
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar RELIABLE HABERDASHERS ad LA BOCA Judge Hanan Will Speak at La Boca Clubhouse, Sunday, Nov. 30 Judge John Hanan, District Judge of the Panama Canal, will deliver an ad dess at the La Brea Clubhouse Sunday, November 20th, at 5pm, sharp Suhe LAW AND HONOR Every Adult resident of the Silver City and friends are invited to attend. special programme has been arranged for the Occasion, come early and secure a good sent. The Silver City Band will be in attendance Aduinion: Free to all Walke Overall jert: The Shide for you was unani at place where one user limit.
which will WALK OVER rather a the Lodge band and fatha Lodge, No.
session The Road to Success The United Amusement Continued from Page 4th Company of Panama cialism ind no resting place in his mind The much talked of United Therefore, like Garvey and the Amusement Company of Panama, other Necroes in the United held a meeting at the office of States, we the Negroes resident Attorney Thompson, last natives of Panama should Tuesday evening for the purpose have no confidence in any other ther of electing oficers. There was race but our own We must learn a large gathering and all present lar and provincial feelings from in the proceedings. On the recomto put away all selfishness, insu seemed to be greatly interested among us. We must stop carry. mendation of the attorney Mr.
to the.
other members of our race, mously elected President. and in and get together in one solid turn the mass, and stick together as never mously elected Vice Chairman before for the future benefit of which he was prevailed upon to our race and in our individual accept. Mr. Arturo Du Saire, selves.
our well known stenographer was We have sufficient proof that then elected Secretary Treasurer.
the direct object of the enemies As we have been informed this is to starve us out of existence; company proposes to engage in and if we do not begin to day to work of a colosal nature, likened open co operative stores and to that of Coney Island of New farins, they will surely get the York. It contemplates providing better hand of us.
the public with clean, healthy Therefore, again strongly ad. and wholesome amusements, and Clea rise and encourage evers Negro one can have some dwelling on the Isthmus of Pana: choice in his recreations, For ma to buy as many shares in The this purpose a very large area Black Star Line Co. The has been obtained for the purpose West Indian Trading Company of laying out an Amusement of Panama and The West Indies Garden called the Windsor GarTrading Company ef Canada. dens gens within a stone throw from the Resolution of Condolence aford facilities for swimming, city boating, skating, dancing, and At the last meeting held by the operation of a Moving Picture Loyal Nelson Lodge, No. 19, Show House, Shooting Gallery, FS, the following Resolu as well as refreshment rooms tion of Condolence touching the and other comforts death of brother Morrison, Since the date of the formation was adopted of the company it has been going WHEREAS, It has pleased Al. by leaps and bounds, and has mighty God in His Infinite Wis: already started into business, It doin to remove from our midst expects to give the West Indian to his eternal reward our beloved Colony a big and favorable surBrother. Morris, prise within a very short time, whose death occurred on Novem and the boys are asked to keep ber 12, 1919 AND WHEREAS, By his death their eyes on its progress.
the has lost one of the Its office is now established at most devoted members, whose 142 Central Avenue.
3rd Floor undying loyalty and devotion to be gladly given. Office hours and any information required will the cause of Mechanism, have contributed much to our success, are from 11 to and to daily.
and have endeared him to every member of the Lodge, also to his WEDDING.
family, a kind and loving husfather.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, We Williams Campbell.
the inembers of the Loyal Nelson. 19. in St. Peters Church, La Boca.
assembled, extend to his bereared family, our heartfelt sympathy and condolence in On the evening of Saturday the their hour of deepest sorrow and Boca, was the scene of a 15th inst. St. Peters Church, La our prayer shall be that God, in his mercy, will cheer and com very pretty little wedding. when fort them in their sad affliction. Miss Ina Williams, youngest AND BE IT FURTHER REdaughter of Mrs. Williams of SOLVED, That we hereby ex this city, was joined in holy wed press our dep and sincere ap. La Boca, by lock to Mr. John Campbell, of the Rev Joo.
preciation and gratitude for his noble efforts on behalf of our Mulcare, Rector in There quite Lodge, and the many kinds acts and lasting services that he faithfriends and well wishers gathered Tally rendered.
and thronged the church long be AND BE IT FURTHER RE bride entered the church resting fore the hour appointed. As the SOLVED That our Dispensation in mourning for thirty On on the art of Me Jos Anderday that a copy of these resolu son (father giver. an appro in be sent to the bereaved fam priate narch was played by Mrs.
ly, a copy spread on the face of Geo Barnes, of La Boca, who the Mirrites, and a copy publish presided at the organ during the ed in each of the local papers. ceremony, which was tley followed by the singing of THE IDEAL SCHOOL. Hymn No. 240 240 THE VOICE THAT BREATHED ER EDEN and Psalin No. 128 BESSED Before a crowded house the ARE ALL THEY THAT FEAR pupils of the Ideal School gave At this juncture a fine display of elocution at the the rights of holy matrimony were d Cross Hall Mr. Samuel administered by the Reverend Pollard was chairman for the Gentleman in a most impressive night, and deserves much credit and solemn manner. who in adfor the way he handled the big dition commended both bride aud! ence, and the encourage.
184, and groom highly. At the con con Special mention should be made WHO AT CANA, WEDDING the of Masters Charles Gerald and FEAST was On leaving Egbert Wendorf; but Master the church another march was Jolly shone out as played The couple with the the bright parucular star of the invited guests present at at the motored to home of melodious voice, this youngster the bride e mother, where all brought the house to its feet joined in drinking the health of whenever he went on the stage. bride and groom. Toasts suitable His songs were excellent. The for the occasion were given by Dialogues, action songs, Solos, the gentlemen, after which danand Duets were among the best cing was indulged infantil the we have ever listened to, and wee hours of the morning.
were all nicely rendered by the pupils. Miss Millie Wade played VOTE OF THANKS.
part as the mistress of stet house to perfection, and gives promise of future suc We have just received a note be given to Mr. Thomas, Pres. of the Panama Canal Locante the popular master of the school, No. 2149 of the fand to get his pupils up to such high columns to return thanks to all have us our water mark.
his fraternal and Religious Brethren and friends, for theirškind NOTICE visits and daily enquiries of him during his serious illness in the To whom it may concern Ancon Hospital The Officers and members of the Royal King George Lodge No. Panama Hats 17, begs to notify that Israel Cuffy is no CLEANED and BLOCKED longer a member of said Lodge and TRIMMED to Order and Order, having been expelled in consequence of acts deroga ALSO tory to the Lodge and Order. MILLINERY DRESSMAKING HENRY SPENCER Secretary HOUSE No. 965, La Bcao Kashmir Beauty Parlor charge.
number of were Song service at the La Boca Clubhouse is the important feature on Sunday QUALITY evening, Mr. Harry made a mother hit in his discourse on Thy King dom Come. This was handled in the APPEARANCE, usual intelligent and eloquent manner, at the close of which it was the impression of every one present that they were treated to a matter that directed every DIVERSITY OF STYLES, thoughtful and serious minded person to the signs of the Time. Teacher Hunter was the leader. Owing to the incle meney of the evening quite a few of the AND DURABILITY ARE residents were prevented from turning out, The annual Harvest Festival Services BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN of St Peters Church, La Buca were held on Sunday 16th At 11 a. And 30 in the services were conducted MARK OF by the Rev. Mulcare At o clock a filower service was held. The Rev. Mr. Poland of St Luke Church was the preacher The Harvest Was quite a success. Harvest Festival services were also held the Salvation Army llall La Boca on Sunday 23rd, Let your next pair of Shoes be The children service WAS pleasing feature at o clock; Capt. Miss king was the speaker: at 30 the WALK OVERS speaker was vre Hartkowp. The hall was crowded. public lecture will be given by Judge llannan in the La Boca clubhouse at o clock mn. on Sunday 30th inst.
The Silver City Band journeyed out Ciutus on Thanksgiving day, where they played for a Pie nie and dance given at the Gatun clubhouse.
PARAISO Panama and Colon.
esssoooo 从SENTAMiss Ethel McLean of Paraiso, pada visit to her sister, Mrs. Alice Martin in Panama on Wednesday, and had a good Vine Chief: Sister McCarty, Daughte: time, visiting the stores and buying up of font, Brother Xmas goods Nasters, Worthy Recording Secretary, Small, Prelate Sister George. Daughter of Records GATUN Douglas Financial Secretary: Under new managerr. ent)
Green, Treasurer: Hall; Conductor, No. 128, BOLIVAR STREET, of Dance Proves Success. Sister Taylor Asse; Phipps, loful.
sile Sentinel: Rowe, Outside Sentinel.
Between 8th Sth. Streets, Colon Saturday night lost the spacious Club. Bro. George recommended Bros.
house at this town was packed to its Green and Sis. Taylor to the memutmost capacity with lovers of the light fers to receive the Past Officer Honour fantastie toe Precisely at 30 pm or Meritorous Service done to the Lodge Massaging, manicuring, shampooing, hair straightening the Silver City Band from La Boca Same was approved and the Grand Chief hair dressing, scalp treatinent and lightening of the con struck the brilliant strains of a passed them by the movers vote march which certainly threw a feeling plexion. Wrinkles, tan, freckles, liver spots, blackheads.
The Cricket, game le ween picked of mirth on each and everyone in the tiam from the Bipist CC Culoa and pimples, dark mark under the eye and all other facial blemishes removed. Cerns, bunions, callouses, perspiring Operators CC. had to be postponed un feet cured.
The house was decorated with beautia account of the heavy duwo pour of rain ful flags and buntings of various bues which took place in the early bours of Kashmir Marvellous and eut roses. This town was temporarily the morning, this game will be played in named the Garage town that night is the near future.
never before were there so many AutoPreparations for growing the balr and improving the Thanksgiving Day was observed by mobiles and Jitneys seen coming and our residents in a most enjoyable way quality of the skin. Hair grower and beautifier, whitener and cleanser, vanishing cream, dandi uff remedy, Creain the officers for the excellent way they indulged jounders games, playing of going, social mention must be made of some went fishing and joy riding others balin (excellent for men after shaving liquid face powder, conducted the the Pacific and Atlantic rouge, shampoo, face powder (5 shades. Dr. Walter high cards, dancing, while others visited their grarle matiseptic booth powder.
their seats, and for the inany friends at buth cuds of the big young ladies up to date supper served up; which con ditch.
sisted of Chicken, Fish, Rice, Gravey We stop hair from falling, make it grow and improve Sauce, French fried potatoes, Tomatoes, Tonight (Saturday) the presentation the quality. Take a six weeks treatment and be convinced.
Bread, Cheese, Ice Cream and Cakes of the gold challenge cup will take place Call at the parlor and consult the Beauty Culturist.
The Silver City Band will go down in at our Clubhouse, among the four whist Clubs at the town; Blue Bells is the history as the Idol of Musicians as they holder of the above named trophy; Rood Agents wanted for the NILE QUEEN preparations, certainly rendered an up to date pro luck for you Mr. Springer and pals Write for terms to Box 736, Cristobal, or call at the gramme of music; the list of names are come and enjoy yourselves, pres ntation Parlor.
80 long that space prevente us from takes place at p.
doing it that justice which it deserves.
MADAM ROBERTS, This dance will down In history as Several of our interested members Beauty Culturist.
the very best ever beld at the silver of the West Indian Trading Company Clubhouse. Credit must be given our journeyed over to Panama on Wednes Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, Ill.
hard working Secretary and his aseis day night, where they attended a large tants for the energetic way they aoco meeting held by the above nameel Commodated the large audience, also to pany, among those are the following Advertise in the Neverson, Edwards, Cox, Small, and reparts from our past Secretary Vanterpool and those gentlemen prove that everything several others.
is in goud shape only awaiting others to WORKMAN come and follow.
The Quartermaster carpenters are surely working hard these days, they Mesars Sterling and Phillips from will be placing a six room building for the Windy City received a severe thrashour popular bachelors in the near future, ing from the hands of Merens Neverbut oh you bachelors don think for one son and a Lamotte in an eight hundred moment that will not be there points game of Billiards at the Silver to see that everything works with Clubhouse on Thanksgiving day; Storharmony along with his hard work. ling and Phillips are the hard cracks will always prove wiluable asset to its possessor, particularly to ambie Sunday evening last Bethels. Taber from the Windy City; but they had to tiows youths and young men who are desirous of entering professione in nacle Lodge No. 35, LC. of and throw in the sponge into their riviale, which almowledge of classics and mathematics is indispensable: of held an Installation at the last Thursday.
ROBERT LINDSAY, Lodge Hall for the ensuing term. Prince Well at last on of our bachelors will V, Harvey, of the District be joining the benedict line, we will not. Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz Grand Lodge No. 7, was master of call any name but will look out for this Apartment Upstairs. Box No. 1044, Ancon, ceremonies, Bro. Jos. Howard, Clarke and Bro. Mark as Grand Condue young man and his charming bride in a holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for the near future.
tom, the ceremony was duly performed modernte consideration to suit anyone who may be desirous of obtaining in Ritualistic form; there were also visitalsigher question ing friends who witnessed same with Dr. JOHNSON Subjects sught: Aritke, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical pleasure, Geometry, Moments of Frogo and Latin English including Grammar and The Officers who were Installed for SURGEON DENTIST Composition, Business formas, letters, etc. other subjects taught as demand the ensuing term, are as follows, Bro. Phone 1003 Address may anise studenta prepared for Cambridge Loeal Bkaminations, Callender Worthy Chief; Sister Mark, Hours: 00 to 10. 00 Call or write.
Presiding Daughter; Bro, W, Wilson; Ancon, 852 Clean, Sanitary, Up To Date Equipment draped in الم Nile Queen Toilette immedia THE LORD Regina evening Possessed of her great High School Education


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