
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918 PAGE SEVEN dolin Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes has dire le scale, after They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE others too team win. The Open Forum. Chorrillo Drug Store.
ployees in Chapter of the man JUST RECEIVED Isthmian Elcution have discontinued owing to Wir gotten decisions of some of the so called Um Conte. pires, not that have played the same on the Isthmus; have no aer tend to, unless the Umpires are acquaintPromoted by Olympic Athed with the Law of Cricket their various decision conscientiously ad give letic Club.
and fairly and the player one of them behave better on the Eeld Sometimes As tire moves on the days fit by one bears or reade of risket match to oft times your for the dawning of EAND be played between two strong sides be he some long lok y, and the arloves the the place of play, bis sieket and good old game and journeys to complishment of em, or the man turity of some event. It may be the takes his seat expecting to me and engrand celebration of a festal day, or the joy a well contented game; while the prepartin for sleet dance or some came is in full oving you hear how fine Dramatie show by local or foreign that? The Umpire, in vlove jurisdiction ta ents, or the competics some event it is, And in the hours of our anticipation, we Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
is, says not out. The other Umpire is strive for the perfection by which only appealed to be the folders, bout, succes aan bewured in whatever branch dispute arises and the game is eaded. bave never seen in the West Indies where we are concerted with the one object cricket is played on a large of being proclaimed The Victor an Umpire has given bis decision it is Any man who mys that he trains him reversed by the other Umpire at the reselt for a content and religiously devotes quest of the fielders am waiting to his time and study in its preparation hear or see one of these days when a her just for the filling of space or enlarging bateman is dicho is given out LB. or eaught the ranks, well Ananine has nothing on to appeal to the other Umpire, not only him and he han Bophiro benten mile.
the above mistake is made but a recent article, it was announced lo too numerous to mention in many Tous les made but many instances where games are broken up by that the Oympie Athletic Club was ar ronging to hold a lothmian Elocution the cause of bad Umpiring, lack of knowContest Thing are at present looking oosseis Socio ledge of the Laws and unfair decision. have read with much interest that the very promising for this affair and from the manner in which the various ladies long expected game between the cracks and gentlemen of this community are inof Barbados and those of Jamaiak: well terested and already are preparing, it good luck to both and may the better team win promises an overwhelming success at Before elesing iet me sug.
the same time a tedious time for the gest to both teams to elect two Um judges pires from the following name: Hector, Collins, Husband and Up to the present no word has been Wedo not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this column as received from anyone at the Pacifie side 46 STREET, PANAMA.
Stoute, two of these gentlemea as Umthe sentiments are purely those of the correspondents pires think will do the job and give as to this competition, and the Secretary of the Club is inviting the attention of fair and sound decisions, judging their Just received a full stock ofthe talents of that and to get interested.
past performance There are many social clubs in Panama Thanking you in advance. SILVER CHAIN GOODS What Is Sympathy?
La Boca, ete. whose members are prof. also to readers and patrons Yours, cient in this direction and it is strange of this valuable WORKMAN paper: Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES CLEAN SPORTS be this a warning well taken; your first nothing has been said yet about their La Boca, great task is to make the man who has supporting our promotion. Please direet For every form of disease.
Oet. 20. 1919.
Who Is Pete. any communication to Omphroy, just been initiated hundred per cent Box 154, Cristobal, as early as posDear Sir. was present at the Union Brother, and who now carcies a able.
opening ceremony of the West Indino card in his pockel, but brother what are TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. Dear Sir: It was seen in one of the The date set for this contest will be Bramel, Red Cross Hall, in Panams the thoughts which he carries in his columns of your valuable issues, where some one was asking who is this Pete?
December 18th, Thursday night, at 30 City on Sunday, the 12th inst. and mind?
Has he joined your order for the sole Give us a call and inspect our New Stock. Please allow me to state that there are. at the Cristobal Silver Club House there were three white Americans presw purpose of getting rich quick because many who know that name, which in It is time now that everybody start fent, Mr Heald, and two others, Mr. Morris, the Chairman of the you have told him of the new schedule Satisfaction Guaranteed.
itself is a terror to Silver Employees. It preparing for this contest and any sus ceremony, in his remarks to Mr. Heald you are about to present: is he one of FLOWERS, Proreitor.
was thought by this time that be had put gestion offered the away his Delilah tricks and acting as cessful promotion of this affair, will be paid that he. Mr. Heald) had nocepted you rerely to aid his own preketbook Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519.
willingly and thankfully received by the the application of the West Indian RedAh Boother 100 many new memb. ts Jone endowed with reasonable faculties, Secretary of the Club in writing or other Cross for affiliation with the Canal Zone fear have ned your ranks to help you that thought.
seeking no more to oppose Silver emthe American Red Cross, Hoe he in working for their daily bread.
of tace, de of race, and every brother in your local combat Howbeit, the natural qualities of The all important matter of judges class or creed. Whether Mr. Morris against the everpresent strong and ready must flow as a cosequence. It would be will be arranged in such a manner but made the statement conscientiously or influences confronting us; that opposigood thing for him, Mr Crave all one and all will be well pleased; and unconscientiously do not know, but tion wbich always stants shoulder to and want others to have nothing. to surance is hereby given that not this know, that that little molo of shoulder with a solidns that none realize that he will butt up with his alightest dissention can be honestly main sympathy is not the seif sacrificing love know until they have equally opposed it; 12 o clock some fine day.
by large and Fresh Shipment of of which Mr. Farris spoke in the he must learn that there is only one Would to God that the hearts of such Remember the appointed date is De course of his address successful mans of opposition to the CLARKE cember 18th, and all lidies and gentleBLOOD MIXTURE men were enlightened to see that the But there are many instances in which migaty clever opponent. And that Master of the Universe has placed berries men between both terminals are request. Mr. Heald may endear himself to the solidarity; your fight is his fight as his for birds of every. they ed to give us their support.
Negro race and the poorer class without fight is you lo ineluding your name in the list of self sacrificing love; and here are a few things through a stead of keeping in reserve him a of the cardinial principles for which orcomplete understanding competitors, you are helping to promote of those instances.
store bouse, of servile chains.
a just cause, helping to improve the in Is it Mr. Heald to whom the Silver Kanised labour stands. He must learn Yours Truly, tellectuals of our people, helping to es Employees Petition, re half rate trans. these things through a thorough and NEGRO.
a higher social standard und bet portation over the Panama Railroad has complete understanding of his constituter personal understanding. You are at been referred by Governor Harding? Iftion, the WORKMAN and Successful Entertainment the same unconsciously implantine bo what has he done with it; bus be ADVANCE GUIDE more perfect appreciation on the part ohrown it in the waste paper basket?
FOUNDED IN 1881 one and all for each individual The entertainment which was published in the le. How many brothers have their ConAnd again, why are the coolers in stitution read through a second time, The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
in a local paper, to be held at the good suggestion for the many clubs second class couches on the Pausma some only glance over them at the Post MANUEL ESPINOSA Methodist Episcopal Church, situated in and associations is to have mock contests Railroad parsenker trains constantly kept office and that is all, all those who have the 12th of October street, Gunceapali, Central Avenue, 33 in which case each member will strive fall of hot water, when the coolers in not, venture to say are unable to in say Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
for supretnaey over the other. Perhaps the first class conches are kept full of telligently discuss but few subjecte per on Thursday the 23rd. came off as was the winner of the Int minn Elocution lice water almost too cold for human taining to the same; what the master announced. There was an immense throne gathered; every available seat was Contest is a member of your organiza consumption? Do not the second class with setting aside twenty or twenty five minutes of occupied, and numbers of them had to stand wherever they could find an open at the same time, to throw in your very treasury of the shareholders of the com rending and discussion of the ConstituNEED WILKINSON valuable suggestions in this connection pany thau the first class coaches? Is tion; if this tires you think you will space of ang kind. It was delightful to see the girls marching in with a lighted that spmpathy?
find that twenty minutes or twenty five CONTRACTOR BUILDER candle in one hand, and a basket of Musicians at Colon Meet And more important still, why there is not too short, and in this way, we may only one toilet in each of the second clausn find points in our Constitution and Byflowers in the in the other, while Miss Susan Verge coaches for both sexes? Is it comme First Class Workmanship was taken up by the marching band.
Laws, wh ch we think might be changed sung a solo, the chorus of which The musicians of Colon met on the docency? Do not many women and for the betterment of the rank and file.
Plans and Specifications Free Mrs Amy 21st of Oet. in the Negro Hall, 204, girls of delicate nature suffer Jackson and Miss Viola Cumabout setting aside one ball hour We Always have in Hand a ComD. Street, and discussed very important and physically in class plete line at Reliable Low Prices berbatch matters, there was a good turn out of coaches, and subaequently are compelled the Last meeting night of each month to 15th Street West House 90 them up on a line, which was stretched across the Church for that purpose. musicians and we want to keep that pay medical bill, rather than mellem alle Lodges for the purpose of reading and Box 411, Panama, well befitting opening address was given by spirit up. Attend your moetinge so to to only one toilet in the several coaches? MAN; there are many articles of valu Give Use Call Before Going Elseknow what is going on; we want to inform Like myself, are there any other married able infornation and interest to every where you are Sure to be on Time the musicians of Colon that this is not a who have paid medi al bilis on that worker in the Journal each month and if Your WATCH wos Repairad by US Hand Ironers part of Mary Rhode in the action scene; and after a few recitations on the concern for West Indians alone, we are account?
the WORKMAN not selfish with our movement, we want Giid the every week, how All the first class coaches are fitted read the editorials; they are written for Remember We Make Wedmany line of the story, the scene comthen od WANTED the Panamanian musicians out with two toilets Inbelied Men and you and your interest alone? will not Miss Lydia Alleyne acted as Countess, on especially, that they are a bit slack in Women respectively. Then, why these suggestions Auto educate the Miss Bertha Burges, we her daughter, ding Rings and Other there attendance not the same common decency provided newly initiated member to at La Esperanza Miss Leon Moulton as her servant, Mro to a better under per cent of the musicians that for in the second class coaches?
As 75 Jewelry to Order standing Amy Jackson and Miss Geneva Gordon of the objects of our Organiza.
play for the Cabaret and Saloons in LAUNDRY recited a dialogue which was divided into If Mr. Heald (democrat parts, Mr. Richard Francis played and uniy right, that they should attend malwence can be used to remeday luod absolutely must have that type of an Corner 22nd Street, Panama, Colon are Panamanians, it is right perhaps. or any other officials who wore will need this boole to make him FULLER by the di mo a to se haudred per cent 122 CENTRAL AVENUE (Only First Class Need Apply the Count part. All these played their these call meetinge: it conditions.
part in the most proficient manner, and com our deserve special credit. Miss Viola Cumlet us get together, stick together, and get busy on the job, he or they would We cannot at this time afford to carry Phone 939 PAY EVERY QUINCENA. berbatch rendered a recitation whish was Book back, overy body is doing it, doing classes of the community, and endear He is a dangerous thorn in our sides pull together.
called for a second time, and during the collection Miss Susan Verge sung a solo, what? organising themselves in the hearts of their less during this period of construction, you Miss Lillian Wilkins at We are not the worse after all, no fortunate followmen accompanied by of the poorer cannot afford to try him out now in any the piano, and the Pastor on the organ, say no, we are the life of the pleasure classes.
for he will be the first to turn seekers, so let go to it. There is a Thanking you, Mr. Edit or, in antici against you, he must be made a one hunwhich was very much appreciated by all lot to be derived by being Organized ration. remain, Dear Sir, dred per cent men from within the WE CAN MAKE WITH OUR FELLOWS IS. Too much praise cannot be given to Mr.
especially when bonded for ona common. Yours Very Sincerely, ranks Latty, and Miss Laura Morrice who cause, all for one, and one for all. MEMBER OF THE RED CROSS.
played the part of James and Mary Let there be truth between Make your meetings alive, full of InterMr. Morelos, President of the rest to every member; therein lies the Rhode in a very excellent manner. Mr.
us two for evermore Desett who played the part of Union, gave very stirring address Thinker Thought success of co operation, and with comwhich went home with those who attend Judge, and Master Osnond Williams plete co operation and burmony in the that of Minister, are also to be ed; quite a good number of new mem PRICE Dear Sir: Permit me space as a remuk and file any economie must eventQUALITY SERVICE bers enrolled, tulated; and in fact, all who took part in everybody were feel porter and agent for your viluable ually become a success.
the programme deserve the highest posYours.
Gasoline Oil: Among other things, it was mentioned WORKMAN paper at the district of sible congratulations, for the whole Accessories.
Repair Parts. HOLDER, thing was a cemplete success.
by Mr. Leid and seconded by Mr. Gra. Gatun, to draw the readers and po.
ham that Mr. Nixon be app in med trons attention to the following article: Agent and Reporter.
Journal Agent of said Union, this motion entitled (A Thiaker Thought) which was carried unanimously.
WAS written by A, Porter, from the Clean Sport Dr. JOHNSON of Oct. 1919, also very valusble to the application of the United GRAVES JOHNSON SURGEON DENTIST ADVERTISE IN Brotherhood of Msietenance of Way Sir. As a lover of elean sports, espe 7th Street Ancon Avenue. Phone Corp. 85.
Phone 1003 cially the old English game which P. Address The Workman Raffroad Shop Labour.
To the members of the bave often played at home and which Ancon, 852. The must be taught the Royal Infant Preservative to do good to their fellow ma.
tablisha Central Drug Store the time How many hot WATCH?
testerially How received the baskets, stretched and hung la masing our Sourate and the work: WATCHES and JEWELRY Miss Laura Morrice, who who also played the web not to impress 19 three na; we excess THE HIGHEST COMPACT thing coagra and ing god.


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