
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 PAGE THREE. The Open Forum :BUSINESS MEN Your Interest ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
Soooooo any All English paper printed in the Republic of In traveling one soooooo Lave the tot le best Shot this one tries toxel This reeds su ADVERTISE ce Never in the like and was THE WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO.
Tergne it bunds ET. Ut ter ng జ యణ యణ 1903 Awake! Ye Daughters of Ham.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for opinion expressed in this columna the sentiments are purely that the correspondents Awake! brace up! ye daughters of Ham, for your redemption draweth nigh. It is high time for LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
you to awake from your slumbers Get Alive to and put on the new coat do not mean a new made cuat. mean the new coat of independence.
Back to Africa ver all German Srins in Africa to Nekroes This is impracticable now, We the the New Negro of 1919, are Movement for we would of necessity seek the preto shox to the enemies of our tectin of on the Powers. We could race that we are going to be free.
not ourselves inforce laws, or make de We ve been under their irony (By the Rev. PINNOCK) mands on any fractius tribes.
hands for many years and its Having read and heard kreat deal Our direct sim should not be the settime to say onward, not stand still. My messige, at this time is about this thost important sub, ect moting up of several kingdoms wilver Afries, but the stablishing of the king to my girl companions, friends, admiration and respect went out for the and different societies, or fasciations that dom of God and His Rixhteousness thru acquaintances. have the are trying to bring about this and in that country. That we should Dear friends, think of the the Neproes. They are working and will be a certainty only when rule over our own people in our ow!
future that is before us, a future ously, untiring, and as far as the ve from the very first stepGod with The circulation of The Workman is the largest of that will not be e regretted, butan light can lead to in these are faithfully ex and Africa Gard in our bick to honored one. We the girls of the endeavouring to bring about the desires Movement. The language dithi Isthinus, had a a great responsi of Millions of verries. venture in onty in the great war that pass. This little narrative to a to say that it calls it is can become. There are Panama.
to ed; our brothers went Noile Friends bed more Light and by hundreds of det, som rungon front to tight for democracy, they Could help shall endeavour to throw distinct lonelines their lives, their manhood, much lights mit of nervelty have a good It is is provide for me to it interpret their soul, we Very Arabe, if nown is very helpful on we gave our time in knitting in door the total good of our of our pro singing in concerts, admit it is a stupendous task whiel Slaves routes. Savors bons leena curse Therefore THE WORKMANin dancing, to raise money for On xin cavan routes the war: but alas! what have we Die da fare called to have and still in he war are we but have wanted long and to You may travel for a thousand miles is a paying Advertising Medium. Sot nothing. So girls brace the silver lining is behind the up!
tik forward. feel it toy bunden and te wi hone good interpretery very tributach other.
cloud, we cannot see it now, but slave little tise awaken the right aims wa sball see it hereafter. Are you and ideals of the Sektoral the world to get ut other tribes.
not proud of having the Hon.
cer should feel satisfied that God pion deep rooted. Today, however TO DAY Orator, Marcus Garvey as organizer of our race!
yer of bus led me to the mus of Panama friendly you may appear or however worlds Wies from Africa to do this Great More much your mission may be used by Garatory was there a man ment. Let me to the root of the your interpreter. Nu are closely watchi in all your moviments in if in your our white friends know that he a Garvey, that Tutter Our RATES are Reasonable. Evangelize Africa. To this end conversation any ward misunderstood they hate him, but, tell them all the Missionary forces of the Nerro it may bring about some sutne unpleasanthes don worry to hate hiin its too It is only the constant Inithful services kace must be marshalled. There are COXOOXoo late now. Think of the amiable istitutions in the states and in the of the Man of Good that will bring about Es sc:00:0:0:0 (socis Amy Ashwood, as general Secre.
West Indies from which One Hundred lasting trust and confidence. Should tary of our association, dont you he building of a playground. 10cts. think it noble to have such men Negro Missionaries that have been train Governtnent oflicial reside in any pori.
educted from a Commissary Book women and who have the desire to not only cular part of the country his force of just the same a dime as the one you race, that we can be proud of? representing our Kutu Afrien bit to live and die for Arms visible breeds far, some day er Alea. Men we will preach Christ and other, there very weapons which protect y take out of your pocket, and shou say so yes id indeed 18 low some of our folks may look US Ilim Crucified. Men whose sole aim and them from the raids of unfriendly tribes We gave our dollars to help our Sein still it it with the to take Lightinto darkness may turn on them.
hject will GRAVES and JOHNSON remarks: Oh its Commis.
The arm of Flesh will fail you.
girls, as Red Cross nurses in. Bok and to overcome Death with L10 ki They offer us nothing with France REMEMBER We Sell ut money, then why should we give finan democracy, why not give claimed to day liy sote that the pa e dare not stand alone to fight for the white it stretching out her hands to o Giochi The proposal to all Nagroes.
money for musments that donit now to the Commutator casesand Rollers genus one bit. Some time ago the for the negn, and by the negro?
cause of the negro, may say that the major population of Ist Inity: Let use of one mit Allen do not know in tid therefore all the YMCA was requested for why not buy shares in the Ichnowledge the fact that topit lach Hose Connections for all Cars purpose of giving a lecture on trebali Black Star Line. a line of ships not end is not trunk out her house this Har leto Nrica means first and for the Electrical Bulbs for all Cars the Universal Negro limprovement As that islavgrat Missionary movement of our are het stretching In this step we will not be Air Gauges and Air Pumps utionand just for a lecture they that will not refuse you or your Ichirge S1000, money a captain, that will not Plugs, Champion, Splitdorf, Distrust that lista e Other bod. Jou will be en dat readers its good to go reas instead, say no nisters on board, but welcome all the ne.
Teeping person.
Engine Bolts and Gaskets betore spending, there plenty to go groes in. But we are proud one with a dime now a days, watch the hero of our race. Mureus Civil will help in helde of Misty sphere and their prayers Spotlights, Head Lamps and Reflectors on dime they will come in Garvey, though he fail he shall etting dette that idea Transmission Grease, Oil, Gasoline, etc. ty to buy shares in our only hope the stand Cialization will be hep area and wall and will aino le foitta Birch Star Line, stretch for lidto Gil 10 mon er than Wette in ver.
Come on girls, join me in the it hus for for the Commons, the Turks thing that comes the upliiting of the Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
RED TASKER fight for our native land, a land ding nearer e civilizon Race such as Missionary Enter PHOXE BOX 16, AXCON, which floweth with riches untold does not the American publier B) Manufacturing Centus.
take your feet out the mire, and ing better treatment to Neves. Has Comercial Influence. Associations civilization eliminated the differences be like that of existing nied NekrolmA Stitch in Time Saves Nine place them on the rock of our which is Garvey, our Iween Jamaicats and Borladins? Hlas reverent witeheraft censed among our civil provenrent Association and Air can ComAdvertise in the Colon PO, Box 20. leader. Now girls make up your munities Lengue. The grand Move race? We could enumerate many hind ment on the eve of realization mind to tight and help the cause те Novembar 11. 1919. a cause, that will be beneticial to rances and burdens that practically pre Black Star Line Honourable men Dear Sir. Permit me space for to every Negro weighing and keeping our hands drop as leaders, such as we have under.
the to lay in the ing idly down.
Io pure desire, selfish person of The Hon.
Live a timely warning to those of our cause, that will allow you and ness like unto ibyese of the Gaderens There should be no revengeful spirit in people who never had any time to look to have the same privileges as the after their own, but wait till some well white and yellow races are hav.
preferring the company of swines and all our undertakings. Leave at part thinking one pass by and drop something ing. Then why not your sbares devils rather than the company of Jesus with God. Vengeonce is Mime and or their inconsistent patronage.
and all the shares, because and the Saviour of Mankind, No, Friends the sun will repay saith the Lord WARNING TO OUTSIDERS. are of the negro, for the negro, Afrien with civilization as her hope for a hard task, but it is one fraught with suc.
foremost place among the civilized scess temporal and spirituul. STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE. and by the onegro, now cheers for Marcus Garvey, and all tions will sadly fail. Serk first the that hate good to them that All unauthorized persons and those others that are assisting in this Kingdom of Cod and His righteousness, dispitefully use you. Let us begin (BRANDON BANK. who have not partaken in the Share world stand good for Tribes Race, or Nations amongst ourselves movement of the this and holding scheme of the Black Star Line negrus and not least. as for the individual. This Gospel can lesson, practice it, believe in it, and by lue of 56 West 135th Street New York negro; and last but not and who are not membdrs of the Univer: for the heavens that smile above teet New York live for those that love only he preached by those who have re. God help the greatest obstacles that ceived it in the hearts, and living it in may lie in our Negro Improvement Association and me, and awaits my spirit too, for their lives in our way may Le removed, and rican Communities League, are hereby the wrong that needs resistance removed permanently. Pse thing Tem.
To you fellow Negroes Is obtrusted poral in this movement must be subserwarned to refrain from using the name for the cause that needs assismost glorious task; tbe laying down vient to things Spiritual.
II. 1A (FOUNDED 1868)
COLON of the Co operation in such frivolities tance, for the future in the disof the foundation which will ensure, To make first move: The forma weh as dances and other games of chance tance, and the good that can do.
stability, success and prosperity of the tion on the Isthmus) of a Committee to The parties who contemplate baving Awake girls; and hail for the Movement back to Africa.
My expe outline plans for a forward Movement.
Our large Resources and well known in Black Star Line Hop on the 22nd of negro race.
rience as a Missionary in Africa has led to this end, invitation will be sent to is month, had better change the name conservative Management afford unme to this conclusion thut nothing short Evangelical Ministers and Laymen on if they cannot show their identity, as ELLEN JOSHUA of the Gospel of Christ faithfully pro the Isthmus to meet in Conference.
they will be prosecuted for the inoneys Culebra, claimed and lived can bring about the questioned security for every dollar they should collect in that way, hopes of Africa sons and daughter Reason Before Spending deposited with this bank.
Signed: Dr. RADWAY throughout the entire world, Christ must be our aim and you may depend upon it, Africa for the Africans Sir; Would you allow me space in will soon follow. Ethiopia to day needs your widely ren journal to express a few Tailor and Outfitter the help of every Christian Negro to remarks with regards spending your General whisper in her ears and not only tell of, dimes.
NOTICE Dealer in School Books, but also point her to Col. As th: bit At an entertaloment given at Red and Stationary were urged TO MEMBERR OF to look at the Tank Clubhouse some time ago, the ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON bro zen serpent, merhink as they look mai agensent of that clubhouse instructed No. 11 Street, Panama de, Life revived, and in in deep gratitude, the audience that the is bacly President.
Vice President.
Treasurer and recognizing the source of life their in need of a playground, and that the Members of the Colon Federal chains from Central Ave.
hands would be stretched out towards only way for the Clubhouse to get one is Labor Union please be informed Address: the tha the election of officers for Brazen Serpent, so with the cross of to encourage all the entertainments kept Christ; And I, if be lifted up, will at the and such funds will go to the the 1920 term will take place Box 895, Ancon, draw all men unto me. So in the case building of a playground.
at the Union Hall, on Sunday of Africa, she must be helped to know Now my ar readers, what an iden.
December 21st, 1920. Ouly finanGod and to recognize in Him through roust the people in and around this discial men bers will be entitled to Christ her salvation in temporal as intrict monies build gwernment playvote, Veinbers in arrears are spiritual spheres.
Tund? Ia a quite sure that the Bureau asked to pay up their dues in Nothing so enhances the charm of Woman, Nothing We si erely thank God for the great ot Clubs and Playgrounds have sufficient so lends her that confidence which adds at least 10 time to qualify for this occasion, Give me your order for your things attempted and great things done surplus funds for the building of such per cent to efficiency, as WELL DRESSED LOOK.
JNO, ASH, WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, by Christian Missions. When we re playground, Wat benefit wou dep. com Secretary. RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for TO BE WELL DRESSED member that the lead was taken by get in launching their well earned duge Gentlemen, Ladies and Chilour white brothers and sisters our grein entertainments to build one MUST seek Distinctiveness in her dren.
titude goes out to them. Noble lives when sooner or later le wouldn get the DRESSMAKING SAMPLES TO SELECT FROM have been spent yes, and are being spent chance to play in such playground, Dr. CONNELL and the Woman who demands this quality can easily him bin for the cause of God kingdom in Afri when the Rent Collector hand THE BIGGEST VALUE ON acquire it at a. Those lives have laid down and are relense to quit quarters, he wouldn THAT LINE THE WOMAN EXCHANGE SURGEON DENTIST building on that colid foundation which have time t) think of a playeound.
we as trus Sons and Daughters of AfriJ. SANGUINETTI BROWN, am quite certain that our in Where Individuality Workmanship are Guaranteed.
ca must begin now, and ca to build up the Red Tank district will open their and be found at 175 FURNITURE DEALER Africa for Christ. This is Africa eyes, and be like new negrow, and don No. Street, Panama. opposite De Lesseps Park) Central Avenue Corner 3rd November and 19th only salvation: this is the only practic. spend their well earned dimes for sale ANN THOMAS, Proprlotress.
able way for us to realize our sims, entertainments that don worth the Streets, Guachapali.
There was some talk of England hunding candle. which funds will be going to Opposite Station Ancon o. Box 836.
foundation WORKMAN sun. Marcus they This is a Panama Banking Company Love them Jou, do wide high and me true, SECURITY this you Chairman and Director of the WM. LAWRENCE Banking Business Transacted ten Israelites THAT WELL DRESSED LOOK Waterproof Raincoats playgrounds people


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