p. 8


during Craft Continuation of the Serial Feature GRAFT Each Show Night the Coming Week the on that day sd New read the novel will Excursion Train The bata.
GRAND PIC NIC The principal scorers were Blackman. days of each month, Games Prizes Stoute side side opened their defence with Races, Tug o War, Greasy Pole, Cricket.
ocesso Isthmian Dramatic DANCE PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL. Company Debut. AT THE PANAMA ATHLETIC CLUB Nr. Thomas team defeats PANAMA Monday next, the 3rd Inst.
Stoute Team in the All Barbados try.
COLON On the Pacific Side No There will be an impronta dance out last Sunday. The only game played in Panama last Sunday was the test TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, NOV. 1st vembor 15th. at the Panama Athletic Club, corner of Central Ave. and 19th match composed of All Barbadiane, so there was no wonder that large crowds 17th 18th Episodes of The Isthmian Dramatic Com St, to which the respectable gathered on the Standard Oval from an the Sensational Serial Picture pany of the Windy City will be public is invited. This dance is early hour to wateh the outcome.
make its first appearance at the being promoted by Paps, thie There had sort hnd eenial been plenty of rain Pacific end on Saturday evening, the above Club popular band manager of the week, and up to the early hours of November 15th. at eight o clock of musle will be in attendance Sunday morning, there was scarcely any in a one aet play lette entitled and will play a fine program of hope that the game could come od 66 Man About Town by Stanislaus music from o to 3p.
Nevertheless, from an early bour, the Tomorrow, Sunday, November 2nd crowd gathered at the Standard Oval Stange, in which Mr. Cyril Admission: Gentlemen U.
Morand will portray the role of was constantly clamouring for the Jack Watherill. man about town.
that ch By and by the players began to Conclusion of the Serial notorious gambler, drunkard Bibles! Bibles. Bibles. turn up, but not until after one o clock e This little play which made Picture could the ground be got in readiness for a great hit in Cristobal, will Interesting Books for Bible play. The two teams were composed be a curtain lifter to celebra Scholars, Family and Lodge Graft of some of the best bats of Barbados on ted and sensational drama by Bibles. The new Pronouncing, the Isthmus, the only absentee of any Hazlewood, 19th and 20th Episodes entitled Lady containing the four Gospels and note was Holder who, unfortunately Audley Secret in two acts: their Interdependence.
had to be at work on that day. It was BXYOOSOBNO. co dramatized from Miss Brad Apply to not until nearly 2pm that that Teach don grast novel by the same Augustus Farrier, Thomis spun the coin, and Teach name, aud we are quite sure that Stoute who had substituted Holder all who have Street, House No. 32.
called correctly, but alter consultation Brotherhood News be anxious to see the plan is more important Notice while with his men, he decided to send is who have not will be anxious to see it to know what opponents in. Owing to the heavy rains wa that had fallen even up to the same (Continued from page 1)
this great secret of Las Audley the bowlers were able to do as Manley, Secy. Treas; Lord, morning is, a most conna ting, un LORD they pleased with the ball, and scoring Ghaplain; Browne, Journal COLON TO PANAMA scrupulous, formerly a Is requested to call at tie 4th.
pubess in the home of Dr Municipal Court and claim a Har.
Alleyne and Blackman opened the Agent and McLean as Warden neighbour of Sir Mimonium which was levied on by innings for Mr. Thomas side, but so were selected in their former of TRAIN Leaves Colon A.
chael Audley, Baronet. Through one McKay. The case has been well did the bowlers trundle that the fices.
her conuing and false ambition decided on in favour of Lord he is New officers elected: Cook, Sir. Michael falls into the trap asked to call and claim the insfirst wicket fell at 27 runs.
Vice President; Piper, Conmen tried their level best to play a careLeaves Panama P. she has laid for him and marries trument.
ful innings, but Holder bowled ductor; Sweeden, Inger Sen.
splendidly and T, Burton, who bowled tinel anb Chase, Outer Senti She is triumphant, but her Llewellyn Kerr as George Tal.
nel from the other end, bowled as when he time is not yet come. When it boys; Gyril Morand as Luke Our meeting then came to a was at the Zenita of his fame. Mr, came we find the proud and craf. Marks. a drunken game kepe Thomas, side was all out for 100 runs, close, We beg to remind mem bers that our general meetings ty Lady Audley on ber knees be at Audley Court it is worthy of note that wickets and it is Tickets for seeching mercy of her hurband this At Standard Oval Grand Dram fell for 100, and 11 for the same 100. are held on the 2nd and 4th Frinephew, Robert Audley Miss tic Performance at La Buca Sil.
Lillian faitt, as the crafty Lady BROWNE.
17, Best 27, Alleyne 17 and 15th Free to All Showing Excursion Ticket on Audley will lead, this celebrated can be hnd from the Chemical Th mas 10 None of the other bats en Journal Agent di ama home to the hearts of Hall, the City Pharmocy, and the made double figures. Holder cap every one who sees it. She is Western Auto Supply Company tured Owen tured wickets Jor runs, Burton for 20 and Holford supported with an all star cast this City, which are being sold at Parseverance Lodge, No, for 10. Mr for and Phoebe muid Lady Audiey tickets at an early date to avoid 2501 This Archer and Cruney, but neither of them OF ALL KINDS at Cristobal and Gatun Silver young lady took the audience the rush.
had a long stay at the wicket as Archer was nicely taken by Black man when Members are requested to Clubs by storm in her spectacu GRAND OPERETTA the score was and immediately after turn out in full force to the next lar song ain goten no time Croney wrs bowled Mr. Stoute team meeting of this Lodge on Tues.
to Have the Blues; Rudolph McLean as Sir Michael Audley Red Tank and Paraise folks, fell exceedingly fast as we will show, day November The presence for 7; for or 7; for 7; for 11; for ot look out for a grand operetta on Juwes Facey as Robert Audley for ot each member is necessary at the evening of November 13th in 17; or 36; at this stage of the gate these bi inonthly meetings so Holder was joined by Phillips that he may be in close touch the colored clubhouse at Paraiso.
fers Local The President an. The will operetta nounced that this be ng. and a brilliant stand was made by the with the pulsating heart of La.
be staged two of them, for when Phillips left, the the auspices of regular Meeting since the receip priendly sa isang este stehen sirls Return Ticket Including Entrance the bor.
soore board read 77 24. Holder ters It is noticeable that some of of their Charter there were no Church, La Boea. Tiekets are quickly followed him, the board reading our members keep shy of the to Ground 78 22. It is true, both of in portant matters be dealt on sale at Red Tank and Paraiso. 00 them meetings it a cast of fear?
give chances, nevertheless, they had Tuis undefined position is unte.
with except the installation of The troupe is made up of twen.
the officers, The roll was then ty one young ladies. five young The following bein men and six boys. Get your in pulling side out of the hole sources of ticket at once, and keep it to They were the only two batsmen on Mr. to the fierce light of investiga.
action are subjected Bro. Williams, President enjoy yourself that night.
Stoute side to reach double figures, and tion and scrutiny.
the invinge closed for 78 runs. Mr T Jones, Vice Thomas side thus captured wickets for You cannot sit on the fence or W. Dean, Secretary Jamaica Imports Demon Duff, Past Pres.
11 runs fand es play both ends against the midBlackman for Bowler To Play Barbados 14 dle for this latter trick necessi Barnard, Journal Agent Best for The immense crowd that tates a nicety of mental adjustwitnessed the game was well satisfied, and ment which makes its practice Smiekle, Conductor. Gibson, Chaplin.
The Jamaica team of cricketers their behaviour was excellent.
absolutely painful and danger.
which is to play Barbads toWarden. Nurse, Inner Sentinel. morrow and Monday a guing of To morrow, all roads will lead to the ous. Why not come over the Rochester, Outer intercolonial ericket has augmente Isthmian Park; as it is ant cipated that line entirely?
an immense throng will gather there to We would also like to advise The President then asked Bros. Scott, the Deinon slow bowler ted its strength by importing watch the fight for supremacy between members to act with discretion Spencer, Jones, Morales, and from the island home, Jamaica and Barbados. Everything is in when engaged on the daily Crosby of Aller Star No. 2500 to readiness, the players Scott arrived heve on Thursday are condround and the common task FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE assist in the Instalation of th from Jamaica especially play tion, and weather permitting, we Let the rank and tile preserve officers Elect which request in this match, and the Jamaicans to see one of the finest games ever pulled its commonsense, remembering offin Pana na. Of one thing we feei sure that a very good thing may be accepted. The Ceremon have planked their faith on the SALVADOR was then undertaken and they fame of this popular professional that the largest crowd that ever witnessed used in such a way as to destroy officers duly installed in th Crom the Isle of Springs.
a Cricket match in Panama will be seen its intrinsic excellence.
various offices unveiling at this game. We only hope that the The Barebadians are saying that will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, SUNDAY The Local Charter was the next a is a pity the Ja naicans did not Umpires will keep their nerves, and not on the program to which th allow the great crowd to excite them. We Invincible Lodge No. 2518 2nd NOVEMBER, 1919, for President depended on Bros home. All look alike to then.
try to get the entire eleven from are not anticipating any trouble; but we Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose Spencer and Jones. The cere: are only giving warning Renerally. We It would be very disappointing general meeting of this local de Guatemala, and Chatperico also hope the crowd will remember that was held on Wednesday night mony was also ubly performed to see the Jamaicaus spend so by the depended it is also to their credit to see that they October 29, at St. Anthony Hall cond tions of the foregoing the erack and then witness his hers. Other much money to bring over a do nothing to mar the progress of the Calidonia. The lodge was called President that the game.
to order precisely at 45 by our ORIANA meeting was open to anyone to failure on the Greens.
decision of saying Boinething No doubt about it Scott is a first orou Officers of the law will be thero, and any Corbin. The meeting was a live many other brothers spoke being class bowler and everybody is attempt at lawlessness will be dealt with ly one and a great full of enthusitsın. Among the expecting him to come off, except will leave CRISTOBAL am will leave BALBOA, Noon, MONDAY, speakers were Bro, Spence, Barbados very severely. This is not an ordinary ness was got through. Members game, it is an Inter colonial one, and are asked to bear in mind that 10th November, 1919, for N. Jones Crosby, Jones, ISTHMIAN LEAGUE and Morales. The occasion was everything possible must be done to unless they exercise a little more Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso make it a success We are confident interest in coming out on meet a very encouraging one and at cricket on the Isthmus will receive ing nights, will lose much (Continued from page. the conclusion of the Local business the Brother a big ecce repaired to the Banquet hall where yourself for having gone on this understand that it has been decided to be greatly beneficial to them.
play twelve men aside, and we think this next meeting will take ELLERDALE they enjoyed to their best another excursion. The largest and best is but right, as it is not a Cup fixture.
turs. place on Wedvesday night next Bhese peathe coming proceedings for the corelacions in determined Dean. gave. a good band of WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ABOUT MIDDLE OF DECEMBER, FOR We wish both teams good time and November 5, 5, and all are asked to a very stirring speach congratu. music wil be in attendano: only hope that the better one may win attend, as we are trying to get The game is slated to begin at 11. 30 our Lodge on a stiong financial Havre and London lating the Brother visitors of very light refreshent will be other locals who were present served, ice cream etc, will be on sharp, and the man who gets there at basis, and the co operation of all 11. 36 will find that he has missed five also giving encouraging words with your check before admitmust be provided hissed five the members is urgently needed all.
minutes of play. We believe that the There will be matters of great brought our meeting to a close.
tance on the cars. Be ready players, to whom a good many prizes importance to be discussed, one For Further Particularstherefore for Noy. 27th, Points of have been offered by the cricket loving of which is the Sick and Funeral THEO. BARNARD embarkation will be at corner pubic, will do all in their power to uplift Benefit Fund. Once more we Apply at the Offices of the Company at Journal Agent. of 19th street and avenue and this grand old game, and so make eutreat all the members of the Calidonia Road opposite the old November and go down in the Invincible Lodge No. 2518 to turn CRISTOBAL Howard Severs Lodge mattress factory.
history of Panama as red letter days out next meeting night not later for West Indians than 30 at St. Anthony Hall. or at the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, No. 2515 Sacred Concert Calidouia.
PANAMA MORRIS All ineinbers of the above under the auspices of the Brio graud Sacred BOCAS NOTES.
named Lodge are asked to please tains Pride Lodge. No. 2343.
Journal Agent bear in mind that our next regu Order of Druids Friendly Sie Mariners Local No. 2521 30th October 1919, The Meeting lar meeting night will be on (By Our Corrust on leni) As nigh as eight persons read Cristobal was called to order by the Pres. Wednesday 5th inst at the Eu. will be given. In their ident elect. The following reka Hul, Fourth Street and Street Central Avenue. On SunLodge root Druids Hall 20th.
The last issue (Oct 18) of the the same copy by the agent passBrothers from Allen Star No. Broadway. All members are day evening November 16th 1919.
Workman which came to Bocasing from one to the other, One The first Regular Meeting of 2500 were in attendance.
asked to be in attendance as Ths Panama Choral Union will kept the agent very busy as his of his patrons called on him there are matters of vitai impor render a fine selection of Sacred order was reduced to about a stating learn that yonr supply The Marine Local No. 2521 Bus, Morales, Spence, tance to be dealt with. Meeting of the usual amount so he had is short but lend me your copy: was held Songs, Anthems and performangreat work with his patrons; want to see the Workman at the Lodge room at 4th and Jones, Morales and Crosby and commences at 30 sharp.
ces. Doors open at 30 it became a matter of loaning more than am in need of food. Broadway on Thursday night also Bro. Jones Sec. of The Chaut WASAM.
come and enloy a good time: 200 none SHE SEOA Malaysia forte del centre and had suceded nable in these days when the DON MISS IT called the hole a Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
in fine in expect The that the Oor Bro. sale. You Concert,


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