
Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar Walk Ogos Che Shoe for ou aspare Child, am Ing abrent.
we beld the progress a o THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 PAGE FIVE Just a Few Words Succesful Mass to My Would be Meeting LA BOCA NOTES Antagonists By the Universal Negro Improvement Association On Wednesday evening a pre advent RELIABLE HABERDASHERS (BY EDUARDO MORALES. mission Service will be held in the above and African Communamed church, all the dergy of the nities League NEGRO FELLOWMEN: Episcopal Church on the Isthmus will be present. The spenker will be the Rev.
It is with the deepest regret One of the most succesful man meeMajor Hyde, of Fort. Amador, and Archwrite you this week. say it is tings ever held in this city was sa el denoon Carson: cordial invite with the deepest regret, because by the An and Afrie sa tion is extended to the public. hate the very thought of having Communities League lanet Sunday at to say anything that is harsh to the West Indian Labour Union Hall, any member of my race. But, 23rd Street, Guschapali.
PARAISO as the wise, man said.
Not the Rod And Spoil the Graham, the President, at o clnk, The meeting was declared opened by On Saturday night Oet 25th, while am compelled follow Griddard, Querter master tipper was his advice at times for the nu. Greenland. ley Mountain, toʻlowed ty by the singing of the Hymn. From walking down the avenue lending to the tual benefit of our race. We are appropriate prayer by Te cher Salvation Army Hall, bis foot slipped ánto ho in the sidewalk and was DEN all aware of the fact that all men Winter of the Baptist sehool, the Chapel were not born under the same lain being sprained. He was taken to the Ancon QUALITY, planet: and therefore, 16 it would After a few briel remarks, the Pes Hospital on Sunday morning for treatment.
be unjust for us to expect every ident introduced Mr Gadsby one to think the same way, and Chairman for the evening.
APPEARANCE, to act the same av. Yet, while Mr. Gadaby on taking the chair gave short while ago the wife of a realthis is indisputabis so dent Roto fall in going down sother are very builliant address, which aven that is in bad order, and the repriviledged to to come to bearer received with great applause.
sult quite serious, her life at one understanding one with the other Mr George Barlay (white)
time being in imminent danger.
DIVERSITY OF STYLES, SENSE REASON it we would himself to be a Clarkson or Wilberferoe.
pathiser, was then introduced, who proved The sidewalks are in very bad condibut only practice it. As Ne. His address which was an exceptional tion, and we were hoping to have them AND DURABILITY ARE groes, who have been enslaved forb over three centuries, and are bound throughout its course.
illinut one oed hy new concrete walks, but we the audieuce spellare told that it will cost a little over still oppressed, we cannot atord five thousand dollars, and there is no to leave one stone unturned that justice has been denied the negro, In He said that for centuries, universal funds.
BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN has been found to be a stumb all the countries where he has lived ling block in the road of our from the time he was taken from bis What is being done with the rents self determination that leads to ti collected from the Silver quarters at MARK OF the of Progress. The time native country, Afrion, he has been Paraiso which net very near five thouhas undeniably come, when we exploited, and made the victim of the ter sand dollars per month? Could not the sons and daughters of Ethio it mattered not what difficulties con Referring to the Association, he said months rent be spent to save the lives and sufferings of the residents of these WALK OVER pia must prepare ourselves to fronted it, it must live.
stand on the platform of Racial, quarters?
Politicel, Sncial and Financial Selection was then given by the If five ihousand dollars is too much to spend for the relief of six or eight Let your next pair of Śhoes be equalty with the other races of Band. So lovely was the air that the the world. But how shall we Chairman termed the Band, the Royal hundred employees (Silva) then we will accomplish this? Ouly by remov Orchestra, Paris then render Recitation be had cumposed entitled have to appeal to Mr. Boyd, whose ing the stumbling blocks of Puso The Assassin heart is as large as his body, to repair WALK OVERS simism. Dishonesty, Insalarity, probe Absin for which he received Provincialism and Hypocrisy next spoke, followed by Recitation these sidewalke with some of the same great applause Mr. Dusauzay material that was used in building there from among us. Only by become from Mr Yearwood, which he had walks, until the funds can be spatad to ing: 100 per cent Negro. have from put down the contemplated concrete repeatedly stated toat am not for the Negro. This was very approam not compound entitled No Liberty Bells walks, tighting individuality, but the We would like to invite the officials belittle or retard the actions ot individuals that tend enters or which the house responded in of who refused to spend the five thousand applause, An address entitled Luyalty was of our race, whether he be white dollars, to stop their ears, when out for or black. have given sufficient The Choir rendered four Anthems, for given by drive and take a walk and the undisputable facts to prove what town and be conivnced that our request say is true. Yet my would be an, which many congratulations were given.
is a legitimata one. We would like tagonists try to EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
to show that Wrong out the meeting, and every piece hud The band played alternately throughsee the Governor und on an in ption some day, then some of these te Panama and Colon.
is Right. Taese pessimists try Royal tune. An appeal was them mude to make us believe that the Ne for member and (29) twenty nine era gods would look likt little fishes.
303 30 pre ty little wedding took place at: out the aid of the white man, es: forward, beside (40) forty who suberibd gro cannot get along safely with3 on Sunday, 26th Oct. at the pecially the white preacher; thus names for membership as early as possible, Wesleyan Chapel. The contracting par ties were Mr. Benjamin and Miss Isthmus. We only hope that two good Station etc. prevent is better for Gatun is too high to make men and to others because of a trato, tions that it received the bame of the becoming dishonest to themselves So well did the band render its selerMary Joseph, both of Antigua.
Umpires will be selected to give justice than to cure. Give us a road. tion of as it will keep all other clubs they do not believe it themselves to all who will be present to see that shy at them, bby.
These hypocrites try to encour: Black Star Band. which it is believed On Friday night, Nov. 14, the choir great game.
of Panama Wesleyan Church will be GATUN murried couple, are residing at the Look the oppressor is our Saviour Audience of his intention to catablish: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarke, late age our people to believe, that will appear in the Negro warld.
Mr Graham then spoke and told the coming down to render the benutitel CULEBRA City Gn un, where Mr. Clarke is now the white preachers have done November 2nd.
Cantata Jesus of Nazareth.
Colored Clubhouse Jattings they have the nerve to tell us Female Branch bogining from Sunday This omployer us Cler of the Lighthouse shoir needs no introduction as they have been here on several occasions, and their Mrs. Markland left on Wednesday for We are by no means organizing a Department, their residence can be found good for us. vet, they cannot Publicity Campaign, but we desire to at High Sureet.
produce the good they have Much praise was given to Billy renditions have met the approval of our Cubs to join her husband.
of the Negrocs, in the persoa residents.
On Sunday evening at p. the bring before the public eye some estimate of the activities of the community With the opening of the Champion With the exception of Father of Percival Toppin who also delivered a Riddle a riddle Teo; can any man tell Cerro Baptist will hold its cousteration as expressed in the Colored Clubhouse. Whist games. Bluebells seem to he the Burns, have they established any very able address, this rid ile to met some time ago two mrating In point of age we are the youngest loading men of the games, they defeated day schools for our children?
Another Recitation entitled the Black men who worked in the Pedro Miguel On Tuesday evening last Me. Sam of these institutions, but therein lies our Lilier, Loyals and the strong Victoris Did they ever try to establish an Star Line was rendered by Mr.
taken out, and men from another distriel Society, gave stirring address at timism, that suprema self confidence, and ab! When the return Bottes old capt. it not true, that they educate the chair to present to the Band through fórniture repair shop for several years were Brown, President of the Panama Baptist manifest advantage, for that grand op elubs in three consecutive games; but orphanage for our children? Is Paris. The post of the evening.
Mr. Dusaur y was allowed by were put in their places. If you can the missionary meeting of the Cerro the abounding vitality incident to Springer will have smoke cross out their children and maintain them.
tell me this riddle will give you a gold Society in his pipe instead of thoſe lovely cigars selves and family off the boun two ladies selected, a phial of perfume, Ting (It is not for the lack of a tongue The building in itself, with its archi which he takes to win his gunes ty of the Negroes? Have they to each member for the able manner in why a horse doesn talk. Let hear GAMBOA tectural sitting reflrat our acsthetic The death of Mr. Miriam Stoute, ever preached ageinst the atro. which they played.
After the National Anthems of Panama wonder how long it will be before and we are pmud to any thit the wife of Dadley Stoute, employed in the Is it not a cursed shame to think and great Britain had been sung the meetsenen, to us!
the Sanitary authorities will see fit to management is escond to none. condemn the ue of community coilets.
Look Department, bus placed damper thut Negroes (especially those as was brought to close until Sunday: The Gamboa commissary was broken It would not be out of placehore, to on the community at this districts that canuot be mistaken) in these 2nd, when preparations are being made days when we are struggling for his driver a :100 Pamun, the West to the health of the residents. Ask the who made away with dry guids and Secretary for his unfailing courtesy as Hospital a few weeks before her death, plumber how many times a week he is Groceries. Their haul inet ad a shoes exhibited towards the aliontalo of the was known to be very quiet bod polite for racisl betterment, to encour Indian Labour Union Hall, and at Red. called to stop the overlowing of the shirts, and underwear, Lelia etc. The Clubhouse, sul we can sure him that to her frien ts and neighbound around this entre che poof unfortunate and Bridge; that oprocento en que le hicho more thoughtless be toilets. It must be considered bealthy thieves had an easy time as the oum he has the sympıthy the community town. Her rem vins was followed by tent with the insults and mal whom will be the greatest Negro leader the race will occupy the platform among to have sewerage running around tae missary is cemi surrounded with mosh in his endeavours houses or it would not by allowed to wire, without a watchmain or other prolife in all its to im ve en nunity large numbur of Friendly Society brothers treatment of the white proaca from the Atlantie side. The general manifold aspecte, and sisters. Thanks must be given the ers, because they have been continue long.
tection. They left no clue only a spike air and make sydney Martin spenmail, which from all ape surance was the He has retarmed with a larger visiga Quartermaster Department for the called. 1) Are you not aware publie is invited.
of the fact that many have been pleasunt time here when they were the instrument used to cut the wire. After fident that he shall place the desirable to Stute resid noe called, but few chosen. One of ATTENTION!
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McLent through selecting their stock, they features in our exrvice.
sat down to a banqnet which con Drop in at any time and you shall Our regular monthly dance took place the pessimists claims that the and other friends of Paraiso seted, of Grape Juice, Cat Drinks, be abundantly satisfiel.
on Saturday night last, when the silver art of begging is ancient; well, Chee e Salmon and other estables City Band from La Boca rendered some do not disbelieve that; it may when You Lepve From Panama EMPIRE carried by the.
The Library Society is in full swin: of the easiest wie ever heard since be as old as his thoughts are con or along the Line and arrive in goede wow how much there were and the young man and woman will on the opening of the new clubhouse. We had ceroing the progress of his race. Colon, you will sure to be hungry.
packel bouw but not as was expected, The other hypocrite links God The Girls Friendly Society is now at home. The police is now on the bat hone hith in the Parun an pada at Cristobal Silver Club and man together ex easily as Call at 144, St. at the sche big be er, anied by the Rev. Mi care of trail but up to the time of writing na behind the fortlights in Bt. Barnabas Church. Miss Wallace is arrest batan mate.
Pionie lov ma will please be in mint prevented the Windy City triunglors would the Holy Trinity; President.
Mini Ver Pogun of Panama is the that them will be a big di Duy from turning out Credit must be given a way, as to make us believe that RED LION RESTAURANT our popular Secretary MV. Eagleston, Negroes cannot serve God where you will be served with Mr. Cecil Wallace of Golden Greer quest of Mr. and Min. So it for the November 3rd and Strip and his assistant Harper unless he goes to the white man your Real Home Cooking.
the light to. The Silver City to be transferred to Gatun on Nov. Is. pust few days.
Band will be in attendane, ant high church. But let me say right PRICES MODERATE.
Di Costa Green, known around this here, that Negroes will never be He will be greatly missed from here.
Yet another bachelor has deserted us class music will ta disto. for sur town from the old construction days, and can nover be true christians RUSSELL, Prop.
is Mies Smith and others are getting to join the beadiets and, if rumor delectation.
created a very ugly mishap on Monday as long as they follow the white in shape to give a concert some time in true, our ranks will be gras ly reduced morning Operatora of Guern journoved man to take a ertain lain custody white man) will not allow he having called a police man church, because he (the Waterproof Raincoats November by Deceinbar Good luck, boys, go to you line but after yor have had a fair trial over to Calon an Siu dur lart whers for loitering around the popular quarters love him; and if you do not love to Mr. Bridgett, formerly of Pedro do not forget to inform us what life is they crossed but with Broolsior Chuse 57. This tad was only laid off him, you will never enter the Miguel Commiary, is now appointed like on the other bank.
Give me your order for your ground teacher at the Empire Colored School, sesinst the strong for five days, through the negl et of his pearly gates. Now, these 50 WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, We hope this gentleman will make a If the old time saving holle true. Loek tran llers. Operatora battel fir duty at the restaurant Da Costa must per cent Negrues are prepared RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for Pute ears must be chiming, as the and mode 57 runs for all. After the remember that the Negro of today is to sell their race just for a fia Gentlemen, Ladies and Chilbells did in France on Nov. 11, 1918, the called the Nuw Negro and it is incum or shake band from the wa dren.
All the folks on this side of the Canaljad. cing by the way his name is on tual internes Beelis faced the bent upon each and every one of a lo man. They are like the bat, SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM bowling of Gitten and Linton of live in conjunction. The lad received the winged animai, that have gone cricket erasy over the Allevery tongue.
the home tento who were bowling nicely.
THE BIGGEST VALUE ON Jamaica Barbados match.
neither a bird nor an animal.
Mayor Bay, we appeal to you we having secured three wickets before 20 two days from the worthy o When the birds and the animals THAT LINE Mrs. Christian and son, Lan, Hft on know it will at fall on deal atruns were registered on the tins, the Wednesday for Havana, Cuba. Alljon Give up some kind of a road, any. rateful end came when Excelsior passed were at war he stood aside and SANGUINETTI BROWN, in wishing them bon voyage across the except the one we now have the score with seven wickets, completeing Church Notices.
ed, he was an animal; but when FURNITURE DEALER Alantio. Young Christian will be greatly Seeing that the claimed that their innings for the brilliant score of 120 they were loosing, he was a bird. Corner 3rd November and 19th missed by his young friends.
they were not responsible if anyone got runs, St. Peter Church, La Boca. But in so doing, they are fooling As usual Capt. Greon was in town on damaged while using their right of way, Streets, Guachapall.
Gatun C. invited a team under the themselves; because the white Sunday is play, but the old man decided where will we and our families come in leadership of Eddie Trotman from La On Sunday comuneneing the services men know they are bats. trying Ancon Box 836. the other way. Too much rain.
if unfortunately we get damiged by said Bocs on Sunday last, and gave it the will be as follows: to play a double game) and the Mative and sermon at 11 am.
The time is drawing near when the Co. while using said right of way to knock out blow which they will rememNegroes know it also; and like to hide themselves during the Evensong at 30 greatest game will come off on the reach the Commissary, Post Ollies and bar for many noons lo somo; the score le bats, they would soon have day, and come out only at nigatse Sunday youth, are ours, This the bit ssppy sucess


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