
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1919 PAGE SEVEN. Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE S000 ان دون. PHILIPS TAILORING ESTABLI دو 1114 و11 وأياد 11:۰۴ the West hon on whilst recently. Sir Lee Chong Co.
we yub poor.
The West Indian 0 se o 20 6050:50:03:30: Some Drastic LegisLabourer. lation. Fruin the Iridian or Istinad Government of St. Vincent The West Indian Lhotaris Takes Action Against Cirpost labour in the world. 8)
culation of a Newspaper AND AS ALSO DEMERARA Ordnance Passed for the Suppression of Seditious Pubiliations in That Colony. dib 12 Trinidad Otober 23 The Port of Sprin Gazette publishes the following: The Government of St. Vincent have taken dire action against out for a contract that the.
circulation of The Negro World in that colony. and have mad. it of the lot. Hlas fow criminal to is patient, lo sufferings introduct any copy of that paper in it, and privation to Vinent. The main for a breach of the prohibition or tural laboureros Grendal der is a time of 10) or six months imisment Demerara his also presas దce toimites 00:00:00 SS. Publications Oidhritis da cri.
wat bu isih College for West Lizzie and Susie on tin the mind of the Indies the Hard Times.
Violent disorders MAY BE ESTABLISHED Sisi il. hans bros tar man from his allegiance on OL TRINIDAD rarely me Sende Ingin bin tuh war she Guarantees Satisfaction in the 10e to bat cutting and manipulation of to bring Majstort bourer Matter Receiving Favorable Aud Joe he sulfur he long stablishernment of any Nothing in the non VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE part of the Empire, intohiti Consideration of Secretary contempor ridicule or bris of State And lison to dechy tween your and the Government an and the Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats ministration of justier, or any Vide an enduring settlement class of sults: the new Sition.
It is interesting to know that Su dere, de im befo de prons, as well as those who SPECIALTY have learn to the CRUISE thithe Secretary of State for the betta den dese tarbing days (d to company through fear to door refrain pson, Tabourers have their part colonies is giving the proposal LADIES SKIRTS COATS by lar: from doing any act or to part plav All of us, planter, laboure for the establishment of with any valuable security De price of food was den not Agricultural College in the praest, editor lawyer, Govern Indies his favorable considera hard to hear 34 YEARS EXPERIENCE. to encourage or incite to in.
ment official should stand on And chawl was das chenp as terference with the administra common ground based on the tion. The scheme is also being now tis care, Box 968, Ancon, vigorously pushed in England by 18th Street, Central.
tion of law and order, or rond :o all This is the time for u inose who know the advantages Yo sit down now to cat de gole. s) to in any way threaten any to prove ourselves men, and which the West Indian color work, for do one great publie ellicer in connection with Lust food, promoi the discharge of his public fune.
ing the health happiness would realize if such an institus: And cruncy cause de pot bin ERROLESTI tions.
these parts the greater number. The la Want mo wood bourer should not get one penn in London The penalty is a fine of five Imperial de door thousand dollars or two years that is not his due, nor shoulencis Watts, the Tipi And, gal, we kin will soon be at the planter get such Commissioner of of Agriculture for Fuh clawt too dare fuh such as E imprisonment, or both fine and The West Indian labourer as West Indies, had a confer.
imprisonment Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, We have been saying, is the besence with the Colonial Ottice Trinidad is expecting to pass of his kind in the world. Wh authorities on the subject, and it Dem seh de mer hants off de food does hide, Exporters and Commission Merchants. legislation on somewhat similar cut the Panama Canal, resistins is learnt that the proposal has lines disease, and overcoming difficul been favorably received at Head. And only send as much as dem The proposal is to decide, ties, meanwhile, which drovi quarters.
away all other labourers of the stablish two Agricultural Col. So Bajan merchants can get Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS much tuh bny world? The West Indian. Whiloges one in Ceylon and the ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
cleared the swamps of Brazil other either in Trinidad or Ja And den, dein to does raise de naica.
price too bigt.
and laid down the iron tracks in Provisions and Canned Goods.
Returns To His Old Stand the fever forests? The West It is expected that something the Indian. And during detinite in connection with the Uh taut de Pince wud cause de South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour.
The General Public and friends ting tuh full when tests were made among scheme will be heard after the Tomson Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye. of Dr Edwards are asked to Jabour Battalions in France, re return to the island of Sir Cut gal, dem grow like duppy parasol: Colgate Co. Octagon soaps take notice that he has removed presenting all peoples, who made Chance lor.
And ess dein raise much hivher from No. 114 Bolivar Street, to the record for loading and un den to day Benjamin Mfg. Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc.
His Old Stand, No. 182, Bolivar loading ships with ammunition Poor we! tuhh we cud not find Street, Opposite the Masonic and carried top weight on his a way.
The Hump Hair Pin Mfg. Co. Hair Pins. Temple, and is prepared to treat shoulder? The West Indian all diseases, esnecially those of As dock hands in Liverpool, an WEDDING BELLS Yuh know die man dom calle Columbus Polish Mfg. Co, Inc. Shoe Polish Paste women and children, as he has in other English Towns wher Chepshie waw?
Ingersoll He sal we ll terb, and dress in. Watches etc.
specialized in these subjects naked labour was required, On Saturday 11inst. at the St.
during his recent stay in New value for good moner, hur Church, La Coru But plantin shat ROYALINE OIL, ROYALINE SOAPS, ORO Etc.
was wanited among all others!
The West Indian. And so weither of Miss In Peso n.
to day!
wel Dua, was given in Holy Matrite to did he work, so hard, so honest For Wholesale Quotations Write or Phone us men is recele, the British Workmen of the bride the cburch was thonged with Mun Joo hoo sah um is de planly, and such goud wages did her Mr. Edward Nugent, is the ev Dem se le cause is dat not Lessons Given bure, Rector. Lunk lefore the arrival grew jealous. started rotlar guests and spectators wid sdma the tas fauit.
HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE on the Clarinet, the leading until the West Indian has been leals of the bell and Mende leshons wed. And dat we ll hab to sweeten Band Instrument. Band or chased away from England, ding march frem ile olan the tride en wid fine salt 134 140 Bolivar Street 62 Central Ave.
Orchestra furnished for all where he threatened to become Colon, Panamh, master in any departient where leted the church lat on the arms of Pertatoes nebba bin soditas kinds of engagements.
her father, attired in a dress of Georgette now, Box 152. Phone 90 Box 585, Ancon, shouding naked labour was com Cepe, trimmed with bead and orange Un pat de rraps dat ones uh gib Phone 895. NEILSON concerned. He was preferred in Cere bons ad eari ed a bouquet of white mun sow.
Hogland because he was a more!
Clarinetist Republican Band 23. 12. 2011 Chysanthemumns followed by a court of intelligent labourer, a Ancon Phone 1053 hard working labourer, one who maids were Miss Odessu Brown, chief, more flower girls and train benrers. The Bride Joe seh de suga mek pertatoes dare. 17 St. West, House 37. Panama was sober, thrifty, one who as the Misses Wilbeltuinn Allen, Clerine Cause plantas cant de land fuir United Brotherhood Directory Platoes spare be well dresse who liked to well fud and Tonbinson, Dorothea Elonise Ursilla Good bye old gal, tis twelbe, un Panama Canal Lodge No 2849, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508. WILKINSON comfoptable.
therly and king. Among those pris CONTRACTOR BUILDER sent were Mrs. Webster and daughtere And get a plate of whole nen Hali La DOC. Carter, President; Colon. Bridge, President; Wiliniciary repourer.
During the coming days.
soup fun joe; lisms. Secretary Treasurer are going to write Destiny beid. Airs. Toticon, Grafin, les hell.
man, Cole, Micom, linde lethmus of Panama Lego No. 2151, King. Mr. Uh sorry nuff tinh hab tuh part Pan. ma CES, Woodruff, President; Wright Preedent; Pields, SecretaryVictory Lodge No. 2509, Paraiso. First Ckiss Workmanship 1) across the face of Genada. Buners Fathic. Eiver) Mr Marcus sub soa. We are exher to be honest and II Shield Seretary Wasurer, Plans and Specifications Free Preno, istme Mr. Ekuan Click Tahte. Biler Prounion Wir in seitling rings right. Slajor Dumo. Mests it. Downs Allen Star Lodge No. 20, Colon.
we are going to lwy down the Willis, linik Lery, wysu traka Ladu No, 270, Gode 1. Spenna, Eresident; Jones, Con Pesident; Callender, Soeretary15th Street West House 90 causes for much trouble in the Majbard, Lindo, Burgess, Barrett, Secretary Treasurer, future. And let us not forget, cuscArthur Ward, Page boy, rud, NO.
Teaser Box 411, Parma, if we ruluse to hear Labour Low Bowers, Brother of the bride and many Terseverance Lodge No. 2501, Gatun. Forsyth, President; Small, Secre. Titint; Alles Chagres Lodige No. 2511, Gabon the day Labour gets to food others. After the ceremony was perform gr per it will be trip to stran to srcary Tracker, Cele V230 er the bride parents in LaBoon the si: Eina La Punti veySoera.
y Lev. 23X, Red Park o disperation, aras to save, ahore, on je een wat spes.
ter Tremurer, KC Austin. President; Berisher, Labour to unite under any prin We Always have in Hand ComSecretary Tres aple of retaliation, Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503. Padaplete line at Reliable Low Prices The test question for all of us, share of its happiness.
mhat WATCHES and JEWELRY Spencer. Secrekary Treasure.
My ma Chy Collins, President; Henry Empire Star Lodge No. 2513, mim.
individually, is. How can help does not mean that there must Wm, Stouze, President; Headley, EYES EXARINEDAurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama in this matter to the legitimate he preconceptions, in favour of Give us a call. Before Going ElseSecretary Trenerer.
bane iu os Grenada as a wiwie? the labourers, without reference where you sure to Pin on Co. Dickins, Predilet; GLASSES PRESCRISED titre de No. 254, Panama Periect iair and near vision in Editocestould not consider interest of any particular setoclo la The Winte question if Your Wri Chi wos Repolo by USR Day, Secretary Treasurer.
of must be gone through, and after Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeele, matter like this a fuit consideration we Asiantic Pacifie Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary Treasurer.
092 pair of glasses.
Lawyere should not consider the render to Caesar the things that Remember We Make Wed ama City. llum parey, President If you do not need glasses we Howard Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon. Manley, Secretary Treasurer.
mere temporary interests of are Caesars and to God the ding Rings and Other will tell you so frankly. Joan, Secretary Trensurer.
reads of Churches that are Goa s? Answer: The Jewelry to Order Evergreen Lodge No, 2006, Preams We offer best Optical Service.
should not keep an eye on the Divine instruments by which all City. Hendley, President; Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panams. All offico: 182 Bolivar Street, cushioned pew in viewing this men are entitled, by the sweat FULLER is the Man You Want o Seo Miller, Secretary Treasurer.
Nelson, President; Wra. Irving, Everc COLON matter. It is a question affect of their brow, to earn their Progressive Lodge, No. 2007. Colon tary Treasurer. IN FRONT OF MASONIO TEMPLO 122 CENTRAL AVENUE ing Grenada as a wbole. It con daily bread, and to share in the cerns the claims of fellow humarines and blessings of the life of Cornill2nd Street, Panama, Seutt, President; Ceteran, Sex Colon Advance (New Lodge) Clon Phone 939 retary. rudura beings for the right of hite and this world. Gwie, Scacy Picasarer, Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge.
good IN m!
pired to In that he noon nurse Pallatta wical Co.
ale e cannot affod in things clietto.


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