p. 8


06X0600 oooooo THE BLACK BOX Girl by the Roadside THE PULSE OF LIFE Sunday 23 The Rescue vice. Brit XIV invoke EHR Frijoles 30 :00 the fall the Wanted at Once חו 11 fias de Gran 2010 it is lisi de la componentes comien Intalie WM. LAWRENCE 3000 the minutes of this Lodge, one LEGAL NOTICE copy be sent to the bereaved PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL family and our charter be draped for 30 days In the District Court for Surrey Defeats Jamaica PANAMA COLON LEWIS JONES the Canal Zone, Cristobal Invers Priling kamalat Sunds Conductor.
Division piased at the stand Oval, thJ TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, NOV. 22nd Eugeta Prince INICIO Cwent down to defeat before EPISODES 7, 8, OF SATURDAY NOVEMBER 22nd Empire Star Lodge No.
the Surrey (the chstopions of last The day was an ideal one for 2513 William Prince, cirket, and much pains hulleen taken Civil. 307 The meeting nights of the Em in preparation of the wicket, so it was no pire Star Lodge No. 2513 are as Prince, the abovesurprise when Cain, the skipper of the usual the tirst Thursday and the fendant: Jamnica, decided to bat after having Wednesday following the 12th won the tors. With the pitch in such PLEASE TAKE NOTICE.
Sunday 23 of each inonth. At a previous perfect condition and with such That on date of November 17, meeting of this Local, officers for powerful batting sides, it was expected the ensuing term were elected as 1919 the alwanne plaintiri that the scores would be very high follows: Brother Stoute, filed in this Court a suit agint but Well did the bowlers howl, and so a Blue Bird Photo Play Pres. unanimously re elected you for the Annulment of Mar.
leautifully were they lacked up by the without any opposition: Erice tields that the scores on both sides were Palmer, and Mitchell, were re. Now, Therefore, unless very low All maica was got out for von Monday elected Past and Vice Presidents appear at Session of iud Court 50 runs, and fighting as they have never respectfully. G Headly tinan to be held at Cristobal. cz fought whereSurrey could only raise Continuation of cial Secretary, was unanimously o clock, Thursday, Jan.
at Batting for Jasin, Barnett me THE BLACK BOX re elected: B. Reid record uary 25, 1930. and answer the 11. Sarjant and Drysdale ing Secretary: Simons. Chap complaint in said suit. judgment They were the only men to prach ooooooooooo0:00 00:00:00 3:00: in vier Johnson, there will be taken agaist volby Conductor, vice Mitchell, detuult and the polier praved for Gabriel Journal Agent Ein sume will be rantai But It Betting for surrex, Hrink Brotherhood News D: Sona on various commu the Grand Cent to be Rankin. MappVarden.
le 11. Pitterold War 11 os terms and other ped off on the 13th of next elected Payne Inner Sentineli SGD CHEATHAM, ist Clerk of uit. from Pol Rod Hall, vice Whit and Saly Outer using Clonin Bir on whalf of Sentinel viel Gabriel. The in Her for and Brett for!
the purpose of installing of. One that the install and Bro stallation Standard Defeats Vincentians.
for the nsuing the of the 19th, ini.
Subscription Fund or The siamo Coving on Sept. 1920. The meting with mr arri The women pour ymp. by Bridget Past Press Wm. Stoute.
tutt last sunday in Bihop Hollow opened by our geniale bit thing in an assist dent of Liberty Lodge 22 rum dent. Itro Austin, wh, in his in the fight for better All members are awain.
Wining the foss, Standard decided usual courteous manner asked realition. Dit hold bark: 23 riously advised to promptly man AMOLST US into di innine with the Bro. HAN ex chavainton will do it Put it their dues when du in order to Exploited worker All find is the first it on your become tinancial thus ensuring Tech 00 To veterans the rest the Lord blessing night Work an Prince Thomas and Tom Burton. These two the meeting. This bring doe members and to the poinse column for next pas all benetits that inay be derived A Campil from Brotherhood for their mat: fine display of the game, one candidate, Bro. Williams TO and reminded the spectators of their was admitted, obligated and rial welfare, and for their da;en 00 formers The bouing of the instructed in the secret working of Gramio de la Aurora del Mariners Local No. 2521. dents after them. In these centians was rellent and no risk rould the United Brotherhood.
lightened Bro.
though (h. Brown degenerate Istmo No. 2520. rok 50 Te taken therefore runs cume slowls. Carter days, it behoves every man tu our Orknizer then peculiar thing took place in this took the chair ard with his ac 11. Shields avoid waste of efforts After hav En la semana pasad se veriti math Standard hnid St runs up at customed jolly smile, made a caron con mucho éxitos dos seus All members of Local No. 2:21 ing been plunged into the arna fourth wicket and so well short, but note worthy address, niones del gremio bram will please bear in mind that the of life battle with a fixed deter a and Brown who took four wickets in in after which he started with the mencionado.
nular meeting will be held on mination to conquer something four consecutive balls bowl that all installation of officers. The fol Thursday night November 27th or perish Después de haber pagado una at the Lige ball at 4th Street List always be prepared to take struggle one Standards wont for si smith lowing brethren were then thelle offices instal buena cantidad de estas trimes and Broadway. Those who have saertices with the same know Burton 25. Nel 13 and Thomas 12. led trales y de haber iniciado varios Twɔl Compete at Brown captured wickets for runs Bro, MG. President nurvos candidatos, se trató de not paid their quarterly dues led that after every storm after Bowling all through the the tanings Austin, Past President muchos asuntos are requested to do so. Please there ia a calm.
Niter the sun reres Vincentiane Cutwell, Vice President Trouser Workmen Entre ellos hubo la lectura y tras also beirin mind that meeting Thanking you for space. am respectfully, sed on their innings and so well did PA Taylor, c. Treasurer ducción de varias cartas din starts 30p. In sharo. Gabriel this play that runs were in the RC Moss, Journal Axent.
Gremio de los BERNARD Apply to Journal Agent Hall of the fifth wicket Greely, Chaplain U1 Explicaciones varias fue Journal Agent Trach now took the ball again and at RLLN AN Schrowder, Conductor ron dadas para asegurar boe the fall of the tenth wicket only runs Stevens Warden, na marcha de la 12 Battle AR PUURI. Th 20. Brown 19 Bailey. Inner Sentinel una ruota voluntaria mución, Victory Lodge No. 2509. Empire Star Lodge No.
2513 Pre 11 were the plans Croil, Outer Sentinel. da para responder a los gastos For SundarlBurt took weken de la que The following regulation of Hold their meeting last night, Bruns, Thats for 13 and Julien The brat speaker was Sister Xina a la presentación de nuestra sympathy was passid by lie waters of importance wire tion of officers for the La Boca whips Pedro Miguel Wintroduced by Brottara pasar los istos de transmeting: Urithe heroine of the fair porte el hermano Jis León. Whers. It has pluised Al term was gone into. The crie The Shin her lengthylen stå actualmente, conana mighty God in his wisilom to mony Wits Derformed by 15 Tailor and Outfitter my list Sunday whip Nigul sive and interesting addressen President of rem ve from our midst our Bridget Pist to ground the whorted us to be loving and kind wo en iPalo Sico.
Dealer in School Books, Liberty Lodge loved brother Morrison stat la Bora nel Pedro Miguel to each other as brothers oucht CONSTANTINO VOXTORO, therefore be it.
The olticers for the term are and Stationary.
is more than ontlased, there to be, and cut out that old wan Se Tesorero.
Resolved. That we the mom as follows: At the end of the mans Victory NO 2609 Stonte Prent, Mitch No. 11 Street, Panama chains from Central Ave.
dosi, Last Sunda guent sech she was look Women Local extend to the breid Pamily ell Past President: paimer vran Treas cur heartfelt sympany in their Seen R. to hold Halley Initting first edro Miguel put up 65 run upon by all as the modern in timum of Ire Bro. Clarke, they B. Brid: Chaplain. Address: it of which Archer was top scorer with ected president, then rose in Concert hour of sorrow, and pray that Secy, Box 895, Ancun, 15 to his model La Boca replied 68 half of the house, and in his cool Almighty God may comfort und Simons: Conductor, Walice The and console than in this for Warlo Mapp: Journal Agent its that it really has croneous lower back to the best her sister transform here than had cially the inembers on the United was ment and it worth Pa Grabowie Somerse encourag queste Res. lved Payne: Outer Sentinel, Sealy.
wmler of Pokro Miguel, Inniss bowled ing words. He also thankeri all hold theinselves in readiness for these resolutions to entered on Take Notice Regular meetings of this Lodge exceedingly well for the visitors, and the members for electing him to creatly contributed to Miguel defcat. This new pinor items were dealt are on the 1st Thurday and Brd Wednesdays of each month The following persons are re.
Games for to morrow mombers are asked to keep this quested to all on Dr.
including the appointment in wind Johnson Secretary of the West Xil Jamica vs. British Cuiana at of an Executive Committee con RANKIN Indian Committee, at 143 CentraIsthmian Irk Journal Agent.
Avenue, in connection with cer!
Rod Tack Yorkshire at Red sisting of Bros. Allen, Small, and Brown. The meettain inatters referreri to the Com mittee by the British Legation: Britanie vs. Vincentian at standarding then came to a close wh Bro. Greely, newly elected LODGE No. 2500 Rosaline Skeete of Panama chaplain announced the benedie.
Ida Walker of Green Caste Estate, Antigua There was once a Scotch Judge who tlon, and everyone left feeling At o clock on Tuesday, Ela Noble of Jamaca, greatly disliked counsel having beards, that the evening was well spent, FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE November Lodge No. 2500 was and the following took place during the called to order by its President.
Joseph Osbourne of British Guiana.
hearing of case before him. How can Aurora del Istmo Lodge CAUCA After the regular roll call of hear you, said he. when you cover up No. 2520 officers, the various communicatyour muzzle like a terrier dog? With will leave CRISTOBAL A. and BALBOA, at Noon, SATURDAY ions, bills, etc. were read by the on whether Lodge No 2500 should respect, your honour, said counsel. T:vo successful ireetings we e It Secretary. Treasurer.
22nd NOVEMBER. 1919, forty would soon be an English terrier than a held last week by the above men Was rent a hall on its own iniative, then moved and carried that and charge the other Lodgos a Scotch cut.
tioned Lodge. After the paying Tumaca, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil the communications, etc. be en reasonable rental for its use; or, of a good many of quarterly dues tertained and dealt with.
would the Atlantic Lodges accept The Voice of Wis and the initintion of some new candidates, many subjects were SALVADOR Immediately after this move, the proposition on a partnership it was announced that there were basi basis.
brought before the hall, as the The question is to be dom. reading ral corres de translation of will leave CRISTOBAL. A. and BALBOA at Noon WEDNESDAY, several candidates present await. settled, it is hoped, at our next received 26th NOVEMBER, 1919, for ing obligation; and in view of the ineeting. hall has been secuThe Allies taking their cue from De from the Grand nd and its occupation now rests fact that among the group were Puntarenas, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, In Libertad, Aoajutla, San Jose Witt Pills have won the world great Explanations were given con de Guatemala and Champerico.
some whose time was very limi. on a decision between the afo war for the freedom of man.
ted on account of having to leave resaid alternatives VICTORY over human diseases Nil. nization, and a volurtary collecDeWits Pants have won a greater cerning the welfare of the orgafor work within a short while, Bother Morales, fuitilling ons all over the world have been tion of 80. 75 was made ELLERDALE was decided that this ceremony the duty sindha inem: cund. WHY NOT YOU would take precedence over the birof the Lecturing Committee Do you suffer from depressed and Charter and the releasing of our for the future unveiling of the WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ON OR ABOUT 7th DECEMBER, FOR other business of the Lodge delivered in his biruitoristic tind feelings, restlessness at nights, Accordingly, before 20 minutes pains in the back, sides or joints some brother Jesus Leon from the Havre and London straight from the shoulder style, had elapsed the individuals com times with swelling achings, limbs, continement of Palo Seco.
prising the above mentioned on the value and meaning of to Lido 2500 its first lecture pains in the Groins, too frequent a desire to urinate, weak or lame back.
CONSTANTINO:MONTERO. JAMAICA group were full fledged meinbers en brotherhood, Unity.
cooperation burning sensation, or irritation of the of our Brotherhood. Some rem. He was followed closely by BroSecy. Treasurer.
ained at the meeting, others were ther President Spence, If you observe any of these discomWill leave CRISTOBAL at A. and BALBOA, at Noon, TUESDAY, forts start to day to take the only soon tripping homeward, work with some sharp but Victory Lodge No. 2509 25th NOVEMBER, 1919. for real cure DeWitt Pills, and you will ward, etc rewarded with HEALTH BUFNAVENTURA and TUMACO.
The regular meeting of the STRENGTH AND LONG LIFE. Hun: abovenamed Lodge was held on Regular business was promp few other itens entered into reds on the Isthmus have testified tly resumed. detailed discus the completion of the business o the value of the medicine. Have Monday night Nov. 17. Precisely S, EBRO sion of the various units of the handled at this meaning, chief of no doubt, and begin your treatment at 45 the President called the communications, etc. then ensued, which was the appointment of a house to order and after singing Will leave CRISTOBAL, TUESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER, 1919, for One bottle is enough for some rebout the opening ode and prayers, the which consumed a period bor committee to handle the matter NEW YORK dering onto two hours. Many of receiving screening, etc. of ment depending on the severity of the meeting was declared opened.
grievances were dealt with, each the motion picture filin du from After the roll call of officers, Sold in sizes at all first class the President asked to waive For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at furnishing fitting testimony that the Grand Lodge in the near the Grievance Comunittee is future.
drug stores. Beware of imitations CRISTOBAL in for its full share of work.
some dealers are handing out. the general order of business The Secretary Treasurer fins De Wit Co. Lid. London and proceed with the initiation Bottle with blue seal. City Pharmacy of candidates which ceremony The question of securing a ancial report was them reau, and or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, printed on wrappers.
was performed in real constitu larger hall was again re opened. the meeting declared closed shor, THE CITY PHARMACY, tional style. At the conclusion PANAMA (A question that has been much tly before a.
139 Cen. Avenue, Panama. the general Order of business discussed through several meet Fraternally yours, was resumed with the reading of or Masss. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub agents: THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET Co. Panama ings. The matter was again Agents for Republic of Panama argued from every standpoint, SPENDER, the minutes which were conand Canal Zone.
firmed ending with a decision banging Journal Agent No. 2500, stulaul Bora 01 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
Tank oval.
und seve.
he remarks on the same sub fitting ite. me subject now.


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