
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1919 PANAMA BANKING COMPANY SECURITY PANAMA show at The evening mans are many itemshia dlab as there will be Able the comical hearty As room at is and installed their Davider?
wich under the Panyms for the rain AND LIFE, value of of this Loyal Isle of Springs Big Minstrel Show The Olympic AthleLodge.
tic Club By the Colon Junior MinsCelebrates 10th Annivertrels.
To Hold Regular Lecture sery: Jamos Martin, founder of the (BRANDON BANK)
Colon Colored Comedy Company Thursday night, November 6th The celebration of the 10th an and the Colon Junior Minstrels.
will be the next regular lecture niversary of the Isle of Springs and now Business Manager of the Oiymple Athletic Mob, the Ludge, 10. which took place Interlocutor of the latter con lecturer being Mr. Mr.
on the 19th ulto. was a function pany, together with Proto. POUNDED 1860)
COLON Nearly, genial Secretary of Crislong to be remembered, if for ne Prescott, Musical Director, will tobi silver Club House, and other reason than the many ditt pulling of a Minstrel he Silver Clubhouse, Cristobal, Our large Resources and well known organizer of all Colored Club Houses alung the Lines.
came during the recent past, as on Thurday evening. November ry 13th, 1919. Mt. Martin has just conservative Management afford unwere disclosed by the Secretary promises to be of the best of the senitartainment report received large quantity of the questioned security for every dollar At the appointed hour the Loyal sorġ latest any beld by this Progress Lodge Hall at Calidonia from the States, enme of them slonal song hits there to deposited with this bank.
Three members of the Club, Cuatro, where the function took still in proof form; alo, Harry Messrs. Doley (Director)
Phacelilled with members, or toomed Bundle of Burnt Portoney their families, javited guests and chorel comedy and Laughlann vis and Omphroy, wil give physical exhibitions which from Ha Ha Routecontain cieties and other Orders, between original cross fire conversations, sre to serve as a course and they Panama, the Canal Zone and Colon. gags, retorts, minstrel monol will be given in such a manner General Banking Business Transacted that grading be applieThe for to children ladies and gentT. Simmons, Past Noble end men and interloeutor.
ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON lemen. This in itself will be Grand, and who is said to be the Together with the above, they President.
Vice President.
Treasurer. invaluable to one and all and father of the Lodge, with the fol will also stage Good mornin fair increase in the creditable lowing address: made by Ha Minstreke afterpiece, attendance at these lectures is LADIES and GENTLEMEN: BRO 26, time 30m. Scene, some Harry Newton9m.
THERS and SISTERS. program for this entertainThe privilege and honor has fallen to poice court. ludicrous dis.
ment will appear in a later issue of this paper, my lot to make the opening address this pensation of justice, perhaps lackafternoon at this function to which we brand that will hit an audience.
ing in jurisprudence, yet of a NEW PROVIDENCE NEWS are all anembled. It is an enthusinstica The Voice of Wis Royal Primrsse Lodge No.
gathering and take the keepest pleno characters.
collection of colored AVISO 10106.
Lily White, who On Sunday last a meeting of ure in extending to you a right welcome. But before proceeding further wants a divorce because she is New Providence Trading Devedom. am sure you are not expecting to hear married, is ascream. The Baby loping Corporation was beld at Hospital Santo Tomás se pracEn la Clínica Venérea del On Saturday Evening Oct. 18th alCoach Parade by Levin Tees; The Allies taking their cur from De though Jupiter Pluvius had the whole anything like an address at this initial stage. The programme before me listen thered great time for himself, yet in spite of his tal 4m quite on elaborate one which will occupy 18 wheeled pranks the officers and members of the much of our time, and as you will heuncleIn by an anxious to the Panamanians the rules limiento gratis tanto a hombres war for the freedem of man.
barrow breaks down and constitutions of the Corporacomo a mujeres. El especia De Witt Pille have won a greater Royal Primrose Lodge No. 10105, and Barbero montesna fanns tion. They the Panameran lista encargudo atenderá perthe pleasure of hearing many address and a VICTORY over human diseases. Mi lo working direct under the Commit of.
Later on, and as would be uurping the as a a cada caso, pracows all over the world have been cured toe of Management England, spent a five were highly in accord with the sonalmente Chairman rights shall not venture, The little boys and girls are meeting and more so to know ticando exámenes de at sau Miguel cuando lo WHY NOT YOUT Two Two new members were initiated into the this the best show to be held by vileges as their West Indian juzgue necesario; suffer from introducing the Chairman for the even the and mysteries of the Order; after which the Do you depressed. de servicio gratis pa company speakers ox: officers elect, to serve the ensuing term jne who will conduct the affairs of this are on their interest and soveexámenes la de. restlessness at. pains the back, sides or joints Sometimes were obligated, and Function.
Proliantis Venerea del Hospitaithe Weliga aching limba, pating in the respective offices, The ceremonies were Siverous. ristobal, atat But before doing so shall outline to 50c for seats and 25 Amade mass meeting ing will be held ital Santo Tomás.
Groine, seunty urine, too frequentably performed by Bro. u. Bourne you very brielly a part of the history of for general admission. They can to night at New Providence at Para hombres: De a p. desire to urinate, weak or lame back. of the Lily of Paraiso Lodge.
acting as Master of the Loyal Isle of Springs Lodge of the also he had from the members sharp. All Colonists are it Log lunes, miércoles y viernes: burning sensation, or irritation of the Bro. Pottinger, of the same Independent Order of Oddfellows, Man. of the company, and the Kaskemir vited to be present and on timeLos martes, jueves y sábados.
of Ceremony, assisted Para. De chester Unity, which 10th, Anni Beauty Parlor, Bolivar Street in beneIf you observe any of these discom Lodge; and Bro. English of the rersary we are met to celebrate this Save up your laughter for this ficial to their interest, and to La Oficina de Profilaxis Ve. forta, stort to day to take the only real Light of Bocas Lodge No. 87, afternoon.
come prepared to bring the Cor nérea permanencerá abierta a oure DeWitt Pils, and you will be re Lodce is also working.
poration right Over the top. todas horas, día y noche. warded with HEALTHThe On the 11th, of May 1901 a social in is spending some time in Bible Students to Hold The many friends of George LONG Hundreds on connection with this lodge commenced the for the benefit of his health.
with an enrollment of 35 members. Week NOTICE King, of the Pacific Mail Steam Isthmus have been testifying to the There was also a goodly number of visitConvention by week the meetings were held with Navigation Co. Oolon, will be medicine. Have no doubt, ing brothers from sister Lodges, successful results and during the month and begin your treatment now.
The officers installed were Sis. Jones The Panama Branch of the pleased to hear that he is proFirst class examination and of September the same year the social International Bible Student gressing nicely, at Ancon Hos: treatment of all private disease deep rooted cases need longer treatment Davisand Mitchell to One bottle is enough for some, but and Ferguson Ls. to G; said month the Lodge was inaugurated convention this vear in La Boca ly.
was concluded and on the 20th, of the Association will hold thier annual pital. and expects to be out shortof men and women free at Ve depending on the severity of the case. Beo. Riebardson, Mark. Hosunder the Jamaies District be ventions are held once a year op Gjurisdiction) November and These con nereal Clinic Santo Tomas Sold in sizes at all first elus drug LG: King, A, Andersons pital. Specialist in charge who storos. Beware of imitations some deal :J. Johnson, Bell, Fs Bro. Whitson Perry, ing BIRTH ingugu the Isthmus wier ever there is rives personal treatment to ers are handing out. DeWitt. Clarke, Clarke, Treure ratiche took place at Jamaien Town a Class of Students. It is ex each case. Blood examination Matachin, Canal Zone which is now sub pected that a goodly number of and 606 administration where neal. City Pharmacy printed on wrap. and Rallen Buchner Co. Ltd. London Bottle with blue Lindsay, Pre. Stephens, Marad. of 67 members that con. boy child was born to Mr. Mrs.
constituted necessary the eeremonios, the social, 60 were initiated in the stat delegates from along the line Orton semmott of Lao Boca non Friday, sub and Colon will attend.
October 24th. at 40 The Hours. Men, to p.
to the banquet hall, and partook of the THE CITY PHARMACY, lime mysteries of Oddfellowship.
mother and baby are getting on aloely, Mondays, Wednesdays and toothsome things prepared, which were 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
while Orton brother is handing Women, to p Tues. Agents for Republic of Panama capable of tempting the appetite of the most removal to Panama some of the links be. congratulations to the Loyal Isle around cigars to his many friends.
fastidious Several days, Thursdays Saturdays.
and Canal Zone. were given and bonored; and a very came rusted and fell out and others were of Springs Lodge from their pawelded in, and at Propbylactie Station open pleasant time was spent. The singing of not very for ternal Lodge, and it is pleasing seemed as if the Dispensation to tu distant, it all hours day and night.
the National Anther brought the proP. ALLMAN would be one ably executed the duty enceedings to a close at the wee hours of wrested from us us of financial deficiency, but by the brave trusted AN LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Important Notice the morning.
and loyal support of a few of the mom Representative of the Press Between 10th and 11th Sts.
PERSONAL and GENERAL bers of the district, whilst others stormed formed an item on the program All property owners living ontside us, and with the united effort of a de and Mr. Walrond. pro Bottle Alley. Colon, All lodges of the Layal Order the colony Monte Lirio are hereby termined few, a rigid pull was made to prietor of the Workman, who was of Ancient Shepherds Ashton notified that a Corporation has been Agitatiɔn against the one step rother and to day the Loyal Isle of present on invitation, was asked MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER Unity Friendly Society, are formed, and fox trot and other varieties of latSprings Lodge stands once more on to speak on behalf of the fourthi est dancing steps have failed to MOTOR BOAT hereby notified that the Star.
LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY terra firma. This took place since con Estate ot the Realm. In respondIn the East Lodge No 2798 of is now being constructed to carry torty who, following a reception by influence the Prince of Wales, neeting with the Central Ameriean Dining, Mr. Walrend thanked the Latest English and American Fashions. the same Order, operating under passengers.
of the Jurisdiction of Canal Zore The name of the Corporation to be 000 persons at the Otwwa City The following figures will prove the Lodge for their kind invitation vicissitudes that she has undergone. Or and expressed his appreciation Also Cleaning Pressing District, has been suspended in EADING AND DEVELROVIDENCE HA called on the orchestra for accordance with General Law PORATION TRADING AND DEVELOPING COR a little jazz or rag in their Your Patronage Solicited members to No. 19 Section by said Canal other, totalling 61 (the first initinted by celebrating their 10th Anniverdance music The Orchertra leadPrices Moderate Zone District.
Shares will be at the par value ed Arabian nights but this was er a Canadian Lieutenant, offerthe lodge) there are only now active sary. He then briefly outlined HENDERSON.
16. of 00 not in the Prince dance repermigrated and died. Despite these hnp. and assured the audience that MY MOTO. PUNCTUALITY District Corresponding Sec.
toire, so Johnie in Town was offered as a substitute, pemings we are glad to report an nelive they could always rely on the For further particulars, Apply to membership of which am sure the support of the Workunan the Seeretary in his report will West Indian Newspaper which PERCY JOHNSON, New Providence, during the past seven years had or to A. HUNTE, The Hatter Prior to the war England like been operating in the interest trust it wont be out of place to ex colored people generally and of Calidonis Road.
most other countries, depended on Germany chiefly for its supply plain further that the period between the West Indians specially of chemical and laboratory glass.
starting of the social to the opening of Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, Mr. Harris District To day the manufac urers of th the lodge oceupied only months JONES, Secretary was the next speaker, Before concluding and introducing the Exporters and Commission Merchants.
ware at Sheffield established under government encouragement, and is needless to state is turning out Chairman to you. wish to impress on that he made the address of the goods your minds that Oddfellowship is founded evening, for, as he stated, he was equal upon that eternal principle which recog in a position to speak authorita Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: Builder Contractor produced by Germany. glas?
association is being nises man as a constituent of one uni tively on the inner workiug of formed lo now located at Paraiso, Ca ing the product, which has the ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
to experiment in cheaperversal brotherhood, teaches him that the Isle of Springs Lodge, being coming from the hand of a common brought into close connection Provisions and Canned Goods.
nal Zone, where he can be found financial support of the Governat all times by those who may re ment. Another imp Srtant indir Parent, he is bound to sund to cherish and pro therewith by the exercise of his teet his fellowmen. It is the neutral duties as District Secretary of the South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour. quire his services: try that Germany toses by the Postal address Box 145.
ground where the truly benevolent, Order. He here briefly re Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
though differing widely in opinion, nay viewed the many vicissitudes Paraiso.
meet together in perfect amity; and co through which the lodge had Colgate Co. Octagsa. 0133 Mr. Vanderlip, the well known operate in the great work of practical vir tus. And in conelusion it has a tendency the officers and members on be passed and finally congratulated Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
American banker, in his survey Important Notice of the world economie situation to make those who enter its rank better ing able to gather that evening The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Hair Pins.
now being published in the husbands, better fathers, and better to celebrate the 10th Anniver Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste American Press, ventures on members of Society.
sary; ROWLINS prophecy with regard to the Introductiop of Chairman choir selected for the occa Ingersoll Watches, etc.
Begs th notify his old custom near futore. The Bolshevik rein Rassia in the now therefore take great pleasure in Sion rendered some very fitting ers that he has returned from the gire, he says, is a passing ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc.
introducing my Worthy and Respected sacred songs, duets and anthems, United States of America, and phase. It will be succeeded by which were a lwell received.
Bro. George Allan Turner, Prov.
has taken up his position again dictator, again Light refreshments were seryof the Central American District under as Agent for the representing an For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us.
effectively powerful small miwho jurasdiction we are governed from ed at intervals during the preWashing con Talioring Co.
nority. The period of diotatorLe Chair, who am confident will bu ceedings, which lusted until near o clock, owing to the lengthy ship OF CHICAGO, ILL the position to the satisfaction of all, and will be followed by a constiprogram HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE with dignity to himself.
Samples and styles on band with its tutional musible for Russia, 62 Central Ave.
Mr. Turner, on taking the posi.
134 140 Bolivar Street and idealistic proper fit and workmanship national character, is not ready Wion of Chairan, made a briet ADVERTISE Colon, R, Panama, R, guaranteed, or money refunded. for a real democracy. And ther, address and started the ball rollP. Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, Price and (uality Can be Beaten sooner or later, there will emerge ing by calling on the representIN THE WORKMAN Phone 895.
a nation, the most solvent in atives of the various Lodges for Postal address: Box 788. Europe, because it has the richtheir message of condolence and IT PASS Ancon, est natural resources.
This is pers.
After the Fridays.
During its bahstay in Matach in and its tasta.
torsts and at one time.
to him.
triet, give further data, Lee Chong Co.
it to any war.
course of events


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