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PREVENTED FROM LANDING HERE, SAYS REPORT av einphasize move sed att has redintreal rele Charles Muuro.
leave oft: Dues Bro.
vacako Now Percing in Canal Experienced this week at Zone District Court La Mascota Store.
During the past werk the Striking Letter Addressed to Prs population of this Isthmus. was experienced by the man Quite a thrillinc surprised Return to States on the very especially the residents of Carement of the La Mascota sident Wilson.
bn. was thrown into a state of Store (more familiarly known same Steamer.
unrest and surprise over the as the Regal Shoe Store)
albo contains a very strikingar. aiment of fall it 22 shox have been made on chars sing a case supposed to contain appeared in a local paper here and therefore were The Literary Digest of recent must expect nothing less than long string oi arrests which few days ago, when on open news paragraph which not aliowed to disembark dite conder the caption by lighte he same as are enjoyed filed by the United States shoes only old sacks and old during the week made it compelled to return to the the Nigro Appeals to Violence both for comora. Goverament against certain rubber tubes were found.
every and among other things quotes the Chicayo Defender edited by y by you as by no prominent residents of the The facts as gathered in appear that Messrs. Severs States.
and for negroes, as frankly admit other man in the world 400, 000 Canal Zone and Colon.
connection therewith are as and Spair, Labor Organiz Members of the various ring that: negrues went undismayed and As we bave been informed follows: consignment of ers of the W. locais are, however, asked The younger generation of helped to win the war black to win the same states and the charges are for stealing shoes was being received by came to the Isthmus to be patient and still con1 along the time or notast no during kreat religious rivais largo shipped to the Ischmac. Muiler of the La Nas and returned without land tinue to maintain that ormen are not content to sistance, as did their besvith Wr Savings Stump drives told which was discharged at the The first case opened audis su Liberty Bond and of Panama and elsewhere and cta store on Central Avenue, Ing, but from investiga derly demeanour as has with proved lawlessness, whether those guil. my people that Me Wilson, Cristobal Doks, Canal Zone. lok, according to the Bill or tion, it has been learnt characterized them herety of it be black or white, but it is trance that full deino We refrain from making Lading. second was broken that both these men were tofore.
can not be denied that we have cracy will be enjyed by all wuch in justitication of our chan Anericans we rolled up our any comment at this time on into when it was discovered attitude Industrially, our snare ot money, eto, prose account of the prominence of that there was something position been benefitted by cute the war Certain West Indians who wrong as a lot of old sack BROTHERHOOD NEWS it fear, Mr. President, before decidedly worse, on all sides the negroes of this country again have been arrested in connected with tags marked Cocon we have been mad. feel the will submit to many of this tion with this matter, and Bottling Co. New York were humiliating pressure of the justices which we have suffered who have been held in high discovered along with a quanHappenings of the Various Locals white man prejudice Wash in this country, the white man estimation, generally.
titv of old rubber tubes.
ington it was it case of. aching will bave to kill more of the It is also known that Mr.
is our place in Chic iso, it than the combined ube Fred Feuille, son of one of the about the whole affair is that The most peculiar feature Invincible Lodge No. 2518 blett as Recording Secretary was unanimously elected Bro. Leopold Was case of limiting our sphere special meeting of the above. Alleyne chaplain; Vice Dolley Sisters that were slain in the chest civil officials of the the case with all its bogus nam local will be in West unanimously elected: Bro. Dadley metes and bounds that had gut rld war.
neither the sanction of law nor of sound common sense. In both while the race war in Chicago fested in connection with this to the ounce corresponding At this time are my hombres ho feiving Bro. Chandler for ne pucaun of this letter Canal Zone has also been ar contents was the exact weight meteen hele vext Door Standard elected Conductor, rey cases we resented the assump Wits at its height Inight be taken theft.
to the weight called for hy should come out to this in Peting Carmichael unanimously elected: interested in olfare office of Warden: Bro tion. Hence the race riots. as indicative that the writer put We hope that the facts in Bill of Løding.
Dr. Robinson, a presid a somewhat broad interpretitWe have inade mo ingelder of the African Metho toh upon the the case are not as serious as the President phrase We understand that Mr. les poble bare hardless in the a releiving Bro. Daniel and they for the of tice of Inner Sentinel: dint Episcopal Church, refers to ull citizenship rights. Were reported, and that several of Arosemena of the local freight have been very the Bro. Gibbons elected, re: the negio resolve Win equal. dues bikin? Where the parties for whom much department was called in as matter of coming out to lodge Forde for the ity, by force if necessary, in a does it en lieveing imply respect is entertained will be also two detectives from the been conspicuous by their ab Ethelbert Moore unanimously Does it The crass cutters especially have have Sentinel leiter written as well as give a clear and Canal Zone Constabulary sence.
En Tenn, to president Wilson equality and Tribune able to and containing the following 813 velleyes not, and leuis the ne healthy account of themselves force and viewed the content them How can they expect to Reid. The Installation will take What is the matter with elected, relieving Bro, Flix uificant paragraphs: groes a han the rime and that they will emerge un before it was removed from know what is goin lecture.
is Mr. President, l ecall the of the riots precipitated by scathed and guiltless from the case.
ome out? This is the mess place on December 10th.
they come od in the life of avons 14th day of March 1918. when as black soldiers early in the war. their present After some impressing talk on embarassing This is indeed a very inter the end, and his roo Topping iodego critical good of the Order by Bro.
spokesman of a committee rep The Tribune told negroes to see position.
resenting the bishops and mem that that sort of thing stopt imesting case to be worked up and it behoves each and every was then brought to a close at bership of the shricano Menos e mately. Moreover during Prominent Citizen ty as to whether it is an at chess This is not a time to in for placing the responsibili one of us to be energetic and 12. 30 dist Episcoral Church present that briliant behaviour throw away all Jos. Skeete.
ed to your Excellency the pledge the war would tend to ad Passes Away.
tempt at fraud or a mistake dulge and nurse fancied grievan.
of loyalty and outlined the griev. vance the next cause.
on the part of the shippers ces against any of the officers or ances of the twelve million ne. when brilliant behaviour is sucgroes in the United States Trefceeded by what it looks upon as was Member of Panama of the goods.
members of the Invincible Lodge, Concert in ald of Perfoccall with vivid recollections your a hopeless struggle to win social Navarro. The Government attendance to meetings, and tak but rather let us by our regular great and masterly reply my equality by violence, The Tri Separation Movement.
ordered that the National Flag tion (Women s) Local address. Ainong other things bune denounces the changed attitude ainong wegrues and de On Thursday last at 45 public buildings for a period of formed by the officers, who, progressing satisfactorily. The our appreciation of the work per Arrangements for the above are have always known that the clares, negro has been uujustly and un fairly dealt with your people point where our thoughtful color thinte Mt. Manuel Espinosa, pro He leaves a wife and four chil: tion, and at a great sacrifice sisted by their indefatigable Sehave exhibited a degree of loyal ed fellow citizens must look the minent business man and mem dren.
volunteered to steer the Invinci. cretary Treasurer and their live ty and patriotisin that should facts in the face. There will be ber of the Panama separation The order of the funeral was ble Lodge out of the shoals and wire Past President, have been command the ad uniration of the no political injustice. There will movement had succumbed to a as follows: he Mounted Police.
quicksands and land her in the busy here and there in the last conflict your race has rallied to not be unjust. They do exist, and mar. Expinosa came to the Isth: whole nation. the had suffered for past, Panama Fire Brigade.
harbor of financial prosperity, week trying to dispose of the Detachment of Cavalry, every member to attend to lodge lodges between here and Paraiso we appeal to each and tickets, Several of the nation call, and if there has they will. The thinking negroes mus from Colombia, his birth the American Army been any evidence of must use they must realize their influence with place, when quite a lad and took Clergy on Wednesday night Dec. at have been visi and and stirring manifested by he same their race. They must up a clerkship in one of the St. Anthony Hall, Calidonia, appea. Car carrying body of de and we can assure you that you port in help and sup: conditions The 10.
from the zeal ishtrons.
problem will be settled by drug stores here. Later the na the women are will not regret your presence and Mourning relatives. these outbursts nur by expedi opened up his own business in and they are in by slow ent adjustments brought about the same line and soon built up National Executive. MORRIS tating that it will be With uousands of by military forces. The enduring reputed drug establishments on day one of the best Judges of Supreme Court and Attorney General.
Journal Agent. a huge success. Women today your sons in the camps and in settlement will come only out of the Isthinus are holding their own in every France, out of this conflict you agreement.
He was also an Membərs of Dip. Corps.
sphere of life and it is evident investor in several other indus 10. Joint Commission. Unique Lodge No. 2514 that this little band of women who tries and died leaving a sub 11. Canal Canal Zone officials The regular meeting was hela with the men in the fight for have so boldly thrown in their lot 12. Consular Body Armistice Lodge No. 28 dable circumstance, to postponstantial fortune, At the time of at St. Anthony Hall on Wednestheir regular lecture, better conditions are determin Coloh.
Mr. Espinosa was one 14. Members of Funeral Com. day 26th inst should have come off on Decem. Colombia won of Panama from 13, Municipal Council.
The Lodge was open in duo ed inļssion.
to keep up the reputation, Let ber 4th at the Cristobal Silver of the members of the Provi15. Business Corporations, SoThe unveiling of the Dispensa Club House, until some future sional Government and assisted form. After the regular formali us then hold out to them an envery substantially both by his cieties and Schools.
ties were through, another link them feel that we admire their couraging hand let tion, Installation of Officers and date. which will be announced was added to the chain.
Dedication of Hall will take place through the medium of these financial and social influence 16. Friends to lay the foundations of the 17. Republicane Band and Na the nomination and election of morally and financially by The President then declared pluck and let us stand on Saturday the 29th inst at 102 colums.
men. They need our support both Panana Republic.
end E: St. Joseph Lodge Hall at 80 buried with all the honors of a Tho pull bearers were Hon. officers for the coming term though we may not all be Members are asked to be on time as there is a lengthy moved to the Yellow room in Hon. Lombardi, President of relieving Bro. Geo. Toppin as the good of the cause and surely President. His body was re Lefevre, Foreign Secretary; lopen. The officers elected areed to attend the concerto poe.
Bro. Fred Allman, let us purchase the tickets for program to be got through The grand good Workman Siozas the National Palace on Friday the Supreme Couet Hon.
morning at eight o clock from Price, Dean of the Diplomati President; Bro James Trotman our wives, or sisters or sweet POSTPONEMENT Frint on rood Workmur. with where he was buried at four in Body: Hon. Arias, Member to relieving Bro: Fred Allman hearts Will thaak us for the one. The of as Vice. It has been deemed expedient Wabup do vrlo por Nagro. er were appointed a commisston Chiari, Preoident of the Monte Sackunan Past President reporting Chenjoying a pleasant tops, the flowing bowl.
by the members of the Olympic arrange for the funeral: pal Council; and Hon. Quelque: elected Bros Geo Toppin relier amusement is a rare thing now Messrs. Arias E Alfaro, jeu, President of the Panama daryo treasurer; Bro. Neb. Athietic Club, through anavoiIJ, Simonem Brin and Chamber of Commerce. Continued on page 8)
Now, you said: be raised at half mast on alle an active part in them, show any Therefore we. ckerisin tunt ch or facts and race has not react Create ness are r not be parted.
we che matter we feel highting there.
confident what is to degrees.
the which US make them as was Whate er men Say! or de, or think or dream!
as follows:its theme.
whole heart Soul LA.


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