
ended on houses from Jan due paltry per cent, add The Calidonia Jewelry Store and give men borers rate whom with AND Barbados and it drew hundreds of per.
the Central, but their services sons to the wharf and Pierhead were not required, as the fire and all along the seashore in had already been put out. Needand less to state the poor womon was DEPUTATION OF LADIES Bay Street. The funnel one of the spars of the vessel upset over! loss. From wiat collapsed during the morning cai be gathered it appears that Waits on His Excellency the and towards the afternoon the the woman went to th? shop to Governor.
Owned By flames developed into intensity ke some purchas leaving while the smoke belched forth a small lamp in the roburnion, and by some me, or the deputation from the Civic from the ship interior in huste THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, other piece of cloth caught Circle of the Ladies Lyceum times which rose to such a fire and soon spread tnro:h the Club, waited on His Excellency great height in the air as to be Head Office, 55, Wall Street, whole room causing the results the Governor who had gracious visible for miles around. At above mentioned.
ly consented to visit them on the evening time, the forward part Council Chamber on Wednesday of the ship was gradually going 11 a. to present a petition for under water.
Demerara the improvement of the Tram. The fire aboard the Guarany Capital, Surplus, Undivided Profits. Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Tuesday night last way Service The petition was signed by and with the exception of the BERBICE 1012 householders who repre. bows the ship is now entirely sent 3880 occupants of the same under water.
Official Depository of the Republic of Panama No More Money Councillors?
It was further supported by Grenada DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL Throughout the Colony a nearly all the merchants in the and near, the employed are in City DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD receipt of more money. The GyvThe petition reads as follows: Quick means of intercolonial ernment Civil Servants are ab ut traftic was experienced last week BARBADOS to receive 25 per cent addeito the stipends. The School MisTo His Excellency Lieut. and yesterday. List week two Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branches ters will be graded and will reColonel BRIEN steamers called from Trinidad Governor and and two from Barbados. The Janury ceived something this Institution Offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
steamer Commander in Chief of the which passed through the police mer also will re.
ceive substantial increase.
from England via Barbados yes.
ase. As Island of Barbados Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
bring cargo we look around we see that the The bamble petition of the terday was able to servants; and officers of the Nw members of the Civic Circle ordered from that part by mer.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Amsterdam Corporation with of the Ladies ceum Clab chants here on Sunday or replies the 10 and the inhabitants of the Is. to letters sent there by the last land who use the Tramway The subject, we know, is inter north bound Canadian steamer.
during the war, remain the sa Service.
way. The Mayor and ih Councl.
esting to business inen as quick lors are hutsan beings and shou Shaneth: steun ship connections between not act ke irrational ones, Tney That to a large portion of our these islands help to promote tivator may lose ali the labour are fully acquain wed with the commnnity and the surrounding trade and enable early turnover high cost of living and the 10 per districts the Tramway Service is to be made. We are hopeful that and expense for producing a crop, cent, is but a farce and child on the an indispensable necessity for several lines calling at the various and it will assuredly meet a mar.
play, why can they not be coning as it does the only means of islands will soon be seen in these ket. It is the most certain in.
sistent with even the pleading of transportation for business and waters. our peasants can be en.
these officials in on which there is no other purposes to and from the large number of gentlemen likelihood of loss to make crop Sand give that which is due these men who fully City deserve a substantial and planters from the various advances a risky investmen: is nog in The present conditons of the districts of the island gathered the small land holders through Obarrio Building. No. 2, Calidonia Road service namely, the emaciated at the Brothers Estate on Mop not being able to get advances of Underpadlave tube istilu by condition of the mules, their in. day Inst and Interviewed the la money for improving their holdtheir creditors into Court ability to perform tive work re in connection with count of their inability to up the ings, are kept back froin making LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR their food and clothing. quired of the except with the strike. It is reported that noth larger outputs of cocoa. The few excessive use of the whip which ing finit was arrived at as the of them who have lately succeed WATCH REPAIRING is a crying share to the or and gross cruelty laborers were firm in their deed with this industry attribute and Councillors of New entails needless and is repulsive to the Public mand mand for a day. They their success to the kindness of damn. 99 y your se who are compelled to witness it, it, are said to have inade their posi; a helpful Banker who o bas recent WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE.
and the insufficient accomodation very clear to the visitors and ly left us and for they Irrigation and Drainage tion for our increasing traffic several useful facts were brought have have undiminished gratitude a Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
which occasiong our crowding to lichas a result of the meeting as the head of a sinilar insti.
liis uuers that the has forced the placing of this we were glad to hear from the tution who his been trying to prietore and local authoriti petition persons fainaliar the situa assist too. Why should not the O, CAMPBELL bually agreed between them on a scime of drainagir.
ties that the laborers are going Government undertake this help Not only are these conditions WATCHMAKER JEWELLER. rigation and will soon for in hard on the inwals of the lot their business with the ul generally, or encourage Mutual Phone 1053.
Isla d, but visitors va vi kom Bar: must calmness, and more gratify. Credit Society with Government Cars Stop at the Door.
their finding to Mr. Nascina for him to lay before the bados relies for much of its prosno aci of violence can be charged ang isit to us to see that up now assistance.
Government Board for app perity have been pui tugnatin convenience and have pressed assist them. We aru equally Buxton Friendship ind that planters are ineeting their dissatisfaction in nouncer ind Trinidad Teens at canno tain terms hoch the inediuin of our his Buxwn Congregational Sic habis the pleasant re.
Talians which to Provident Society is We therefore humbis DP as won the floors and the Oil Lands at Gua2 10. to utilize the Your Excellency that somenesBIO Estite ure mahetatis un tady a new napo.
ECOS loh fult. of the con our indus Be Sucity which has a mu ply adequate transtoration for the we diusir sier From English Firm, hip, it is reporteio those who depends 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA hah trans as at the ti Minum and critainly live the REPRESENTATIVE IN THE Next Door to Cecilia Theatre. 305 di WIN!
suel sucrati.
lar under which allaltke Will COLONY, tar unqualitid success We the undersido hern be benefitel.
Headquarters for of units BR lay yere You Loney this Nagrone! Bravo!
peli. Sulici was el agitation in We have been priveleged to see (Centured on Page)
in adjusting the dolorebin This island some years so that some extensive correspondence High Class Furniture dition of the existing Runway Shorts should be made to get which has taken place with a well System cheap money to assist our pea known company promoting firm sant proprietors, and thus sama london with the All New Goods Sold at The Cotton factory raw a tu su da few capiaiists here anaw and surrounding distriots.
Nom from the exorbitant dein purchase of oil lands in the GuOfers have been made as well as from the heavy charges Auditor.
Reasonable Terms.
sxucted for preparing the legal owners of land in the vicinity known to securities for the most trifting which is be The vacant post of Auditor of louns, often amounting on small situated as they are between two WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US We Always have in Hand a Com.
to the last teras ocabuut 30 per plote lige at Reliable Low Prices largest oil operating com when buying Furniture.
tilled by the apnointment of Mr. Simlar ikitation for cheap panies in the colony, The matter Watches and Jewelry Arnistrones, latest In. money in the to a head shortly be brought Welcome is extended to all to visit our laree Stock spenter of Police. ballot taken lange rates herrlibouring. Meanwhile, there bas arrivet Give us a call Before Goirs!
resulted as follows. Arm. Cieties wnien have been leal one of the syndicates interested where. You are sure to boor Tire to dwerwing the apicom ment OL Agro Credits pneiand a representative of if Your WATCH Was Repairad by US strong 1, 020 vous, Bovell and to their Agricultural Industries. who can be found at the Queen Skeebe, 611, Bovell Outram and These Societies have been Park Hotel Remember Se Make WedWatu 379, Gotens 313, et uy the Governments of St.
and Caper 14 Incent, St Enis and Trinida ding Rings and Other and have been extended to TobaFie at Newcown.
Jewelry to reler Tine Sot of Sanier Resi go. Some or these colonies can dent Surgeon.
number as many as ten of them Tenement Destroyed is the MAN You established in their various DisCENTRAL Yesterday was the last day for tar that in Grenada, where tbere Shortly after noon to day resiGorner 22nd Street, Param, 46 STREET, PANAMA SC planu popresort, laro.
post of Senior Resident Surgeon the Government have been win Set ere alarmed by the of the General Hospita! We un different to the needs of the cries of fire and the shrill blow Just received a full stock ofP. ALLMAN derstand that there are seven or small cultivator.
ing of the police whistle. On eight applicants, amongst them Among the activities of the approaching the direction from SILVER CHAIN GOODS LADJES AND GENTS TAILOR being Drs. Mason, Skeete and Agricultural Departenent we con. whence the sounds came it was Carter, sons of the soil, who are sider that the Superintendent of discovered that one of the rooms including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINW Between 10th and 11th Sts.
at pn catawas, and Drugory the Department, should have resine yard of No 25 Wood tord Bottle Alley Colon, who recently returned the courmend this help for adBanker, and occupied by one!
For every form of disons.
Street, Owned island. There are also two lady loing the agricoltural lodasorisas Wood, was on tire. Will vec MENS SUITS WADE TO ORDER applicanis.
of the island, Progress with our agriculture, as carried on by the ing assistance in combating the TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc. LADIES SUITS. SPECIALTY The final stage of the burning peasants, can only be made with fams was lenų by Messrs Latest English ead American Fashions.
of the Brazilian Stealaship adre help of advances to meet the Cipriani and Weskus in spite of their Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
Guaray was reached on Tues, les pense sets the expected orop.
day afternoon when the ship most favourable conditions for tents were practically destroyed.
tanately for us, we enjoy the eforts, ine roura and its con Also Cleaning Pressing Satisfaction Guaranteed.
which had been ablega einen TROS Friday lies began stak by the hole of the webs wit the single riel turned up theg altivation of cocoa, the sta. The fire brigade from Newtown Your Patronage Soiicited FLOWERS, Prsreitor.
Price Madrats O, Box 36, Panama City.
Such a specaacle has not been the sou and climate for it, and it along with inspectors Lange and Telephone 510.
seen in the harbour for years is not a staple on which the cul Fraser in the Buick car, from MY MOTTO. PUNCTUALITY Panama Furniture Company ko which inn C01 NEED WATCH)
VEDESETZEL NELEID CENA foster Chorrillo Drug Store FULER nu ar man van Wen e so 093)
wed by ans, Rebecca among others, but in sterek


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