
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands Barbados INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION Death of Mr. NA.
Clairmonte, most bowl preme Court.
The Calidonia Jewelry Store The death occurred ab ut 1031 o clock at his residence. Tuntabeile, yesterday morning Mr. Clairmonte, Mer.
chant tailor of Beck wit ce, city, and a Vestry man a years. His demise was practical ly sudden, following in minutes upon an apoplectic seizure, and came as a shock to his relativis, many friends, and admirers, asin uch as he was out and about on Thursday, in the bouy.
ant spirits and apparently in the er joyment of health. He was 65 years of age, most excellent and in this period of existence rose from a humble beginning to a position, commercially, of some prominence and, certainly, of some distinction in parochial politics.
He was a shrewd business man intelligent, enterprising and upright; and even though somewhat of a conservative in politics, was sound in his views, and (al. He was for twenty seven very logi.
years a member of the St. Michael Vestry, being returned consistently, and year after year, at the head of the poll, a fact which. est testimony that could possibi in itself was, perhaps the strong.
be offered him by the electorati as the to their deep contience in his integrity and tine ap raciution if There were few sons possessed of a more intima e knowledge of Vestry affairs the hew atairs thn he was, and he could alwa always be turned to for information and assistance whenever any questin of procedure or precedent arose the certain feeling that he was in a position to offer souud advice. He was twice Churen.
warden of the metropolitan par: ish and on each occasion adminis.
tered with sympathetic understanding the duties devolving upon It is doubtless he will be missed at this moment of Crisis certain schemes of reconstruction are under consideration. He was an ardent Churchman and prominent Mason, being a Past Senior Warden of the English District Grand Victoria Lodge a Past Master of the Lodge, and Scotia and Thistle Lodges. He leaves a widow, his second wife, and two sons and tive daughters of his first marriage. To.
we contidently express the of the communi ty. As a token of respect to his memory the flags of the business houses in the City were flown at half mast. His remains will be interred at the St. Michael Cathedral this afternoon.
his ability with By his him.
that When WATCHMAKER Jamaica fizzled out yesterday, as the ma.
jority of the labourers who went out on Monday went back to For Progress of The work seaturday and all was quiet on waterfront.
Income Tax Expert Owned By The Industrial DevelopSays the West India Commit tee Circular of Oct. 30th: Mr THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, ment Scheme which CH Rickman, who retired from Governor is said to the position of in Special Commis: Fead Office, 55, Wall Street.
have in View sioner of of Income tax in March last, has accepted the invitation of the Government of Jamaica to USE OF MOTOR LORRIES place his services at their dispo sal for a period of two years to Capital, Surplus, Und vided Profits Over 9, 000, 000. 00 Experts Reported to be coming advise and assist in connection with the introduction of an into Island to Study Varicometax in the colony.
ous Matters Official Depository of the Republic of Panama Suits Against the TELEPHONE SYSTEM.
DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA CANAL The Gleaner learns on reliable DEPOSITORY OF THE PANAMA RAILROAD We understand that compro authority that whilst in England mises have been reached in 22 of Sir Leslie Probyn devoted consid the suits brought against theJamerable interest to the industrial aica Government Railway as a Through its Agencies in the Interior and its Foreign Branchs development of the island. It is result of the collision between learnt that he got in touch with big firm who have patented a de train at the Kingston Railway this Institution offers Exceptional Banking Facilities.
the Marlie special and a freight vise for operating motor lorries Station on the 23 rd of June last. Drafts on Jamaica and the other West Indian Islands.
by a process of suction gas, thus Notices of discontinuance havea doing away with the use of petrol.
trol. cordingly been filed in the Su INTEREST PAID ON SAVINJS ACCOUNT AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM At the invitation of the local Government an expert will be It is learnt that the Railway au.
coming to amaica year thorities bave decided to tight look into the possibilities of the about two or three of the cases on row true of lorries, being intro the same question of Jamages, duced here.
Mr. R MacMillan has filed a There is also good reason to be summons for directions in the not at all satisfied with his rule, lieve that a couple hydraulic ex: suit of Clough against the and his gagging of the Press in perts will be coming to the island Director of the Railway. It will Dominica, according to the Guar.
too. As newspaper readers are come on for hearing in Chambers dian, was the cause of much ir.
aware there is a proposal to es. some time next week.
dignation. So much was his rule tablish a system of domestic light repudiated that two vacant seats ing throughout the island, and on the Legislativa Council, so Demerara consequently the opinion of the says a report, were refused hydraulic experts is being sought gentlemen who otherwise would Obarrio Building.
as to the capacity of our water Death of Mr. Carl Wieting Official Members. The last have been glad to serve as UnNo. 2, Calidonia Road falls.
heard of the matter was that the Report also has it that another wear LET EXPERT HANDS DO YOUR Noted Colonist. seats were still going a begging expert will be coming to Jamaica to advise the Government in con WATCH REPAIRING We regret to announce the death Mr. Mahaffy was the son of the rection with a system of tele. of Mr. Carl Wieting which took late Dr. Mahaffy, one of the phones throughout the island. place at his residence in George greatest thinkers of his genera.
tion WE KNOW HOW. TRIAL WILL CONVINCE, It is expected that all the mat: demise the colony loses town on the 20th inst.
one of its ters above referred to will be out The Covernment and people of oldest and most rospected cololined in Messages which the Gove nist, a man who had succeeded in Dominica are arranging to pro Wedding and Engagement Rings a Specialty.
ernor will send to the Legislative ondearing himself with the mass. wote Fishing, Industry the.
no less than with those with sound lines. It is felt that the es O, CAMPBELL whom he was brought into con best way get more food is in JEWELLER.
Rev. Fraser Present tact in the everyday round of organising for providing it. inPhone 1053.
His duty. name was a byword stead of crying for it with folded ed to Prince of Wales Cars Stop at the Door.
for beneficence among the of charitable disposition no people (From a correspondent) cause appealed to him for aid in vain, of a strongly broadminded Grenada The Rev. Fraser, who left nature and a firm believer in Jamaica in July 1918, for Canada encouragement and fostering of where he had obtained a good local talent he, in conjunction news, received by cable, of the We regret to announce the sad ERR position as Rector of St. Paul with the late Mr. Ritcher.
Church, Princeton, Ont. had the raised the firm of Wieting after a short illness, of Miss death in London on 18th October privilege of being presented to Ritcher from small beginnings to on his visit to that city a few showing in a practical way his once a prominent local figure in the Prince of Wales at Brantford its present prosperous condition, of the Garraway, elder daughter weeks ago and shook 86 CENTRAL AVENUE, PANAMA business Prince passed through few days after, the country of his adoption by his decensed and socialescircles. The gh Next Door to Cecilia Theatre in a re confidence in in their ability to mere ton om his rasetowas invited on this on to London: Ont, operate successfully with him in markably degree the qualities of in amiability, culture and retine.
the Royal train to speak to the An eminently sound and shrewd will be greatly missed by the com mercial undertakings, ment, and her kindly attentions Headquarters for Prince. Mr. Fraser had long business man, the Natural with the Prince on on his visit and the Demerara Buscuit West Indians visiting London.
High Class Furniture of the Dominion, but like a true that bears his name, and loyal Someone has suggested that son of his native land, elodid not forget to speak of Jamai. ardent churchman, he lived his West Indies should endeavour to quent testimony to his talent. An unofficial public bodies in the All New Goods Sold at Prince could visit the Isle of the best doctrines of Christianity, ticians and businessmen and hold Reasonable Terms.
obtained the Prince autograph in his church Register will be the poored by his worshipped regularly, matters affecting the two the British WEST INDIANS will find it profitable to consult US is very proud of the fact that her Rector was the 1843 in Bremen, Germany, and da has entered into a trade agree.
Mr. Carl Wieting was born in into thoroughly. Although Cana when buying Furniture. only clergyman in Canada who was educated there. He went to ment with us, it is known that thought of asking the Prince of Welcome is extended to all to visit our large Stock Wales for his autograph in the and remained there until May not been able to execute our in April 1860, Canada busines concerns have Baltimore, Register of the church. 1866 in the employ of one of our orders with the same all round principal tobacco shipping firms satisfaction as the Americans. If To Establish a Condensed and he was then offered a post in therefore a close investigation of can be gone Milk Factory in the Island the form of Messrs. Perot the cause of failure can be Coy of this colony, which he into it is likely we will be We are informed that the Dir accepted and five years later with able to establish a better under: ector of Agriculture has an im Mr. Ritcher he established standing than at prosent is the portant scheme on foot for the the term of Messrs. Wieting case. American capital has been establishment of a condensed He centered bis io very distributed in milk factory in the island. It is terest and made his home in this these islands. It Canadians are submitted to the Government, coming a naturalized British sub. Indies as learnt that the proposal has been colony for the last 40 years, beto have the West and it has 46 STREET, PANAMA.
approved as customers and supply act about 25 years ago.
From can be establishments they should know gathered, how to approach the question. In the scheme to erect the facto Just received a full stock ofis whatever they do Canadians must ry in a parish where the requi Dominica Mot hope to be able to domineer SILVER CHAIN GOODS site uantity of cows milk can over us. We shall hear them be obtained, and it is more than when they come with sincero Including. FRESH DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES likely that the factory on a me Sudden Death of the diam scale but to develop it us professions of recognition of For overy form of disease.
our equality under the British Administrator goes on. It is known that in certain parts of Manchester Ang. Until then we can only hope good deal cow mille Referring to the sudden death to keep debating subjects while TOILET ARTICES, Etc. Etc.
Sly goes to come mid tractic of the Administrator the Grena. we remain distant and patient.
pro da says: posed factory will be bailed with We are anxious to read the delight by the dairy people. measure of sympathy expressed Give us a call and inspect our New Stock.
by the people of Dominica on the Dr. JOHNSON Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Labourers Back to Work sudden death of Mr. Mahatty, Administrator of that island, be SURGEON DENTIST FLOWERS, Proreltor.
The Gleaner of the 19th ulto. cause, as we read in tho Domini Phone 1003 states that the strike at the Ley. ca Guardian published a fow days Address Box 36, Panama City.
Telephone 519.
land Line Pier seemed to have before his death, the people were Ancon, 7, 852 AND olehands.
MA a member of in the Panama Furniture Company these deep condolence of the late Me Garraway, bands. correspondent in Probyn St.
Writes that as the Theatre is far (Contiuned on Page 6)
talk furnish NEED WATCH che cerebbe a parious of We Always have in Hand a Complete line at Reliable Low Prices Watches and Jewelry Give us a call Before Going Elsewhere. You are sure to be on Time if Your WATCH was Renirad by US is very Ritchar.
some largely really anxious Chorrillo Drug Store Remember We Miake Wedding Rings and Other Jewelry to Order FULLER is the MAN You Want o sce 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Corner nd Street, Panam, Phone 939 ALLMAN LADIES AND GENTS TAILOR Between 10th and 11th Sts.
Bottle Alley. Colon, been what time gocal a MENS SUITS MADE TO ORDER LADIES SUITS. SPEZIALTY Latest English and American Fashions.
Also Cleaning ressing Your Patronage Sol cited Prices Moderato MY MOTTO PUNCTUALITY


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