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CANAL ZONE IS BONE DRY DISCHARGED SOLDIERS DEATH OF MORALES GIVEN WEST INDIANS WARNED OF REGIMENT AGAINST TAKING LIQUOUR To Report for Registration with the inhalatan: at Parasound the blue and into any part of the Canal Zone out Delay.
under Penalty.
Throws Zone Sections Into Says find fault to get rid state of Mourning.
of him lofi in the st sind use to Thon and may Coun el to the jury he princi the obli.
Rank With The time when lex itt PM while it clearance Morrison is emis Won un trail The British Legation desires to notify discharged dead.
Filter four months the watch soldiers of the British West India Regiment that those West indians and other readers of the Workman Han hal brennen. coming and my out who have not already done so should report for regis implo oblewartete por cor four months they are hereby warned not to attempt to take any kind of Hydrography merto and to tration without delay. Ex soldiers residing within tur over tena and keelt war domus ho spirituons liquours into any part of the Canal Zone, not even near the boundary line.
the limits of the City of Panama should report to the Padre Miguel hrane On the of November times twice in comiades in Registrar Office at the Exposition Grounds, and 20. ho lettin The United States Congress has made the Coune id notice that wanted to suit ut try Bone Dry and applies to the Canal Zone. Ththose residing elsewhere, to the Municipal Alcalde in a Pantisode Non awanse their district emain for in sound of the police will not hesitate to arrest and run in any coAt 3151 of avons brotherhood. was sukurthi Jored offender, so to be on the safe side, leave the BROTHERHOOD NEWS where he wan deal aber das as they intred th pooze alone. Take no chances on your liberty.
He is of maanden As were conto the West Indian Trading Co. MYSTIC GRAND CHRISething to teans dipl.
Happenings of the Various Locals Cti byll and that to say to the. meeting of the West Indian TIAN ENCAMPMENT On Saturday afternoon arut Trading Co. Lid will be held at Invincible Lodge 2518 anor iteratin the lithm finish this the Panama Athletic Club rooms Confers Superior Degrees un at the corner of East 19th Street me thought idle in the office. went outs and Central Avenue on Wednes. The regular monthly meting Pursuint to adjoil, the Invincible No. 218 Cot of land when the counters inch white on November 25. commenuing of the Mystic ad Christian Jegan to share Winesday night at 13th pat. In All shareholder are Encampment met on Wednesday the 13th inst for inst, at St. Anthony Hill Catii Tris ang tondeur of which the purpose of raising six of the donia Owing u an una visione valabis search short shifts, a nie delay do to the artiny tidisatish and hay came to me and the United Methodist Knight Companions to the rank of the Covenant Order The of the offices, the President Brom the members of the He was immediateliant answerd in Church.
meeting was called to order at was unable late tause for the this house to order before Brotherhoud is not acting like opponents. for his trop convicem, don you think she stor of the Rid Tank Church varies were gone through Bro.
is rath TCM Anderson. 30 and after the prelimi pm Alter the door the mer of The buriet is tion is anything lie indertahis querriedes, said 1, but it is living made und rading of my for the information and to perform some new dis. Anderson, Past Eminent munications to the installation in order that they my be made you, because that coveries recently will resume and Sub Grand Master, assisted Bright as cording St possis their remains were taken from gazine, was written to ko his ministry there, also, as soon by Bros. R. Mattis. Past Eni N Wilson etary and souls in the Ancon laboratory and buried boys men and to teach each as he is perfectly better. He is pent Grand Master N following im is patience, the Chaplain was performed by the in the Cemetry a: Paraiso.
The mills of Golgrind siowy, and every Negro how to demand as he ay Deputy Grand Master and non convalsescent, others Presidenti tin his usual impressive. But they grind exceeding small, He was born at New Green, self respect.
rites and cereno Well, said he, you be able to sit with his congrega performed the rites. manner. After all the items in patiencedlong waiteth. years old his father being the Manchester, Jamaica and was Panamanian but an not. tion on Sunday 23rd inst. while nies whereby the following were li old the agenda had been through with interness grinds he all.
him did not know that his local peacher MEHR placed in possession of the Cove the President brought the bo Late Robert Morrison and his Nationality had anything to do Phillipsa wall conduct the Servi: nant degree. A. McLean, GRANT mother Francis Morrison who with respectability, and the ing to a close at 10, 55 pm.
Kilber her, Wilmoth. Brooks and Chas.
manner in which the chief clerk.
Right here we want to adam Journal Agent.
survive him 11. Callowa. Marshall ish Censure certain beth He is survived by a widow and worst have never hearching the of the Invincible ever heard) and he pal fault of the prisoner has been his un not at all living where Victor Collins Lodge No. three children and we take this McKay) seems to be 2503.
in tendering our haut, where justice tions of the Brotherhood. lis in thieves and scoundrels of the basest Dane done to the good things pre depest sympathy is then be shows plainly that the watetigel. fortunate characteristic of putting faith the brethren repaired tremendo the Negro World or The Crusader de seription. have no more to say, The wide reavement nad of trying to help and protect their brother, many of them There was a meetins of the are of ro use to an told unhappy man in the dock, gentlemen of vided for them. The Sub Grand Not gone from memory, sing sorts of way and Victor Collins 2503 Master in the course of his was going to the post of the jury, puts implicit maith in you.
Not gone from love, fice in search of dress. laid stress on the fact means to hurt and destroy him, on Monday nighi lotin Nov. 1919, maiis; when But gone to his Father home returned, it was hinted to me, is the one and only Encamp hoto morally as well as tinancial at St. Anthony Hail 1y and also to deprive them of that Calloway told the chief time doing all in their power to prement in Central America, that is The meeting above.
called to their daily bread. This is very order at p. Bro. Collins. Anerican and Jamaican pa keeper to make and at four o clock, as the fetters us from breaking the granted special permission to ance; ease co sad and a stop must be put to it President in the choir. After pers whistle blew, said tiinekeeper froin among us. It shows hus England) and he has great pleasEconomic Shavery confer all the higher degrees of the the order (from Grand Council easures to put an end to such a wading and adoption of camu and presented in the slip inore plainly than ever that they are in showing it. Several mempractice.
minutes of the previous meeting. Excelsior Lodge No. 2519. That reads as follows: are our direct and immediate ene: bers of the Covenant Rank exA special meeting of the Invin Sister Francis of Perfection cibe worse will be held on the Long 2520 was introduced winst. the Excelsior Lodge No.
On Tuesday night the 25th THE PANAMA CANAL mies: and that we must do all pees their joyful feelings for surpressed Silver Employee Service and that lies in our power to free only obtaining such a sublime posi3rd of December or the pospoe the meeting. She gave her 3519 will hold their regular Employment Slip.
selves from their claws. It only tion, and uttered their desires of ini surucung ihe members in gives us greater encouragement for climbing higher as soon as Secret works of the intress on reciprocity. Bro. Cheating at thalidest Indian Red Division, Mun. Engr. Gang stop supporting the White Brotherhood. Great change organiser Carterraced th: Cross Hall Calidonia Bridge at have been made in the inystic meeting with his precence and All are ask to attend NON Purasites and puk dar dine possible. The meeting was hers unne, brought to its close, and the ceremonies of the Order, and we Van ad ile also, which ras great important business Name Morales Metal check and dollars into Corporations brethren retired to their respec. No. 28036 Nationality As for The on the Grand Lodge is to be for our future benefit.
hope that every member will be there than attente.
for tive homes.
the transacted Panamanian me me owe them no compliment present in order to be instructed meeting than returned to its Discharged effective 11 19 and they owe ine none; worked COCKING Kashmir Institute in same. roue after which the President wave MORRIS, Con account of reduction of force for them and they paid me.
inis Journal Agent usuall Has too much outside business they do me a good, because misthmus will be very plenobertes of doing me address. We, the members of West Indians residing on the Journal Agent. Vietor good of job.
Collins Edge feel prond In Present Employment Asnow have a better chance to con. know that Miss Monica Roberts Pe severec nce Lodge No. right man on the job and we are of having such a president; th.
Members Court Paradise Clerk (Conduct) Fair (Workman ce my race that they are as has graduated from the Kashmir vince No. 9292. ship) Good.
thankful thin for the name in as any other race (if not Institute of Chicago, with 2501.
do 99 better)
not have the degree rl Master which he has lead and is still The special meeting which was cof Tewling tis.
Now you see plainly, when sutticient outside business so, Beauty Culture and received her scheduled to come off on Satur. these cowards cannot use a will now devote my entire diploma.
wi merling of this Local came the United Brotherhood off on Monday evening. Novem. 10. 32 Meeting cune to a close at day 29th has been unavoidably Negro as a tool or treat him as time to Miss Roberts who is a gradu e reminded postponed.
they would like to, they fina and The West Indian Trading ate of the Westwood High School ber 17th, Bro. Neverson pr. that our next meeting takes ALFRED ROUGET some fault to get rid of him. Co. Negro Fellow wen; stick in Jamaica and the holder of sided. Matters of business De on Monday it next.
Secretary affecting the good and welfare 26th. beginning at 7, pm were ashamed to state, for ber, It seemed to me as if they together as never before; rememo: Cambridge Junior Certificate is Unity of the End gewere discussed. starp and each and a is Strength the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
speaking too plainly to white United We Stand, Divided we Roberts who are well and a healthy and intelligent in boot is asked to be prennes tions sent out tor the Snow in the Brotherhqud as such are Indian Trading Co. of Pana: as Mr. Roberts held the imaydet: Rather unique aro the invita folks and entirely too interested fall. Buy Shares in The West known throughout the Isthinus, terest was in evidence.
matters of great importance Officers for the ensning term, come before the meeting. Flake Ball at the Red Tank direct objects. They think, by ma. Buy Shares in The Black ant position of baggage master were installed, after the office of HUSBANDS.
Corresponding Secretary. was 1919)
Journal Agent. We understand no pains are ers of the Brotherhood; but tion, the only they would weaken the follow: Negro Improvement Associa nu number of year Members are urged to attend being spared by the promoters to they are mistaken, for such freedom and become for Negro Madam Roberts is in charge of these meetings o as to be able Liberty Lodge No. 2512 make everything l. Hamilton cowardly attacks only help to and loyal Negro: a 100 per cent Bolivar Street and we are sore a true the Kashmir Beauty Parlor in to command an intelligent grasp be there and into of the affairs of the Brotherhood regular meeting of Liberty dance. We are wondering, from forward, never to look back until that Charity begins at Home; ladylike manner she is sure to considered art will be someone selle determinatiote tuos pinse de noel Stop helping other races that in such a fine establishment Remember that these are the Lodge No. 2512 was held on all we hear, if the Club House we shall have reached our goal and last but not least, do all in succeed in business.
help yourselves days of the Democracy and the Thursday, November 6, 1919, for will be able to accomodate all the Such cowardly acts only prove your power to free yourselves Mierarchy of Labor. İts dignity has been established and we arel (Continued on Page 8)
We wish her entire success in folks.
to us, that the oppressors are from the white man.
her professional career.
tea to him him davising that this was me out clear vent the in genial manner a splendid the new.
a barm The Mernbers meu.
Slled Allies


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