
PALM BEACH SUITS CRASH SUITS. de efore Three Fred Our erick o proud of in the IN 13 mind is the a thiaketh MH WILL CUR The the flower; as PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 The Road to Success THE WORKMAN By EV MORALES.
Negro Fellowmen: If there has ever been a time when SUCCESS Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicashould be marked on the brow of ALAROND, at the office Centralation. Correspondenor on all matters nue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited every living Negro in brilliant golden letters. it is today. Now All copy for publication must be.
is the time to th: in your lot PO Box 74. Panama RP written on one side of paper only, and with the Progressive Negres of RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of the world, who are marching the writer, not necessarily for publica 10 USC the.
One Year bola tion but as a mark of good faith.
FOR YOUNG MEN From 00 to Six Months Inination to the citi Our we do not undertake to return 10. 00 Future Sucesss.
One rejected correspondence strongly advise and encourage you to buy as many shares as FOR MEN From 10. 00 to 15. 00 you possibly can in The Black The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JUNIUS Star Line Cooperation and help SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 big variety of Styles and Colors just arrived.
to make it a success. we are to succeed as other races are sucsee, we must have Trus.
facilities that would exU. Congress Means Everybody.
EDUARDO VALENCIA able us to draw the bonds of our racial and commercial friendship closer In our last issue we took occasion to call the atten Santa Ana Plaza first ship the next Hotel Metropole Douglass bras Leer bought tion of our numerous readers to the fact that the Bone (and not chartered as stated by Dry Law of the United States extends to the Canal Zone our opponents) and is now on the and all out lying jurisdictions of the Stars and Stripes. In deep blue seas fulfilling her doing so we felt that a simple duty was being executed sion. We ought to be for the good of the West Indians who suffer most swept into the Zone taking bottles of whisky and other stiEditorialettes this great enterprise, knowing that it has been the means of whenever a new law or order comes into operation, not be mulants, unsearched, while colored women were molestei of breaking the first link in the cause they are more frequent law breakers than any body with every bundle they carried under their arms. The chain that kept us bound in Ecoelse, but because they are usually the only ones victim high class boot leggers were let alone and the small Bravo, Pete!
nomic Slavery for over three ized, and made to pay the penalty for offences that others, fry were hauled in by the scores.
The latest news from around hundred years. Therefore, learn although unnoticed, more Aagrantly commit.
We want no one sided vigilance in connection with Peter Mike and Paradise is estly beseerd en in the nause of and oppresved On another page of this issue we publish a notice from new law. It is the duty of the Governor and the Chief that Pete is behaving like a race to join hands and hearts to the Judicial Functionaries of the Canal Zone in which the of Police to have instructions issued to the whole, Police good boy. Bravo, Pete! That gether and helps to make this an scope and provision of the National Prohibition Aet ap Department to the effect that vigilance be exercised on is exactly how we wish to seo terprise a corupista success by shiris lery pear. The language of the notice is frank and unmistak the white people, and especially the higher classes, as well you conduct yourself. It owning 100 near future stor our Const able. The law is cited, and the penalty is mentioned for as West Indian Negroes and Panamanian people. We never too late to amend, and if ähe benefit of one and all. and no one will be able to hope that these officials will not mince matters in their you are serious the chance is all Where there is a wili. entered in dation and Freedom plead ignorance of the law, in case of violation. In setting rigorous prosecution of offenders, and we expect the yours. We hope that the time was life unfolds like the rose, Let us not forget out the text and character of the act as it now appears on Military officers to obey as well as everybody else.
is not far off when every the Statute Book of the United States of America, Judge It is known that several of the higher bugs have colored man between Mira. from within of. No more Hanan and District Attorney Hindman have done a notable already stored in large stocks of booze. which they intend flores and Gamboa will have yourse ever locatie interne enant and commendable service to the community in which their to use in defiance of the law. The busiest times have the happy pleasure of affirm than these: As jurisdiction is exercised; and the general public should be been experienced by them within the last few days, when ing that Pete is proving him in his heart, so is he. Minden grateful to these executives and exponents of the law for they worked hard to keep their homes wet even if all self to be a friend and not a the master weaver af de the out side world goes dry. Perhaps they have done this foe. The worldthinks volumes ditions of his own making. Out of Mind environs the the timely warning they have given out.
Previous Orders and Regulations have been proclaim because they don expect to be searched by the police or of men who can change for the the mind comes every word, ac ed prohibiting the use and possession of alcholic drinks, any other limb of the law. But the Governor ought to better, and the man who was tion and achievement that makes which have been the cause of much discussion and no little take note of this and call upon the Chief of Police to notorious yesterday may be up one character and lite.
trouble and confusion. The notorious Order No. 20, of ferret out every case and uphold the majesty of the law. come famous to morrow, if main difference between inillion General Blatchford, the recent Military Commander of the Congressional enactment will not mean much if the only be elects so to do. Pete thinks in millions and the other. Canal Zone Forces, was received with grave uncertainties, servants of the United States Government on the Canal has every opportunity to be in pennies. Every man is where and because of its doubtful legality, gave rise to a consid Zone are indifferent to its enforcement on a certain section, come one of the first gentle he is and what he is by reason of erable amount of annoyance and worry. The Presidential of the community. The numerous cases of strong drink, men in, and around the Zone, the mere thoughts out of whicle proclamation, in itself was very uncertain, constitutionally, now safely deposited in the homes of so many of the and we should now stand former les has made himself and his yet, in each case, the courts upheld the spirit of the law and Canal Zone higher officials, do not indicate a very great and watch the progress of the conditions. As the seed is, so is spring is, is enforced its requirements with a measure of leniency respect for the laws of the United States, nor do they say change which he has made the stream, and as the stato of wherever circumstances gave permission to doʻso.
much, in the way of regard, for the Police Department; We will not attuok him any inan mind is so is his life. There The National Prohibition Act has been passed by the and it is either that these people know that the can flirt more unless he makes another is no obsbacle, no limitation that United States Congress and has become LAW. It is no one with the police and get by without trouble, or they don bad bread. Go to it, Pete, mind eannot overcome.
man proposition of doubtful constitutionality or applica care a nickel for the legal enactments that are in force It must be remembered, that joy and sorrow, bope and despair, tion, neither, is it a provision placing discretionary powers throughout the whole country.
Company, Halt!
courage and fear, love and hate, into the hands of the Bench. We must obey the new law The West Indians and Panamanians should not be The troops are marching enlightment and ignorance, sucof trouble and out of jail there is only one thing to do and booze fighters who can get throug as much liquor in a parade looks like a pantomine, tricate mechanism and the ton or pay the penalty declared therein. If we would keep out made the scape goats and safety screens for the big out of step and the whole cess and failure are no where in.
that is to obey the law. Sticking rigidly to the policy of week as a dozen camels can in a year. Of course, the The trouble is that there are derful inventions of man existed observing and respecting laws and ordinances will keep greatest rumpus will be started on the Zone among the big too many commanders, tos tiest as a mere thouguan member that Judge Hanan has made it clear that he in but we affirm that some of the biggest sticks on the disorder in the ranks. Babel has been kept in Economic slave every man on the safe side of liberty; and we should re wigs when they read this free exposé of social corruption, many captains and too much The reason why the Negro race tends to strictly enforce the law, concerning the constitu Zone have spent long weeks in the Ancon Hospital. as per threatens, and the whole gut ery for so long a time is because tionality of which there can be no doubt.
records, suffering from delirium tremens and other ef look is uncertain. Halt! The we think of small things more This law has, however, been made by the United States, ects of alcholic excesses.
march is a long one, and we might have been worse instead than of large ones, We think it Congress specially for the protection of American citizens, It is rot only disgraceful, but unpatriotic, for the men must step together if we are ot it might have been better. We so that the effects of over indulgence in alcholic stimu: drawing the biggest salaries from the Gəyernment to stay to get to the end of the jour have been a great deal tno pes.
lants might not continue to weaken and undermine down here charging their systems with poison, and becom ney. We must break steps deal more optimistic. Man is simistic. We want to be a the physical and mental powers of the people.
This ing incapacitated for the work which their high positions only when we are crossing a the greatest of God creation applies to EVERY American on the Canal Zone, from demand and for which they are drawing down, such bridge or river, not otherwise, and Slind is the greatest creation the Governor and his high round of co Executives down to high wages and receiving such grande facilities as tree Many of the tender footed if the inventorrere electricity the iron worker with the lowest wage rating in Balboa houses and free everything. These men should, on aecount and flat footed are already thought this invention would shops. All of them should try to familiarize themselves of their superior intelligenee, prevent their servants and limping; let sive them a have been a failure, he would with the interpretation of the Act, and not seek to dismiss subordinates from attempting to introduce into the Zone rest, and when we start again, be still dwelling inventors of the surely failed; and we would it as a negligible echo of an American law sounded only the liquors prohibited by the law, rather than encourage let go at it like locusts, keep be still in the candle age.
for the insignificant foreigners to hear and observe.
them by sending them on errands into the Panamanian ter ing forward all the time. The Submarine, the Airplanes, The Executive Body of the Panama Canal and the ritory to purchase drink for them.
Chief Captain goes before us, the Phonograph and the Wire.
Mflitary Authorities, also, should lend the law their fullest We hope that the West Indian people will have more let follow his steps. less talegraphy thought ure, they wɔuld have most unand heartiest co operation. They have a moral and nation sense than to permit themselves to be used as dupes and al right to support the Bench in the enforcement of a regu soldiers or civilians, officers or officials, whose unconquer tools. for the convenience of white Americans whether doubtedly failed. If the Necroes WEDDING BELLS of Washington. Chicago and elselation that the Law making Body of the United States has able and ungovernable insatiety will make them call upon where in the United States enacted and inscribed as statutory among the laws of the thought they would have failed land. The Executive and Military Heads of the Canal have their Negro inferiors. to take all chances with the cop The Methodist Episcopal Church it in the Race riots, they would uated iu tae 12th of October Street, been appointed to see that the laws of the United States and bring to them the sparkling booze.
have never achieved the glorious are obeyed by her citizens, in this country, just as they To wink at the infractions of the law by American Guachapali, was the scene of very success they so valorously won.
would be obeyed in any of the States in the Union.
They citizens and to enforce it in connection with West Indians pretty wedding on the first of this month. If the Honorable Marcus Garvey before the bride put in har appear thought of failure, the Universal owe it to the Cuurt to work in conjunction with the Judge and others would be rank: discrimination. And it is ance the church was tilled with a Poota Negra Improvement Association and not leave the onus of enforcement entirely in his hands. against this sort of partiality that we mean to fight. tors, and as soon as she appeared, peor woul have also been a a failure; few circulars have been tendered to a few officials What is law for foreigners is law for American citizens, ple came from all parts of the vicinity but he is an optimist of the mail on the Zone in which the provision of the law is pointed and the same policeman who would hold up a colored mand thronged the sacred edifice. The modern type; he thinks of or woman and search for booze ought not to be too timid to Gaill, and Oscar Pilgrino: quite a young taought of a large and comfortout; these are, by no means adequate to the situation, and approach a white man or woman and demand au investigacuple and both from the reland of Barbie Restaurant for his race, and erstraeting parties were Miss Viðla Lious and not of pennies. He it would a ber of underlings and the great force of Silver employees. tion of a suspicious looking package.
bados. The bride was beautifully and he got it. He thought of buying What about the high officials? Congress would never waste This paper is going to follow the records of the courts gracefully attired, and all the kiests Liberty Hall that costs thous dressed in white, which added ands of dollars, and he bought it: time to pass a law for for the purpose of targetting the and watch out for the administration of the law as it applies greatly to the beauty of the bour. The He is now thinking of a Black West Indians, Panamanians, Italians, Greek, Dutch, East to this country. We expect to see a complete and impartial wedding ceremony was performed by the Star Line fleet of no less than Indians and other foreigners on the Zone. Their law is LAW interpretation of the law; we mean to see that West Indians Rev. Odle, Pastor of the Chu eb; 100 merchantmen, and is going for the high officials, as well as for the most ordinary em and other unfortunates and underfeds keep within the who did for them all that could be de to have them in the very near future.
ployee on the Silver Roll.
pale of the law; and we mean to see that all white offenders sired. The bride was not only a new ber of the Church, but also of the Ep Garvey succeeds in his underseveral of the BIG BUGS and UPPER TENS on the Zone ST. PETERS CHURCH It is remembered that during the life of Order No. 20, are brought to justice, whether they be high or low.
worth League, and of the Choir, and in takings, and will continue to suc.
each of these departments she most faith eved because he has implicit condefied the regulation and kept their ice chests full of inAttention of s. fully fulfilled her duties to the satisfae fidence in himself and his race.
toxicating beverages, just as though the Order did not apLa Boca tion of all concerned. She filled the of. He has no faith whatever in the ply to them, while the West Indians and others were gumPythian Pride Lodge No. At the close of the ceremony the whole he should be dependant on other fice of Secretary of the Epworth League. white man. He does not believe chewed and fished into the courts like herrings for carTo morrow there will be Holy Comof will meet in special party retired to the house of the parente races: he believes in being inde rying a hali pint of booze for medicinal purposes most of munion at 30 a. Matino and certion convention tonight, te Saturday of the bride, where most delighofur pendant Phen, he is behogjinde the time) into the Canal Zone. We do not forget the num and evening Prayerand sermon at rank of Knight; all of Ps, in wish both bride and bridegroom the at 11 a. Sunday School at p. November 29th 1019, team work, and enjoyable evening was spent. We sel Ash. Insularity and Provina Cerous instances in which automobiles with lady occupants 30 vited, blessing of God. Continued on page great of have of failwere


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