
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 PAGE THREE. The Open Forum: se:se:se: 53:55:se: sesse seise: Fidelity Lodge BUSINESS MEN We do not hold on top LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
Get Alive to Your Interest ching What is Co operation.
ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
Holds Initiation Ceremony On Saturday Nov 1st the was a sal meetins of the ri.
delity Lodge X) UU.
La for the par use of its of candidates of of There were four into The first secrets of Mechanism There is quite a un que gather. rs VZ Englisirani Scottish who kindly gave their arissance in the dar priormince of this ceremon The being through the red to the bxquiramide justice to the ones provide for the vesi and after things of eetinde Kods to Wy the the morning to be The circulation of The Workman is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
the sharest SisiSo0300 ci00030 Porte the Therefore THE WORKMAN Dinth Holand Brif they is a paying Advertising Medium. TIM Will of Mr Reiset the St. Leath HSCHT ADVERTISE TO DAY shing su mons along with His listints Brus. Isetes, Be Hinds shib Our RATES are Reasonable.
Bandot vis rte.
after which the In was 11 ఆక. ర. క. 0:00:00 00:00:se: aut day. It would bet is in twin tu make.
IRO ham for زمان apid for a divor He there persistent WS Panama Banking Company was Prince of Wales Lodge No Waterproof Raincoats on treces Creditt. IV. LIMIS Miss Smile Robat the attention Cire with which their hors were still the latter the UNIVERSAL NEGRO IMtrained and the manner which PROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Indeel met Sunday Af APRICAN COMMUNIht. But it TIES LEAGUE.
and with a distinguished tellows Mr.
chairmanshofon of our most Ddition of the Black Star 13. we bine the Lock rooin ta ha Industrial Welfare of the Negro HUMOR IN COURT is of the Isihmus.
Isparrot opent with FINED AT THE CURRENT nes This question pred IRATI to for time ago in the car Times, rently une before the di vurple to poblish the time Vor Court in Silesi hus.
TRRIS IR band hud evidence in the ordinary FITZ BOWEN Benavid and plavalt bring his parrot. The husband sens, ils one and only It ONT Witness ONE MEMBER pertise of held organizer DSP Radway THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR we shall write upon my bad brun from home for six me before see them.
Weeks, and when he returned the attir, te control of the police your ne shall xlwars in my parrot was Anthem of the Nino De Un and in 28 November Street, San Miguel Anot dollar, but hat undable to be rang thru the.
Trusting that this may be than thought: name love your name so My Arthur, my dear Aretour asing House 20 of reaching them, and be the mos sweet, my heart, my loved one.
Mathboring you blessing here. The parrot was SO As operative socios en laturi that the husband presented a th acquire resources in which the organist Mas Cied his blessing ad to you, petition for divorce, making a at their own store, and discritutet rose one man yung with that der er true: themselves all of their foodstutis club spirit of the Ni Nene The The passe close friend, whose name ins, and household When the To ad a power with love and Arthur: the co respondent. Un and and watchword of number of such societies sal was then rected by all ONE GOD, Ant wt our enemies all to flight. wife confessed, so that the Court fortunately early in the suit the they find that the wount saved from ONE AIN, ONE DESTINY. IntroB. Harris the total amount of their purchases duction of the of the objects of the Ladies (BRANDON BANK)
was not called upon to give a desulficient for them to combine their sur was then clined by by the Orcision on the pretty question of plus saving for the organization of aniser. Dr. Radway, when an Anthem the admissability of the parrots Notice.
wholesale ciety, and thus take the next rendered by the Choir ECURITY Exalt him evidence step and cut out the profit of the whole oye prople ete und Brother Milline ERVICE ealer. And when still more sueities have ton gave the opening seleres he threw grown up and the turnover has become such a stimilus in the audience that sufficiently great, the wholesale society comments had to be PINTA (FOUNDED 1968)
on same by COLON of. the Jamaica District No. 110.
instead of buying from the importer all. Amongst other things he said that of LO. S, will hold a special meeting on Saturday, November WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, Give me your order for your Our large Resources and well known in itself. When the last step has been end for the Negre Ladies of the Inthat 22nd, 1919, in the St. Charles RAIN CAPS (AND APRONS for taken, by which the co operators a quin mouss this is the fist Hall that will conservative Management afford un Lodge room. corner of and Gentleman, Ladies and Chilland and natural resources for the supply be dedicated to Brother 10th streets, for the purpose of dren.
of raw material, the economic problem. Russells spoke on the interest of the questioned security for every dollar of the Third Degree of production and disfubu ionale solved. Ladis Betting together and illustrated SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM Initiation Members of said securing commodities at the criou on the Braves of such wonen is deposited with this bank.
and to also the Eusebius Lodge, THE BIGGEST VALUE ON duction is but one of the pur one of the purpo e o Mary Quwen of scotts, and Joan of Are No 2004, are asked to be in THAT LINE the Cooperative wh have left their names on the pers attendance precisely at pm other important thing It takes advat of history and and hoped that they wouli filMembers from SANGUINETTI BROWN, tage of this organization of prople low in their steps. On account of unvisiting for the first time, are crve their other needs. It introduces avoidable Brother FURNITURE DEALER asked to be early, as they will surance against sicher, death, un machines, who was risked to take over the not be admitted after regular Corner 3rd November and 19th plot nt, accidents, told oldu.
nef the dedication. W16 absent business is started, especially Streets, Guachapali.
provides pensions for mothe hood, makes and at once Bro. N Syrjent volunteered ISAAC BRANDON XATHANIEL BRAND VIBRANDON those from the Atlantic end. Ancon Box 836.
to members cames in to serve as Master of Ceremony.
Vice President credit in the event ol sinies and luck outs, provides huusing, text atvijs, ciuto Rinking through the air came Sound werd Christian Soldiers, etc. the ladies houses, medical and writik care, bospelformed themselves in. ws with the Mas.
tals and sanitariums, tro Ceremony in front assisted by Dr.
The funds for all these social pur Radway. He held the book in hand at poses come from the same hitherto un ceremonial articles whilst the Doctor available amount. the diffrence becurring in bare glist of red win arel ed THAT WELL DRESSED LOOK GRAVES and JOHNSON ween the cust price and the selling price round the Hall twierd the ceed the profits in individualistic industry to the corners reading with REMEMBER We Sell These profits amount to more for ti that could he hrough e co operators than for the private sules the name of the Fatie, etc.
the Nothing so enhances the charm of Wornan, Nothing Commutator casesand Rollers mau for many reasons. Competitive so lends her that confidence which adds at least 10 of the Universul Neiro!
Hose Connections for all Cars business must advertise and employ ex per cent. to efficiency, as WELL DRESSED LOOK A sociation, etc. Ilie this pert salesmen: it must su tain the unce, Hall by the name of the Black Star Line TO BE WELL DRESSED Electrical Bulbs for all Cars tain losses of the credit system; it inu: Work Rom, for the industrial upliftone MUST seek Distinctiveness in her Air Gauges and Air Pumps oller specials and undersell its co. pe meat of al Negro Ladies on the DRESSMAKING Plugs, Champion, Splitdorf, it sustain the cormous ex of Panama and Colon on this I7th day of penses incidental to to plazasing potical November, from this day and the woman who demands this quality can easily hence Engine Bolts and Gaskets jauties and influencing legislation; and until such time or times we are able to acquire it at Spotlights, Head Lamps and Reflectors elaborate wastelu meth take our departure to our Father Land THE WOMAN EXCHANGE Transmission Grease, Oil, Gasoline, etc.
and administration The frica.
Where Individuality Workmanship are Guaranteed.
Copious showers of ceremonial co operative society, with the assured Articles were showered on the corners Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
wastant purchase of its members, suf Returning to the platform the speaker imNo. Street, Panama, opposite Dé Lesseps Park)
Les no such handicaps. Io savings are pressed de audience with the solenoidy of ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
PHONE 85 BOX 816, ANCON, neeessarily grenter. Its inerease of us the Onsion and hoped that they will penses are on those arising from per low from here for that this lati made to such CHUS conferring SO Live Movement. It aims at General Banking Business Transacted 1040 Treasurer THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.
11 Id Wie Isthmus titors; must 1919. from it must carry on ods delivery TERREICH


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