
SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29. 1919 Interesting News From the Elegy on Equity.
How the Editor Kept his Chair. LA MASCOTA BY CLENNEL WICKHAM THE HOME OF The REGAL and BOSTONIAN Shoes High and Low Cut in all the Latest Styles and Prices to Meet the Pocket of All But the Editor brow was sad, And the Editor face as glum; And he blanklyftare is wing pad For words refused to come.
The boy will be here for en Before The Muses descend: And if don produce it siy dys in eluver end.
Then out spake a brava mpo The one whose scissors fly: To every man upon this earth The Muses are sometimes shy But what can man da better Than bravely brain it out. Ho boy! Bring that foreign NWT, We ll put the fue to rout.
Produce the scissors Editor And close your eyes, eh what!
Now place your right fore finger On any blessed spot.
That right: Now you have an article, Just copy it on this sheet. Let the giddy youth come as soon as be likes If this doesn cock fight beat. The paper was out next morning At a very early hour It brought out a brilliant article On the scarcity of Flour!
Nobody could understand it.
Indeed nobody tried But the Editor was called an im nortal And lived until he died.
The moral is plain, dear readers.
Who the cap fits may pull the string. don blame them for it entirely, Prions do the very same thing. MULLER Sole Agent PANAMA Calidonia Shw Rooms scheme Victory Lodge No. 2509 Orders Mailed to Customers Address our dear departed brother (Continued from page BURLESQUE Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full Jamaica of trash If should say what would say, yon ll that am rash But let us sit and reason a simple matter out Stony Hill Water It needs some introduction. Here what it is about Supply.
Some fellows went out working they worked to four. from seven Board of St. Andrew are some got but twenty four ans, the others one eleven Doing all they can to What margin of a difference can you the cause recite Improve Matter.
The reason is that some were black while sol tent were while MR. ROOTS LETTER.
Toe on elevens got quarters, and lich and fuel free Substantial Loan Must be while thuse at twe: four cents lived a life of penury: Obtained from Central They paid for everything they tot and some they didn get too Govt. To carry out Do you set your commissaries de Scheme.
livered home to you?
Their work was of the same class, the The Gleaner understands that twenty fours did more the St. Andrew Parochial Board And yet beause they were employed, the one elevens pot sore are doing all they can toim We understood that we would have prove the water supply of Stony a job another year Hill, and it is clear that if the But if these guys remain at work.
the job wontlast they share scheme is to be carried out thes will have to obtain a substantial Should one class of employees De 37 CENTRAL AVENUE loan from the central Govern tarved just to ensu ment.
Employment for another class for full At the meeting of the Board a twelve month more on Friday last, a letter was read Reason dictates that both should live from Mr. Neville Roots. the De But men have lost their reason! What until the work is through uty Director of Public Works, must we Negres do forwarding plans and estimates PAY OF SILVER EMof the original scheme for im. The Supervisor yielded and forty did discharge FLOYEES proving the water it will not be of Pply. but the most of them with families and little avail in families that are large view of certain changes in the Thrown out of their employment House No. 20, Calidonia Road what left for them to do?
By The Rev. D Purdy ex. This is the burning question. The (Four Blocks from Corner on Right Hand)
pressed himself as being dis.
answer up to you. li there ever a subject which needs legislation satisfied with the delay in the They go in search of living, next hour and shall at Balboa Heights cause litMANUFACTURERS TAILORS AGENTS carrying out of the scheme and is in jail the nation urged that early steps should be You need to come for toutes les the pa of Silver Employees, wbich Orders Taken For.
tiken to further the project.
ing two hundred dollars bail Next day they answer present, then is without doubt It is learnt that certain in please not guilty. Father. The worst paid Departmrnt we ve yet MADE TO MEASURE SUITS Huontido maple represtonionis No usines as the reason to be an call and a fluential sech sout also cannot gather.
have also mas representations to the Central Government about Also Raw Material per yard from the inefficiency of the water No vessel filled its quota can hold an You hear Mr. This getting hundreds per other drop supply and pointing out that if you attempt tó forve it, it flows over Sonne donk less work, others nothing of 25 and upwards on the ground of health condi the top tions the matter should be taken The mills of God geind slowly. This ind without delay.
God is above ligion behind him who he feels SUITS Made to Order from 17. 25 and upwards The whole matter will be taken The praver of th oppressed he will answer in his love.
Ulko wiotched Silver Employees no up with Sir Lslie Probyn on to tuourn THE ISTHMIAN BARD.
One Third Deposit On All Orders his return to the island.
Big mot with engines to ride at his esse All the Government as travelDidn Know War Was The Sewerage SysOver Wer and what for Oh EDWARD. Tailor and Cutiar tem Here.
about Thust stand his expense il sent wwwwwwwww Auckland NZ. Oct, lvia Ot.
Proposed Extension in City tawa. The British dreadnought And to certain portions Iron Duke, with Admiral Sir Alsan on wages this body of men John Jellicoe aboard has picked riik to work as in and again of lower St. Andrew 1:P wo white men and a native Eighth are ner flinch hortly on Christmas Island, who met white bass behind him, work, work or REPLY TO GOVERNMENT a landing party from the battl. ship with revolvers, believing the 122 Central Ave. Panama Sailor to be Germans.
At the very Heights where the Of Committee of the General They did not know that the cial fail to see Commissioners Engaged in war was over, having been cut That Employees work too hard for The Hom of High class Goods, Courteous Treatment 80 mall a fee off from the outside world for Considering the Matter.
and Prompt Attention These Imployees are found doing their eighteen months.
wink and their all Cemmittee of the Kingston In the most dignified manner as ever Give us an early call, and inspect our Stock of General Commissioners is now you saw.
a reply to PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDIYet the Officials indifferently close their CINES, TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. ETC.
the proposed extension of the Sewerage system in Kingston, Against reason and conscience vindictaud to certain parts of lower St. THE WELL KNOWN TAILOR We solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction.
ively rise Andrew Colouredman. Oh Lord they pray, what can be gathered 28 November Street, San Miguel must starve at our hands Phone 939 the Government will be O, Box 829, Ancon.
informed that the Commissioners House 20 What other conclusion can reason de mand, BROWNE McALMON are quite willing to carry out PROPRIETORS.
the proposed extension provided Never Silver, by God grace we ll the necessary loan is obtained. each; corn, 40 per quart; eggs, rise It is estimated that to carry out for 61.
Be honest, be watchful, fight, fight for the project, it will involve the your life raising of a loan 100, 000 The United Fruit Co. sent Salvation is coming for you, me and mine and it is believed that there will away bananas both by rail and Great Scott, how are we living in these hard times.
to money, provided the Government tent of about 12, 000 bunches.
make the rate of interest suffi. The Atlantic Fruit Co, about Officials appeal to you for God sake ci ntly attractive.
2, 000 and the Phoenix Co. about Help the Silver Employees, their lives large and Fresh Shipment of It is not improbable that a dep. 600 bunches.
are at stake utation willi wait on His ExCLARKE The New Co. did not purchase Like men ye live, like me ye will die BLOOD MIXTURE cellency the Governor to discuss owing to the quantity of imma So help Silver Employees, if ye don t, the whole matter with him, ture fruits cut by the people. they must die.
Preservative Moving for More Shipping AND OTHER PATENT MEDICINES.
Commuuications Gleaner has good reason to belive that one of the matters which a certain influential sec.
tion of the community will short JEWELRY STORE FOUNDED IN 1881 ly take up with Sir Leslie Pro of closer steamship campication be The Oldest Drug Store in Panama City and the most Modern One.
is Stocked with everything In tween Jamaica and the mother WATCHES MANUEL ESPINOSA CLOCKS Central Avenue, 33 country, embracing the other (Ladles Gents)
Large and Small Opposite La Mercedes Church Panama.
West Indian colonies. The proJEWELRY in a subsidy to one of the English posal is that Jamaica should join tremendous assortment companies to provide such a line We have also just received a beautiful variety fo English of steamers. The parties who are probably form a deputation to wait on the Governor at an early Every article makes an ideal gift as a WEDDING, CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT Anriott) Bay, Wednesday 12th Call oarly and soloct your 7100 The market was fairly atter dJOHN WILLIAMSON cd lastaturdy but provisions Watermaker Jeweler.
were scarce. Yams sold at 18s per cwt. Cocoet 148. cwt. plan106 Bolivar Stree, Clon Next Store froin 7th Street.
tains (green) for 6d. ripe, id The Chemical Hall lis vund, The following resolution was passed by the above Lodge at its last session:Mrs. MORRION, Parais, Respected Lady: have been instructed by the officers and members of tha above famed lodge to send you the following letter of condolence.
Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of His great mer cy take unto (your husband, we the officers and members of Victory Lodge No, 2509 here tender to you this letter of condolence in your great breavement is with regret when we state that the departure of your husand our brother has struck us severely, but man was born to die so as to fultil the Scripture, The brother in his lifetime of the days granted him, he practised virtue he exer.
use cised charity to to its sfullest extent. be adopted humility; he also cul tivated synpathy. under those rules of calling we are as.
suredly convinced that the good works of the departed brother earth, but have also proved good in the presence of the Almighty.
We honestly hope the R, SL will extend to you their heartfelt sympathy, and to watch your interest meanwhile you go The Lodge has taken the responsibility of draping the Char.
ter of Victory Lodge No. 2509 for three months in respect and memory of our departed bro.
ther Yours Respectfully, FIELDS, Secty Treas.
made good of and were not only appreciated on the Government with regard tº FITZ BOWEN From of fuily JUST RECEIVED Royal Infant hoe THE JOHN WILLIAMSON Central Drug Store Notice to Masons Local.
PANAMA CITY The members of the above Local who have not yet paid their entrance fee, of 50 Cy. in full are urgently requested to have said a nount paid before January 1st 1920. as per concession) or they will be subject to admittance as new members with the regulation fe. of 75 Cy.
JAMES CLARKE Secretary JAMES GILL President.
byn, is the ATTENTION!
interested in the matter waa Sterling Silver Electroplated Goods date.
ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN When You Lepve From Panama or along the Line and arrive in Colon, you will sure to be hungry.
Call at 144, St. at the where you will be served with your Real Home Cooking, PRICES MODERATE. RUSSELL, Prop.


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