
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 PAGE THREE 95exsexcotoxos 6608. The Open Forum :In the Interest of the Negro.
BUSINESS MEN We do not hold oursels spsible foroinina expressed in this columna tha sentiments are purely those of the correspondents LETTERS TO THE EDITOR.
Get Alive to Your Interest ADVERTISE In THE WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama, Colon and the Canal Zone.
The circulation of The Workman is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
Morin this world they are are all good ones.
us play tool is a paying Advertising Medium.
0:00 ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable.
State or law to playing their fendant ur little bit of Common Sense tells us that if we are climbing a ladder we shouldn move from one step to the next without being sure where it is. In the Protestant Episcopal Onurch of England in America, a Bishop can confirm while a priest can This shows that we should necessarily know that there are not on the same platform, one being several steps above the other.
We are baptized in our church cared for when sick and in troubles in our Lodges. The Brotherhood of Maintenance is help ing us (The Negro) to command.
better wages The Negro ImTekno provement Association is helping recer recognised as race Shake speare says and we all have our albavchis world a stage part to play playing part The Church is playing its part as well as the state, but don expect one to take the place of the Other: the Red Cross is doing her part in the great world. So if some of the its our part and the others shouldn be vexed about it Some of the things that The Negro linprovement Association cannot do is (1 to find suitable employment of its members in his or her particular line of work.
To cause its meinbers to tize and contirm ete, And as man name stands for his very self, this is extraordinarily important Now this is an eccle siastical matter which means matters pertaining to the Church The political leaders of the Country makes its we to govern its people They are part Now, it would be a ver poor judge who judges a Case from the evidence given, by de.
and ignored the complainant evidence what mean by this is. that anyone who is mixed unded up with both Ecclesiastical and po matters aloud be by far a better Judge than another individual whose interest is taken up with the Political and hardly ever dream of the work of the Church If some of us would study Seriously the religious connec.
tions of some of the political leaders of the world, they would be wise, and be able to judge satisfactorily between the two when a case comes up. would to God could live long enongh to see all churches closed and their places tiiled by an organization We all have not had the same opportunities, financially, educationally and otherwise, although the financial opportunity comes 1st, there are other opportunities which are very valuable.
Some of our Negroes haie only had the chance to be in cer.
tain walks of life, and if they.
were asked to give their opinion on something of anotber walk, it would be very poor or misleading Some of us are criticized for.
working in certain vocations where there is not suficient renumeration to live as others.
The time will come hope, when our Negro brethren will be in a position to employ any class of its brethren, when he needs employ oyment and employment in his sphere. Now, as said this is. sal written in the interest of the Negro and not with an object to criticize; but there are some of any of our people who claim that the organization has the ability to do certain things when it is known that it hasn We are all playing our part the great white races, the Jap.
the Chinese. Turk, the Jew, Assyrian aud every body.
This World stage, play your part.
LEWIN DOITIN, former Whether but The Scri booth Automo Tenement Houses bile Contest.
Colin, RP. 1919.
Colon, de Dear Mr. Editor November 29, 1919 have been watching for some times Der Mr. Ediler. Permit me spre widely rend paper to publish the houses in Culon are built. The majori past, the manner in which tenement been a keen and anxious ob ty of them are specially built for this ery rol the weekly results of the Pep purpose, and afterwards converted into Aneriein Scripps Booh Contest since shops, while the remaing pori us are its inception and find that we are still built for shops and then converted into riving the Whites the chance of laughing tenement houses and proving to them that we are The main pint luat, is the amount divided of facilities which these Class of houses From what gathered, after Since the kidnapping of our Fore provide liters from Africa for the making of observing the carefully tind only love we have trien taught to love the truttive of these bones that for the there thrrethin ourselves, and have tenants a corretamount of advantage Lamt more of their evil traits than their over the to of these notice that lower soris He said to fore us an example of and ballot but how woons in Therefore THE WORKMANthe above menti: The deterfront, while bhind the passage direct that one of their relle lads to the lo hitro id tule This showing only that me find newers of our belong and the and the oth th Lucility of bove instead of their private mess adjused side ng together with yum determination the quarter instead of having to the sing Mrs Goldton. Is it pose to the pube The balances ble that the Nigrors of Colin and ana The rooms are tra do not realize they are the upkeep of directly bondach other and the sothe entry? Do they realzie that Mr. called front room that scrupulus Goldonis. Negro landlords collect mich rent for, in the feel certain if they knew that they works in the lot, for the tenants suffer are the sole upheep of these Theatres, most. With their deste duties they and that Mr. Golden is a ver, they are directly exposed to the publice While 00:00:30:00 cosexo: 50:50:35: would see how II for Negro if something is done to have the right contestant to be the winner of the above kind of banding from the statt, housing mentioned contest facilities in the city of Colon would not TO KEEP OUT We have limitating them ever become so harassing e our Ancestors were taken from their The officials in whose bands these Native Land at their will. Why plans for building press, should be advised cint we imitate them now in bring de promptly the of same There are London November 13 When termined that one of our race shall be be various kinds of buildings such as the Alien Restriction Bill was be GRAVES and JOHNSON winner of the contest IN HOT Hotel Department stores, teement fore the Commons last night, a throwing any other buklinas cone class for family intan stern tight to secure that enemy REMEMBER We Sell coloured perron than Mr. Goldson, Idron, other class for bachelors. and cut inges. In aliens should not be permitted Berus, he is the only contes modern without de contes modern cities family tenement quarters to return for seven years Commutator case a id Rollers tant that has any cham or bringing are built as outlined above all the Home Secretary permis home the bacon. Do not be it is to necessary outlet into the same building, sion, was made, Two years was Hose onnections for all Cars te to start Electrical Bulbs for all Cars wr get the lot and that would rain warfalling at any time suggested by the Government, teto throw our votes for this genth. one could guin cuttince or go to the bath, Hopkins, a soldier will find on the final night for the toilet or kitchen without getting wet protested against the perpetual Air Gauges and Air Pumps counting of those votes that a coloured hitred of the Germans, who, he Plugs, Champion, Splitdorf, type of tonement that the. that are as much Engine Bolts and Gaskets latish on Hw white. The more could be sue ce marily died rir le color said, had put up a miguiticent tight of over four years and on These are built specially or Spotlights, Head Lamps and Reflectors hvers of our race, and that we are de one occasion had nearly beaten Nurment Stores termined to beat them, whenever and half er full lot. same budim amaz ment and disgust at this Sir.
John Burcher expressed Transmission Grease, Oil, Gasoline, etc.
Meer we meet them After outlining these inden able facts, stairs in the winter, and rounis beated all around it, leaving a ball in the middle speech General Pagecroft sad Cor. Street and Ancon Ave.
in quite certain that every coloured woman and child will make it his which would serve as a place for various that in Manchester today, a man who had been Austrian Vice Con PHONE BOX 16, ANCON, or her point of utylu show our schelor would use in his room, could be The same pice that each sul sul before the war and had ents that we are organized as we have closed to make this hall. therefre the the Austrian Army, had now re be fought against us as a Colonel in been claiming that Coloured mano but on must be winner, and that we are as wide solidating all the spacero collected would turned there in a permanent busiawake as they are today, Beware of these legging vutes, and make better the form of one halls and ness capacity. Eventually a com: would be enjoved to a greater a lv:n age promise of three years was crtain to vote for Mr. Goldson What we want is quarters suitable o agreed to ping that my people will see it is their help to make living easier instead of duty to boost one of their race, and burden as it is at present, thanking you Mr. Editor for the inserThanking you for space, Mr. Editor tin in your paper.
ERVICE Members of the Colon Federal Labor Union please be informed ANAMA COLON tha the election of officers for the 1920 term will take place at the Union Hall. on Sunday Our large Resources and well known (Under new management)
December 21st, 1920. Only finan. conservative Management afford uncial members will be entitled to No. 128, BOLIVAR STREET, vote, Meinbers in arrears are questioned security for every dollar Between 8th th. Streets, Colon asked to pay up their dues in time to qualify for this occasion. deposited with this bank.
JNO, ASH, Secretary Massaging, manicuring, shampooing, hair straightening, hair dressing, cal treatment and lightening of the cour plexion. Wrinkles, tan, freckles, liver spots, blackheads, pin ples, dark mark under the eye and all other facial Dr. GONNELL blemishes removed. Cerns, bunions, callouses, perspiring ISAAC BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON SURGEON DENTIST feet cured BRANDON President.
Vice President.
Treasurer and be found at 175 Preparations for growiug the balr and improving the Central Avenue quality of the skin. Lair grower and beautifier, whitener nd cleanser, vanishing cream, dandruff reundy, Cream balm (excellent for men after shaving liquid face powder, muge, shampoo, face powder (5 shades. Dr. Walter bighkrade antiseptic tooth powder JEWELRY STORE We stop hair from falling! make it grow and improve is Stocked with overything in the quality. Take a six weeks treatment and be convinced.
WATCHES CLOCKS Cail at the parlor and consult the Beauty Culturist.
Give me your order for your (Ladles Gents)
Large and Small WATERPROOF RAIN COATS, Agents wanted for the NILE QUEEN preparations, RAIN CAPS AND APRONS for JEWELRY Write for terms to Box 736, Cristobal, or call at thu tromendous assortment Gentlemon, Ladies and ChlParlor.
We have also just received a beautiful variety fo English NADAM ROBERTS, Beauty Culturist.
THE BIGGEST VALUE ON Graduate of the Kashmir Institute, Chicago, Ill.
THAT LINE Every article makes an ideal gift as a WEDDING, CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAY PRESENT SANGUINETTI BROWN, Call oarly and soloct yours Advertise in the FURNITURE DEALER JOHN WILLIAMSON Corner 3rd November and 19th Watemaker Joweler.
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Hours: to 92. to and to p. m, daily except Sundays.
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