoke very lengthily, and directing spirit


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