
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1919 opin One Year Six Months Three One 30 fe 2x said David We LA BOCA SILVER CLUBHOUSE Saturday Night, November 15 They ence for for happiness on the they Lady Audley Secret Who is constantly subjected Lee Chong Co.
CH Money Counts THE WORKMAN EGRAND Allearefal observers must have noticed that the inan with the Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicamoney gets the greatest considDramatic Performance WALROND. at the office Central. tion. Correspondence on all matters eration. People generally cater me and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited to bis desire not because of any de sterling qualities, but because of All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama BY THE the power which is bound written on one side of paper only, and kis wealth. We sometimes si RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of ISTHMIAN DRAMATIC COMPANY Lord are not for riches, nem thar silver nor gold, but the.
82. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicabion but a mark of good faith.
Lord knows that we are on par do not undertake to return Under the directorship of LEYBURN with Ananias. What Ananta rejected correspondence in bis haste applies to those wiv.
AT THE sing, Take the world and give me Jesus. few days ago The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS crowd of poverty stricken people SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1919 were lieard around a street corner singing, am 80 an 80 happy.
evidently mistook, inditur What heart Anti Slavish, Not Anti American.
must a man possess who says CURTAIN AT O CLOCK that he is happy, when that man children don know what it is to totally erroneous and misleading idea with regard SPECIAL FEATURES eat a square meal, and who are to the true feeling among West Indians and other colored streets playing when they people on the Isthmus is that they have adopted an altoshou be in school. The trutia Man About Town gether antogonistic attitude towards the white Americans is, those of us who tell the lies and those who affect to believe in this country. Of course, it is the easiest thing in the One Act Playette by Stanislaus Stange, in which that well known actor, them are hypocrites par excelworld to see where such an idea originated, and the reason Cyril Morand, will play Jack Weatherill The Man About Town lence. It is high time that we look for its circulation. TL at facts as really, are wich Sue same people who have recently given instructions call a a spade a spade.
Revers gets her to beat those niggers to it before Marden says: Without indere are the ones responsible for the state Drama in Two Acts, by Hazlewood. This is a dramatization of pendence no one can be a man.
ment that all the colored residents of the Canal Zone are Miss Braddons Well known Novel of the Same Name Who can do his best work when inimic to the white section of the population.
want is tugxing at his heels, on is haid pered, tied down, for This allegation is not only false, but wicked, and is a Atlantic Orchestra in Attendance ever at the mercy of circummean fabrication intended to divert the proper study of stances or of those upon who in economic conditions and the correct location of the blame be depends for etnployment?
for all the troubles that arise, from time to time, among ADMISSION 00 0 0 0 50c.
What can be more humiliating the Negro employees and their bosses. But such base chifor a young man or woman thaa the sense ot being but one day canery stands naked before the facts and circumstances, as they are known, to one and all. The kuxlux federation of Tickets are on Sale at the La Boca Silver Club, the Chemical Hall march ahead of want?
No man has any right to remain whites to which we referred some time ago, is as busy the City Pharmacy, Sydney Fuller the Jeweler, and the Western in a position, if it is possible to now as they ever have been, and their one determination Auto Supply Company.
et out of it, where he will be to the Kreat seems to be the suppression of the interests of the silver temptations of poverty. Serrestmployees.
pect demands that shoul get The feeling among the colored people of the Canal out of it. It is his duy to put Zone is therefore not anti white nor anti American, but himself in in a position of dignity anti slavish. The only feeling against white people, if when the first ship of the TRUSTEDTUBE:BESTEMTIDSBERDIRIXIDANTE and in lependeace, where he will not be liable as any moment we there is really any, is a strong antagonism against the company, The Frederick rough necks and the yellow bellies who, like the miserable Douglas was launched at a burden to his friends in case of sickness or of other emerge and treacherous Pete, believe that they have a natural one of theļpiers at New York.
right to out do colored people of their rights. Wherever Marcus Garvey, the PresiManufacturers Agents, General Importers, On every band we see erittsuch opposition to Negroes exists it must be understood dent of the Company, has ences of pinching, grinding poExporters and Commission Merchants. verty. it often means hope.
that the Negroes are not going to stand for it, and real thus made a name for himlessness the highest ambitio; situation is nothing less than a decided determination to self and instituted an underit means thwarting of brilliant kick like horses against any form of slavish and inhuman taking for his colored breSole Agents and Distributors for the following: plans; it imposes serious obstacles treatment exhibited by white men and women towards thren, the magnitude of to even the most resolute deler colored people.
which has never been excel ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
mination. The poor are ever at led in the history of the Ne.
As an instance of the kind of fight the colored people gro race. The shareholders Provisions and Canned Goods.
the mercy of circumstances.
They cannot be independent, ne are putting up it would be well to inform the public of this new company resiSouth Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour. can they always afford to live in of the affray which took place, it is rumored, at dent on the Isthmus of PaP. Tomson Co.
healthful localities or in health one of the Balboa workshops a few weeks ago. It is stated Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
ful houses Poverty is a curse; that a colored American was at his work when a white elated over the success of the nama must certainly feel Colgate Co. O:taza. 0125 is scarcely redeeming American employed at the same shop called to him to as scheme which they have so feature about it, and those who. Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
sist him with another job. The Negro, being very busy at faithfully embraced. The reextol its virtues are the list to its conditions.
The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Hair Pins the time helping another white man, could not attend to Parents often fail to realize the one who called to him and therefore did no: break his cently launched steamer was Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste the significance of their childtren Ingersoll neck to get to him. The white man then shouted: You scheduled to leave for Havanit ambition to earn money Watches, etc. is a laudable ambition, and should black etc. don you hear me calling? The colored na, Jamaica and Panama be directed and encouraged, not helper returned the remark adding, don you see that am yesterday, and it is anticipa ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. suppressed, Thousands of boys busy? This dialogue resulted in a fight which the here will have a gala day ted that those interested have been saved from utter white man started on the Negro by shieing a piece of iron when the great vessel steams worthlessness, For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us.
of splen.
aid at the latter head.
ou usefulnees, by Wisely enints the harbor at Cristobal.
couraging and fostering this Agility beat venom, and the Negro ducked the blow and If the company proves suc.
oney making instinct. Ita hic returned the attack with unerring effect, when the white cessful it will be the greatest HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE aggressor was sent to dreamland. Then, it is reported, achievement of the Negro 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
sire for money making, he is sure to be saved from about thirty other white men in the shop armed them raceas yet, and will commend Colon, R, Panama, R, selves with hammers and bits of iron and rushed upon the itself as a most profitable temptations and habits of indol0. Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, ence or wildness, and to develop Negro, who with Samsonian skill, held them at bay and Phone 895 habits of thrift which will in threatened to clean up the first three that came to him.
fluence his entire life.
The case, it is rumored, reached the Governor who investiivoney means shoes for bare The Imperial Dancing feet; it means flannels and warm gated the circumstances, and pronounced the Negro right in his actions. This man, however, refused to return to Glub clothiug for shivering forms; it.
means coal for the fire, provisions.
work with the white men and called for transportation or home, saying that he had never seen a more rabid set of The Imperial Dane rs can be seen forts, refinement, education, wbites than these on the Zone.
every Tuesday night at Ancon Ion pullpictures, books, music, travel; it means a good house and nutri This is poor compliment from one American citizen ing off stunts witn Martin band in nt(BRANDON BANK22763 ous food; it means independent towards others of the same country and the same flag, tendance. The officers of this club are means opportunity to dug; it means the best medical.
and it all goes to prove that the attitude of certain of the certainly transacting their dancing affairs ECURITY white men here on the Zone is so overbearing that even to the satisfaction of every inember, visiw many poor people lose the ERVICE be because their own people find it impossible to get on with them; tors to the club claimſits the best in einploy a or phsand it must be understood that the West Indian colored t»wn.
Excellent conduct by the ImpePANAMA (F3Jv5:31353)
sician! Money rest when COLON people here could never possess an anti American spirit rial Dancers stands without the slightest change of since they have never had reasons for so doing, and since question which proves to be a selected climate for the invalid. It means also they are the admirers of very many American gentle crowd. Much eredit must be given to Our large Resources and well known that we are not forced to work through all kinds of of weather and mer whose sense of justice approximates everything in Messrs. Osborne andŚCampbell. Pres. conservative Management afford unthat line that they have known in their own countries.
exposure, whether we are able ident and Chsirman of the refreshment questioned security for every dollar or not; it means exemption from The felling at present existing among the colored committee respectively. who are always the drudgery which dogs the people here is anti slavish. The people have determined on hand with the goods. The Secretary deposited with this bank.
footsteps of the poor. Get all the money) yout that the sentiments of distrust, dislike and depreciation and Director can always be found at without hurting your soul, yous for the colored people as shown by their white brethren must their tailoring establishment at the corn oody, or your neighbor, er of 10th Street, Cantral Ave, making die and be consigned to refuse pile, and nothing human Jolin Wesley, to wbich we ferwill be able to stop the agitation and fight which they club. It seems very much that our Vice suggestion for the advancement of their vently respond, Amen.
have begun and which they intend to keep up to the end. President is making it a practice to reGeneral Banking Business Transacted We have formed ourselves iro labor union so that we may rean is against such shallow brained and irrational parading port at 11 instead of pm, every he full fruits, of our labor. as exhibited by the miserable Pete and others of his ilk alternate Tuesday.
What SAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON 15 BRANDON emains for us to form ourselves that the Negroes in the Canal Zone and Panama are pro Vice can you be on time President.
a consumers union, a CoVice President.
Treasurer hi ha testing, and all well thinking and evenly balanced white their membership for this month things In spite of many members cancelled perative Society, which meaus un association of ourselves, for men will agree that the fight is a just one, seems to be improving faster yet, Folks Jurselves, and by ourselves. We outside calls this club Ose Club, if must pool our resources; avoid Panama Hats the middleman by purchasing Editorialettes. the United States in connec this besos se certainly has some club. FITZ BOWEN The directly from the holesale dealtion with the inauguration Imperficers are planning to push off an CLEANED and BLOCKED ers; place the supplies in our own ball will their The Frederick Douglas of the new colored enterprise over the top, it seems very much if THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR, and TRIMMED to Order stores, and buy from ourselves the bathmian Dancers will have to keep The eager expectation of known as The Black Star their eye Imperial Dance 28 November Street, San Miguel MILLINERY BRESSMAKINS 1scal year receive ane thousands ALSO just as we now purchase from the Chinaman; and at the end of the the prevent them from going over the top.
people in this country and in ed its cámax on Friday last Good loot Imperial po ho it, House 20.
HOUSE No. 65, La boca (Page 6)
there is accept its for lives bos be thly honest in his de.
for the larder. It means can Panama Banking Company kves Cannot sity Dean we are tired, it means KI wrong 1000


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