
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919 PAGE SEVEN Real Democracy KING BEE Cigarettes shows issued 18 knots per Just as Real Democracy knows no class distinction, so with KING BEE.
They are as popular with the man who earns 25. 00 per day as with the man who earns 25. 00 per month.
SHOW YOUR DEMOCRACY AND SMOKE KING BEE Soxoxo been prach and it means that Germ. ready: sighted.
English and buying and TAILORING ESTABLISTMENT nearly that he was The lovers goods wit us but medals Contest; 2nd Lee Clong Co.
the work us. Trade Resumes SXSXSCOXOOX33 Captain Says He with Germany Broke Orders.
France and England Buying on Master of Lusitania AdLarge Scale in Former Ensmits That He Disobeyed my Markets Admiralty InstrucNEW POLICY ADOPTED AND tions.
Co nmerce with Russla also IN THREE DIRECTIONS.
May be Greatly Increased London. November Par In a Short Tima liamentary paper issued on the 4th, containing secret evidence PROBLEM OF RAILWAYS given during the inquiry into the that Capt. Turner who was in comsinking of the Lusitania. London, Oct. 27. Within the mand of the vessel admitted that last few weeks a feeling has come over Europe that an understand.
he disobeyed ins instructions ing must be reached at once on by in steaming a post war policy Opl. the Admiralty, in at the y regarding trade with Germany and Russia. Ini hour. He testified that had he fact, there is almost daily evid gone faster the vessel would have ence that this understanding has reached the Liverpool Bar before practically it could have crossed owing to tidal conditions He also testified el in the old commerciales that he had not steered a zig zag ly again in as full membership us course, because he thought the possible with her limited supplies order only applied when a sub and external credit handicaps.
EXOXOsxsxSD 0:00 HS SCOXOXOXOXoxos marine had been actually There is no getting away from The Captain contended that albe the actual facts, no matter how inuch the and French the Admiralty to avoid the vicinty public would like to of all avoid ISTHMIAN ELOCUTION The Colon Colored Comedy Co. headlands, he was justified anything German, and the facts CONTEST BY OLYMPIC in coming within 10 miles of the are that Germany has optical PHILIPS Old Head of Kinsale, near which goods, machines, toys, china ATHLETIC CLUB This company of Minstrel fame point the Lusitania was ware have started preparations for doed, in order to fix his position pianos that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Such goods All intending entrants for the their last show of the year to be Had he remained longer out of sight of land, he added, the wea are tinding their way out of Ger coming Isthmian Elocution Con given at the Silver Cldbhouse, Guarantees Satisfaction in the ther might have become fogky, many in large quantities, al test are requested to make appii Cristobal, on Thursday evening though not with the old Made cation to comphony before real negro minstrel are given an.
cutting and manipulation of when he would have been worst in Germany label. or off. He claimed that the course America, England, France and December 12th, in order that her opportunity to witness the VESTS, TROUSERS, BREECHES AND LOUNGE steered was far enough from Italy during the war. labelled programmes may be arranged greatest Finale ever played land, if not exactly in mid chan nel He everything with the name accordingly. Positions will be this company when the manngi.
nel wenton to say of the cour country in which it was given in order of receipt of ment presents The Noted Colormade with the result that near application. Priority will be given Woods in Tho Slugging Slus.
Morning Coats, Frock Coats and Dress Coats trying his best to follow the Aded Charlie Chaplin and Teddy miralty instructions, but his. SPECIALTY ly every article now purchased to no individual or individuals chief aim was to find land, and Shows its nationality This Contest will be held under sers.
of pugilistic LADIES SKIRTS COATS had he run into a fog without do Gerinan manufacturers, noting the auspices of art are also given a dandy chance of the Olympic intare ing this, the chances were he this, have adopted a new policy, Athletie Club of Colon. to be to see some real good foot works might have run ashore.
and one which arouses no animo held at the Cristobal Silver Club in this bout. Those wb, attend.
thout simply leave their House, on December 18th at 30 e their last show are aware of Box 968, Ancon, 18th Street, Central.
marks. France is. in. One contest will be held the corking Finale they staged, Coming Concert carrying on a heavy trade with and four the Slugin Sluggers Germany, and in some cases 1st prize gold medal. winner called by Prof. Beane a hard toA grand Dramatic Concert will even buying important commodi 2nd be beaten Finale.
tis from her which she former. Ini mian Elecu be given at the West Indian Red gold medal 2nd place The two great Colored Come SERTTITORI SCHEEEEEEEEEE Cross Hall, on Saturday night y bought in England. This is inian Elvcution Contest. 3rd pas dans will also be seen in an In the 29th inst. by Mrs. Lewis.
due to the exchange rate, francs silver medal 3rd place is mian terlude entitled The oid Hat, then being at a discount in London Elocution Contest; 4th prize, imagine the of Professor Paynter will be there Color.
and at a big premium in Germa bronze medal 4th place Isthminned Charlie Chaplin in the roaring to pull off some of his latest hits.
ny. French manufacturers are Elocution Contest.
farce Gettin the bag to hold Manufacturers Agents, General Importers, As also our favourite Mimic able to save from 50 to 75 per Chimie to Chemie for us.
Entrance fees per entrant will or The Mail, when he Exporters and Commission Merchants.
cant on consignments of goods be 00 S. Cy, which muat bo hidden away in a hag by the dar crowded house is anticipated Don fail to be among the crowd; in wh. ch Germany specializes. paid in before the 12th Decem ling of a French lover, hears the No Opportunity for Dumping ber, to the Secretary of the Club. bag begins a bobbing up and 11 sound of refreshments will be served free USIC and Sole Agents and Distributors for the following: of charge. Admission 50c. gold, This contest will be open to down to the surprise Doors opened at p. share It is only recently that Enx the entire Isthmus of Panama present. In short, the manage. ANGLO AMERICAN PROVISION Co.
im. including Canal It ports from Germany whatever, must be also understood that no show one of overlasting remern.
ment is prepared to make this Provisions and Canned Goods. DR. CLARENCE EDWARDS bany has not the large quanti ization has any ontinet chouwing trons in the past and has in awre Tamoon Co. Soaps, Cleanser and Lye.
but it is now realized that Ger company or club or other organ. brance, he has pleased his pa. South Western Milling Co. Inc. Aguilar Flour. Returns To His Old Stand ties of goods stored that she any especial individual The General Public and friends was reported to have for the e come of flooding foreign said end. It is the sent more fun than ever for the duals from any ing show. Admissil Cugate Co. Octagon soaps of Dr. Edwards are asked to take notice that he has removed markets after the war.
the of said Organisations to send served seals. If you are har. Beniaming Co. Healing Oil, Balsam etc. from No. 114 Bolivar Street, to policy toward Germany has out whatever mein bere they deni ing troubies take a reserved sene and bakowiny actrice: more detinite shape.
His Old Stand, No. 182, Bolivar The Home II. Co.
re to represent them to such, Hair Pins Street, Opposite the Masonic no oppportunity for however.
dump Temple, and is prepared to treat either in France or The matter of julges will be Columbus Inc. Shoe Polish Paste all diseases, especially those of but the goods she can arranged in such a manner as to e Son Take Noire Ingersoll Watches, etc. women and children, as he has without meet the approva specialized in these subjects with the as as very impartial and experien, ROYALNO! ROLINS SOAPS, ORO Etc. during his recent stay in New kome trade are already being ced igentlemen will be chosch The Wiper le York.
me ported. There is constant dis and decide accor.
aussion quested to call in Dr SOG law makers, ding to the juni SerTV 50 For o! euie Cuotations Write or Phone us.
however, assuring the commer: In a subsequent article details cacat, 1ta Crnira Lessons Given cial world that if Germany of the contest will be in Avenue, in connection with cer!
begins trade war by dumping, to how it will be tain inattenrenrod to the HEAD OFICE BRANCH OFFICE on the Clarinet, the leading steps will be taken to stopit. Remember priority will be smitiee by the British Lexatan: Band Instrument. Band or As regards Russia, British ven to kusanne Siecle of lananna 134 140 Solivar Street 62 Central Ave.
manufacturers are Orchestra furnished for all convinced receipt to cations in order or the Secretarv (C. Ida Walker of Green Castle Colon, R, Panama, want with country raw material Omphroy) which will be number kinds of engagements. 99 Box 585, Anoon, and their own manufacturing ed as soon as they coine to hand El. ovle of Jamaca, dit isao personal request from Phone 895. NEILSON resources the two countries could work together to or Joseph Osbourne of British ladies Clarinetist Republican Band mutual advantage. An ecoat the Secretary that all gentlemen of the various Isth Ancon Phone 1053 mic inission to Russia has been mian communities who indulge 17 St. West, House 37, Panama suggested. Getting the rail. In elocution to avail theinselves, The Voice of Wis Taitez Brotherheoä Directory ways of Russia in shape again of this opportunity of becoming the present WILKINSON problem and dom.
one of the contenders in this it is not unlikely that when a a premier Isthmian social affair Panama Canal Lodge No. 2119, Groves Lily of the Isthmus Lodge No. 2508, HA LA BOCA, Carir Print Bridge, President; Wil CONTRACTOR BUILDER semblance of calm is restored British will take The Allies taking their cue from De Gen Halin, Serry Tressurer, an active LEGAL NOTICE: wie for the detom of innan Witt won world great titles retary Treasurer.
hand in repairing and rebuilding Isthmus of Moana Lodge No. 2151, W PL have won a greater Penen. CPS President Dont Fields, Secretary Plans and Specifications Free Victory Lodge No. 2309, Pars iso. First Class Workmanship the roads. This would solve toud problem in Russia, In the District Court for lions all over the world where the Shields Secretary Treasurer. a sus President.
the Canal Zone, Cristobal en:ed. WHY NOT YOUR of transpor: Division tation, and clear the way for Awes Star Lodge No. 2500, Cam Do you suffer from deprooved medlinPront; Jos es Corredemi; Callender, SecretaryLodge No, 2510, Gatun. 15th Street West House 90 buildies up a great commercial rnd feelings, hegetta Prince future which leading Englishpains in the back, sides or joints some. Secretary Treasurer.
times with swelling achíugs, limbs, Box 411, Panama, men predict is in store for William Prince pains in the Groins, tor fue cuant Person IOC Russia 2511, Garaba.
Civil No. 307.
burning sensation, or irritation of To Williain Prince, the aboveIf you obsevany of the disea6 Important Notice mmed defendant: forts start fray whake the only Success Ldg No. 2502, Gatun.
Liberty lodge No. 2512, Red Taak.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE real eure De Pitt Pulls, aut er will Reside President; Bracey, Secre Austin, President; Bannister, renarded with REAUTA tary Treasurer ROWLINS That on date of November 17, STRENGTH AND LONGLIPA Hund 1919 the above named plaintiffsreds on who Isthmus have festatica Victor Collins Lodge No. 2503, PangBegs th notify his old custom filed in this Court a suit against the value of the medicine. Havema City. Collins, President; Heory Sote President; Gileadley, EYES EXAMINED Empire Star Lodge No. 3513, Empire.
ers that he has returned from the you for the Annulment of Mars now.
no doubt, and begin your mobbeorSecretary Trawer.
United States of America, and De Dome is enough for sure, but riage.
Aurora Lodge No. 2504, Panama StectTreasurer.
GLASSES PRESCRIBED has taken up his position again deep rooted longer ca.
Now, Therefore, unless you copanding on the several Panema City Uniq Lodge No. 2514, Panama Perfect fair and near vision in as Agent for the appear at a Session of said Courteuse.
it. Day, Seoretary Treasurer.
Gee. Toppin, President; Jos. Skeete, one pair of glasses.
Washington Talioring Co. to be held at Cristobalec. Zant drugstores Beware of Sold in sives at all first class imisstions Atlantic Pacifie Lodge No. 2505, Pan Secretary Treasurer.
If you do not need glasses we Jan.
OF CHICAGO, ILL. o clock, Thursday, some dealers are handing cloty Humphrey, President uary 25, 1920, and answer the DeWitt Co. Lid. London G. Manley, Secretary Treasurer, Howari. Severs Lodge No. 2515, Colon. will tell you so frankly.
Samples and styles on hand complaint in said suit, judgment Bottle with blue seal. City Pharmacy Jones, Secretary Treasurer. We offer best Optical Service.
proper. It and workmanship will be taken against you by printed on wrappers.
Evergreen Lodge No, 2508, Preams THE CITY PHARMAY, guaranteed, of money refunded. default, and the relief prayed for City Hendley, President; II Ancon Lodge No. 2516, Panama. Alf. Office. 182 Bolivar Street, Nelson President;Wm. Irving, SecreCOLON Price and Quality Can be Beaten in same will be grantedi.
199 Doul. Avenue, Panthalier, Secretary Treasurer.
tary Treasurer. RONT OF MASONIC EVER)
SGD. CHEATHAM, Agents for kepsnic or ranerne logicabavu uig, Gull Postal address: Box1788, angl Sunal Zone, Scott, President; Caterson, SecColon Advanee (New Lodge) Colon Asst. Clerk of Court.
Ancon, 1 Dr. BUCHANAN, in charge. petary. Tissurer Gunter, Secretary Treasurer, wce end to purpose preprogativa So baken more will have who will judgerig od the partie among and Guiana.
18 good capital will the which sibel نه با Een. Forsyth, President. small, seeren Hann, President: il Killine Panama Antical Co. ԵՒ be Secret Traurer Buckler Preskicat; wiu


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