
PAGE TWO JIE WORKKAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 ရ St. Lucia Interesting West Indian News.
INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION noonBermuda Before De im dan Islands.
was a from LA MASCOTA 1356 Mr. Edwards a St. Lucia. com The REGAL and BOSTONIAN? Shoes.
He was pleas take Mr. Brice che He enjoined on on Mr.
On the Under the beadline News Items the Votes 81. India of the 27th Sept. just received reports the following :Grenada first West Indian port of call and Owned By Comparative statements made 21 there they spent a great deal of by the Colonial Treasurer and From the West Indians money in providing themselves THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, published in the Official Gazette with necessaries. Then there of 20th September inst, sho Admission of a new Bar tion. Men and women paid their was no tronble about repatria Head Office, 55, Wall Street.
that the Colony local revenus and expenditure for the month SUO rister.
way through and spent money of April last totalled 4, 874 10.
freely. We positively do not like and 84, 110 respectively. special sitting of the Supreme the idea of other West Indians Court was timed for 11 a.
yesterday for the purpose of ad: being told that owing to trouble Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits. Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Murray, a much res.
mitting Mr. George Elmore Ed. the repratriation of labonrers.
that has been experienced over pected citizen, died this Alter wards, son of the late Augustus only Barbadians will be permit Edwards of St. Andrews to ted to sign contracts at the La practice at the Grenada Bar. bour Bureau there for employ.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama The following letter appears There was quite a representament in Cuba.
in a recent issue of the Official tive and full gathering of young Gazette: men present.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL At the time appointed His News was received from Gou Colonial Secretary Office, Bonour T, Hayeraft Kt, yare yesterday thatthe laboarers Chief Justice, entered and took on the Brothers Estate had DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD 5th August, 1919.
Sir, kis seat. Hon Patterson, struck again for higher wages am directed by the Officer C. Attorney General; rose and We are sorry to hear that matters address the Court. May it have not Administering the Government yet been settled in Gou.
plete your Honour, where the labourers struck to transmit herewith, for the inthe Reneral, business of the Court and were successfall Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches for more wages sometime ago, formation of the Government of We had proceeded with, have a pleas thought that matters were work this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
St. Lucia, a copy of the Bermuda ng duty to migration Act, 1919, altering and She di golf to this ing smoothly in the parish lately, and that is the condtiions under which move the Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian migrants may enter the Colony.
Har of wards. Mr. Ed waras was called that their is still some discon2. This act imposes further re: strictiɔns on the entry of immito the Bar in England on 2nd tent.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM grants into Bermuda the general July last and has fully qualifled effect being to require every im.
himself for admission. It gives The Rev. Godson has said me the greater pleasure to well Vuona migrant to deposit the sum of 20 in the Government Savings eme Mr. Edwards, because he goodbye to Barbados, and to the member of the very Inn West Indies, and is on his way Bank for a period of home to England. The press of years.
in which studied, Middle Tem Barbados saw in him a Minister and to repeal the law which hitherto admitted provisions of immigrants the Colony upon a Edwards dates only My cuaintance will of the Gospel to wliom Cbrie bond with two sureties.
to day of being an applied science to all Eine But may say this, have been the everyday relations of the The act will be brought into force on the 1st October, 1919.
personally father darhug his lifetime, His church was on the and outside, and have, among working men What in the course of his career. Sgd) JACKSON.
women and his interest in display the ster antairs was bromid and deep. The Colonial Secretaoy.
Fibing walities possessed by his Rev, Godson who spent a part of THE HOME OF His Honour 0910 ala Bacher, he certainly would suo his ministry in Grenada was jo The Administrator ceed and be a credit to this Bar known here as a deep thinker and to the community Bis Honour in welcoming Mor: service.
ning Mr. and an apostle of practica) social OR SIL 10 nh Edwards said that he understood teen We understand that Mr.
from the Registrar that it was Brice. Legal Practixioner, has customary to admit new Barris Trinidad un an litre Less sters here formerly.
Been appointed to act as Magis lerne rate of the 2nd District and that Na ted to welcome the new member bal ition ol High and Low Cute the proceeds to Soutriere to to the Bar of this island, which che In Trinidad it is being advo ap his appointment on the 1st of though suall. was disco its retarted soldiers should cnted that that colony gratuity October. While we congratulate all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet that it was for him to show that talte the form of a money grant appointment we he was a useful, good member of 25 to each man. The total the Pocket of All TOUT COO ate bound and he had no doubt bat that it estimated to be required to meet ove vluoked? This oficer has been in the service would be so having heard what the for some 20 years and has for a the Attorney General had said in this respect is said to the demaults that will be made aanber of times in the past his some liberal and acted as Magistrate of we Edwards. good luck. The Bar, ir cluding, said he wished on 250, 000 Lika 18 persons here, it is felt MULLER Dennery District, and we think the men who Pro chat it would have been fair to as he said, was small, it was not risked their to serve in the SSALTOPOSTAS overstocked, and it he gain con war in defence of the Empire appoint Mr. Volney to the post.
Sole Agent 40 We sidence in his clients he was should receive a tangible tapark e ate notifin any way opposed succeeded in his career.
e sot toe Mr Brice advancement. of appreciation for their services.
The ceremony ended with the And this, all true citizens must ble service, but wé sa that Mr.
wearing in of Mr. Edwards in now 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA should not have bi Le realize over store mediable clin SES OM OS LE the por cannot easily shirkwithuat mistake is and the usual form, die dow be we trust that se bo there is, in the bringing reproacis and san In order to faciliate the our professions of proinotion for My.
ed Volney.
Mol Birice acting an appoine harbour, it is lieved that the docal Government islanders the greetings it is a must in this colony from strikes and color TV that in order We have not had much worry ment is consequent upon the 11 is neeotiating Yor the purchase of to gratuity resignation of Mr. Palmer.
brocan La hull and will convert it gested the proceeds of Trini there can be little complaint as who for a number of years into a tüg worked by motor dad Income Tax should be ear ro, disorganisation of business carried out the duties of Magispre power. Should the Government wurked for at least one year, locally by shis method. But in trate of that large district.
terations begun early next years may give us something, from extended to hope Polic owner strikes have Police Force and login Wilt to which to judge the value placed when disattection spreads to at the end of the inpnth Mr.
SOM ETIME late in 1917 we British West Indies Regiment, state, one can well understand Septimus Clauzel, the popular on the services of men of the much important branches of a Obarrio Building. ww do No. 2, Calidonia Road manager of the Roseau Estates think, the Legislative Council Van and Factory, the property of the that this hydra headed force of discussed the possibilities of 1893 brat ten evil and good has, about reached LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR St. Lucia Ugines and Batates Co.
riscattablishing emergency hospitals It is stated that Capt, Mallet Ltd. will retire from the posi.
in certain parts of the island.
As Paret, E, has bwen instruct a climax. Indeed, as it is aptly WATCH REPAIRING al Lion, after a record service of 34 the idea seems to be dropped and ed to give notice to quit to all put by an American parson, the sears. 300VA only people in forgotten, we must enquire what private iudviduals now occupying main to strike are the preactor Sot Mr. Clanzel is beyond question improvements have been made in military building or lands atlers and the undertakers WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. the oldest and most experienced the lirection of providing for the Castries. St. Lucia This is taken sugar plantet in the Oulony, and course there is lituo hope of the Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
as a pical membay Jof that for dating emerzenos, hospitals and prominence as garrison would former aid. Some rade genial, ancient connuvity of matter very seriously planters who inanntid iestaws those centres wn. Advocate, et son fora as it would be an exS. O, CAMPBELL cm un the halezon days vol the sugar not hesitate is uitworted ன cellent thidg. des WATCHMAKER LAND JEWELLER.
dustry, is highlyes utened and 16) Nr. Peter s, Reason, Headmas The Trinidad Government, in respected by Jols subordinates ad Phone 1053 sal nichter of the Grand Roy Goverment rebbynition of good worl, have Lillian and laborers. Now on Cars Stop at the Door.
Thei side of 80, his comexion with wrong Yo School, has been offered and given the Salvation Army for Caba on Wednesday evening the late Mr. Du Boulay (a accepted the post of Headmaster founder of the above Company)
on of the St Andrew R. school put of 9520 towards the cost with 98 labourers, 74 of these are of its new Up to the present ex soldiers to hold old festiuisted at 2, 500. Or that am 198 labourers of the 2, 000 needed aus Manager the estates which the latter successively adminisEverywhere Governments are sunt 000 has been loaned by have lett ahe Colony tered and owned in former years, si pussing legislation protect Salvation Army Headquarters in der dates from early youth, and it An address and purse were maheir peopie against outsiders. London, and the grient troin Lonmay safely be assumed, conThe latest step has been taken don is 500. The balanee will be presented to Rev. Cock, Presi.
tributed in ho small measure by Barbados which has notified raised in Trinidad Ja dent of the Bridgetown Brothers hood, oli Sunday last, the eve of 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA the vast Wealth that that gentle the local Government that to trouble that has been maa eventually acquired.
his eparure for England. Rev.
Next Door to Cecilia Theatre It is understood tits einployers.
riepoed over the repatriation of Barbados Cock and family, as well as Rev.
in grateful recognition of his Laborers froin other West Godsol and fainils, were also pholong and ſwithtal service, will tographed with the members of kranthin retiring allowane.
only Rain Barbados; Headquarters for will have tbe Barbados is prepvring to have the Executive Committee of the privilege of igning contracts at Soldiers Day and a big Victory Brotherhood. Valedictory. adthere for em March of returned soldiers. dresses were made by several The Nazarene Church.
High Class Furniture ployment is Bureau Barbados Parts of the new oil engme or you the prominent citizens.
howing to its geographical posi for tion, is a first port of call and dered by the Barbatos Gorern The death is repored of All New Goods Sold at The NasseneChurch is busy preparing for the Christian Endes your nats that is the reason why an eminent Railway from the Baldwin a Dixon, Barrister at Law, In meeting which will take place on Ncarrived recently on Barbados, We believe he was ployment bureau for West Reasonable Terms.
aian labourers Proceeding to the Parima. The task of duting counsel for Professor Seaton vember 27th. Mn. Miller President of the misie Cities along with her South American and other parts her will be undertaken by the in the Bariel Tragedy onse, and losband and other telpas ir paring ba nearly always been establish local department which is controls that he dit was who made a WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US som sa there from her position too, led by Mr. Co. Bawains who have wasteels defence pins and working hard. pridebising the ed VION OGT Janails when buying Furniture.
Christinadede for the para Barbados has benefited by West bid experience in big mana Inc ADVERTISE IN live Indians returning from the vari turing establishments in America, la lecdotale widbe INS aloeous fields of labour. During the In previous instances the sapA Walcom is extended to all to visit our large Stock pite the preame for the evening po del will be this date period when labourers retained plying aran always sent down. The Workman mind and give the con. was an engineer to work si.
Honour b, about grateful Trinidad lives to bound Volney should en TE Sou the near future, loyalty to shame on work CU otheet The Calidonia Jewelry Store Presiv the world who re 113355 no NG Schooner Salled on the Panama Furniture Company the Labour works om


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