
Performance One Year Three 20 600 De Lady Audley Secret 0 00 00 0.
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1919 soooooooooooooo Commendable and Hood Honorable.
THE WORKMAN GRAND The plan to contribute a purse to Mr, William Stoute, Organizer of the Brotherhood Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicaWALBOND, at the office Central VV tion. Correspondence on all matters Dramatic on the Pacific side is both nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
commendable and honorable. jde As a martyr for his people All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama BY THE Mr. Stoute has borne much written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of for the cause which needed ISTHMIAN DRAMATIC COMPANY 82. 40 Cy. he writer, not necessarily for publicathe assistance of an indomitSix Months tion but as a mark of good faith.
able spirit such as he posWe do not undertake to return Under the directorship of LEYBURN sessed.
250. rejected correspondence.
AT THE The Workman heartily endorses the scheme and The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS LA BOCA SILVER CLUBHOUSE adds that this is not only a matter for the Unionists, but SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 all loyal Negroes on the IsthSaturday Night, November 15 mus to participate in.
Corporation and Co operation. NALE We would be guilty of the CURTAIN AT O CLOCK greatest ingratitude if we did not join in the plan to exThe colored and other silver employees of the Panama SPECIAL FEATURES Canal and the Panama Railroad together with employees press appreciation to the first man whose living has been of private concerns in the terminal cities are face to face Man About Town sacrificed on the altar of hate with the serious problems of economy and domestic life. The for the good of his fellowmen.
questions of subsistence and existence are becoming more One Act Playette by Stanislaus Stange, in which that well known actor, and more acute every day, and even the one time indiffer.
Cyril Morand, will play Jack Weatherill The Man About Town Oh, You Pete entists have awakened to the situation with an alarm on Little Peter bit a pepper, their faces which serves to show, how deep the facts of the hour have penetrated into their minds.
on a Sunday morn; little PeA Drama in Two Acts, by Hazlewood. This is a dramatization of ter wife said to him, Pete Among the long list of problems that have made, and Miss Braddons Well known Novel of the Sama Name where were you born? Pete are keeping the people anxious, are the questions of CORPORATION and CO OPERATION; because, in the first got nasty, red and ugly, and place, the high prices of necessities are pinioning their Atlantic Orchestra in Attendance he thought of Scotland; then he grunted out quite bluntly, flight far beyond the reach of the death dealing salaries which all the silver employees are receiving, and in the ADMISSION s born in little Eng50c.
land. Little Pete a bad second place, the ranks of the unemployed are swelling white nigger; a raw boned every day, a fact which increases the gravity of the situation beyond all imaginable dimensions. It is now up to Tickets are on Sale at the La Boca Silver Club, the Chemical Hall backra Johnie, always doing the silver employees themselves to do something for the the City Pharmacy, Sydney Fuller the Jeweler, and the Western nasty stunts. now ain that amelioration of their troubles, and the exhortation is Supply Company.
rather funny! Little Peter friends are quite few, and Quit talking, and get busy.
his home life chilly, little The people should realize that they are at the brink of Peter has a vone head; he a a rapidly swelling stream, not too bad, at the present for perfect silly billy. Little Pete fording, but which will, in the case of delay, laugh at the mics for this narrow strip of were laid, and a century be is all forsaken, by the ginks vain attempts of men to cross it. Right now, the future of Editorialettes.
land, known geographically, as fore the first permament Eng he flattered; now poor Pete is the colored race on the Isthmus is in the hands of no one else the Isthmus of Panama. Fa lish colony in North America up against it, for his smiles but the people, and neglect to seize the opportunities for Panama Birthday mous in history as the great was established at James are shattered. Little Peter, self help which the present circumstances so loudly clamor for would seal the fate of the entire body of workingmen Monday, November Third, highway when the Forty town. Whenever this grand P. Pete; Why you among the colored forces in this country.
is the natal day of this little, niners rushed from the East day comes around we cannot hurt the niggers? Better use The members of the United Brotherhood of Mainten but grand Republic. Sixteen to California in their wild help thinking of the days when some sense old chap, or they ll ance of Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers are years ago, the Fathers of hunt for gold, it is more fa the adventurous explorers pull the triggers. Will you keeping up the fight for increased wages and better living this country and the lojal pamous still as possessing trade discovered El Rio Chagres. hide again, P. Hear your conditions, and with the early arrival of Mr Howard triots gave birth to a constig routes and trade centres. and then, later, the pirates wife injunction: Let the Severs things ought to look brighter than they do, at pre tution which spelt liberty and half a century before the four and buccaneers changed the colored folks alone, and let sent; but the great effort of our people should be to follow freedom in politics and econo dations of Saint Augustine, face of things in old Panama. fair play function.
In modern times the pages of the example of Orientals in the matter of investments and do exactly what they are doing in business life and activi the twenty thousand would plank down five dollars each, ed with accounts of the Isthmian history are burden Au Together!
All together, everybody!
ty. This is the new objective oz the wide awake men of the and create a situation that would be hard to beat by any French construction days Where are you going to dance labor mart, and it is the only thing that will answer the other people on the Isthmus. Since we are up against such when names like that of De on the 3rd On the Standard economic strangulation under which the silver employees great odds and are placed at such disadvantages, econo Lesseps tell of those who broke Oval? of course! That are, at present, suffering.
mically, it can be easily seen that a well formed corpora the back bone of the ridges right; the Standard Oval is The success of the Chinese, the Japanese, and the tion would work a radical change in the conditions that and payed the way for the the best picnic ground on this Syrians has evoked the admiration of all West Indians, now obtain among us.
great construction which was side of the Isthmus and the but admiration for what others have done will not put any It is necessary that we think together and act togeth to be accomplished with Special train coming from money in our coffers, nor will it help us to get anywhere, er. The dollars of one man must be put with those of American capital and with Colon with the bundreds will if all we do is to stand and watch the marvellous achiev another; the brains of the best men among us must be the brains and brawn of bring in some of the best ments of peoples whose advantages and opportunities concentrated on the plan, the good will ani confidence of Americrns and of the dancers from the Windy City.
have been lesser than our own. They have never had the every family must be focussed, and the resources of all world. To day we remember The sports will be keenly conresources that are now within our grasp, no has a monopoly must be pooled, so that the attempt to brand us as an in Columbus and Balboa whose tested, and the boys are preof patronage offered them so much stimulus to perseverance dolent and spasmodic people might be shown to be the ef memories are perpetuated in paring the grounds for a real as it does to the almost twenty thousand of silver employ fort of economic hostility. If, instead of doing this, we cut statue and city at the Atlan fine day, Music can done, ees whose pay cheeks vanish in the Panama Railroad Com and slash at our brethren with the weapons of treachery tic and Pacific terminals; we real good, Jazz music. The missaries and the Oriental stores in the cities of Panama and ignorance we would be making our own success im call to mind the great Gener latest and most popular round and Colon.
possible and ensuring the domination of another race over als Amador and Obaldia dances will rip the atmosThe age of procrastination is past and we must all us, since we would be manifesting the inability to work whose vision helped to make phere and set the tango feet get down to solid business or we will be stranded on the together among ourselves.
the birth of this Republic pos in motion. The boys and girls banks of an impassable tide with rich chances be Reason shivers at some of the vile and suicidal fulmi sible, and we hear the from Panama wiù vie with hesitate and ask childish questions relative the possibility that it is better to beg the white man to stop kicking us fore us and a dry waste in the rear, This is no time to nations of some of our own Negro people who still believe voice of the immortal Car those from Colon in tripping los Mendoza talking from the light fantastie toe, and of success, for success was never more certain in any en than to shout at him and kick back so that he will think the tomb and telling his sur who will win the hops will terprise than it is in the projected stores of the silver em twice before he repeats the act. This kind of Negro knows viving compatriots to hold be seen at the end of the day.
ployees. The fact is that the plan is somewhat too simple no co operation, no corporation, no aspiration, no progress, fast the traditions of valor for complex minds such as the majority of people on the no self esteem, no elevation, no manliness, no honor, no and the prestige which he and Oh, Boy!
Isthmus possess, who never understand anything, but feel independence and nothing, at all, except to sell his birth others before him established To morrow will be the day wise when somebody proposes schemes which would never right for an old shirt, and his fellow maa foi a dollar bill. for their country. With Dr. of days on the Isthmus when be clear to them as long as this planet continuas to retain Porras taking up where the the Jamaica Combination of its place among the constellation of the firmament.
It is highly amusing to hear the virtuous (9) admoni others had left off, and steer cricketers will meet the Bartions of some of our people who profess knowledge of the king the ship of state amidst bados combination, or vice The people have the purchasing power of the stocks; evils that vex our race. These men have no settled opinions the storms that are they have the contributive means to capital; they have the of their own, and at one time ray be seen drinking in the sweeping over the world, Pa where the willows will swish now versa, at the Isthmian Park, purchasing power of the marketable produce; they have logic of some well informed Negro, with nodded approval, nama already has a history like the swords of the gladiathe everything that is needed. In a word, it may be and at another time coming back to give out the insipid of which the greatest nations tors, and the ball will whirl said that they have the means to raise the money neces stuff that they have been handed out by some white man of the world might well be in the air like cotton seeds in sary for the inauguration of stores, and they will be com who knows the psychology of the slavish Negro, and how proud. In less than two de a cyclone, and the crowels, pelled to buy from themselves at a saving that beats all to bluff him to a frazzle.
uch Negroes do not like the in cades paved streets and mas will root themselves hoarse, armchair imagination. When people can find the money dependence of the out spoken man of his race who fears sive buildings have appeared and the Umpires will be kept to do business with and have a guaranteed monopoly of no body, but the Almighty, and who are not afraid to where there were previously rather busy, and the Captains patronage awaiting them, there is nothing in the world speak the truth even with a gun at his mouth or a guillo winding ruts and mud pools will show their skill, and the that can prevent success from resulting to their labors. tihe at his neck.
with thatches and weather boys will play the game for What is really needed is good corporation along lines The spineless variety of people will remain exactly worn shanties. The busy honor of their their respective of secure and business like arrangement, and the spirit of where they are, and as far as we can see, there is where streets of Panama and Colon homes. It is going to be some co operation among the silver employees can make this they want to be; but our true Negroes will see the wisdom can now tell their own story crowd to morrow and Monpossible. Realizing that their interests are the same, the of getting into business as soon as possible. There is no of progress and commercial day, and it is going to be whole section of colored people can put their small sums need to be afraid of anything save our own disposition to growth, and it might be pro some game. During the week together in profitable investment which will be beneficial doubt the possibility of our own success Let the failure of phesied that five years from the boys were trying out on alike, to one and all. There can be no failure when nearly others be buried in the Lethe of forgetfulness, even though now will see such further the Isthmian Parkt and the twenty thousand men and their families will guarantee the trickeries of the sweet palates be unearthed and bared changes as will place the Re Standard Oval, and Gee, some a ready made market for the goods traded by business before the bars of justice; let us show that if our colored public of Panama among the sound batting was seen everyhouses operated by capital subscribed by the same people merchants cah drive such suceessful enterprises, alone, the foremost industrial centres of where. The boys have been who will have to do the buying.
consolidated cash of over a thousand men can do over a the world. Viva Panama! practising some new twirls Let us get down in earnest and start the wheels in mo thousand times as much. Nothing is clearer, and it is now Viva el Dr. Porras! Vivan los with the leather and some of tion. If every colored man would open his eyes and see the up to us to move on with the wheels of progress or resist Ciudadanos de esta Repúb the sharpest fielding has been brilliant opportunities that lie before him, at least half of them and kill ourselves under their heavy weight, lica!


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