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Important For Our Many Patrons WHY WE PRINT ON ELLIOTT LAUDS ALL JAMAICA DEFEATS COLORED PAPER ALL BARBADOS BIG BOXING CONTEST MR. HEALD Tuesday 11th night aim up as a a willin ever a all.
it more this had off off 21st no At the Pacific Theatre As Chief of Branch of Red Cross COMPELLED TO REDUCE NUM What promises to b, most ex.
Panama IN KEENLY CONTESTED citing Boxing Contest for his Nov, 7th 1916.
BER OF PAGES season, will come off on Tuesday The Editor Workman CRICKET MATCH night, the 11th inst, at the Pici. Sir: In your issue of Saturday la t, fie Chentre.
some due signing Member of the It has come to the notice expense as the colored paper Jim Briggs, the prouler inid Bad Cross wird attack Me. Sam On Sunday and Monday last, Promptly at 11. 30 a. the Um of the management of this costs Hoald about considerably than the news print paper. bet of 50 Oy. sto, Suopassenger reconodations on the much talked of game, be pires, Dr. Fyffe and Browo, more ſale weight fighter wir side In the opinion of tween Jamaica and Barbados took up their stand at the the office that several of our pa This paper is also thecoming Baras and Jack Binckbar inside ws. Beserables and on the were played at the Isthmian Park wickets closely followed by the branch, this ob noxious indivi. before the largest gathering trons have been wondering why we have been printing pelled to reduce our pages in question being asked around. Iwal is simply an ene 03, and coula that has ever witnessed a scarce and we have been com ch. 20 rounds Will he do s. batainen. Walker and wilo know Belleza bas sad urt understand correctly, is diretor Panama. Ou Sunday, live thou careful play, the score was car: room not possibly be a member. Ar. Henta, kind of sport on the Isthmus of of Spencer, soon followed, and by our recent issues on co. ored this issue.
tichter, vary of the operations of the Panama sand persons paid for admission; ried to 66 before Spencer was uggressive, On account of the tie up nis it with his parent, Luta Railroad alas, and has nothing to and on Monday oyer seven thoh. taken by Layne of Holder and paper.
to We beg to inform the public by do with the construction of thom: sand paid for entrance. And bowling had played two in.
that shortage of newsprint strike in New York we are undergoing stringent training e propery nime paper for the past few weeks uncertain as to when our ac and all who see him work out are the proper gode of procedure is to get the throng, and the great differ uarbados by 29 runs on the first and was now leading committee, couvene meeting with ences in opinion expressed by the has compelled us to use colo cummulated orders will ar winking one eye and holding out Mr. Heald, and it he cannotamend spectators, there was not a single innings.
red sheets which were the rive and until a new supply the coin in favour of Briggs.
conditions, see the Governor who is instance of disorder, not even After the usual recess at the only kind available. This arrives we shall be obliged Both Blackburn and Burns are bis immediate chiet.
one instance where anything end of the innings Barbados jy being done at great) to continue at reduced pages. Smiles at what they term Brigg what lets coa age and has brought ly this is something for the crick only taking of the lead of me plucky wearing Mr. Heald made the Sure on uphill task not udacity, Blabkbuwn claim that sunshine to many destitute and et fans to be proud of: They have runs, but on trying to put on a there will be no need for Burns needy West Indian. fear no mortal nobly demonstrated that they can score as to make it impossible BROTHERHOOD NEWS mined to land the Ko or else in man, irrespoetive of color, class or been much pain, and on Satur. fore the 29 runs were wiped off.
to enter the fray as he is deter living, and acknowledge only justica appreciate clean sport. During foJamaica to win. In the en.
the previous week there had dea your she lost wiekets beBriges will be kept very busy for the entire 20 rounds.
Electrical Workers Excel a living wage sufficient to pro: Burns, on the other hand is greatest erimes.
Ingratitudo opa of mankind day last, when again there was a Nevertheless, by careful play. ing by a few of her men, she slor Lodge.
cure food and drink, to lay aside Yours truly entertained that the game so wething against disability and somewhat reserved; but declares would reached a total of 97 runs for CARL ELLIOTT. be old age and to obtain those re that it Blackbara fails to turn called off. On Sunday, how, Special mention should be On Tuesday night the 11th creational facilities which should the trick and he has to enter the ever, the day broke fair, and made of the way Lynton of Colon ropes it is going to be good night EXTRAORDINARY MEETING during the two days of this played for Barbados inst the Exe siur Lodge will be open to all.
It was he hold their regular meeting at GRANT. Briggs for that 50 disllars side great match, was at no time who compelled skipper Cain to bet, as the latter will see Journal Agent: marred by rain.
the West Indian Red Cross Hall of Past Grandmaster Council take Scott off the ball. He gloves than he can count, The game was slated to begin played. good innings for his Ca idonia Bridge, All Brother a. Sunday, but that work under the Electric Panama be a semi final round buut beDivision of the Canal Zone, and Success Lodge No. 2502. Beside the main go there will owing to the softness for the sides and deserves praise in innings he also earned the 4th, Nov. 1919 tween young Sain MeVes and of the Excelsior Lodge wicket, nothing was done until enviable distinction of making of the M, E, L; U, Kid Diamond. These two boys Past Grand Master Council, No. 408. after. During this time, the highest individual score of are sum moned to attend this We dannounce are so well known America; held an had not meeting, as matters of vital im only isetssial and to the public the spicenciatur unele for the dukkedness in doing up ordinery Convention on hea turdaystro gathered was constantly Shoutchoy mutebo Barbados discussed ing for the game to begin, but 29 runs, but she hnd now a lead each all unfinished business will be our Local is doing, we have an aon other early. that they need November at their Council Chamber the wicket was unfit for play. 68. Her boys took the field full portance will be put through. All members, who excelent set of nfficers and cominent. Then there will be Street East, for the purpose of conferring At length the coin was spun by or copil dence in their bowling more pay per quarterly everybodimo interested candien tween young Harry Wells and an Post Grand Mastero Charke, unluckily, Jamaica thus winning vigorous batting of Reid, and the curtain raiser of rounds be the Worshipful Grand Master Degree Cain, Holder of Barbados calling strength, but, owing to dues will kindly do so on the doing some worlt, ezeny mem Fred Musa Hubert and and tass above night mentioned; all suei ber of our Lodge seems to make to all there will be 34 rounds the Inetallation of the officers for long consultation careful playing of Scott, it a part of their daty, to work un financial, and will not have Brothers will consider themselve for the advancement of their of good classy boxing and tight half year terminating April 1920. die among themselves, Jamaica de another good stand was made disa cided to soud Barbados to the for Jamaica, and she eventually right and privilege of the Loiu arder, and Lodge. We also wish fans will surely get their money s, tinctive feature of the convention wasbat The wicket Wis entirely a won the game by 25 worth, the presence of o of visiting Council Master bowler wicket, and both sides There is no doubt All are asked to be out on time to extend an invitation to all James visitors of the Brotherhood to our Council of at 30 Local work on the 2nd and 4th 00 and 31. 50, USC.
The prices are res isonable 50c. and Adolphus English uf Bucas del Tur, kue whuaatinee team winning the the matter that it chances of ten a Wednesdays of each good game, gamely and Aucon Lodge No, 2516 the latter owing allegiance to the winning the game, unless more by both sides, and althouge ve as sure them of our wel Maugt, England. The chair was oeeue rain came.
Barbados come Brothers lost, the victors our in is CORRECTION. pied by G. Andrew Fairweath in the absenon of the WG.
Officers and members of the fighting for a common cause. Soots, whio ld come from know that they are unconquered.
Aneon Lodge, Nr. 2516, please the chief, and mist of all we In a paragraph which appeared Bro. Pairwentber, in his und manner opened the attack for Jamai: game, one that will be rememWilkinson, who was unavoidably absen, Jamaica, the previoas week, it was decidedly a hard fought bear in mind that cor regulat want is unity, before we can in our last issue reporting the performed the several duties incumbent ca, and took advantage of bered as long as cricket is played meeting will be held on Monday nehtove our needs. another im. arrival of Mr. Scott, the Crick on the other with credit to himself and all the help he could get from on the sthmus of Paunia. It is night, the 10th November, 1919, portant matter is, want to imeter from Jamaica it was staud the ground. He is a slow bow a remarkable fact that although at our meeting place, San Miguel, pr 88 upon your minds is that that he was a professional; we lisfaction to the Council Masterster with a great leg break Barbados lost the game, she has All members are asked 10 attend organiz ition does not merels bag to correct same as Mr. Scott are who have been most of and to be on time, nemeans wantina Theme is one of Jamaicane crack Acent honored with the Connect u adminidica and the ground was just suited nevertheless carried od bowling. Reid of Oolon the prizes that were offered for Journal Agentit means attend the Lodge ur Cricketers and a member of tion for the time specified. meetings und attend to the work Clovelly Oriek et Club of which assisted Scott at the other meritorious work on the tented that is to be done, and not to he is also Vice President JD. Clarke, end, and so well did the two of deld. Lynton of Barbados Barnabas, them bowl that All Barbados winning no less than four of Persorerance Lodge Ne. leave all to a few willing brothers. It means that everg Springer, C. 2501 Gatun was dismissed for the small them. Lyner, score of 37 runs. By this time brother must work shoulder to Nurse Lindsay Returns.
We give a list of those men Jatnes, shoulder by the cool breezes that were blow who made double figures in the all attending The Perseverance Lodge met gs whenever possible, Bowen, GS. and bad improved the wicket, and game: Barbados 1st innings, for the transnetion of business strive to do everything Fairweather, possible Mrs. Anni Lindsay will know after it had been rolled for ten tyne, 11; Jamaica Ist innings.
and the installation of officers for to make the organization a grand Certificated Mid wife an a Trained Martyn, Barbados 2nd innings, the ensuing term con Thursdry success. Therefore we must Nurse has returned from Jamai Al the close of the ritualistie work the a much better wieket than that Porter 13, Lyntən 28. Jamnarea night. November h We are again on the so give a heaping hand to our past two months bevacatione enjoyable repast prepared bandera dhe Holder und Elcoek opened the Cain 10.
severou watch and be ready ca where she has been for the Council Masters bad the benefit of the on which Barbados had batted. 2nd innings, Reid 19, Scott 17, In Barbados 1st innings Reid Members of this Lauge to attend presentatives in all their efforts Mrs Lindsay has come back look munngement of Sister Ellen Smart. of attack for Barbados, and a the regular mertim. Nomin Ibbing our work to the higiest ing fit and bus to state that she Household 961, when as customary many sending down maiden overs but and Scott fór ís. In Jamaica first, not only succeeded in captured wickets for 19 ruas members are of little practical eticiency. If we all do our best has resamed practice and can be were the bright and inspiring tonats given, disposed of two wiekets for 1st Holder use in an organisatim of this and work together we will be found at her well known resi and humor and mirth were boon com um captored for 17, sort, Scott in the end, denco, House 16. Street, oppo panions, and thas brought to a close an stand at the wickot una helped for In Barbados 2nd innings Cain made a Lynton for 17 and der kreatly rewarded We are poolit bath brains and will never need segret that site St. Paul Church.
evening to pull the of the took 402 und resources, in lighting a sus we nave worked to obtain a tem that has been in operative higher purpose in life. for our Big Concert on Wedne dey mainder of the time on the first and innings Lynton got for 20, All Jamaica played out there and Cain for In Jamaien.
since the days of Egyptian task selves and dear ones. Wishing Look Out for the NI. Night.
day, and at its close 530 all Locals success, masters Holder m.
Every Union member should C. on Suuday.
they had made 58 runs for the for 14. Elevek for 27 and live wire in the system.
Yours Fraternally The Panama Salvation Army loss of wickets. The fielding Blackman for Don C, GEORGE fail to remember that we Tomorrow the matches in conAn invitation is extended to Church of which Commandant of both teams was excellent, and Journal Agent.
possess the potentiality of numthe general public to witness the Morris is the pastor will be stag. the bowlers were ably supported nection with the Gittens Cup ber. We are aiming at the pre mass ineeting at the West Indian ſing one of the finest concerts on in their endeavours to get their Competitiod will commence again sent time to secure intelligent Victory Lodge No. 2509 Labor Union Hall, 23rd street, Wednesday night, November opponents out for the smallest and now the great game is over, and concerted action.
Guachapali at 30 Sunday Nov. 12th. Great preparations are be possible score, Monday opened all interest will be centered on it We are not cradling a revoloThe regular meeting of the 9th. special programme is ing made and it is anticipated bright and fair, the ground he. Quite a few important games are excellent condition, to be played, and again fans will tion all we need is Re adjust above named lodge was convened papamamd capitala Epass Band tendance. Come along at 30 makng it hard for the bowlers have an opportunity of seeing prepared for the purpose the that large crowd will be in at The crying need to day Is for (Continued on page 6) will be in attendance.
the ball and have the laugh of your life. Continued on page the the runs.
about was WAS month, Inchiuve to his ably meet be


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