p. 8


: see e sound low. night rest when you SO80030s ossosX5S SSK The Broken Coin The Broken Coin plasio It is re.
Tank Elmo the Mighty Elmo the Mighty را liquor will Cienai all fell next Canal Oval to in his of 12 27 50 100 50 PAGE GIT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1919.
Brotherhood News) WARNING PACIFIC THEATRE UNION HALL The new anti booze law Red Tank defeats York.
PANAMA (Continued from Page has gone into effect on the COLON shte Ows to the heavy a days, so don fail to seize this Canal Zone and all readers rains which fell last Sunday, no TO NIGHT, SATURDAY, NOV. 29th SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29th opportunity. Follow the crowd to of the Workman are oricket was played in the city: the Red Cross Hall at Calidonia again advised to heed the and cricker fans were quite at a loss to know what to do with Continuation of the stupendous and Continuation ot the stupendous and Bridge on Saturday, December warning which appears bethemselves Not so in the coun.
Exciting Serial Picture 13 and you are sure of a Exciting Serial Picture leave.
em frore of the biggest sur 25 cents 66 prises in the cricket history on NOTICE.
Numbers of the above nained in Isthmus was being developed Lodge are reminded of the general weanwhile The Yorkshire CG travelled over to Red Tank to meeting whieb is to take place Alcoholić Liquors Prohibiton Tuesday night December ed in the Canal Zone.
and continuing each show night the coming and continuing each show night the coming a game in the Gitten Com petition. Of course heretofore 2nd. at the Red Cross Hall, it week until finished weck until finished Calidonia Bridge Kas thought that any team that On October 23, 1919, the Con.
spectfully regested that every gress of the Uuited States pasvet contained tive men could beat COMING SOON Red Tank Yorkshire took over COMING SOON one make an effort to be present an aer known as the National seven men, and put up a score of THE UNIVERSAL SPECIAL SERIAL THE UNIVERSAL SPECIAL SERIAL matters to be attended to, among til runs out of which Challenor made 20, Cullender 11, and Bar them bring the final arrange of this act bean effctivements for the coming Concert, mediately upon its tass Die See rows 11. Red now had their MIRIAM LEWIS, tion 20 Title 11 of the un at the wickets and knoc solutely prohibits the im emoti up so for for wickets. Weather Secretary Treesurer.
or introduction of inte head making 30 for them. It was Oscissoxoxos. cssoooo sexsexoxoso:20 liquor into the Canal at a big surprise in the city when it also Lily of the Isthmus Local commiks it unlawful to manuwaarnt that Red Tank had de freturn, well, aray, dispose feated Yorkshire. half of the Chapter. ainrquest No. 2508 of transport. or Ossion or under one control Won ed to convey the best thinks of Surrey vs. Wanderers At British Red Cross the Officers and Brethren for the and within the Canal Zone any intoxi.
Standard kind Fraternal nier in which cating liquors, except for sacra STAR AND GARTER HOSPITAL the good Brehm of your Order mesting of the abore Lacai mental scientitie, pharmawancal Vgames in the Gitten Com.
was held in the Fisherman Alcosure quals which inlustriilor medicinal prpres.
petition are down for tomorrow, Soldier Ibrethren on their home. Tabernacle 4th Street and HudWeb ENDOWMENT FUND nevertheless, lovers of the good si sites for the purposes son Line on the 2nd inst. com old wane will have their till to Saules morrow for the landemers PANAMA ROOM Those who were fortunate en. moncing at 30 pm. excepting the exceptions to the law can be obtained only under ru Last season Cup Winners of the Conductor who was unavoid on httrated versably absent, all titicers were tons to promulgated by the Total annount subscribed and transmitted highly of the cordial relations Colon will meet the Surrey President. The law dines in.
last seaso cup winners of Pa to London as per last statement 1, 555 15. existing with those they canne in in attendance tux cats or its any or Subsequent Colllections After the roll call of officant containing at me as one half ne hals of the Brethren in and other ininor matter had of one per cent of alcohol by For nearly a year lovers of May Cable Office redin, with pracoval Greeting been gone through the initiation volume, Cricket were trying to match 12 West Indian Employee Panama of candidates was proceded NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN.
these two trams up, and araange.
Ian, 190 with with as much so. emnity as Bients were almost concluded at Yours Fraternally.
West Indian Employees R 21. 50 could be desired and according that this law is now in fiect in one time, and then they June Cable Office. HEID, PDP to the new rituals, the whole the Canal Zone, and that th.
through. Now, however, it seems ole 21 West Indian Employees. PRR. 19. 30 house was introduced in the se: session of any alcoholic liquor possible that these two strong 23 West Indian Employees, Panama Royal Arch Secretary, cretinysteries of the Brother within the Canal Zone is absoluteclube will clash on Sunday 30 dol.
ly prohibited. This law will be at the Standard Oval, and there July Cable Office 00 can be little doubt of the fact The install ation of the ofticers strictly enfor Subscription Fund or West 28 and any person that all roads will be lading to We Indian Employees. Panama Canal 67 on. Stouta.
was one of the items on the who is enforceded with or the Standard morrow, akenda; and when it was an in Ang. Cable Office.
warto or herpession, or under.
50 Boul Path teams contain giants and West Indian Employees. PRR. 12 00 nounced that the ceremony could his or her control within the Canal ach one is claiming to be the not be proceeded with no little limits of the ne will be 20 West Indian Employees, Panama NAN champion of the Isthms. To Canal AMOUNT amount of dissatisfaction and prosecuted to the full extent 270 the law. The law provides a tine disappointinent prevailed We the morrow Nov. 30 this claim will Esmlotte Worker 26 Rental of ofticial tilms at Bocas. 29. 45 0) however, trust that everything of not not more than 050 or e decided on the Standard Oval Nov Mr. Humber Red Cross Box 75 Workaan Printery 00 the most popular and central A Campbell will be in order for the next imprisonment not exceeding six 00 meeting months a first offense. FX pleasure ground in Panama ENR Frijoles subsequent off nse a tine of 000 00 The meeting was otherwise an OLA Light of Colon Dedicates enthusiastic one and will long be and imprisonment for five years Cheque transmitted for 12. to London at Cooke remembered.
be in posed. The minimum 92 to the pound 28. 19. punishment that can be Shields Bible and Banner.
Stick to your Local brothers for a second or snemment of sed 00 and work unselfishy and white, fense is 200 fine The Light of Colun Ludge No.
Total subscribed forward to London. 11, 614. 10. heartedly for its progress and ment for one mont imprison.
11. British Independent Order of FORT LIMON ROOM the betterment of one and all.
provi Good Samaritan, and Daughter sions of this law will The next meeting comes off at wide given of Samaria, unfolded and dediTotal subscribed and forwarded to Lon the same place on the tirst Satur. Canal Zone and the Rapable of publicity throughout sted their new Banner and don as per list statemit 13 day night proximo; Members who Panama, and ignorence of its Bible, on Sunday the 16th inst.
COSTA RICA ROOM Two? Competent have not yet paid up their quar provisions will be of the avail to terly dues will bear in mind that The hall was beautifully decor Total sud to London by keeping back, they lose all any offender who is app ated, and at about fifteen mir. por last state.
6:00 Trouser Workmen their rights, accruing from the JOHN HANAN utes to there horals Brotherhood District Judge standing space.
The worthy GRAND TOTALT DATE AND Apply to Offici will also please bear it C. HINDMAN chief Bro Desporte, called FORWARDEN 11. 13.
mind the next meeting on the 4th District Attorney the meeting to order, after which S, BELMAN prox. at the System Division the hymn Onward Christian Office Perfection Lodge Was song followed by HUTCHEON 132 Battle Alley Treasure. GERALD GIBSON, the Chaplain Ovation.
At regular meeting of this COLON Journal Agent Lodge held on the 18: inst at At this stage, Bro. Mat British Consulate, the Red Cross Hall, Calidonia, tis. CSK, as introduced Culon, November 6, 1:17.
many, or almost the entire bem.
as chairman for the evening, and bership was he gave a suitable, and most There were also many attendance he visitors masterly address The choir from the various locals, played a great part in iendering whom were brother Carter and the Antheru. Oh Blest Word of WEDDING BELLS. Mr. King arrived on the Isth God to Man.
mus in March 1910 and was im brother Collins, each of whom in turn addressed the meeting The banner was here unfolded On Saturday even! ng 22nd mediately employed at the Ame.
by Sis. Tomlinson, PD. inst. St. Peters Church La Boca 1912 he started to work with the rican Bazaar in anema. In May on matters of Wis appreciated by all. After autors of importance, which LK, and Bro. Ferris, was the scene of a pretty Wed. Commission as salesman in the initiating several new members when the choir gung ding The contracting parties Boot and Sho, Department of the meeting was brought to a Sound the Battle Cry. The were Mr. Gladstone Archer and the Culebra Comuissary close Our next meeting will be Rev. Hobson, gave a brillian: Miss Lavinia Johnson both of December 1913. after obtaining In FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE held atgan early date.
and stirring address and after Barbados. The Bridgeroom ar six weeks NEWTON wards dedicated the Bible, to rived at the Church at Pam his home and was back again a visit he ELLERDALE Journal Agent after which Oh, Praise God in Mr Howard Parris. At p. the the service as shoe salesman, in the Sacred Use of the Lodge accompanied by pris bestman in January 1914 and continued in WILL LEAVE CRISTOBAL ON OR ABOUT 7th DECEMBER, FOR His Holliness, was sung, Thanksgiving Frayer.
Bride arrived accompanied by charge until September 18. the Esteemed congratulations emana. Mr. Itill her brother Havre and London Colon Nov. 27 19 Dear Uncle We thank thee ted from the lips of the Repre who gave her in marriage, the eve of bis departure.
tatives from the various Lodges, Bride wore chemuse silk trimmed vioan February 14, 1916. he married Miss on this day Thanksgiving) for Leonora Lucy who further expressed with pear? beads and satin ribhite Clavery of Panama. EBRO the privilege of working for thee ful feelings, at the rapid at starvation wages.
made by the Lodge. Great credit jasmine and her chile bridesmaid During his stay on the IsthWill leave CRISTOBAL, TUESDAY, 2nd DECEMBER, 1919, for We thank thee for the liberal is due to Sis. Watson, was Miss Milicent Wade who mus, he made himself very popuNEW YORK increases of the necessaries of lite in thy commissaries.
Cinch Miss Agnes tion of. many We also beg to return thanks Lauman must be highly congrat tinguished feature was the Mili friends and was alsoo love by for your kind consideration in tact ulated, for the amiable way in tary Medals worn by the Bride every one he came CHILE with trying to keep us dis organized. she kept the audience spell groom and Boyce wrich Friendly socielles We thank thee most heartily he bound will leave CRISTOBAL at nm. and BALBOA, at Noon, WEDNESDAY, for thy privilege of allowing us Beautiful Snow.
with her recie The won in the world war. The Matwok very active patin 3rd EDCEMBER, 1919, for very great to steal, and to ill treat and trading and Miss Cameron, won Rev. Mr.
are after wbich the Guayaquil, Paits, Eten, Pacasma yo, Salaverry, Callao, Mollendo, Arica, abuse us, as we are under fed a bigla praise for the duet which parties wended their way to extent. He was also a member Iquique, Antofagasta, Chaparal, Coquimbo and Valparaiso, and underpaid.
was classically rendered.
the West Indiau Committee.
Calidonia No. building where His wife and youngest son who are very thankful tiat other speakers were, Bro. tgasts were ably delivered to this were left here, will join him over whil you and yours are en»
M: Wilson, Smith Bride and Bridegroom. Parris there at no distant date.
ing Turkey and Cranberry sa ice MANAVI and Dr. Radway, acted as toastmaster.
this day, we and ours a trying Through the medium of this after which, Hymn For the to get some cod ti: hard rice.
paper be bids goodbye to all his will leave CRISTOBAL, A. and BALBOA at Noon WEDNESDAY, We thank thee that we are Sweet Hour was sung by the friends whom he had not the PERSONAL DECEMBER, 1919, for choir. Refreshments was then furnished with employers built pleasure of seeing are his de served, and the chairman adTumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta and Guayaquil.
on the principle of the cork.
We are pleased to announce parture.
dressed his audience in most that Mr. C, King, employee screw, whose chief delight is to laudable and lofty expressions the Commissary Division, United Anckant Order of exploit our labour and keep us down.
thanking them for their good Supply Department at Ancon For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies at conduct, and kind attention paid who left here on Sept. 19.
Surely this is Thanksgiving day Drulds.
during the Ceremony The panied with his elder son, on 60 CRISTOBAL 1919, but may the coming one pleasant and successtul function days vacation, has since his arri.
tind the tables turned.
Royal Arch Chapter of Otago ci me to its close with the sit ging val in his native home, St. Lucia, Dunedin New Zealand, er to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Certainly, have we not cause as of We Doxology.
obtained a position a as semi slaves to give thanks. This book keepSept. 12th 1919.
er on one (1 tle large sugar is the prayer of unthankfulness PANAMA which we hope will be heard in ADVERTISE IN tories over therefand has not the Mr. Thomas Headley intention of returning back to Ancon Canal Zone.
o Messrs. ISAAD BRANDON a me, tee. Sul Apools: THE ROYAL NAIL STEAN PACKET Co. Pasama the heavens of Washington one Panets day. The Workman tendered his resignation the Isthmus, and has therefore Amen Dear Sir and Brother. OR bow SILVER ROLL Wanted at. Once the WAS among Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
leave, paid theories: She carr topelte rendering of solo Stand wore a white satin dress draped leider and thereby gained the affee there Mulcare We are

    World War

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