p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919 The Mystery King The Mystery Ship formances accompanied by Singing and continuing each show innimes I SWELL BOXING PROGRAM Gunboat Smith vs. Clem Johnson grateful not back Enjoy the present, it is thine.
proved Week. Digi tossen Young Sharkey vs. Fighting Jerry. 2 Minute Rounds weryed. Cricket.
00:00:00 Gi An Appeal to Brotherl. od News PACIFIC THEATRE ca UNION HALL West Indians Standard Whips All. Conlel from Pagz 1)
PANAMA Jamaica COLON pral regtig will take place on lon Behalf of the Red Cross Wednesday, November 19, begin TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, NOV. 15th wine at 15 sharp. All who In the presence of an immense throng, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15th are interested will ple ise allerd the Standard administered a (BY ALICE HILLIER)
not inter than o clock at St.
thrashing on the All Jamaics C, who Follow West Indians, Brothers and Anthony Hall, Calidonin.
69 aly six days previous hnd won the Sisters: exhort you to awake to the Jamalo Barbados gime. The match call of the West India Braash of the MORRIS exceedingly exciting towards the American Red Cros Journal Agent.
close, and Standard should be Shall we sit with folded arms and congratulated over the plueky way in an excellent Exhibition of Magic Perhappy hearts while hundrede are around Howard Severs Lodge, No.
20 which they brought their came to a Sfeish The day opened splendidly, Larving! The answer should be NO.
2515 bright sun shining in all its might the and Dancing during We are noble hearted prople, and such Members of the abovenamed entire game, Cain, the Captain of All Jamaica, won the tos night the coming as the Red Cross stands for we should Lodge are hereby notified that and rent Standards to the bat, Thomas and continuing with push it alone. How are we to push it the next regular meeting will and Smith opening the game for week aloar? By putting in our DOLLARS. take place on Wednesday 19th Standard, while the attack was in the THT MYSTERY SHIP.
Young men in particular. peal to November for the purpose of you in the name of the Rel Crose; the forming various committees.
Hands of Cain and Lindo. The game opened rather disastrously for Standard, each show night the coming week Watch for Programs DOLLARS that yor torow unthinkingly!
away would have made you to become Notices Thomas was sent back to the member; therefore, pass by the Calidopavilion before scoring, nevertheles xis bridge and become a member of that led to pay up their sick and bur.
Members of 2149 are request om of the other men shaped up so noble society; the one that Mother ist dues which are now overdue.
well that at the close of their innings the the World, You might not need it, score board showed 70 runs. Drysdale but hundrede do. Take need it. They are also reminded that the peep in the took beautiful wateh in this office and you will sometimes we donen: Friday the 21st inst.
the o xt meeting will take place on which sent John Charles back to the of people. Are they mere spectators or pavilion sale without scoring. For visitoral Oh no they are poor burden: Standard John was top scorer with ed soule who are looking for suceor and are requested to call at the office Local Secretaries of the is, Barton 12 not out, and Julien relief and Cricblow 10 each. Cain cap Friends. this is a crisis, and we fear of the General Secretary and re Gured ceive Advance Guides for wickets the worse is yet to come. There are for their membership.
for 20 runs, Lindo for it and Barnett for 13. The fielding At the Bull Ring, Saturday, Nov. 15, 1919, at p.
milice now in this city who know do of Jamaica was fine and this contributed not taste bread for days, until the Red GEO. HENLIN, good lot to the small secre made by Cross goes to their reneue Should we Secty. Treasurer Standard After the usual recess, not be proud of such an organisation; Jamaica bad their go the wickets, and instead of knocking, we should be apening up with Foster and Morais, Late from France of Demerara to those whose indomitable and Effort Lodge No. 2335, while Burton and John Charles led the united efforts have helped to plant such attack Poster was missed when he had. 20 ROUNDS 20 of its kind in our midst.
Colon, wly made runs, and again when he Look no mournfully on the past, it anul made 6, but after this Sandord For a Side Bet of 200 Nov. 13, 1919.
made a decided change, and braced Go forth to meet the shadowy future.
To the Permanent Secretaries With a manly heart and without fear.
themselves to win. Big things were of all Sister Lodges of the 0.
expected of Scott, the importation Remember, no West Indian man or SAU. on the Isthmus from Jamaica, but all their hopes were Middle Weight Semi Final woman is considered doing his or her of Panama and kindred lodges.
shattered by John Charles, who bowled BIT it they do not join the Red like a demon. Drysdale played a good Sirs Bros.
Ennings and tried his best to stave off Please accept through this me.
In the struggle of four year of bitter, deleat, but all bis efforts 10 Minute Rounds 10 un bitter war, West Indian ROYS rose to dium the following notification availing. Reference has been made the call to fuht for one common use; that Bro. Edwin Seon, having reduring durine the in another paper to. welter Weights DEMOCRACY They desertod their signed his position at a regular an Drysdale out, and terms it homes and familien forsook their friends Deeling is no longer Permaient incident, and more than that seemed Joe Jeannett vs. Ben McGovern be not only making an apology for on the. 3 Minute Rounds rope, all for Freedom and Right. Can Lodge.
his out, but to be reflecting on the we forsake some little pleasure and subTo avoid delay, communications nesty of one or both of the Umpires.
ribe a a dollar to the cause? Many have should therefore not be sent to Dadale was truly playing a good Curtain Raiser thrown their 16ta in, but there are still him but to the undersigned who nninge; John bowied one of his to him, the batsman, many more lingering and wavering to sat present the Permanent thinking it an easy six swer the great call of succouring suf Secretary at least co Please be guided accordingly.
fering humanity at it with all his might and four, bit at it Friends, rise to the call, the balls of Yours fratervaily main. The result was that the ball charity and love ting in your ears, the REYNOLD!
in the nir; not only causing Popular Prices. 50 00. 50c. earth treibles with fear, the heaven Drysdale to miss, but it bowled his sanes turth her beautiful radiance of stumps down. To the surprise of the OLD MAN ROSSIE, Promoter.
sunshine to enliven the hearts of the disfielders who were laughing to see what Important Notice tate and destitute.
he had been bowled with, after playing such a game, the batsmen remained st If in this weary walk of life you bar ROWLINS the wicket, and instead of going out he SODNOONGs some kind aet drne to you, pass it ons turned and appealed to Mr. Holder Во not selish with that which God has Begs th notify his old customthe Umpire who was at the Bowlers ulest you with. Help the cause. ers that he has returned froin the end.
There are men of the race whom na United States of Ainerica, and Unfortunately, the howler, after decure has blest with much more than his has taken up his position again Bivering the ball, crossed over in front brother. Als, he thinks nothing of kim, az Agent for the the umpire, and this, with the batsPrince of Wales Lodge, No we goes along much unconcerned and it Washington Tailoring Co.
muse position in playing at the ball, com 2632, under the jurisdiction of merchange one happens to talk to him pletely the wickets from Mr. Holdere the Jamaics District No. 110 OF CHICAGO, ILL. tells him of his brother misery, he and he not only made this plain, S. will hold a special mply grins and snye be never thought Samples and styles on hand but started to appeal to Mr. Hall the meeting on Saturday, November ibat there was so much safering am. proper fit and workmanship other umpire. Before he could do so 22nd, 1919, in the st. Charles people guaranteed, or money refunded.
though, the appealled to to Mr. Lodge rooin, corner of Dant Friends and readers, from personal exHall, who promptly the gave man vut. 10th FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE streets, for the purpose of Frice at Quality Can be Besten perience can assure you that there is There is not cne single doubt about the conferring of the Third Degree ao greater pleasure than to sit at your Postal address: Box 788.
matter that the man was bowled, and it and Initiation Members of said VICTORIA AX 237 table to enjoy morsel of food knowing Ancon, Suisleading to the public, to say that Lodge, also the Eusebius Lodge.
SARAM that you have contributed to the cause Mr. Holder disallowed the appeal. The No. 2008, are asked to be in will leave CRISTOBAL, A. and BALBOA at Noon MONDAY, which will help your next door neighbour DR. CLARENCE; EDWARDS arte had now reached a very exciting attendance precisely at 17th NOVEMBER, 1919. for also to of stage, for witlr eight wiekets down Members from Sister Lodgs, Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Poverty is a CRIME, starvation is Jamaica still wanted 10 runs. Darby visiting for the first time, are the stepping stone to Suicide, Let us filled the vacancy and with Morrison asked to be early, as they will than with cheerful hourts and for a Returns To His Old Stand married the score to 64. Teacher Tho nul be admitted after regular hods alleviate the sufferings of our less S, MEXICO The General Public and friends mas was now put on in place of John business is started, especially It rtub to people by putting our dollars of Dr. Edward, are asked to His first ball yielded a run, making the those from the Atlantic end.
Will leave CRISTOBAL, SATURDAY, 151h NOVEMBER, 1919, for the Red Cross, who e motto Hum. take notice that he has removed of 65 hut his fourth ball uprooted nty, Neutrality Newport News and Unieid Kingdom.
from No. 114 Bolivar Street. o Barby Stump. Lindo was last marr in EXCITING ROUNDER The struggle might be hard, but pull His Old Stand, No. 182, Bolivar and received the other two balls from together, remembering always that the Street, Opposite the Masonic Peach who completely bent him with MATCH ACAJUTLA. AUS course of true love is never smooth, both. In the first ball of John Charles Another thing to which considerable all diseases, espehully the of Temple, and is pared treat next over, Morrison through very exciting rounder match was Will leave CRISTOBAL, A, will leave BALBOA, Noon MONDAY.
importance should be attached is the women and children, as he has the slips and he was ničely taken by played on November 3rd, at Camp 17h NOVEMBER, for MANTA education of our people of to morrow our West Indian whildren growing in ig during his recent stay in New specialized Teach! What a shouting and in these subjects jumping then took place. Standard had Rierd grounds by the New Surprise and morames in bis thriving Republic. The York.
the Young Women Christian AssociaHS. CAUCA of The game started at 238 pm children are part and parcel on a very exciting game by Panams, mation.
mairgin of runs. John Charles was when the New Susprise went to bat and while the Panamanians have opened the bowling hero. He had bowled un. The first innings ended in favor of will leave CRISTOBAL A. will leave BALBOA, Noon, SATURDAY, their schools freely to them, yet the Hing ATTENTION!
changed throughout the entire innings New Surprise for a score of 23, while NOVEMBER 22nd, 1919, for lish language is in demand all over the and had come out with the fine analysis the Young Women Christian Associaworld to day.
of wickets for 19. John got for tinn score was second ga ne wus Tamae, Esmeraldas, Bahia, and Manta.
We should have in our community a When You Leove From Panama 12, McCarroll for 18 and Thomas school where our boys and girls of poor or along the line and arrive in for 11 yerly the playing innings and rentuge might be able to enjoy the Colon, you will sure to be hungry.
making a score of 11, and the ELLERDALE same sweet benefits of education as Members of The Granada The latter lost their first game by Call at 144, St. at the playing inaings and making a score of others, whose parents are able to pay for WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ON OR ABOUT 7th DECEMBER, FOR take notice that you are herby big margin. But say they are willing them. Children living on the Canal RED LION RESTAURANT requested to attend a special to play a return match at any old time.
Zone enjoy the sweet privilege of are Havre and London meeting at the usual place on Me Thaws organizer of the C, education. May ask what is wrong where yvu will be served with Tuesday the 18th inst. at 7, 30 with the children of employees of your Real Home Cooking. Important business to be ongratulated Mr. Theo. Barnard Csual Zone residing in the city of the PRICES MODERATE.
President of the for good For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at fielding, transacted.
namu? This might an oversigh RUSSELL, Prop.
batting and most of all good managethe authorities, and as a matter of ment, and says he hopes that in the next CRISTOBAL the little dog growls and the big Cricket knot Formed match his team may be the winner of barks.
at Chorrillo the day. It must he e te remarked that or at the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Panama Hats am hoping that these few lines The New Surprise gave the W, a.
receh the proper channel and be CLEANED and BLOCKED a griat surprise.
PANAMA sone consideration. We want and TRIMMED to Order Sir. We, the Chorillo cricketers, has ar Wassrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. fac. Sub Agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAN PACKET Co. Panama cd cation if we are to have general ing formed ourselves into one Criakat this month. Bank holiday. We have woe hy of recognition. Education will ALSOEnot, for the representation of Charil some reliable men now resident in Cho:1 lp to sta up out iumoral ty; we will MILLINERY DRESSMAKING lo, do hereby beg to say to the entire rills, and we feel quite confident with have lessissaults and better underpublic of Panama, that our newly forw such men thie Chorrillo ean destand n, beween the employer and the HOUSE No. 965, La Boca ed dub is open to challenges from my lost all comers Advertise in the employee.
other individual club without excep ions. Thanking you for the space, yours resThis world must be made pleasant for ADVERTISE IN We also would like to notify the Grena peetfully, mankind, and it can only by love dian of our desire to meet them ARTHUR HOLDER, u. to th an intelligent consideration for The Workman.
23 ga ne of cricket on the 27th day of Secretary the less fortunate.
bid to Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
sight his hielder pm Moore be Orion played it y the small te be WORKMAN


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