
Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar promo The 16th inst. Walt Overal The Sheria for You potom the 0:00:00 08:30 SGS will in this IM FD receive at the organ inerea Lord deliver us THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 PAGE FIVE exo Isthmian Dramatic Anniversary of Continued from Page ith Loyal Victory Lodge LA BOCA The disenting voice of one may be the discussion of a multitude torta Laxe No. 45, O, of GS.
The membero of the Loyal Vicfrom anything, yet a word of encourage and of held their fourth Quite an appreciative and witersting RELIABLE HABERDASHERS mint may be the mother of the sea crowd was out to the KOVIC on full of Anniversary on Suuday afternoon, Sunday evening withe clubs eved to have trisome designed when Mr. Felix Buread ir the awon for the hands o goers singing of the well known by me Lue lunetion was opened by the meeting. The subject matter bring. The Desim All Niti a Company in From Greenland ley Mounclass by itsell been the otcome of the twentes Mueb regret ans, and prayer by Mr. EdWaris of me This gentleman in a few Well chosen words introduc the histoft Word on that this Com hairman for the afternoon, in the person of Bro. Elwand a Hitung mith Lodge past ofticer of the After the singing of the op anthem. com to nikt Mr 15 the Prunuse Chori Chou Seripture was read by Me QUALITY.
which o waris, who also delivered a very mit have netted the lumpressive sermon. The yearly men were at therm eleif future steps and patronage showed the funds of the Lodge leport as read by the Secretar sule entitled The Great White Tirane APPEARANCE, attended as an awet WAS usual, rably intere! by Bount was the acting of one and presentatives from various to be in a very healthy condition Mrs. Fred Julien und vor has his or SO prste for the son The Wret strany My favourite Vis Lillan eties in Panema re present, remind the sun or that time when DIVERSITY OF STYLES Tuttist of all, after which the Mr and made some stirring address the first rextor will gather in his elect The Grand Lone was pre Luke Marks and Vir Round the Great We Throne sented by BCN Rawlins vented, Mr in a masters manner veral the very near future The AND DURABILITY ARE DRAMATIC LOVER hildren of the Green Bud Lige No 14, the junior section of the a we woulint a full turn ut of the Davis Lodge recited: but special men tritive BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN Tight fattaste tion must be made of Miss Maud Rade Miss Walton, Master Fonts and Master MONA. MARK OF Bust. The latter reited To Chire of the Light Brigade in such tine arts al 30 sharp style, that the audience would be ist until he uidita WALK OVER PARAISO Image linking free from first and second Diz of Let your next pair of Shoes be and Atlantic end to the Books wrogiren to the the boys cho recite the Ten Command nents without any mistake and The Old Fri Silver ne for a girl who had the best at mandaly for the year WALK OVERS Tchoir and won the prere often sender dth ples with pict the great relato kot the lapte Was die for and La Hawkwn as the Silver Clav Bantion. The solos by Miss San The town rhoing thin the minimity toilets and baths will o up to date ball will be shining with Daniel were ex ellentsodon as along with the ancient build ngstid dint lights and various out more and that the houses of equipped with this plants. Our senial secretary is leavine Praise by Mrs Lebirt and Mr.
lease the Duet SA of necessities will noling undone to accommove th Stewart, the Choir master, while attention We would ask the District Sanitary large crowd. This dance will be know Mr. Gray ably presided at the As the very best ever stared at the Inspector to take the Chief Health clubhouse and when the promoters of the next time he visit this town Messrs. and EC, along with may here mention that this Cand hope it will be a day when the EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
hoir, The Primrose Choral their assistants, sy let us go. its Union, is opened for engage toilets are overflowing and let him see if Panama and Colon.
looking back for the big time which the ments at any time, for either these toilets are fit for a decent drug lo out of town folk and their Lock City SOOSSSSSSSXccxXXSsssoooooooooooooo Sacred or secular entertain make use of. From such toilet Good friends will be enjoying, everything is ments.
readiness and there is no doubt about heus Address: Mr Rollen Buch The sidewalks are genting from bad do the swell banquet alter the enjoyment of ner Seey Treas. 25th St. Cali suppose after dancing Jonia House 11 Box 937 spraine, broken feet, and serious reGATUN Ancon C, 2, sults from falls, the funds may be raised Mr. Catlin, wife o! our popular Refreshments were to fix them a little better than Hey Some days ago, it was my privilege to clerk, returned from a vacation spen: around. Alter which the Doxo are at present wonder if the Policeman on night see two ladies walking louig the Gate (Under new management)
at her bome, Barbados, durlok the logy was yung, and the Benedicmonth of October, uports from her station propounced. All went away duty ever see the headlights of the Coplabade which by the way, is the classical name for the much braveled many pleasure cars whicla pare through the line and for the love of Mike, No. 128, BOLIVAR STREET, that the bome land is blooming with feeling that a very happy time the erop of yams, potatoes, canes and was spent the town in full glare. understand Between 8th 9th. Streets, Colon several other kitchen valuables: her time that in passing other Vehieles or going would have found it dificult to difereoat bome was spent most in visiting Her Fancy Fair Dance.
through a village the lights of automobinte between them, had not be prito be dimmed, but that rule is to see many friends and acquaintances join in white area around this wat well coming her back to the Isthmus. Don forget the Grand Fancy only observed by Jitneys who are beck of one and a black area around the Fair Dance which comes off toBoth had the une taken before the courts for every little neck of the other.
Masgaging, manicuring, shampooing, hair straightening, night at the West indian Red frivolous slip they make, while the Big Batural conformation. Both wore dressClifton Finds celebrated the birthday Cross new hall, Calidonia Bridge hair dressing, scalp treatment and lightening of the comBugs can go through a break neck that were almost identical in texture, Dlxan Wrinkles, tal, freckles, liver pots, blackheads, of his bouncing baby boy on Sunday last. Goodings popular hand will hand The only the difference speed, with glaring lights unno ested cont, etc.
pin ples, dark mark under the eye and all other facial whun several of his co workers of the out the music and the promoters The old wind fatigable San Martiti was that one was dark, and the ler blemisiles removed. Cerns, bunions, callouses, perspiring Lock Department enjoyed a pleasant Messrs Weekes and JackThis leads UN reflect OR brougnt his form over from la Buca was fair.
Teet cured time, several up. to date addresses and man, are sparing no pains to euSunday last, and deleted the Pedro Kipling lines spreches were made by them and along tertain the dancers, ME guel team weich he formerly wil the congratul. tion while the litis led to vietory. Keep on revived made the home lock bright Sam, boys, when it comes to eripku and loving SYMPATHY.
Mr. EC Sterling of La Boca pa Mich the Swing the ball and improving the a visit to his home town on Sunday monedattolica in of Her and bautitier, whitener Much ymparhs is extended to Painters SC journey to the Alexander a ell known alternoon, to live reain, dan rutt reindy, cream a good time, with scrie con la co the boys before the dry season sets or simplicity for glutine D:linli or having liquid face powder, Lack City on Sunday lost, whor the West Indian who received the waar aceder (5 shades. Dr. Walter bighewed bats with overator CC. The sad news by Cable on Monday in.
Thome interesirane di which disptic tooth power.
was pleet prove il tuorning last of the death of his The Harvest festival services at St. from our fun! Mr. Harold billiardlable us the home team could mother. Victoria Alexander at Alban Church were very successful Clarke of the Gatun Commissary.
last Sunday. The Church has been We stop hair from falliner, make it grow and improve not negotiate the tumling of Philips Grenada, Alexander is who tendered for Printers.
employed at the CompaniFuerpainted inside and looks quite attracthe quality. The a six werks treatment and be convinced. Painters winning the tuas cluebed to Za Luz in the Ice department.
tive. Tile anked We have quite simir of schools congre Teachine is very popular Culini che pasur anu osoit the Beauty Culturist.
the section.
bat and with a low chanccs given, they gation and friends for the donations naked to make the brilliant seule of and voluntary work wieh nuade de diversion. Shades of Ancrete ani Pla NOTICE to, awake! It seems that are the Agents wanted the Ni! OUEEN preparations, 95 runs Operators then occupied the work of renovation possible, wedded to the belief that good asd Write for terms to Box 736, Cristobal, or call at the wicket and could only raise a faulty 50 TO MEMBERR OF sound edueation is a Parior.
runs. G, Phillips, bowled like a demon of the Gods a rp cial gift of EMPIRE and xo down as the speed eop for who in timer bis IVADAV ROBERTS, on Mount Olympus besin delivery: he took no less than six wiek Nombers of the Colon Federal Harvest festival services held at the St. these latter days dispense ver cits from Heavy Culturist.
ets for a very small score.
Operators Lahor Union pleaso be informed Barnabar Church on Sunday Nov. 16, the master or mistrssen chair Why Graduate of the Kashmir Lustituie, Chicago, III.
say their turn will come as they will be tha the election of officers for was a huge success. Three services were don we wake up to the nati going up against the Baptie preachers the 1920 term will take place held and there was a lare attendere vital importaner in the uplift of the ti 27th, the game on Snnday at the Union Hall, on Sunday The serviers were conducted by Mensis. We would advise parents to the Die rught out a large crowd, who buck December 21st, 1320. Odly finin their favorites with excitement Sayers and Halter, Lay Renders. Ad halls of learning whether publie or prito is cial members will be entitled to dress by Mr. Sayers at the two first servate, and see what is being done to lead height, vote, Members in arrears are vices and by Mr. Holder at the last our children out of darknee into light, asked to pay wp their dues in vices vice. Their topirs were on the occasion Gatun C. throws out a challenge to une totalify for this occasion.
also references were brand on the olering ans strony club, either to lontie JNO, ASH, God up of yourselves to JEWELRY STORE as being done These are busy days in the clubhouse, or Pacific end; Pacitie end preferable, Secretary on this cowion. The church was nicely and a beehive cuts but very little ice is Stocked with everything in what do you say, dir. Cain or Mr. Hold decorried by the mombers. Much credit with this mstitution when it comes to nob a and see is due to the orxanist Miss Wallace and activity od choir ia beli, WATCHES CLOCKS The C1. II Am the Cluster (LatesLG!
for tits so nicely rendered ous one, and the ball will be sol roting understand that the church will with a grand morcer PANAMA CITY trendous assortment be without a Pre Advent Service this. The loeal artistes are busy pacmanan On the 20th inst, Rev. Thorbourne, of The members of the above year. We wonder if the church members we antispate a large and enthusiastic We have also just roeived a beautiful variety fo Laglish the Panama Baptist Church, will lec Local who have not yet paid on this site are too loyal to be without crowd. Over 400 tiekeis have already eure along with our usual sous service their entrance fee, uch services, we hope that those con been sold. Those who have not yet obSterling Silver Eleciroplated Goods of 50 and moving pietuees. good time is Cy. in full are urgently Berned will give this their attention and tained tickets from the vendors are adlet the people have a square deal.
vised to secure them while the supply in Every artiele makes an ideal gift as a requested to have said amount band holds out, Th: Drotthood of St. Andrew is WEDDING, X! SAS. 211THDAY PRESENT hold planning to Poema int was found on the track paid before January 1st 91920. Tas convention per coccersion) Othey will be The great Serial Pedure Me Crent this year at St. Pauls Church Panama on Call early and select yours some time last week. Same wan be had subject to admittance as new the 27th inst, Members of the St. Ber Secret is still running and erewds go to by calling on. Benskin, emplo: ce of members with the regulation fee JOHN WILLIAMSON dhe Municipal Department at this town. of 75 Cy.
nabas Church are expeeting to be there see this pieture which is full of dramatie Watehusker Jeweler.
JAMES CLARKE and are hoping to have a good time, they situations, and gripping epeal.
ADVERTISE IN Superior Lodge No. 6, of with Secretary are also propsting to shoot off their els105 Bolivar Street, Colou Next Store from 7th Street, borste addrese on various matters. We had a Beneft Dance on the 2nd. We (JAMES GNE wish them success sdrer City Band will be in attendinge!
worse, few more Kashmir Beauty Parlor served biles are vileged to Clean, Sanitary, Up To Date Equipment Kasins Marvellous Nile Queen Toilette your eyes wicket is a matter of of chance of met dwell on on Nov THE JOHN WILLIAMSON what wood tisere in in the late lamhe whos Notice to Masons an asion, expeied for all their annual The Workman


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