
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 1919 NDEGRAND TOTTA Dramatic Performance when hus. de Que Year Six Months Three 20 60e 250 We do not undertake to return ant to LA BOCA SILVER CLUBHOUSE Saturday Night, November 15 and tenants distribu men Lady Audley Secret 00 0 00 no need of it now which BUDA Lack of Good THE WORKMAN Judge nent.
2тои Landlords wa rule do not ad.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applicavise their tenants to build or pur WALHOND, the office Central Vtion. Correspondence on all matters to and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
chane houses, neither do they shed tears of jy informed AMICS All copy for publication must be thala tonaat decided to BY THE Box 74. Pandma obe.
written on one side of paper only, and come a householder. This attiRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be nocompanied by the same of tud, is quite natural. The land ISTHMIAN DRAMATIC COMPANY lord chief duty is to get all the 82. 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publica tion but as a mark of good faith.
rent he can, from all the persons Under the directorship of LEYBURN be can, as long as he can. Nobody but the Inndlord and his rejected correspondence AT THE agent will consider as criminal any attempt on the part of a ten The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS This relation of lord and vassal become his own landlord.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919 which exists between landlords is which exists betweento that Work, Worth and Wages.
tors and consumers. The sole CURTAIN AT O CLOCK to extract all the profits he can, purpose of the distributors more hard working body of men than the silver from all the consumers he can.
SPECIAL FEATURES as force of the Panama Canal and the Panama Railroad long as he can; hence we conCompany cannot be found elsewhere in the world sumers are not surprised to tind Man About Town waiting distributors and their nota pother is there a more conscientious exhibition of paldemmissaries trying to wabor than that which is performed by the One Act Playette by Stanislaus Stange, in which that well known actor, throw cold water on the Coreceiving the most meagre salaries on the Canal Zone.
Cyril Morand, will play Jack Weatherill The Man About Town operative movement.
Talking about the expensive These people, for the most part, West Indian Nemiddiomen, Ladd, Food groes, are far from being industrial slackers or eye serCommissioner of North Dakota wants. They do not fear the footsteps of their time checkA Drama in Two Acts, by Hazlewood. This is a dramatization of says. It costs more to distribute cers or foremen; they do not sit and read uit bits or our food products than it does to Miss Braddons Well known Novel of the Same Name fanny pictures for want of something more business like produce the saine. Why should this be! Why, for example, to do; they do not look at their watches every three minutes and wish for the whistle to sound the knock off Atlantic Orchestra in Attendance should the producer receive 31 and and the distributor 69 of hour at noon or afternoon, nor do they kill time over the the cost pald by the consumer for phone with their best girls or flirting partners, and at the ADMISSION 50c. 0 Jeggs? Why should the farmer reU.
off on the tennis court end of the day time (not work)
ceive. and the distributor 64cts on or a motoring like Jehu through the well paved streets of fevery dollar for turkeys?
the Canal Zone and the Republic of Panama.
Tickets are on Sale at the La Boca Silver Club, the Chemical Hall In Colon and Panama, there is Such luxuries belong exclusively to the blancos the City Pharmacy, Sydney Fuller the Jeweler, and the Western of the numerous Chi: ese from God Country as North America is sometimes proAuto Supply Company.
stores, each with its high rent, Vincialized, and it makes very little difference whether the management, and miscellaneous expenses to be paid by us con golden spooned baby has any brains or not; as long as he sumers, when less than half the has the skin he is entitiled to a fat and easy living in this number would suffice, and could country where the birds never cease to sing nor the trees perform the purveying service Bose their bloom. But the contrary is the lot of the silver мммм Editorialette3 for about halt what it costs.
employee who is nearly always a colored alien or a colored Retail profits based npon re: United States citizen. Although receiving the scantiest con Calidonia Show Rooms hports from trenty four states of Is This True? show an average of 80 sideration in the form of wages the nature of work doled out to the silver force is generally computed to be arduous House No. 20, Calidonia Road of the selling price. In other It has been rumored strong words, goods costing 694cts, at and, very frequently, dangerous. From early morning (Four Blocks from Corner on Right Hand)
ly for the past few weeks the back door of the stores cost when human ice cutters shoot the saw at the ice plant and that the District Quarter at the front door one dollar. We the consumer when carried out eommissaries, and the oilers bathe themselves in grease on MANUFACTURERS TAILORS AGENTS master at Pedro Miguel has cannot state the exact per cent the dredges aud tug boats till late at night when the scavengers clean the streets and the Negro telephone Orders Taken For been heard to say that he of proits made by our retuu intends to kill out the United stores, bat we believe that it is operators answer the midnight calls with a consistency that outdoes anything heard of in connection with other em MADE TO MEASURE SUITS Brotherhood so far as his not below the 30 mark, district, which includes the points would cause ployees, the colored man is on the go.
Also Raw Material per yard from Paraiso, Empire, Las Casca the popullits which now go into pockets of the few retail mer The work the colored employees do is generally of the das, Summit, New Culebra chants to flow throughout the most menial class, yet its character elevates it into consid 25 and upwards and Gamboa, is concerned. society of consumers would do erable importance. No gold employee will be satisfied to It is further rumored that he for us what the physician does has threatened to fire every wes when he causes leave his comfortable blanket or sheet at a. to stand SUITS Made to order from 17. 25 and upwards on the ice covered platforms along the Zone, neither will old employee in his depart. to circulate freely throughout in some part of the body he scavenge the streets at midnight collecting malodorous ment, doing the trick one by the body. An addition of even garbage, nor sit yawning before an all night switch board.
One Third Deposit On All Orders one, till the whole darned ten per cent to the income of That is not the class of work that the industrial bunch is cleaned up. This famly of modest incoine means incro life and Four handreds on the Isthmus would select for them Order3 Mailed to Customers Address Kundesislikean Czarisen tand standards of living. CO selves. The work of trucking on the docks and counterif it true, system jamping in the commissaries is likewise distasteful to MA. JEDWARDS, QTailor and Cutter the of Pedro Miguel which will accomplish this.
them, and yet without someone to undertake these tasks ought to be told by some of As consumers, we must get the whole machinery of the Canal operations would his real friends that fights in together and buy in large quanu be dead locked and the Isthmus once more become these days are not one sided lies at the lowest wholesale pricaffairs. These poor men many machinery of distribution on the We a death trap for human beings. While most of the must build and own the gold men are on the job they are thinking all the time of whom, it is reported, he Isthinus, and operate it in our own about vacations and transportation back home; or, if not.
has already let go under a interests. The Co operative plan they keep their ears open for when they can go rotten subterfuge are heads has worked for about 76 years, spinning in their mobiles along the beautiful roads that of large families and have is working aow for tens of mil colored labor and Uncle Sam capịtal have constructed.
lions of people. will work inight(BRANDON BANK)
been long time employees of ily in our behalf if we give it a Most of these gold men receive far better pay here the Panama Caral. There can chance. and bas grown faster than they would in the States for performing the same ECURITY be no doubt that the whole during the past three years than work, and in addition to that they would have to pay ERVICE district is aflame with anger ever before.
azouse rent, and for fuel and light. Here in this paradise and disgust at the attempts. If we are to take advantage of they pile up a big pay roll when less than half of their which it is alleged he is forded by this Republic and suc the agricultural opportunities af.
mumber could do the work that the whole list of gold emmaking to outrage and an cessfully finance an agricultura ployees are engaged to do. If the gold men are receiving Inoy the silver employees. scheme hich will us va.
such handsome sums for doing practically nothing, the Our large Resources) and well known when one little insignificant road to INDEPENDENCE, then silver men who are doing the most essential things ought conservative Management) afford) unhumbug is allowed to hurt CO OPERATION must par to be considered with much more humane treatment than the feelings of an orderly password. Paiting to co operate questioned security for every dollar they are getting from the hands of the wage board and and law abiding community we show a lack of good judgon possible basis, the Executive Authorities of the Panama Canal and the deposited with this bank.
without any restraint some ment required in all persons who Panama Railroad. The silver employees, after years of thing is wrong somewhere. would improve their economic strenuous and debilitating labor cannot afford to go off on The D, may be playing eondition.
Remeinber money vacation or even take a rest in this country, because there his innings now, but it is the counts.
fis nothing laid by for the future.
last laugh that is best and STOUTE General Banking Business Transacted Colon, This lack of preparation for rainy days is not due to longest.
Nov. 12, 1919.
profligacy on the part of the colored and white aliens in this country, but entirely to the fact that there is no marNATHANIEL BRANDON GV. BRANDON Ta, Ta, Good bye!
WM. LAWRENCE gin in their salaries and expenses which could permit of Vice President.
Treasurer It sprang up like a mushsuch provision. There are hundreds of instances occurring room, full of bitterness and Tailor and Outfitter monthly in which silver employees are handed pay checks venom, spleen and rancor. It Dealer in School Books, reading less than a dollar, and this month a colored splurged for a season and The men on the wage board should ask living people bluffed the publie like and Stationary anan received a pay check with (two) cents as the remainder of his earnings after deductions for commissary what conscience is and try to imitate the actions of fair Trojan wooden horses, then No. 11 Street, Panama books and house rent. There is no justice in making a man minded individuals when attempting to fix the wage scale went under like a submarine chains from Central Ave.
work a whole month for just enough to buy food and pay for silver employees. They ought to learn that the same to dive forever. Shucks! Address: for shelter without even anything left with which to pur things they expect for them selves they should dispense to This is certainly a funny Box 895, Ancon, Chase clothing for himself and family. No official from the others; they should forget, forever, the misarly increase of world and people are taking Governor Balboa Heights would remain two or even six cents, and recommend a uniform increase long to learn that this is so. che ocean to start up a prothe service of the Canal or Railroad if he found that in wages which would put the salaries of the colored people Others may come in the same position without having the Sis charge orders at the commissaries consumed his sala within reasonable ratio with those received by gold em splendor and dash as the sabe to run it with. ProL. What they would not do in this connection would not ployees. The colored men should be paid enough with Defunct but there is no phecy has not, failed, and be done by any other Gold Roll man on the Isthmus of which to feed themselves and their families, purchase guarantee that the pathway thus it has become a painful Panama and yet the poor silver employees are expected to proper clothing, and save something for the future. This will be any more pleasant. privilege to say to the stublive on month after month and year after year in the is the only condition that will satisfy the silver force of Experience is a great school, born who departed from the monotonous and doodle hand to mouth fashion that they the Isthmus and it is the only condition that will meet as the old folks say, and it is path of virtue, Ta, Ta; Good e been follow dhe past few years, the approval of justice.
like throwing rain drops in Bye! Will we see you again?
the blood con gested in Panama Banking Company PAITA (ROUND 3135 3) COLON ISAAC BRANDON President.


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