
THE WORKWAN SATURÐAT, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 PAGE THREE United Brotherhood (Held Over From Our Last Isete. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, ward Long of the Charter. Precisely at 30 Interesting News From the Preachers Next in Line to Strike (Continued from Proe into the vitals of the con munity: And Let the Country 1) city council is II within ats province in dealing with Go to Hell subject of such importance to the vast majority of burgesees of the town and bespeak for Only a sense of duty, altraisum New York, Sent. 18. Councillor Pen motion whole hearted acceptaneo by bis and service provents the preachcolleagues. In fet, we look for ers of Amecica from forming to the day when the colo the country to go hel. said the union, calling a strike and letting ay chief muni ipality vill take cation, by promoting Sobolar ceruren.
an even great interest in Edu Rev. John Ronch. Stratton. In a Sermon in Calvary Baptist ships to be competed for along settled lines. The City Council Everybody in the world al ai charged its duty in most has gone on a strike except Apk the question of compul the Undertakers and preachers sory educstion for the imme he added. suppose they will. diate attes tiou of the Govern. be next in line. Certainly the ment, the latter in duty bound, preachers have grievances we teko will not shirk its enough on the score of under pay obvious Jesponsibility in the and if we are to move in the line matter. It is therefore hoped with the spirit now prevailing in that tbtbis initial step. the world we will have to get toserron fort will be made together soon in a joint convention.
wards be introduction of some (The Shurday Blade. form compulsory education eulen ud to serve the best in Father Cooper Last Act ti of the colony.
of Kindness.
CHI Begging in Streets The above mentioned Rey cent law in foree in Trinierend gentleman left strict oro dad provides thus ders prior to his departure to It any person causes or pro turn away Mrs Thompson from curos any child or young person, the choir, because she refused or, having the custody, charge or sell his Picnic tickets: 80 said, eare of a child or young person, so done. This is what the white allows that child or young per: preachers have done for you.
son to be in a street, premises or MORALES.
place for the purpose of begring or receiving alws, or inducing It sho giving, of alms, whether or certain preacher had established was strongly rumored that a not there is any pretence of sing baby factory in Colon, but ing, piaying, dancing, perform after close investigation, ing, offering anything for sale, found that faeters has been es or otherwise, that person shall, tablished, but not by the white on summary conviction, be liable preacher.
to a tine not exceeding 25 or, alternatively, or in addition there. MORALES to, to imprisonment, with or Without bard labour, for any Passports Still Cause Interm not exceeding there months. convenience.
ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN Panama Furniture Company Cas very five cents. Elecirloal Workers Unveil Charter.
Owned By Sunday the 19th ints. marked another epoch in the era of the Electrical Workers: when the double ceremony of Head Office, 55, Wall Street, their Charter and the Instalatie of their officers took place at the West Indian Red Cross hall, in the presetice of one of the largest Capital, Surplus, Unuivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 gatherings ever seen on such an occasion before the expected hour, Ithe visitors began to file in to the members and Spacious Hall, with expectant Official Depository of the Republic of Panama eager to see the Unveiling Brother Hillier, DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL Secretary Treasurer eleet, called the meeting to order with the singing of the hymno Onward DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD Christian Soldier. and Brother Wilkinson, Chaplain offered pray.
er. At this stage Brother Hillier in his clear cool voice gare a Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches short, but elaborate adress of welcome to all present, and introthis Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
duced Brother Nicholas Carter, the Organizer as Master of Ceremonies for the evening. BroDrafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands. ther Carter in taking over the Los Obair in bis usual manner expressed bis gratification in being INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM preveled ged to be present.
The installation of officers was then gone into the ceremony performed by Organizer Carter.
During the rendition of an AnFITZ BOWEN Mrs. Hlinier in pathetic them a collection was taken up voice then rendered Ave THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR Maria 28 November Street, San Miguel Several songs were rendered and received the applause of the House 20.
audience. There were also de.
Thivered many edifying addresses for which the thanks of the Brotherhood are due, The officers installed for first NEED AT ONCEI administration are: Cook, Past President TWO COMPETENT Barnabas, President COMPOSITORS Hillier, Sec Treas. Cocking. Journal Agent, Good men will find good Wilkinson, Chaplain.
wages. James, Conductor. Gridith, Warden, Simpson, Inner Sentinel, 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA Apply atE. Betts, Outer Sentinel.
Next Door to Cecilia Theatre The Workman Printery Women Employees Hold Central Ave. Corner Meeting. Street, No. Headquarters for The women employees and members of the United Brother High Class Furniture hood of Maintenance of Way EmComing! Coming. Coming. prers had a regular mbeting for ployees and Railway Shop LabAll New Goods Sold at the election of officers and appliTHE COLON cation for Charter on the night of October 9th, which was ali Reasonable Terms. Colored Comedy Co. done in a unitorin way.
to take you on a trip to The officers elected were as Laughland with an WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US UP TO THE MINUTE Dorothy Mises. President: Lawhen buying Furniture.
na Campbell, Vice Pres. BIFranComedy and Minstrel Show cis Past Pres. Lewis, Secry. Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock, ent; Dalmage, Chaplain: Treas, AS Saturday Evening, Oct. 11, 1919 Tappin, Conductor: Sarah Spen.
cer, Warden; Trott, Inner Silver Clubhouse, Cristobal. Sentinel; Edith Howard, Outer After the election of officers ADMISSION PHILIPS tha organizer obligated five new Reserved Seats 50e.
Genl. Admissionmembers. The next meeting will be held at the Red Cross Hall on Friday, the 31st Oct. Sisters Purchase tickets early to avoid the rush don forget to be there on time. WE LOVE THE LADIES LEWIS, Guarantees Satisfaction in the Prof. E, DEANE, Secy. Treasurer, cutting and manipulation of Manager.
VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE Succecs Lodge No. 2505, Gatun, On the above date, the success Lodge No 2502, had their instalA SPECIALTY lation ceremony, Bro. Aubrey Clarke installed the followLADIES SKIRTS COATS ing gentlemen to their various Bro. Barrow Pres.
Bro. Mark Vice Pres. Ma34 YEARS EXPERIENCE EYES EXAMINED Sec Treas. Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
GLASSES PRESCRIBED George Journal Agent, Bro.
Perfect fair and near vision in Cave Chaplin, Bro.
Sam Itil Cond, Bro.
Bro. Atkins Warden, one pair of glasses. Bro Callendar and Bro.
If you do not need glasses we Button after the cerewill tell you so frankly. mony was performed the followWe offer best Optical Service. ing officers, gave a hearty ad.
dress in rotation and a few of fluor members followed, the offico: 182 Bolivar Street, Cond spoke widely of the Bro122 Central Ave. Panarna COLON therhood as he always does, and show the members different reasons why we asset ble al The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment Dr. BUCHANAN, In charge re discussed the President together, everything and Prompt Attention.
raised the Lodge to their Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of WM. LAWRENCE after closing they shall retire to the banqueting table to have PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDITailor and Outfitter what was prepared for them, the CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC.
Bros. enjoyed themselves heartiDealer in School Books, ly, Unity, Peace and Harmony We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
were existing to our midst, and Stationary. before we were dismissed the parting song was, we all are No. 11 Street, Panama Jolly good fellows, Hip, Hip, Hip, Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon. chains from Central Ave.
BROWNE MCALMON yours Fraternity Address: PROPRIETORS. GEORGE Box 895, Ancon, Journal Agent.
follows: Jouk safe.
at the Sentinel 25e.
19 The Food We Eat. The regulation requiring the correspondent from Arima sons travelling to Trinidad still production of passports by persends us the following. The causes inconvenience. On enquiry price of yegetables is svaring concerning the reason for its There is a plentiful supply but retention were told that it there is no hope of its get was back to the price paid before it was a demand on the part of war. Potatoes are being sold 1: Barbados huve not the same ditti Trinidad Persons proceeding to the pound rather than the laru culty that island does plan or basket as before. Meloo: require passports. It is not renes are sold at for ents. Tannias, fairly large true that the passports cost ones, are sold at for 30 cents little but there Dosti Castrex good prices. Corn is not being with this persons intending to Pears are also bringing in very deal of bother in obtaining the being photograph and other things and sold plentifully, owners seem to travel would rather not be worhusband them for their own use fea Bunches of greens which were we should like to know why formerly sold for penoy, are Trinidad wants the passport.
how double in price. Ochroes are Sarely it cannot now be said that three for a penny. It does seem we need to protect ourselves that home grown vegetables ar has keeping pace with the imported against spies. That fear article in price. It would not be been removed and with the slig siguout of place to mention that coal luk of the armistice all becaine We have abandoned the are fetching cents a pan which is equal to 64 cents per bag.
censorship of cable messages and nearly all war time prohib tions, yet in travelling from one Grenada island to the other we are subjected to the trouble of carrying (From the West Indian. a passport Communica lon Between Improved Coast Wise West Indian Islands Service Needed.
The means of communicion between the various islands of better system of the the West Indies, althougu u no inter parochial communication, means as regular as we should making possible a better time like, aro improving gradually.
table, is one of the greates: What the steamers calling at Grenada. We live to these ports cannot do the far from ach other in Grenada se doing in their slops if we reckon how long it takes, their small way.
KOLO the different Islands visits to the parishes of the Sometimes we get through them pay and bring and mails.
English which ed by the and cost and not by have en dropped either at Barwiles, and that is why Caricou bados or Trinidad. With the in farther from St. Ger eorges than Scrutton line resuming their reBarbados, ard in many cases gular lortnightly call, th CanaGrenville farther than Port of dian lines coming at schedule Spain. We hope to see the coast time and the American steamers wise service improved in the going on as before, we are be.
near future, and we also hope to ginning to feel relieved from the see the motor car service im inconvenience which we suff red proved. There should be publics terrible during the period o!
opportunity every day for per the war. One thing however is sons to leave St. George in the laeking and that is a regular inmorning for Gienville or Sauwercolonial service connecting teurs to return home in the with a transatlantie ime which afternoon, and vice versa. For gues LO and comes from the St. Georges folk to visit the out United Kingdom on fixed dates parishes by public means con. As thang are, persons proceed.
veyance, it is a matter of preparing to the Uuited Kingdom still to sleep in some out parislinave to go though the United vernight. The public motor States or Hulifax, or take the ears start from the country to une chance of getting some town every morning. So does steumer or other calling at the the pu lic motor boat. No op bigger islands portunity is available for a from St George to flto commery 20 return the same day.
This Panama Hats Inelt should be remedied. Torre CLEANED and BLOCKED are no proper hotels ur rest houses in the out parishes, and and TRIMMED to Order who must visit places like ALSO Grenyille. Sauteurs and Gouyave are put to much inconvenience. MILLINERY DRESSMAKING better time tube will be me ibuon to a large number.
HOUSE No. 965, La Boca TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT needs They Morìing Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats Panama Optical Co.
honey Clement The Chemica Hall (IN FRONT OF MASONIO TEMPLE)
of after log start use


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