
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Trinidad INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Tragic Inci ent At Caura.
Ord Uy Initiawh THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YONK, Head Office, 55, Wall Street, Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits Oyer 9, 000, 000. 00 Demerara rrettola ta record the death atrauren Bar For the benment Salary Problem in pribor in Moulin Demerara.
Im Tekin Den rant then the stret and it is the then Hotellet for of Draculents at there hai and they primary school teachers aan wit of all with whom he bricom tend our sm.
of Police Hall at the Pubcondolence to his brand Buildings. The Gran Platives lleis survived by his man, also point thi Ho Rist wart Action Grenada General Hon. PB CHISM For Sewerage System, Brandon MiB Cassets BEBEC Meest. II. Darmowes 112. 00 15. 00 Tiedusion of the commissionen? Ik the list Indian por exends next in which is place and in the clit odlie comunion on be without sich woman, oh on who would El Dorado Caura Villy where she works in her as wydon on Friday heart en and that had been in Official Depository of the Republic of Panama DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD Gial calion Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands. AID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM The Calidonia Jewelry Store info for a but There is a and his longer than they a Panama Furniture Company an form WO sidab SO increased durihod It of its recommend News has been received that crimpant me wre tions.
several persons in the nited sunt ned, when it was found Kingdom propose Visiting the that she had already bed. Te Caribbean in search of healthy soon. This tion of Preí teering In Demerara and pleasure if the steamship Props equipped the site to in med ad the body was The Demerara trong in an ar companies operating in these is the needs of the 000 or buried after the formalities tice advising the Government to lands are able to provide the mye pursus resident in the the ww haben obser adopt nigorous methods for pun. ces cessary accommodation. It was writies mwerred to above ushing the profiteer, says inter will not be surprising to hear has bein the subject of discus.
that American and Canauian asis Mr. Noel Scipio olic Consumer are complaining tourists are contemplating a trip sual with most projects here it that shopkeepers and others have West to in search of beautiful has new reached byond the Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road Pollard.
been experiencing er at difficul sunshine weather. They may stage of com year ty in purchasing rice from the come to us and circulate money or two ago we sirgested that if res the Government could not under LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR PASSED HIS FINAL.
various stores in Water Street but are we prepared fully to re the Gov at the price tixed by the Govern ceive them? This question is an take it private subscriptions colWe are pleased to state that a in the following para shoud be solicited and start swered lected in the districts concerned merchants are comme WATCH REPAIRING ment, while cable has been received announcplaining that the farmers are graph taken from the West In show ing that Mr Clare Noel Scipio un willing to sell their rice local dia Committee Circular of 4th made. But our idea did not seem Pollard, WE KNOW HOW.
to find favour. The necessity of the late Em son. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. y, preferring to export it. This September last:manuel Scipio Pollard of still however exists and it will a kreat opening for is a state of atairs which should revered memory, has passed his not be tolerated. There are also enterprise and capital in the be a gracious act on the part of Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialtv.
tinal examination at the Bar.
Mr. Pollard who will be rem stores which are selling rice opening of hotels on really mod. the present administration if it bered here as an ardent foot above the schedule inte. It is a eru lines in the British West In could find the means to supply O, CAMPBELL pity that the police cannot catch dies. The existing botels are and suffering of St. Patrick and a hospital that will put the sick baller read law at the Middle WATCHMAKER AND some of these acquisite gentle few and far between and can be JEWELLER. Temple. It is expected that he will be called to the Bar in time men red handed and make an counted on the tingers. Many of St Andrew beyond all fear of inconvenience.
Phone 1053 Cars Stop at the Door. to return to Trinidad by next example of them he experi the islands have none whatever month. We offer our heartiest ence difficulty in finding terms with the result that only those Dominica congratulations to Mr. Pollard suficiently strong to charac tourists armed with introduc immediate relatives terise their conduct and we are tions to residents would dream on their onvinced that no appeal to of his staying (Prom the Guarnian)
succes and we know that we echo the sentiments of the entire fmer feelings will be of ar y avail. could help. The boarding houses, community, when we say that The only argument to which generally speaking, are years be sus behind the times, and ibeir bath.
there profiteers The Dominica Fishing Com REEZDETTO we look forward with pleasure whe 11 to his return to the colony to ceptible is huge penalty ing and sanitary arrangements pany, Ltd. is being tlated in this the promoters being in the colars by which they simply abominable. What the island, practice his profession upon which his deceased father shed set such store with, possibly islands need is a man like the Messrs. Harrison, so much radiance.
auued til terrent in the late Faaler, who established Shillingford, Alleyne and of imprisonment. The the modern caroyanserais in Flow Winston. The object of the 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA of the dollar quest may be rida and the Babamas.
Company is establish a fishing rfully INSC NEW INDUSTRY.
industry on an extensive scale ab.
Next Door to Cecilia Theatre.
sorbing but it should hecuine 50 In connection with the possibi. here for the purpose of provid Trinidad, Oct. 24. Camphor absorbing as to make the players litics of inducing ing tish both to the shareholders an English plants are successfully grown in forge that there are rules in Steamship company to operate the local public, and possibly the Headquarters for Dominica, and the imperial Comficking in the food of the prople is along the consiline of the pangapura There some of train the West Indies and copoeciae mighbouring islands. The Counmissioner of Agriculture for the buying High Class Furniture is a dangerous one and since hu various islands, it is wathered pets, fishing pots and other tish est Indies reports the possibility, in the near future, or Cammanitarian considerations have that there is no hope. The coming implements and to provide phor becoming one of the minor very little influence with with panies sounded on the subject workers, pot makers and others All New Goods Soid at for. products exported from Dominithese traders, the utmost rigour seem to regard thase Islands as who gain their livelihood ty fishon.
trehe Tawe should he exercised too isulated and not affording in the. The scheme in a big one to correct the detticiencies in sufficient opportunities for con bun crtaluly not too big for Reasonable Terms.
their moral education, Important Notice They are all directing a protitable business. but business Doininica. The capital of the Comtheir gaze aze pany is put down at 1, 000 dividBarbados en larger tiolds where they were put into 1, 600 ha resor tive a WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US ROWLINS In fact British opinion concerning on the concern is being convened meeting to launch when buying Furniture.
Becs th notify his old customthe West Indies regarded ers that he has returned from the to take piace at an early date, at Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Sugar Famine in le falou the Chamberor Con United States of America, and poles and been has taken op his position again We wish the promoters The there ont proposals every success Barbados as Agent for the for transferring us to America.
Washington Tailoring Co.
that we are only tit Red Tank Sufiers IngloriDemerara to the Rescue for a comercial ciel.
ows Dafaat OF CHICAGO, MA The Advocate (Barbacios) says of the British people is sitouty We it is brown that a stone Ile members of the Red Trek Samples and styles and proper it and workmanship there is a sugar ramine pre nile oppused to the idea and new his holiday (Ord lov. rather guaranteed, or money refunded.
ing in Barbados owing to the writer characterized it as a preret fallen, Line the respects of Government allowing the ex orts reward to us for the mint little hogging from the above men, Prise and Quality Can be Beaten to svetinue, without reserving in blood and money that we tioned wiek. com under Skippee Kisrany Po mal anidress: Box 38.
an adequate amount of sacar for made to help the Empire in the Best Tank Ching on an tres Ascou, LA Whi, mard made the Gornment 46 STREET, PANAMA.
el Wali iliad gratis with this list Pryd 11 for regs ds to the stic Smither a berare an, dasier on the tiro ou la rieb worthless or there is a deliber West Indies to a foreign power t they bere ure had to be sutsub Just received a full stock ofP. ALLMAN ate hon rding of stocks. The ormide our opinion will have to le with 32 rute for their first inning. Twin LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR port of fancy syrup and no asses rsthad and obtained. Even in City ben hed their own SILVER CHAIN GOODS Betwoen 10th and 11th Sts.
has been stopped and a Govern. America the same feeling pre. babinoking 13 TUOS for Wie (ist) for Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES ment price fixed for the product vails and everything will be done ing despite the great trundin, of Battle Alley. Golon, at 64 ct. per gallon retril. As to prevent complications, Skipper Alleyne. In the secon! in For every form of disease.
the werage est prie Rai Tok perheet the bugil MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER during the year was around forcent score of 50, it again the Twie ty two cents, the margin test for Establishment of a Hose City boys proved their suxiraurity by TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY the holder is not inconsiderable.
pital going over the top with 72 rum, vie.
Latest English and American Fashions.
It is understood the Governor Ding by a total of 24 de has made arrangements for the It is understood that the ComGive us a call and inspect our New Stock.
purchase of one thousand tons mittee appointed to enquire into Also Cleaning Pressing of Demerara sugar, to be deliver the question of the establishment Di. JOHNSON Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Your Patronage Solicited ed in November, December and of a hospital to serve for St. An SURGEON DENTIST FLOWERS, Proreitor.
Jarruary. Foodstuffs are mount: drew and St. Patrick has Prices Moderate ing in price and cattle feeding been making sereral recoumen. Phone 2093 Address O, Box 36, Panama City.
Estuts. se alt obtaicable.
Telephenie 519.
dations, and that it is likely final decision will be arrived at Anoor, 352 MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY purposes boats. אוון dueting IS merce they think Or Chorrillo Drug Store terite local Thielumns


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