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THE FIRST BLACK STAR LINE STEAMER COMING CO OPERATION GRAND CHRISTLONGSHOREMEN STRIKE VS. FEAR MAS BAZAAR. THE FREDERICK DOUGLAS AT MONTEGO BAY SAILS FROM NEW YORK The Committee of Sant On 24th Nov. With Passengers and Freight Why not Start Busins; Enterpaises Numerous Attractions are being Planned for all.
Rama for 11 fear he The boo will eat you Refusə to Load Steamship Warbans Church Paint perold child you be angry ranged to hold a rand Christmas Rama with Bananas bees birker persone Bazar attie Standard Oval, on nied you a bit ofrecek. he was Today December gormandizing of cat sich Tickets are on sale throughout Cik was no not good for little Panama and are going uply.
The Negro Race on the of Agriculture in Otario.
Montego Bay. Nov. 20. made to offer.
strike in condition with th The palce wie soon on the everlasting blastthe Sundard Oval Exposition deed the world over, must un Gleaner says: usple. It was likely to cause deres artorned towards Isthinus of Panama, and in Commenting on the above the fruit trade occurred be this scine and thirukors were kep devil would su to it that you die Gronds and the sweetest band doubtedly experience a feeling morning when the SS.
wharf premises. There It might be mentioned that arrived at fociock to take of bananas for the Jamaica Pruitionebut the scene in mneliit omnistinti music has been engaged for the of pride and satisfaction at the Frederick Douglas is the lower market stret wis rather awful crinolin cake which occasion and Shipping Co. Taking into a threatening. There were no strikes wis god for big pop onts, Ar Numerous attractions are iveing the glad news that the first tirst of a number of swamers count the time of the arrival ot on the other wharves. The wharfter you do naural death, planned to wit: ship of the Black Star Line which the Black Star Line will Chorvessel, she might have been being clear of obstructionists hot place wie vor Witur Girls Flower Girls, and a for 24th Nov. bound for Cuba and is equipped to take both first the devil wine taver Fishing Well, Pist Office Fury sailed from New York on the run between w York, Cuba, JaSo clock, but owing to the chon the usual wara ni ware on would be mieuwere side entertainments. All for 2) is expected to reach the Isth and thiri class passengers and expected to leave this portbfor about 20 men went to work. She of the Sledore Lang. th first ship by 15 o clock. This short als bottelsel cents Children 10 cents mus shortly as the following red the rates will be very rea.
lighterof bananas never got along as cargo and from what can be gathlabourers delayed the ship wvald be after you with If you have not yet obtained cable despatch taken from side her until about 11 am from wird le scotain port until it but 1) Pn. It is you into your ticket, please call at the City the Jamaica Gleaner of the considerably and she never left hot mokry that it would pitchfork sonable. Would fry ligalith You remen the Medic HallCaledonia 28th Nov. will show:Pharmacy, Central at la As will be seen from an adver ed, it would an artist the Nathought that by building up the balso be about his Bridge tisement appearing Iso here, minimum rate NEW YORK, Nov. 27. The Mr. WE Wilson, the well known of shilling and ice for a shipment there would have been it was stod out like briste This Bazaar will be the great steamship Frederick Dougias contractor of this city, is the when handia informed voa in vessel il veneral strike and the company bourer Towing Fuld have been complet vany her best stem that the est attraction for the Christmas of the Black Star Line, and com. General agent of the Black Star with bananas, this att be paid whether the boat were load de to their request. The inter. Danishnat woult be prerlisting Sexson.
Leave the purchasing of your barn, sailed on Monday last for been such manded by Captain Joshua Cock. Line in Jamaica. Mr. Wilson has tim od in one hour or four hours vention of the police sived the best in die second no matter how much hut Christmas Cards and Christmas Cuba with general cargo. On other undertakings that it is felt it success in his situation, this enabling the con employed bouding the care nu inboflating of the fire anil bisonesenas till you go to the Bizar board the vessel is Miss Henrietta that in his hands the success of Should more than four hours.
would be paid a fixe sum or burers without molestation. My be Grandma meant no need there.
dent of the and Mr.
each additional tour. This mom. From the results obtained it harm, but the fact remains that Come and get a Christmas Cyril Henry. Agricultural expert ing about 30 longshoremen would be safe to say that the she has done great mise et Show all, and your box ot sweet and assistant treasurer of the After the arrival of Miss Davis of concern a monster meeting will be held fer and went on strike what strike was not organizal. The has caused you to be a chronic droks and other things in Kingston in connection with dues appear strange is that they men who worked on the ship are PEAR and TREMBLING Indi Mr. Henry is a native of Jamai. the Negro Improvement AssociaTHE COMMITTEE St. Alban Church (a and a graduate of the School tion.
failed to fix the price they were safely ashore and there has been is this bugbear of fear that is demanding and the company no further dispute.
kpt you in slavery of all kinds You would join the labor union Obituary but you fear you may lose your OUR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES BROTHERHOOD NEWS job. You would refuse to take Mr. Clifford Crosby, native of be into the Canal Zone for Trinidad shipping clerk of your boss, but you he may Messrs Andrews Co. Colon, Interesting Meetings Held Lately discharge you. You continue to be died on Friday morning. Der Happenings of the Various Locals fearful of everything except do 5th after an attack of paralysis Excelsior Lodge No. 2519 ce are very important mattersonsand if you happen to which lasted for a week. HiCOURT LAND the Lodge had made since its or.
ing fortunate enough to elude the re remains were taken to ganization Brother Jones Electrical Workers discussed.
policeman, along comes a new Ancon Crematory to be cremated Celebrates Twenty fourth also gave a brief adures. The boss who doesn like the way and his ashes will be taken by anthems and solos by the cho THEOPHILUS BARNARD. your hair is cut, and out you his wife to his native land to be Anniversary.
were all beautifully 30.
Journal Agent rendered interred.
while Miss Lynch ably assistOn Tuespay Night the 9th, inst You deserve sympathy The Mrs Crosby and family of de The celebration of the 24th the regular of ed nu me Ludge will take place at the Invincible Lodge No. 2518 fault is not wholly yours. Those ceased have the sy in pathy of the Anniversary of Court Land little Miss Smith deserves specia who labored upon your No. 8148, took place at the programn. Brother Alexander At the conclusion of Wet Indian Red Cross Hall, Cale donia Bridge, at 7:30 p, all, Perhaps the most brilliant mind to make fear the dominant Public generally.
their Lodge Hall, San Miguel thanked the representatives for Members who are interested in veiling of the Charter of this lo act this over developed emotion LECTURE POSTPONED on Sunday the 30th of Noveen. the kind words they had spoken their welfare are kindly ask to call took place on Wednesday of fear, you must associate with ber. There was a large gather.
attend the regular ineeting, so as night last December 3, We regret to state that the ing of Brothers and Sisters ina behalf of the Lodge, and invitthe to know what is going on, in their Lodge was called to order by you. Join the labounian; bent then Paraiso Clubhouse byrelnden Lodge Hall was very tastes and been provided for the occasion, The those who are less fearful than lecture scheduled to ba given at from neighboring Lodges in at banque present to repair to as friends. The banquet room, where justice was Local and from the Grand Lodge, 55 combined strength Hanan on Sunday done to the good things which had place on the 23rd inst, in behalf and after the reading of of thousands, and learn to fear (to morrow) has been postponed decorated with fruits, flowers and This brought the entire luuction Grand Concert will take our worthy President at afternoon of the Excelsior Lodge, please ininutes etc. the initiation God only.
Notice of its delivery will be palm branches, notify your Brothers and Friends ceremony was performed with close, and everybody then The Panama Canal and given in due time.
due solemnity and strictly in acBrother Michael Alexander, of Court Land occupied feeling perfectly satisfied with wended their way to their homes, of same.
cordunco with the new ritual. System Division of the United the seat of honor. The opening the evening enjoyment. COCKING In performing this most impre: Brotherhood of maintenance of PARENTS MEETING.
address was delivered by our Journal Agent.
ceremony, the President Way Employees and Railway worthy Professor Barton, who was ably assisted by our genial Shop Laborers stands for more PANAMA DISTRICT.
There will be a meeting for the gave a most eloquent discourse than an increase of Foch Lodge.
Interest in the meeting ad stands for co operation in the parents of the Salvation Army on the Burdens of Slavery, which vanced to ever heat, when three broadest sense of the word. What School children (Panama) at the drew forth a hearty applause Loyal Order of Ancient Officers and members of the prominent officials of the Brother would it profit you to get a ten School tonight, at o clock sharp from the audience. solo was tea to discuss the welfare of children then sung, after which the Re Shepherds.
above mentioned lodge, bear in put in their appearance. per cent increase in wages, and As this will be the last meeting presentatives from the sister Bach a cend 20. It is true that you can: Yearwood, requests the turnſ which were heartily ap: named district Mount Gilhead dress which greatly encouraged Under the auspices of the above will held on Thursday 11th of December 1919 at San Anthony the members and by nished ming you find cost you presence oil each parent, there plauded. The following Lodges Pastel Master Council was Hall, at 30 pessimism that may have exist. purchase, but can, by Also all French citizens who among any of them. Those coming together as a consumers being much business of vital im were represented. Court John Wallace, No. 9111, E, merged into a Lodge on Saturdry belong to other lodg and those more or less than oratorical mas necessaries of life on the co opera three addresses were nothing union, supply yourselves with the portance to be dicussed, Court Mizpah, No 9198, night the 29th November 1919.
Court Minerva, No. 9284, jurisdiction of said district were The several Ldges under the who expect to join the Brother weer terpieces.
British Consulate Notice.
tive plan just as is done in Europa Court Pacitic, No 9751. 0, For represented also members from hood are invited general to us.
After all the items on the and America, and thus save Court Morning Star, Lily of the Atlantic end.
sist the meeting agenda had been got through, thousands of dollars.
Don fail to comel because it is the Chaplain pronounced the a capital of a million dol would be glad of information reThe British Consulate at Colon Paraiso, Future Hope Lodge.
Perseverance After the opening ceremony the of St. John, instalation of officers was ably pening and your desire will be 10. 55 marked improve dependent; and as independence some time resident in Colon.
know the true fact of what hap: declared the ineeting closed at enterprises as will make you less tiqe of Jamaica, who was for St. Mary Auxilary, Star of the conducted by Bro. OldIsthmus and the Loyal the Prince of Wales Lodge.
ment was noticed in the attend increases, fear will decrease.
Star Lodge. At the conclusion The officers installed are as Fraternally ance of the brethren, for which When you remember that you are BEARN of the e compliment them, hoping more than ten thousand strong, an uproar greater than that inade of the addresses by the represen. follows: above named Bro. Maxwell, Worthy Pastor, Journal Agent. they will continue to come out you will see how easy it is to by the silversmiths who got a tativ Sam. Rugless, Depty.
every meeting night raise a million dollars especially living by making and selling false Lodges, Brother Drakes, Wilfred McBarnette, All members of the Invincible if you press into service the hall gods, and whose trade was fcined of Court Land gave a briet dis course on Friendly Societies. He Pastorial Sectry Mariners Local No. 2521 Lodge are respectfully invited to million dollars worth of Liberty by Paul teaching. Paisley, Treasurer, was followed by Brothers Simp.
All members of the abovenam attend a grand concert which Bonds you purchased. Co operate, and fear God only. son and Lewis, also Sis. Sterritt, Chaplain, You who may be elected to STOUTE, ed local are requested to attend a will be held by the members of of Court Land, and the oldest Bro. Hutchinson, Inner Gaarmeeting on Thursday night, De Perfection Lodgo (Women Lo place your people on the road 10 Colon, members of that Lodge. They dian cember 11 at 30 sharp as (Continued on page 8) independence must expect to hear Dee, 4; 1919.
spoke lengthily on the progress Continued on Page 8)
on the organ. the to sive Secretary, of wages. It hood in ed With a


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