p. 1


VOL. No. 13.
PRICE Cts. Cy.
como the geneertainly to join the arios views number square deal, will (1) few his place.
force improved clearance 00 Illicit Profiteering to De Facts Showing Nefarious feat Gov ts. Decree Scheme Carried On Voluntary Fund Started by Friend. We have been requested to call We expect those who are more Say Pay Receive is Inadequate the attention of the proper au for the favor of a boss than about on His Behalf thorities to the following irrego. fthe welfare of silver employees larities existing in the Calidonia to be seized as usual with fear to Cost of Living Sabanas District: and trembling and brand us as Colon, of solution of the problem, then Bro Since the Governnent of Panadiplomacy when they read the Jamaica Gleaner Icon instead of continuing in the Police indiscreet and lacking in recent issue of the is inadequate, and consequently Oct. 29, 1819, ther Stoute will solve it.
ma has fixed a standard tariff of they want to become soldirs domestic mmodities, the Chad of the bosses are trying to get tains the following which Force.
following account of how some In view of the fact that he lost coal of Because Astorney Cox Jamaica championed the cause of his job fighting for the rights of peddlers have assumed silver employees stand apart like. the poorer class, the earthly his fellow laborers, suggest (1) sulting in an unbearable incorre so many tingers, instead of re shouid be of interest to a It is reported that the Inspeemaining together in solid forma to bear upon him and he was Stoute Fund be started by community who depend on the picking out sach men onehalers forces of hell brought pressure That a fund known as Brother venience to that section of our lion like a mighty fist. We a large number of our read tor General has made certain are recomendations to the Governor forced to flee from his native each Local Lodge of the Brother use of this article in connection for improving the Police Force, Tanded But God was, and still is hood. 2) That each memier con with their domestic duties. and hope soon to place their We understand that under new and there is good reason to with him, so tu day we find him a who the fund. 3) That who find it inconvenient to In order to evale culiandethit all honest inen may be ances of soldiers serving here are carried out the numes in the Traitors Gallery Army Orders the pay and allow believe that it his suggestions candidate for high office in the attend meetings, hand United States their with the recent deer by the able to hand in keep an li pon thein.
eye have been incrensed to an appre ciency of the force will Malevolent bosses ilitreat sil e able extent and from all accounts be to a bigher standard Here on the lathumus, Brother quota to Bro. Carter at his offier, Alcalde, tixing the di otte Care than it is Stoute has been denied the right the Editor of THE WORKenal al 50e. per sack, Live Chatver employees, in order to this there are several men who are than wana at present. brod có tk to MAN. 4) That non inembers cal vendors take u.
to earn bread because he set forth also contribute to the fund. 5) soine buint near the Castro ante like and the clinicute under the improved conditions. instance, on the anxiouts to aruny deal will depend, in the in the first a by spralic strikes.
facts which tore themes from That all contributions be forward where they are met They figure of and opened the eyes bis his led to other Stoute not later of women urneying all the way the other stops on our part Amongst the number are some members of the proces conche than 1611, along with a list from the Calidonia Bridge, who revoke our charter s; that the resenlisted in the Jamaica Consta when it comes to the question cause the United Brotherhood to of the men who have recently and then the Legislative Council.
of ing fellowmen. With tongur nd of the subscribers and the amoy the coal from these men at calling of charters will make bulary Force training at the providing the necessary funds to pen he held together the weaken punt each subscribed, as a tan their own homes in small tins at such an inroad into our ranks depot in Kingston ing ranks of the Brotherhood Qible proof of our appreciation of 70c. per sack it They have carry out the improvements in which were stampeded by the bis services.
the rate of 10c. per tin, amount that our organization will be dis found that the pay they receive the force. Allen stunt, and brought even the ultra skeptical into our ranks there with start the balling in the aggregate at 00 pua stead of being able to main left to men generally perform a certain day after he is employed even if rupted and silver employees, in sack.
to demand a be until now we are moulded into a ing, by contributing two dollars solid phalanx.
goldI While it may be impracticable the tender mercies of the flagi. task. It pleased the boss to as the boss doesn know it, and to quit my job will not sign my to place any restraint upon the tious pack. Here are a few facts sign this task to one of them and soon the Ped ros will find that as a teacher in the Canal Zone name.
monopoly of this article by a few which show how the nefarious then discharge him on account of when they discharge a silver emSchools, Bro. Stoute was second to none. As an organizer of the ing our columns to such a worthy of some regulation governing the charged a silver emboss distim is also a member of the other silver employee will take We take great pleasure in openavaricious peddlers, yet it is scheme is is being carried on unsatisfactory service. This vic ployee to satisfy their whims, no thought that by the enforcement few days ago a Brotherhood, he proved Buc Brotherhood cause. Ed. ee, alleg cess. He is now directing his at sale of this article at a fixed price ing Reduction of The (5. certain bogs planned to While proselytizing is an im.
tention to the surplus labor with Here starts the list: per pound when retailed, the next day another man was in the have articles removed after a portant factor in the solution of which the Isthmus is flooded, and NAME AMOUNT situation would be satisfactorilyjob. The indicated that both his them. The employee was in the only one, and because the discharged employee silver eur. ployee had checked the problem, it is by no means if clear thinking and steady in thusias in combined with honesty.
Exploited Worker 00 If some regulation could be work unanship and conduct were formed beforehand by a white surplus of West Indian labor is of purpose mean anything in tie Workman Printery.
enforced, the chance for this good. He is a member of the friend and thas escaped being so great proselytizing is neceslicit profiteering would be United Brotherhood.
discharged for unsatisfactory sarily a slow method. We must duced to a very small margin (2) The first laundress who service. The selected victim is therefore find an outlet for this BROTHERHOOD NEWS these women peddlers would joined the Brotherhood was se meinber of the Brother surplus labor upon which the very quickly discontinue the lected by a boss as a target.
hood, boses rely for support. The their. was sent to (6) The men who were dis.
which now go into the Ancon Lodge No. 2516 Aurora Lodge No. 2504. no to the Calidoniu Bridge (the course, the boss expected hør to Comunissary are being discrimi. With the necessaries of life are heads all the way from the Casi work on an inferior board. of charged from the Pedro Miguel pockets of those who supply us Officers and members, you are most disgraceful wing the refuse, but she simply pointed nated against. Last week twen enough to finance an agricultural next At the meeting of Monday Calidonia Rusad) and these arro out the fact that the board to uy one men were taken on some scheme large enough to take care ing which will be on the 10th of night 27th ultimuwhich was vant Carboneros would be which she was sent would cause where in Pedro Miguel. The of the two thousand idlers in, Noyember 1919. This brings a haid for the chief purpose of compelled to patrol the streets her work to decrease in quality. third applicant happened to be and around Colon and Panama little change in our regular meet Installing the Office elected again with their carbon in the and went to work as instructed one of the discharged Commis. Not only will the bosses have to ing nights. But as you know, and to deal with importauit mat pursuit of a livelitnod as custom While working on this board it sary men, and although his give us a square deal, but the We are arranging for a concertters relative to the good of the Ary, and to the entire satisfaction went out of order and an electri clearance shoduct good. Quit on the road to PROSPERITY it Workman products of our farm will put us the 18th and order not to the of all is sincerely cian was called to it. While good use any extra nights, it was had be postponod owing to to be hoped that the Governurent chce board was being fired the voluntarily, set the humane we will but pool our resources of ile the beatles sel adapt their decreasures of the study he could uponor bread for himself and his family necesarios de pelo let our pass: it. boss refused to allow to earn supply ourselves with the beg to say that those members who have not paid up scarcity of members. that is nro. said do so as Minun transactions trans were taken perly enforced.
as it was fixed.
The boss there. Nineteen were taken on after word be, CO OPERATION.
terly dues please do so as early up and alt with after which bon upon WM. STOUTE close as possible, in order to be more brought the meeting wa She appealed to For the benetit of those who Cristobai, C, and qualibed with the business of at 10 pm Please note that our Isthmian League of Jording charged her for iosub. he had been turned down, this Lodge please attend tur! ber 10th, to which rain or shine.
those in higher authority next nerting will be on Novem Indians.
that her case had been still doubt that some of the bosso been es are trying to disorganize the meetings, if possible. For fur.
ther information please look out we require a large attendance.
investigat (during her absence) silver employees and to prevent Everybody In Colon, Read The excursion committee are it for the next issue of the WORK Now be on the move and be very busy perfecttnx arrung not giving proper attention to her from becoming organized, we found that as she was those who are outside our fold This!
punctual for 30 pents for the coming excursion work, the boss had to Oid Panama on Thanksgiving to work upon another board in had instructed her submit the following: W, JRVING, KREED It has been rumoured in Colon lay. The proposal seems be order to affect an improvement, and Pedro Miguel there was a train from Colon to Panauna on Somewhere between Parassa during this week that the Special Journal Agent enjoying much popularity judy and that shhad refused to move conference of bosses last week. Independeuce Day, Monday third Secy. Treas.
ng from the talk one hears on and therefore her clearance Among the many statements November, has been called off.
Excels or Ldge No. 2519 Atlantic Pacific Lodge No the street. The interest that would not be changed. Of course, made were these. 1) The Bro This is wrong information. The 2505 centers ar and old Panama cer: in these investigations the tainly makes an excursion to and the disciples of the boe0088 therhood is too good a organiza Special train will run as bas been On Tuesday night out. 28 a that particular point int resting all the say, have tion for th se regular meeting of the above On Fridy 217th alto, a reg. Every person wh grjes. 2) advertised and all arrangements even if a would have instructed all my men to have been completed for the dcmentioned Lodge was called to ular ineeting of te above men gressive turn of mind, will sure ed upon to testify, le dures not but they can succeed. 3) only is of a pro be honest silver employee is call. put the scheme it operation, casion.
oder at 30 pm at the West Lived Louse was held at the ly be on the look out for oppor: speak the truth is he wants to hope we ll succeed before thot ready and fullow the crowd to Indian Red Cross Hall Cladonia All you have to do is to got and keep his job.
back in the chair. The first on the police uominating and electing lighteninent, Be it known to all officers for the commg term such that Old Panama offers the (3) While agenda was the roll call of off. The ûneeting was called to order opportunity. There are waitying the work assigned him by his like Peters and Joe Martin morning. Tickets can be had at a man was perform the States. 4) If every bods was the Railway Station on Monday cers, after which the minutes of at the the unveiling of charter on the desire your wortiy Presi. Dersons in Panama who have boss, the boss of another gang wonld soon succeed dent R, Humphrey and atter ordered him to do something else.
as at various places in forth by the Colon.
firmed in the usual way. Vari wembers were obligated into the over two hundred and forty could not leave the work assign power of organized labor, and matter please reail the ADVERnever seen the scene of destruen The man refused, stating that hel. The efforts put to Thiation on the morning of the bosses is natural. They know the For more information on this was. seconded get acquainted handled and disposed ut in an and carried that all other busi tliis old landmark; ser the Walls lodged a complame angry and down so that they may forever TISEMENT of th: PICNIC on amicable manner and report of ness be suspended and proceed of the ruined buildings stin bieber in complaint with someone save us at their mercies, they page of this issae.
authority committees discussed and set nomination and election. The standing; see the old quaint and her employee who was dis. Have Organized in an attempt to BRITISH CONSULATE was then pronounced, and the spirits, and the nomination and different directions, intersecting God dan right to talk back to a dense vile miscreants have of distied. The parting benediction boys all seemed to be in good rough paved streets running in charged without being given a better chance of coining Pres:and told of NOTICE aneeting came to a cluse at 11. 30 election resulted as follows: otherthe bridge over Humplirey. President; B, which Morgan and hise mer white man. Of course, the vic organizing the silver em lugels: Mrs Ella Jones, wite of Ple. COCKIMG, Thorpe, Past President; crossed c, and you will thank thoods a member of the Brother for every non unionist who te Hamilton Jones, is requested to.
Journal Agent. Continued on Page 8)
places one of our members becall at the Britisli Consulate (Continued on pape 4) At the Coaling Plant, three com, sa unio ist himself the pay General Office, Panama City.
profits sight hos ap their all told was Was and MAN.
Weite this have m,


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