
The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD High and Low Cut in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet the Pocket of All afts on Jamaica zad the other Through its Agencies in the Interior and Its Foreign Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
West Indian Islands.
INTEREST PAID SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM MULLER Sole Agent TOTS 37 CENTRAL AVENUE PANAMA INTERESTING NEWS FROM WEST INDIAN ISLANDS THAT WELL DRESSED LOOK Nothing so enhances the charm of Woman, Nothing so lends her that confidence which adds at least 10 per cent. to efficiency, as WELL DRESSED LOOK.
TO BE WELL DRESSED one MUST seek Distinctiveness in her DRESSMAKING and the Woman who demands this quality can easily acquire it at THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Where Individuality Workmanship are Guaranteed.
time ago when the prices. Some probability have been caused.
of No. 1, Street, Panama. opposite De Lesseps Park)
ANN THOMAS, Proprlotress.
from Rame.
Central Drug Store FOUNDED IN 1881 The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Moden One.
MANUEL ESPINOSA Central Avenue, 33 Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
PL JAMAICA exorbitant; sweet potatoes are still very scarce. Wet sugar was plentiful, but like everything Jamaica Beats Bar else, the price was also high tenpence per quart lurge or small quantities. Red peas were bados in Cricket sold at one shilling and sixpence Match.
per quart It is certainly hard on the butchers, but, of course, the law The Gleaner of the 6th inst. must be obeyed. Some butchers sconiains the following relative to are selling beef al ninepence the Champion Cricket Match played says it must be sold at 74d per in the 2nd and 3rd inst:pound. may also mention, in erblegram was received in fairness to the butchers, that Kingston yesterday morning they only charge ninepence per from the Secretary of the Jamai pound for special cuts, but it Cricket Club in Colon, annouc. ought not to be so, since the law zus that Jamaica had aten Bar distinctly says 74d per pound for Bados in the big intercolonial beef.
cricket match which was played a Cristobal on Sunday, the 2nd REDWOOD NEWS NOTES and 3rd inst.
theram also announced float Mr. Scott, the Clovelly Redwood, November The and All Jamaica cricketer who past week has been a bit bright Ihad been specially invited down in the produce market as a good contest, was the hero of the the shops, Cocoa is e Panama to take part in the deal of coffee found its way to also coming in.
It would be interesting to The banana market is still go domow why the person who for ing strong, The United and Atwarded the cablegram to King, round, and three quarter fruits lantic Frnit Companies bought Sion should state that the match fer three or four days. The JA Sous played at Cristobal instead and Panuma. Is it to boost the At maica Shipping Company, dia Tantic end and to give the honor not do any buying owing to the en the big watch to the Windy frequent cull for three quarter Osy instead of the Capitol: fruit by the Atlantic and United WS Fruit Companies each week.
Round full bananas have become NEWS FROM RIVERSvery scarce. It is shameful to see the thin grade of bananas DALE.
that are being bought.
The labour question is one of Riversdale, November Dur inuch concern to every planter, ng last week bananas were pur as never has the need for ma hased here by the United Fruit nual labour been so keenly felt Company through their agent, here.
Migom Monday to Friday, and quite a large quantity was pro The work on the New Works red.
Twice during the week, property continues and the small alime in the field, and She Atlantic Fruit Coun pany were man fods it a difficult task to secured a fair shared the polso set his work done. Large gangs price. SA was 16 6s. per hundred gaged at work daily. The whole which later in the week place is now being put under a wat ap to 17 108. The culti form of reconstruction. Every wators are reaping the sweets of thing being altered up in the their labor and this through the line of buildings, and barracks advent of the Jamaica Fruit and are being laid out for the pur Shipping Company into the bana pose of housing labourers, etc.
a market of Jamaica.
Acres are now being ploughed op Oranges are still being pur for cane planting, and other dlased here at the packing house crops. There is also quite a big Mr. DeLisser of Rio trade for bread and buns on the Lango and a fair snpply of good done in this and other lines each estate, and much Susiness can be it is being obtained.
In the local market on Satur: The food question still remains chiay last week, wet sugar sold at unchanged, and will still be so sed. and 104. per quart; the for many more months. There supply was rather limited. is not much planting of food carttle negro yam and also St. ried ou in this centre, as was the Wincent yam could be obtained, case, a year or two ago. Again the bulk of our best working LINSTEAD FOOD SUPPLY men have gone to Cuba, leaving the lazier ones behind, hence the shortage of food and labour is Linstead. November We keenly felt by those left behind.
are still having plenty of rains: yresterday it rained for many School for Chauffeurs hoors, up to late in the evening, The downpour was accompanied with heav peals of thunder.
An organization in Jamaica is There was a very good supply starting a driving hool for the of Toodstutis to be seen in the purpose of producing as capable market here on Saturday last; chauffeurs as it is possible to yums, cocoes, plantains and secure in that colony. Every bananas were very much in evi man leaving the school who is chance; indeed, it was the best considered worthy, wil be given supply for many weeks past. certificate of efficiəncy, and the prices still remain high, in will also be helped ia securing a any cases they are considered job.
Demerara knocked out and a large beam slip. sort of misty vapor filled the house and there was a smell Flour Reaches Govern as of sulphur, mirror was ment Maximum Price. smashed and Borse was cut on the leg: MERCHANTS PREFER TO On enquiry being made at the SELL BY RETAIL Department of Science and Agriculture, was learnt that it was found that cocoanat trees did act Session for which the mer, us good conductors of lightning, chants of Georgetown longed and that the smell of sulphur several months past has at last that followed the explosion was arrived. The price of floor has in reality nitrie oxide. Were it again reached the Government not for the raiu a fire would in all maximum of 16. 25 went as high as 820 per bag the Government stepped in and regu.
lated the price, fixing the maxiTrinidad mum at 16. 25 per bag retail and the wholesale at 16 for lots of not less than ten bago. Shortly Drowning Accident came forward that it was not posIN stocks sible for merchants to win the Little Girl Meets Tragic high prices. They had perforce to sell at prices much below.
Death, Within the last two months the Lillian Goddard, a little girl of shipinents Canada and New about tive years old. was the vic.
York were reduced considerably tim of a drowning accident at El and the large stocks in the streets Socoro Vittage, San Juan, at were consumed with the result about noon yesterday. It appear.
already stated. It is impossible ed that the mother of the child, at the present tine to make one Jestina Goddard, left her wholesale purchases, holders of with her father where he was stock prefering the retail system, working, while she went to her garden some distance away.
British Gulana (Negroes. After work, the father not seeIndustrial Trading ing the mother, took Lillian home Leaving her in the yard, the Co. Ltd.
father turned to do a little work around the house, when the chila tell CAPITAL OF 10, 000 PROPOSED ed. The matter was reported at linto ravine and was drownThe British Guiana (Negroem the Police Station and Lance CorIndustrial Trading Co. Ltd. has poral Thompson, along with an issued its prospectus. The ob other constable promptly visite. jects of the company are to carry the spot. search was made and on a bakery and confectionery the child was found business; to deal in sheep and taoce down the ravine. Dr.
cattle, to buy and sell vegetables Perez, was duly sumand local products and to earrs moned and after viewing the on a dry goods and provision body ordered its removal to the business. The capital of the com District Hospital where a pusu pany is 10, 000 divided into 10, 000 mortem examination was held shares at ench. It is proposed later in the day.
to open business on October 15th at lot Regent Street Robbetown. The Directors are Messrs. Emigration to VeWilliam Hosannah, chairman.
Benard, Samuel Gomes nezuela.
Crick, Henry Ashby, Charles Greenidge and Critchlow, managing director, with Mr. Government House, Benjamin, Secretary 27th Oetober, 1919, The acting Governor his diSUNDAY THUNDER rected me to publish for the in.
formation of those concerned, the following extraet received from the British Vice Consul at House Struck Ughtning Caracas :An accident that might have Once more it bas become nebeen attended with alarming cessary to ask the Trinidad Govresults was only averted by the rnment to be good enough to fact that there was a heavy take effective steps to warn indownpour of rain, when at about ending emigrants to Venezuela, 80 on Sunday morning 21st at work is not abundant here ulto. an unusually loud clap of except for ordinary unskilled ia thunder accompanied by blinding barers, prepared to collect relightning flashes roused George ise, dig drains and do gene al town inhabitants from their agricultural work.
slumber. John Borse, who lives Immigrants from Trinidad in a cttage in South Syeet, nerwowever, are generally chal its inter section by Wellington urs, mechanics or shop eleks.
Street, roused from sleep, was zo such there are rarely any closing a window of his bedroom panings here. The consequancus when he saw the lightning play is that within a few days of theie upon a cocoanut tree about thirty arrival these men are penniless yards away in the yard, and and beseech me to send then running along a clothes line back to Trinidad.
that bung from the tree to the WALCOTT, cottage, reached the side of the Acting Colonial Secretary, house when a loud explosion followed. One of the windows was (Continued on page little disa PHILIPS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Guarantees Satisfaction in the cutting and manipulation of VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats SPECIALTY LADIES SKIRTS COATS 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
The Chemical Hall 122 Central Ave. Panama The Home of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment and Prompt Attention.
Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC.
We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
Phone 939 Box 829, Ancon BROWNE Mc LMON PROPRIETORS.


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