
THE WORKMAN Comments on Show at Balboa Published on Saturdays by. Rates for Advertisement on applica.
WALROND. at the ti Central tioncarnean all matters me and corner of Stretlannin de PO Box 74. Panga RP ht, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION On Tean Six Nontha Thr (na PALM BEACH SUITS CRASH SUITS FOR YOUNG MEN From se oo to FOR MEN From 10. 00 to 15. A big variety of Styles and Colors just arrived.
Tae Isthmian Drmatie Co is certain worthy of the best and highest up pirt our colored prople can find, and alth uh it is the first timbus appar ed to the puddle on this site, yet do wunder why the hearer dans le lovers and we did not tronse that at hun Saturday nicht unter By this 10. 00 Vera SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1919 out Miss Most playing Witb. on her. bund they este for life woh The Las Cascadas Proposition.
EDUARDO VALENCIA would be out of place.
The play Man Atut Tw No little amount of uneasiness has been caused this Santa Ana Plaza next Hotel Metropole will played by the reprises in week among Silver Employees of the Panama Can: and the Assed that designet natursins that Railroad Company over the proposed re occupancy of Las reuerelement of an att in their meer nie. Cascadas and other West side villages by the Silver emthe twract plus eu ulls ployees, according to a notice which appeared in the last issue of the Panama Canal Record. The annoncement has Editorialettes readily a pity the paper dealth we tried to keep is one of the unusually interpreting, Idiots ich suid did not the fire burning and have attract and use the comunity set the mind of every silver employee in a whirl and discussion anent the project can be heard at every corner White Again!
Po the courage to come in acel mitbe? Our sup bocemi and thoroughfare of the city of Panama, and even in the Ils will put liv Mis When for the past few to this officiend is their porter bestood by us and first hand! Well preciated this stand. lot, and will deportin City markets where it has become the foremost talk among up stirred housewives paper is here, and we have True interests are not the old lot for shortage of our paper supply returned to the use of white ped. they are shown. Jump Lady From what can be gathered in these talks there is not to compelled to resort sheets According to the ing around like weather cocks on white and a single employee on the silver roll who takes the project to the use of expensive color statements of our ne and shooting off in terms of sit for this. Il primo with any degree of faith, and the greatest secpticism ined paper, we were told that ought to lose heavily in our versatile philosoplis will not sled with the positivt men of connection with the plan has been expressed on everythey said we were printing side. For the most part, the general belief among the silver a colorind sheets Locat crculation by our appearance help our race. Mi have got her we were very personave colitan employees is that the proposal is a concealed weapon niggers like pretty prize on white sheets, but we will downtonal business and menn og lov Halman Drogers to keep at it, that all. Many oth to the thing which will be used against the men and their families in any would buy the paper more wait ind sce, During the of the economic incendiarists case of difficulties arising between the Canal Authorities find virtue in disguise and so bile per la former and the former; and it is felt that nothing else has inspir est foresight is deemed necessary. The old adage that allow suspicion to fall on mit ed the movement but the spirit of hostility to the efforts Prevention is better than cure is as applicable in the others, but it is only the contra la violetin of the men to improve their present condition.
case and it as wise to sistent will Mitha Thi The fact that lands for personal cultivation have been avoid taking a step, now, which would be the subject of red himself to the good will of a storyline offered does not seem to appeal to the feelings of the rious regret. hereafter.
cohesive community. Promis people. They are saying that horticulturists and sanitary It is felt to be altogether an inconvenient arrangementes are very good, but the fat bands of the two yang luas what experts, previous to the depopulation of the Canal Zone to seek to house the silver employees on the West bank of on the table is better thau Laudy Audley went to silene Like wich towns and the abandonment of certain sections where pri the canal which, by nature of its position, is the most the cheese in the grocery. Get money and Rovere dalley vale individuals held profitable real estate, were quoted as undesirable place on the whole Canal Zone for any settle the point!
Lake with Marks kot drunk but would not give up the se being unfavorable to continuous occupation of the Zone as ments to be established. The cost of keeping up connections Pete Soliloquy.
cret for nothing. rather playing for the lands were not adaptable to cultivation, and that the between this isolated location and civilization would be a Chich takes. Robert retire to bed and sanitary and police up keep of the Zone would out grow terrible drain on the resources of this economic Govern Said little Pete to himself wit. Litke in a helpless drunken sta the revenue and so make it a non payable concern. ment; and it would be criminal and inhuman to place one day, Why am such a the Lady sends Phoebe on the road The most emphatic resolution not to accept the pro these people there without contemplating the possibilities donkey? drive all my best ever takesicher with pour les propietat posal has been heard from many of the men wno have al of easy egress for them.
men away, Like a great, big nicate with Luke. Phoebe relua tantly leaves the house (through respect ready been offered assignments in Las Cascadas. In most In view of such facts and circumstances it would seem ugly monkey. Perhaps my for her lady. With Robert sleeping, and of the cases the wives of these men have set up no little that the easiest way, for the Government, out of the difficul dad was shallow brained And Lukea, mas of drunkenness. her two whole scheme is doomed to failure. if it is true that the and Paraiso, as well as to erect buildings at Diablo, in ac trained By precept, rule or podobno. Phoebe sebbene fire and shows resistance to the suggestion, and it looks as though the ty would be to construct additional quarters in Red Tank) my mater nothing better, der er det and relations de dernier If this is true, place on destroy them both leaves the house to meet white people who have been offered quarters in Las Casca cordance with an old proposition. Quive a sufficient numdas have refused, it would appear that the colored people ber of houses could be put up in the places mentioned at a letter. am a hardened bru it to her but she denies ita location and are amply justified in their attitude; for what is not good cost no greater than what it would take to prepare quar tish ass, With a savage cruel tries to persuade Phoobe to leave for enougn for one set of people cannot considered conve ters at Las Cascadas or any other site on the west side of grin, And in a crowd couldn beer Court. Phoebe is is determined to make Wrestle nient to another.
the Canal. In addition to this, attention should be called pass, For my face is hard like her husband hate the gosh darned it then had assured a naturalnow that the consternation of the audience, as We do not undertake to dictate to the Panama Canal to the fact that the customary versatility of the Railroad sin Government or to their employees, neither do we desire to Schedules on the Panama Las Cascades line renders satis nigger men, hate em one was unquestionable, Miss Best has shoes and all; mean to keep not very bright future before her as wateinterfere in any scheme, proposal or plan between the two factory service an absolute uncertainty.
parties, but as the voice of public opinion we assume our correct onlice in commenting upon the question which has al buildings at Red Tank and Paraiso. Why has this plan pers know much more than upperinoet ring of the theatrical laddur It had been proposed some time ago to erect addition more than ten; Of the kind tes and if she keep it up, there is no that will not bawl. These mig. dubt that she will plae berself on the become very serious at the present moment. The right is been changed? Can Las Cascadas be thought a better me. And hate like hell to ours and the duty is ours to set out an impartial survey of site than either of these? Why not, if a change is contem admit it, So 1, 11 can em all part of the daughter of Sir Miched alone Mine Humber who the the situation, as it eflects a voluminous roll of dubious and plated, turn a look on Summit or Gamboa? better still, for em to sce, That Pete, black who was in love with Robert Audrey Hex sceptical employees.
why not build up a respectable and well laid out settleIf the announcement to re establish settlements on the ment at Diablo instead of keeping it like an arid expanse ass, can say, Quit!
cousin, could not be busympathisad with. Brine of the audience forgot it was West Banks oi tile Canal had nou buen preceded by nu of non utili arian geography? Hihy shoul Cine Caval ad By, Bye, Booze!
only sige land and their hearts went out meruus treats on the parts of certain bosses and foremen, thorities conclude that the colored people, West Indinus for her Her part and acting called for very little or no suspicion would have been aroused over and others, would prefer to be located in Las Cascadas!
The Boss on the Zone don wuh sympathy and much laughter, and the project, but it must be understood that unbridled and rather than in a part or parts of the Canal Zone where, it feel quite good over the fact aduiration, which Miss Hauber gave us unconcealed threats to make the Zone strike proof and anything should go wrong with the pontoon bridge at Pa. King Booze has been dethrron must designing manner.
to starve out the Negroes as well as to maroon them raiso, communications with the rest or the Istiumus wouided, and like the Kaiser, has Luke Marks charaeter could not hasve by an open pontoon buidge when they shall have been lo not be interrupted?
been sent into exile. We trust brou better cast as Mr. Mural cated over in Las Cascadas (according to rumor) could The convenience of the labor force should be the first that none of the silver ce bobeer at home with it. He the old not fail to have a disquieting etiect on tne people who are consideration of the Authorities, instead of the silly sug Iployees will attempt to re im beyond reformation, who married Phove.
gestions of a few who would not care a fiddle stick if the state the vanquished monzuch He was the only one who saw when No attention was at first paid to the boastful threats Whole roll of silver employees was sent to oblivion. The or they will find it a hard job Lady Audiy killed Geo Tilboys Cher of the bosses who made them, and the whole idea was be successful operation of the Canal lies more in the hands of to run up against the cop and original husband and made up baja lieved to be the prejudicial thought of a wicked wish and tắe laboring classes than it does in the hands of the pen the courts. The jitney driver to tenke million out of what he. blatant negropiobid. But since last week a new sentiment pushers and swivel chair wise acres wno have as much and cocheros. as well as always drunk. Und suivredly the shared has arisen and the people are viewing the idea with con brams io ihink with in a crisis as the figure heads on the other twople should remember to was played Al by the old reliabile the weight of the famous orsostor Cyril Morand.
siderable concern. It could not reasonabiy be expected brows of the ocean liners in a hurricane.
der No. 20 of General Biated Sir Michael Audley played by Nr.
that West Indians, who are not in the habit of letting Something radically wrong seems to be afflicting the forestiers and sailors iany Melman ve also will repte ented other people think for them, would rush into a position semi dital of this maguvudinous and world centering try to take rum and beer inloeliaracter and he enjoyed in noenutiv Mee thuse Cliat have been mentioned by several of their number, to wards the Negroes in this country nothing will be able neys, but the men ought to suman waking her a puragon of prices whicine is surrounded with so, grotesque circumstances as enterprise, and unless a more humane attitude is adopted the come in coaches and jit marent lors and devotion of his wrond wife, holding all ther and we now vi moting that the www. sin could do iv wierce the terrible economic convulsivus thai mus have more love for their free sec wion not knowing that he was onde satisfy dlc pecals that the intentions incident to the move inevitably teelt from a state vi general deiraction and dom than to take chances for win siceps biotining meit are not pianked on an ominous substratum. disaffection. The colored people are already dissatisfied men who would not scruple The other two charters Ribout The Government of the Canal should hesitate a little with many of the coaditions under which they have to hand them up when time Audio Geo Telboys, pluvered by Metro before initiating expenditure on the preparation of housing work, and to invite them into a place where not one in a worse comes. Many of the Jas. Pieer nu L. Kerr were also use acestia Lilla side of the as the photo and wants to co is like got into a more to see more rigu night at tmp: to to ivoid in uwe nad swipe tot te ont law may nrove to be rather profligate, and it would not eion to be dismembered and set into a box, to be cared for girls and butlers reau well for a respectable Exccutive borly like that of the adulti a tisa cu civargisme ou man.
to boobie a flask for a phere of anticipation Canal Zone to report to Congress an account of useless ex If those responsible insist on their efforts to huddle to pint under their skirts or in Atogether this bind of young ators penditure, no more it would be impossible for the gether the lver ganga on the proposed Isthmian black belt Eheir hip pockets, but if con and Quartermaster department to conceal from the eyes of no outsider can prevent them, but it would be criminal for mon sense out wits coereion lauded for the excellence in the ex 4Congressional visitors a line of white elephants near the interested parties to remain silent and see imposed upon the parched throats will have won of thoir parto and it e peeint ston Istkinian waterfall.
a meritorious portion of the Canal force conditions which to take a walk down to the mood for Foreign Dramme tion them, would be Yei, il canvi be overlooked, as a fact, that the cities will only toad io aggrerate the discontent which has alrea city or else urinn swank. Wesito interest our colored people. Les mer of Panama and Colon are congested in population, and dy seized them. If Las Cascadas was not good enough for Indians, you hereby the nativity of the gift in Miss Lin that there is a long waiting list of applications for quar a garrison of soldiers who could easily receive the best warned not to try to take any Taitt, and tio fine display on the par ters among the silver employees of the Panama Canal and medical attention from the army physicians and hospital kind of booze on the Zone! If of Misses Humber and Best, revue the Pawama Railroad Company. These applications are of staff. how can it be good enough for the poor half fed sil anything happens on the way sudience that witnessed tais sve, and concrete on the minds of the very suit long standing, and it is well that the Canal authorities ver laborers whose fading vitality needs the most conveni of temptation, please remem would like to see the Company appo busy themselves in the matter of providing quarters for ent environments? Yet, if the people are willing to go, per the advice of your friend, ing again of the Pacific ide their servants. But in considering the) question the great send them; if not, they should not be forced.
the Workman. Continues on pepe of success ere long.
runkard work the suhe acides cannot be too much are.


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