
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBRR 15, 1919 PAGE THREE Canal Zone Notes Lady Audley Secret American Bazaar Walk Odoria RELIABLE HABERDASHERS Bron only very The Shide for you CER logo which will be stayed by PTO Lodge uider the sea e. is a bu NG talked about vary Buddha the twenty two pieces of music vid LA BOCA NOTES will journey from Le Bow To by To be Staged on November all as the Silya Ciny Bead there will IN Se nothing left undone in the line of the Id The Sandsy Evenings Song Services wall roeption which will be held at the C1 bbouse are becoming the lodge Kall after the danw remember BY THEISTHMIAN DRAMATIC more and more interesting and instruethose who are invited will be me tive. The wly appointed committee mitted. Last but not least is om te COMPANY.
is exereis nz every effort to bring about galar monthly dance, which is exprened Rucces The lender on Sunday last to take place on the 27th inst; when the The Isthmian Dramatic C, ever Mr. Alfred Dyer. The speaker being Mr W. Reynolds of the LaBous Loek City Residente say let go, it let since its first appearance is public has go and no holding back.
ways met with equalled access, and colored rehvel, his subject being Whom do you shp? This was as usual Our district is becoming popular as is always with interest that they are being everytime its plays are announced, it is As comptly and foreefully delivered.
the past times, if any of the old timere boked Feacher Reynolds has the for.
goods and remember when the boys were called Cine who were not out surely did miss Lambe we canaot remember if they company will make iu debut on the PaTo night (Saturday) 15th inst, this a very apreciative and instructive nd.
do at the present; but that time was cife side at La Boos Silver Clubhouse, in dr Srcial mention must be made of the solo riven by Mrs. Wm Jump work in this district, a od the girlieu sed two plays entitled: Mat About Town Marshall vw at used and Lady Audley Serret.
entitled Calvary. This was another QUALITY, to call their lovies lambs. This time mark of success, and very impressively they are not lambs but they are Pins Man about towe and The former portrays Jack Wotheril, a rendered. The trio by Mrs. Holder and Backers, Sports and all that is good for bler who accidentally got acquainted notorious gam.
Mests. Pile and Millington Wascer the uplifting of their race.
tainly worth while hearing, and denots APPEARANCE, with Margot, young and innocent Now that the rainy non seems daughter of James Blaisdell. When the the determination pur forward for sucgoing out, we notice that the steps whick father learns of the fair, he decides to The solo by Mrs. Holder entitled The Word of Life was also very ably lead to the commissary is undergoing put a stop to it at all cost. Earold rendered, and shows that the ladies are DIVERSITY OF STYLES, repairs. Why, this is rather late after Blaisdell, his son, in following the gen the several colored and white persone very wal trend of youthful indolence and vices also determined to leave no stone unnearly lost their lives, going to and from forms a habit of visiting gambling house.
turned in making these song services the only store in the vicinity.
Instrumental for the extension for right He enters one aigbt, Jook trise to wa.
AND DURABILITY ARE living, and the respect for God and mar.
The three dges at this town and its on him, the gambling fever miss him Lime without sve but tell him to call Tom Millington presided at the members pray that every lodge under Mise Willie Allen was at her the UM RS. will offer up of money that was entrasted to bim.
and be leaves den minus a large po BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN The address for Sunday usuarist. prayer to the Honorable Severs, who He goes to Jack (both strangers) reluctevening, Nov. 16, will be delivered by is on sea coming to see that our rights aptly explains the matter to bim and Mr. Felix Boyce, the subject being be handed in the correct way. rather than face the disrgace, he decides The Desire of Nations. Mrs. Julien MARK OF Laurie, our Catechist, heads the list, to put an end to it, which Jack averte will sing The Great White Throne.
he offered up a prayer on Sun lay night Me Blaisdell seeks Jaok and sternly deMrs. Eli Oh, Sacred Heart, and at the Sacred Edifice, High St.
Mrs. Sunith Come. All residents WALK OVER and friends of the Silver City are invited mands a discontinuance of his attentions The Little ones will not be outdone Harold, he sacrifices the loss of the one to his daughter, and in order to save out in large numbers. Starts at 30 by the big ones, as they intend holdag hede sharp. No collection, seats free.
Let your next pair of shoes be a grand concert at the Silver Clubhouse bn dearly, loves. Mr Jas, Bleisdell will on Nov. 28th inst. tickets are now on Tennis Le playel by Master Pacey, Jack Wetacsile and can be had from Miss ill by Oyril Morand, Harold Bladell The weather has been excellent for the Mayers and Miss Sampson. The by McLean, and Marks, the faithful past few days for tennis players and WALK OVERS Altnission is Adults, gets children old valet by Jack Kerr.
the members bave taken advantage Bets Cy. This will be for the Should a woman aim in marrying be the opportunity to indulge in one of the bnefit of a Cbristmas treat money? and is it a profitable end? Lady cleanest sport in the ball and bat The Negro Glee Company had the decide the answer, which show Geo.
Audly Secret, two act drama will kingdom All one can here between the mene pleasure of returning to our district on Talboya, a young man who came la for hours of 30 and 39 mis, love 15, 30, 40, deuce 2, love set Wednesday night Nov, 12th, when they etc.
Collins and Jump as usual have been pulled off another of their graud perfor Ella and marries her. He respectable fortune and who meta holding down their opponents below the mances, too much credit can be given his money on bar and faslly had to squanders Shine for the brilliant way be eater Abroad to recoup. She schemes zero mark. Dyer and Tracy tried hard to keep their heads above the mark but tained the audience.
to get rid of him (for wealth and fame. the Collins Jump combination made The death of Morri on, Employee changes her name and advertises herself their two day victory look like ancient EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
of the Hydro ie parement at Pedro dead. He wore her denth, but finds history now Mr. Elton Woodruffe, one Panama and Colon.
Miguel and resident of Paraiso is on his return home that she is the wife of the most dangerous a chess player has much felt by his friends around this of Bir Michael Audley. He threatens to been ill for the past few days. The club COXSELOOM Coxses crococ vicinity; all join with his wife and expose her and bring her to justice. She wishes him a speedy recovery and an family in their sad bercayment, disposes of him. Luke Marks an sleobol early return to the lawns.
Remember the Song service on Sun Hond, who is to marry her maid Phoebe, Literary is day night (Special) Leeturer will be in the only witness of the murder, and our tidat; try and come early so as to threatens The possibility of the Literary socie upon the Wall, accompanied by Mis.
him exposure. She Mr. Peart then ty becoming an influential body in the Poort at the organ get comfortable nout, also the free with money. Robert Audley, Sir community is looking brighter every rendered a fine violin solo, followed by moving pietures Michael nephew, with whom Geo, day. Of late our numbers have buen by the solo by Miss Williamson, accompanied Tolboy came to the is much maonon Seantlebury, operator of the moving wombled with his disappearance, and is inereasing rapidly and the members are by the orgaa. Mr. Scott the host an ex soldier of the gave a hint of pietures at this town is the happy father decided on finding hira, deed or alive.
showing a decided interest. ArrangeGRAVES and JOHNSON Life ment is being made for a big interelubover There and demonstrated the of a bouncing baby girl bora Oct. 20th use house debute in which all the silver 80 of the gas mask. The gentlemen his megpicion in REMEMBER We Sell ulto call his friends and co workers of ble ta poeta Lady Audley and confirms ciubhouses will be represented gave a one minute speech each. Various the Clubhouses, along with the ones threatens to bring her to justice She An pants of houses fire and afty. seven join cunkingly erades him by setting elocution contest is also to take place songs were sung by all. Mr, and Mrs.
Commutator Cases and Rollers Peart then in congratulating him, another and babe Michael against bim, who stads him gave some classical pieces bext year.
All persons desirous of a taking part should communicate with ment was served in the way of louere ma, with the violin and organ freeh Hose Connections for all Cars are getting along nicely.
away. But he is not to be beaten.
the clubbouse Sacretary, Electrical Bullos for all Cars it that Talboys really dend? Was cakes, ate.
Women Life Proiem Club.
you are just as game as the Lady Audley brought to justice for the The visitors than bule goodnight after Air Gauges and Air Pumps The Armistice dance held on Tuesday luving spent a fine time.
Plugs, Champion, Splitdorf, play hide and seek when a good Did Like Marks give up the secret in do. night by the Women Life Problem Engine Belts and Gaskets thing is to be staged at the Na druskos moods. Did Robert prove Club was a huge success. The Silver whole string of officials paid a visit and silver Clubhouse. Il that is so, we identity dity Band was in attendance.
Spotlights, Head Lamps and Reflectors to Gamhon on the lith. Among them then look out for a troupe of the maid, wife of drunken Luke, save was little Pete. We wonder if they Transımission Grease, Oil, Gasoline, etc. boys, young gentlemen and young wer or expose her. Did Sir Michael Harvest Thegksgiving Ser are contemplating any improvement for ladies rom Boca, Monday know of her secret and cunning devices. vices.
this our forsaken section, Cor. Street and Ancon Ave. night, coming to treat you a Come Saturday night at the La Boca To morrow is Harvest Thanks. The bridge gang is dowa repair.
grand operetta, entitled The Silver Clubhouse and decide these quesPHONE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, Merry Milksmaids. Doors open tions and many others for yourself.
giving day at St. Peters Church. ing the gravel deck of the damag: esusad at 30 Admission 25 cts The easte We hope to sue tha as follows: Lady Audley, The services will be as follows. by the late storm.
U, for Adults, Children Miu L, Taitt; Sir Michael Audley, Parish Communion at 30 a. plant in operation ere long 15 cts.
McLean; Lady Audi y Maid, Miss matins and sermon at 11 a, m, Our every day ery is. Roads! Rods. Maud Best; Sir Michael daughter, Miss Holy Baptism at p. Flower service at p, Choral Even Cannot the Municipal Engineering WEDDING BELLS Amu Humber; Robert Audley, Mas.
TECRIR Pacey; Geo. Talboys, Kert; Luke song and sermon 30 The Department erect water tank here, so Marks, Cyril Morand.
Rev Helscy Weirland of St. we en have water when the pumpate On Sunday, the 26th Oet. pretty The Atlantic orchestrs will be ia atLukes Church down? What if a fire should start at Alcon, will little wedding took place in the Wesleyan tondance and will play a very appropreach. hearty invitation is the very moment when our pipes are Church, Paraiso, priate selection.
extended to all, and gifts will be empty? Then again although Gamboa supplies this half of the Isthmus with The contracting parties ware Miss most thankfully received, Tickets are being sold at very promi.
drinking water, we are h: only one Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, neat places in Panama at 50c. per ticket, Mary Joseph and Joseph Benjamin, MULCARE Summit excluded. who driak the Chigres Exporters and Commission Merchants.
both of St. George, Antigun, also at the clubhouse, and the Secretary Rector. water as it is pumped; especially now it Precisely at 30 the bride ar. is sparing no pains to advertise the play rived attired in a dress of charmoise to the best.
is almost unusable. Will the Health EMPIRE trimmed with with silk braid and Department come to our aid. Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: with an artificial bouqut of The Lario Wesleyan Chapel will hold GATUN ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
crysanthemus. was given away by FITZ BOWEN Mr. C. Airall. guardian. The bride its missionary services on Sunday, Nov.
Provisions and Canned Goods. maids were Miss Viola Airall, chief, Adel 16th, when Mr. Geo. Goodall will be the preacher in the morning and also at the T. Catlin, our well known and genial South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
Myrtilla Airall, Dora Thomlin THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR o clock service, Friends, members and sport, also popular clerk of the Dam Folkes, Byrel Thomas, Una well wishers are all invited, especially at Construction who was at Anon Hospl Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
Rose, Viola Martin, and 28 November Street, San Miguel the afternoon service, when a few th tal for the past three werks returned Master Alex. Folkes, Colgate Co. Octagon. soaps Viola Greaves.
Elilton and Airndl Jr.
House 20.
Title ones will remind us of the Freiga home on Tuesday evening 11th inst. Pield.
his candition has been mich improvad Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
The ceremony was performed by the vile all his friends and co workers are Rev. Kvers with Mr. Geo. ZechaOn Tuesday night, the 18th, will be rejoicing to see him around the distrit The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co.
Hair Pins.
rish, of La Boca: at the Publie Missionary Meeting when and back on the job where he has be Columbus Polish Mfg. Co. Inc. Shoe Polish Paste beutiful several speakers will be on the platform. employed for over six years; his fraterna ferns and palms at the Communion rail. After the maGAMBOA brothers also join in wishing him re Ingersoll Watches, etc.
tie the couple and friends adGive me your order for your stored health.
journed to the place of of repast. FollowWATERPROOF RAIN COATS, ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc. ing were the Well here goes the latest dope for the RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for On Fuuday, the 2nd inst, a most enMr. McMurray, master of cereroyable rening was spent at the home ending of the month Nov. this Club house will be the scene of four dances Mr. and Mrs. Seost, when they en the first will be on Saturday (To day)
monies. Mr. and Mrs. Thomlinson, Gentlemen, Ladies and Children.
For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph, Mrs.
tertained some of their friends Mark, Miss McParlaze, Mr. Ne SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM The party corristed of ladies: Miss but remember all will take place at the blett, Parris, Greaves, Piper, THE BIGGEST VALUE ON Green, Williamson, Fegan, fall of the sun, J, Mayers well known HEAD OFFICE THAT LINE Samuels, Garrett, Rhod n, BRANCH OFFICE Brown, Miss Simmons, Mis Johnson and Teamster employed by the 134 140 Bolivar Street Mrs. Peart; gentlemen Messrs. Me will be the popular gentleman whom will 62 Central Ave.
Brown, Quinland. SANGUINETTI BROWN, dance. Admission 00 After an enjoyable time was spent, the Donald, Peart, Scott, Ford, stage this Colon, R, Panama, bride and groom left on the 30 m. FURNITURE DEALER Palmer, Master Wood and Mr. Evers Cy. Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, train for their home at Colon, accompaly. The evening was spent in singing. Then somn the long looked and up Phone 895, Miss Green rendered a fine solo and to date dance the following Saturday nied by Airall and daughter Viola, Corner 3rd November and 19th Streets, Guachapall.
they were welcomed by Mrs. Davis was encored she then sung Watehman night, that will be the invitation dance and Bis, Roach.
Box 836, She silences THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.
Was Geo whom expose her? Did Lee Chong Co.
blossoms Orange white Airall, son, Carrie Boyce, Lena at the orgun. There Waterproof Raincoats was arch of trimonial die acere the guests Ano,


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