
Son THB WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919 PAGE FIVE Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes approval West SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE brains who a correct of human was Form.
tion of Chorrillo Drug Store with siden, og limbs less ing on a whole The Calidonia Jewelry Store women Open Forum Interesting News From the Continued from page 8)
The Dance Habit Barbados Colon. de Nov. Oth. 1910)
Dear Ms. litor. From time to time Question of Repait has been my in ention to write a few AND triation interesting ariles and have some published in your valuable paper The Workman. hve just got this opportu Causes Worry to Barbudos nity, trusting tat you will permit me sufficient spre in me.
Government herewith forward you the following for publication, hoping it will meet the (From the Weebly Herald)
of yr ur many readers. Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE. We see that the local GovernIt hnab in the customery practice of ment has warned the Governour people. be Negro Race) to indulge frequently in the Dance habit. am They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as ment of Trinidad that it will not be permitting the emigratian to poiuting ut to my people the dangers with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
Cuba from this port under which the habit produces, The dance Bar bados con bract of habit has been steadily icreasing in the Trinid any dian. There are at present natives eit ex colon and Panain, and those who promote it seek to lure the young of our sister Oolony and other people into degradation and Indian and shame. In to find inclusion in the batches ports endeavouring the modem dance can point out where it takes neither of emigrants which are being Dor character to shine in their society, the man or local emigrablou agent is represssent on from here hore to Cuba The WOMAN has the coin to buy the fine silk fabrio, though they be msgiddy and ing all such applications. This is brainless as a piece of flesh 2010 il soos SOMOS is, We belllade to adopt and in accordance ever mould in upright position, will outshine the most intellectual person who with the Emigration Act.
can delend their rights with modest ap pay their money to mee? To look at The Voice of Wiser neglect to appreciate the ques of repatriation has occasionparel. It does require character to be good datoer. It is a fact not to be dis Or will there be any fans at alle Do each other, or to look at the promoter ed worry to this Goveroment in puted that characters of shady reputation the boxers pay to enter the prise ring?
the case of natives of other coare often admitted to the dance halls lonies emigrating on Barbados contracts. On the other hand, and out shine those who claim to be the cames? will say NO, and neither do the Do the cricketers pay to play their The Allies taking their cu from De.
Colony has been asked to elit. In fact the most expert dancers are the baseball players nor the buil lghters Wilts Pills have won the world great supply 2, 000 labourers aud we to be found in the red light districts. pay. There promoter are sure that we have quite a young man who can sport around, who games are all satis of the above war for the freedom of man.
their gate DeWitt Pills have won a greater Just received a full stock ofsufficient number of persons in handsome, and appears to advantage receipts, which are never poor ones espe Victory over human diseasts Mil physically, here willing to take advantage of SILVER CHAIN GOODS will be, almost without excepcially when West Indian fans turn out in llons all over the world have been cured tion, the king of of the occasion at their usual multitudo. Then why should and millions more are being cured.
such an opportunity for beiterIncluding. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES ing their condition, without modern dance, it matters not of his char we the other athletics pay to run races, WHY NOT YOU!
drawing upon outside sources, acter is as black as dense darkness, jump jump over fences, kick foot balls, ete. Do you suffer from deprveerd and For every form of disease.
As a matter of fact we could Then here we find that the mixing of while the promoter site under the shade tired feelings, restlessness at his poins ensily double and treble the con there with our young girls will blend and pocket the cash. think instead in the back, sides or joints sometimes tract, slightly at first, and continue to blend, of we having to we ought to be with future we with swellings, aching prins in the TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
we are not going Groins, scanty urine, too frequenta The H. Tennyson, colour on the situaties, and eventualis to pay to compete in any athletie desire to urinat, wenk or late back, which arrived at this port on they mix in enough to be of the sun sports, and it Mr. Promoter wants us to burning sensation, or irritation of the Give us a call and inspect our New Stock. the 17th ultito from Brazil on einss, although not in the red light di pay then we wont compete at all, as bladder?
tire, and was held up here as a triet but the same bugging and physical very little, if anything at all comes to If you observe any of these discomSatisfaction Guaranteed.
for several days pending contact of the sexes exist. So you see us while be, Mr. Promoti gets the fat. forts. start to day to take the only real FLOWERS, Proreitor. sestigation and temporary rethat young men learning these vulgar Then agulo if we the athletes de not cure DeWitt Pills, and you will be reand obscene dances while visitioz these compret where will Mr. Promoter get on warded with HEALTH STRENGTH O, Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519.
New York at 46 wirehouses of shome, bring them into the at. All athletes please be guided ac AND LONG LIFE. Hundreds on the received on Tuesday after dance halls of our respectable community cordingly and keep your dollar. Isthmus have been testifying to the noon from Capt. Bramba de and with these goes the dowolan ol dane He is not satisfied with our free sur value of this wedreine. Have no doubt, clared that everything was vices but still wants our free dollar.
and begin your treatment now.
Doctor, and scientists have proven going ore krecb.
Nothing doing, Mr. Promoter, no sir. One bottle is enough for some, but where it is injurious to health, and causes Be satisfied with your tidy sum from deep rooted cuses need longer treatment The first examination of the dreadful disenses, especially among the gate receipts, and wo will run and depending on the severity of the case.
jump for you free of charge.
Sold in sizes at all first class drug Victoria College of Masic will take place at St. Mary Boys Now dear friends since it is prevalent With mney thanks, Mr. Editor, bog etores. Beware of imitations some deal.
School on 15th November, 1919.
among the West Indians on the Isthmus. to subscribe myself as ers are handing out. DeWitt Candidates are requested to be we should gradually decrease this as fast Yours honestly, Co. Ltd, London W, Bottle with blue as possible and create some more plensObarrio Building.
in their places not later than No. 2, Calidonia Road seal. City Pharmacy printed on wrapAN ATHLETE, 45 Rev. Ellis will ant entertainments for our boys and pink superintend the examination.
now growing. Do not allow them in the THE CITY PHARMACY, The Negro Press same thing which you see for yourself is 139 Cen. Avenue, Panama.
LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR fast doing damage to the older ones.
At Wednesday meeting of This Agents for Republic of Panama mere money making concera, Dear Editor: So pleased am readWATCH REPAIRING the House Committee of the ows that with and Canal Zone.
the era ing of the great determination, efforts General Hospital, Nurse Phillips joyment produced, it does not help to and heroic act that mwy among our Probationer, and Nurse Parris, WE KNOW HOW. 11 TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, Tape.
Avaricious race are pursuing for the betterment of a junior, were awarded prizes money makers would stop to think of the the race on different points of view, not in recognition of the places auruount of donger now being instilled only in Panamn, but in many countries, taken by them in a recent exinto our young boys and girls, ft feel it my duty as one to my lenst amination for certificates.
would take another purse, and aid in a couple words of praise.
putting soune clenn spurte before SO, CAMPBELL To giv, that the Negro ress is a can only be sured through the WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER.
will, and to begin with its fint phase, will dony. It is a long need, for it EYES EXAMINED great power for good, no sensible feroun Dr. CONNELL Phone 1053.
the destruenon of desire for its indulCars Stop at the Door.
rence. The desire, if allowed. toontinue presents a side which has been entirely SURGEON DENTIST neglreted, in fact, bas beru deliberately GLASSES PRESCRIBED to assert itselt, will almost sure to win in omitted, Yes, previously we had no Perfect fair and near vision in the long run; but when the desire intruder.
20 it should be stones banished out a father opinion to ndvoen te our cume, but it is representative at the bar of public one pair of glasses.
Can be found at 175 mindA constantly repulsed Central Avenue fortnight would die. The only cure for cratiting to see we have them now you do not need glasses we this depends upon keeping of the right and present to the world the desires. We offer bast Op ical Service.
will tell you so frankly.
alle and efficient They give the facts the mind Opposite Station fist dificulty is a general want of pirata pro and hopes of the Nero. This office. 182 Bolivar Street, 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA self control continued effort to destroy paper to give the news and to make is the function and province of COLON Next Door to Cecilia Theatre WILKINSON desires or evil habitemut develop the (IN FRONT OP MASONIC TEMPLE)
will. therefore a strong will is necessary; such editorial comment the facts CONTRACTOR BUILDER but to obtain this one must destroy the warrant and this is what the Negro desire completely, leaving no space for weed and letting the chipe fly where It is hewing the Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge Headquarters for the babit.
they will It is telling the truth First Class Workmanship Thanking you again for your valuable. ad nothing but the truth. As a result and women of ourselves, and that in High Class Furniture Plans and Specifications Free space, to disworld is beginning to see lie though with come weusiness courage us, we are making progrese along SILENT WATCH isl eginging to see that we have most of the lines of human enden vor.
15th Street West House 90 rather than We are, however, not self supporting, All New Goods Sold at Box 411, Panama, Why Should Competkors that we are human beit, and that we thus, we cannot be self resposting this sre human beings with all the virtus fact, our press should not overlook, but Reasonable Terms.
Pay, and vices as o her groups of humati be should endeavour to make things fair, musicians that play for the saloons and cabarets in Colorare Panamanians.
Bir Kindly allow a úttle corner in ing, and that we are only striving to aquare and praceable among the differ WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US Jour widely circulated journal to expres better our condition and to make mon ent ronde. Right not might should rule, act wisely and the Pen shall superAnd it is right, and only right, that they few thoughts on the deficit of some of should participate in this movement, and cede the Sword in the good time comwhen buying Furniture.
attend these call meetings more spirited.
our sport promoters on the Isthmus. We ANDED have noticed that time and again sports is not too late, so let us get and stick Yours for better times, Welcoms is extended to all to visit our large Stock of different kinds are being held at both together, pull together. Don bold ERNEST A, STERRETT, ends of the Canal. includine athletic back, don look back, every body is such as the one held on Sept. 2, 1910. getting ahead, getting where? In orgaWe also notice that each and ev Meeting of Musicians. Dr. JOHNSON ALLMAN nisation. Remember that we are the colored fans turn out in full force is life of the pleasure sorkers, so let get to though most the time the charge ure We Always have in Hand a ComSURGEON DENTIST LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR it. There is a lot to be derived by being Dear Mr. Elitor: Kindly plete line at Reliable Low Prices little more th:t they really ought to be one of the columns of Phone 1003 Address organized, especially when banded for Between 10th and 11th Sts. one common cause all for one one and one send set a tidy sum for the printer, bu WATCHES and JEWELRY other than that tidy sum le widely rend journal the following: for all Ancon, 852 Mr. Morales, President The musicians of Colon met on the Bottle Alley Colon, of the Musician Union, gave a very and sweereds in drawing etter my ney Give Us a Call Before Going Else 21st alto. at 201. Street, and disstirring address which went home with from the pockets of the competitor where you are sure to be on Time cusse who as a fact are the ones who are wp. Your WATCH was Repairəd by US cussed very important matters, there Lessons Given MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER those who attended. Quite a good numwas a good turn out of all tha njusicians LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY of new men were enrolled at our ing for the tidy som, or crue that tady to be earned, and cannot see any Remember We Make Wed, and we want to keep that spirit up. At on the Clarinet, the leading last meeting and all went well. Among reason in the world why competing tend your meetings so as to knows what Band Instrument.
Latest English and American Fashions, other things mentioned was a motion should be made to pay an entrance ding Rings and Other is going on. We want to inform all the made by Mr. G. Reid, seconded by Orchestra furnished for all musicians of Colon, ilst this is not we are to pay If or more, Mr. Graham, that Mr. Nixon Jewelry to Order kinds of engagements.
Also Cleaning Pressing that dollar to compete in an athletic concern for West Indiang alone.
be appointed Journal Agent for the We are not selfish with our movement, that enne monoy for the promo FULLER is the MAN You Want See we want to advise the Panamanian omis sport NEILSON Your Patronage Solicited Union, this was unanimously carried.
ter then we are going to charge for our Prices Moderate Thanking you, Mr. Editor, beg te time. For as a fact if we as the earning 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Clarinetist Republican Band sicions especially that they are a bit remain your truly.
Ancon instruments do not present ourselves to Corner 22nd Street, Panama, negligent in their attendance. It is VICTOR, Secretary.
Tun the races, etc. what will the fans Phone 939 well known fact that 75 per cent of the 17 St. West, House 37, Panama MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY Color, 206.
for it clearly shows all the these oprove the Panania Optical Co. Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
ther ora This them.
ES Panama Furniture Company idea before 7e a prest is doing. am, new light, The world is heee sinneil agust sinning Trees ing. WATCH publish your the present ure ber sum Band or ene dollar gold Phone 1053


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