
PAGE TOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1919 Callins point we Jesus tor Judge Hanan Speaks at THE WORKMAN TOYS. TOYS. TOYS. La Boca Clubhouse.
Published on Saturdays by HN Rates for Advertisement on applicaOn Sunday afternoon last, disWALROND. at the office Central av tion. Correspondener on all matters An immense and Varied Shipment pite the inclemency of the wather, nue and corner of Street, Panama, of puble interest invited de the La Boca Clubhonse WAS All cops for publication must be PO Box 74. Panaina RP just received filled to overflow with residents written on one side of paper only, and the Silver City unding RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must to accompanied by the name of districts to hear Jil: Human One Year 82. the writer, notarily for publica cture on Laran. Mr.
tion but mark of good faith Secret Orened Six Month do not indtake to return Big Assortment now on tie service within Thre Bive offpri red condone und then The Judy was in Exhibition by Mr. TB2 Grid rett The Litert of them in the palladium of our rights JENIS ary of. ubh groun is Th. Jads in SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 Sold by Wolesaie and Retail The tirst thing in the law and order Without Who Will Help The Negro?
thing would be chaos. The list EDUARDO VALENCIA would like you to take home as a lesson is law Santa Ana Plaza Secretary of War Baker is here. Hem! The ranks of or.
next Hotel Métropole mans liberty but not license Moses wrote the ton coin mind.
ganized labor are rustling. The Metal Trades Union and the ments and then mandments Federal Employees Union, both white, are seeking interviews form the fundamentals of all with the great American Statesman, and they will succeed.
An influence favorable to the interests of these two large Editorialettes ings, and denounce the organic at the same time, become a constitution of the Unite labor bodies is at work, and nothing can arise to intercept Zation in the presence of their bore to their suteriors in last which embraces of America is built on their fortune. They are on a sure road and they will keep Mock Men.
white bosses and foremen. It bor classification and so lose Moses there till they realize their flattering hopes, unless they kill would appear that their atti out all round. square man every man irrespective of color; the of of Moses the goose that lays the golden egg. The influence which The most recent discovery tude is based on the diplomacy is the only individual that can is the basi basis of the construction is prompting and aiding these two organizations is partial among the members of the. of trick, but the quality step in time to the march of of the constitution of the United It is blind to the interests of another great institution, Brotherhood is that there are of it is so poor that they will racial progress. It is time that States of America, and of Nazareth the among colored people, known as The United Brotherhood several of their number who eventually lose the confidence the pussy footers and padded tind that of Maintenance of ar Emplorees and Railway Shop spout out hot air in the meet of their colored brethren and, fisters stop their double deal kreatist law giver the world has ins. Either quit quibbling or commandemnants in one ever known condensed these Laborers, and the great moral question is, Who will help and the Negroes?
quit the Union. Cloven tongues taught me into others 19 have to solve the serious problems arising out of the des are altogether out of order. would that thy should be into Will Governor Harding, to whom complaint after com titution of families not more than ten days after a man The battle ery of laboris The sale of this plaint has gone forth from the throats of thousands of half has died or has been laid off from his job. Ask the Legal. freedom. the kind that can man and child and starved Negro men and women, stir himself on behalf of the Authorities on the Zone and Social Reformers. wherever be besed against manliness of strictly right people who are daily feeling the heavy weight of economic they are, in Panama and in Colon, about the horrible vices and personal integrity.
woulib 10 nied for uw the statue book if man oppression? Will he arouse himself and show the colored introduced by the mean wages paid to Negroes.
would do what is right. Many one that, as Governor of the Canal Zone, he is not deaf The Government of Panama has laid upon it a terrible Say, No!
see the right, but are riline ir blind to the oppressive circumstances and irate discrimination under which the Negroes are made to exist in responsibility for the moralization of the thousands of The colored people have to do it or see it doe Thop are compelled do right now this country? Let us hope that he will seek to help us, at patreirls manau WanderenBut as long as the salaries of not learnt to say No. This due toughentar husbands of freedom this time, by extending to the colored organization, the long as those who have the power to improve conditions llarain, and the Judge is always to do righ Topla same facility which the white labor Unions are receiving, remain indifferent to the cries of the oppressed, moraliza right. If a white man were të pand developed the Pohod Great God! We need help. Ours is, now, nearly a cry of tion will be a joke and social ethics only an idea. The silver show a colored man a guid pe God, and the British despair. Justice, Merey, Truth, come and help us!
reland died organization has been trying to obtain the amelioration of piece and poke it into his eye on that account Bat Paul sell The conditions under which the colored employees of the circumstances, but the claims and representations have for a buitle of booze. the color is because the principes the Panama Canal, and the Panama Railroad are working been spurned, overlooked and thrown into the waste basket ed mau would run the risk of which he trucht still ise until can not possibly be worse. Men are receiving less than a as matters too insignificant for hearing.
losing his own freedom in or do and recogniz tne right as we we reach that point, we will not dollar on their monthly pay checks after deductions for Now that the Honorable, the Secretary of War, is here der to accommodate the white should It is one thing to go to house rent and commissary books are made. This fact is we are hoping that his eye might catch the situation as it man throat and his own your various churches, and enne sending our best girls into the lowest depths of degrada really exists, and that a true presentation of the facts and pocket. The act may mean a here, but quite another thing to tion and prostitution. Wives are proving unfaithful, and circumstances may be placed before him. It is true that year in jail, but resistance do the things taught inside.
virgins are selling their virtue for the necessities of life. his stay among us is short and that his is a very busy pro yields to roguery and the law you live on the outside as you do the We have fought in the great war just ended in the gram during the few brief days that he will be spending is broken. When a catch is whether au can black, white, United States Army; we have held the home defences here; but we hope that if the Metal Trades Union and the made by the gum shoe the yellow or green, what ever his together; we bought Liberty Bonds; we built the Eederal Employees Union can see him, the United Bro white man is as innocent. external appearance may be, it Panama Canal and are helping to operate it; we therhood through a proper delegation may also be given the as a babe, and the Negro is in is the inner man that counts; a are the scavengers of refuse and thus we keep the privilege of citing their grievances before this high official for a long visit at the Stock man may have a very funny or towns and villages clean; we send the mosquitoes to obli of the United States Government.
ade where he may occupy him may be as Pure as gold.
peculiar appearance but his heart vion by slinging crude oil and tar; we keep the machinery It would be a travesty on justice if the distinguished self with such out door amuseof Whe locks in order and we work like trojans in the dred visitor be allowed to come here and depart with false im ments as breaking stones Liberty and License ges; we load and unload the ships; we make and distribute pressions relative to the conditions existing among the and building roads. Shucks! Continuing the Judge said that the ice all through the canal; we do the serving in the colored people. If the Negroes are made, to hold their Learn to say No in capital many people fail to differentiate commissaries and the waiting in the hotels and restaurants. peace the very stones that leapt from gold hill and Cule letters with a devil of an ac Certy is a condition in whicha between But we are famishing! We are starving to death. We bra Cut, and the concrete walls and iron gates of the Mira cent on the voice, and ask the man alwavs wants to do right; are dying under the burdensome loads of oppression. Flores, Pedro Miguel and the Gatun Locks would cry out other fellow to take a trip to while license is doing a thing re: As an instance of the discrimination and ill will prac The bones of thousands of Negroes now naked under the the torrid zone of the spirit cardless of whether it is right or wrong: no man has a right to tised against the Silver employees of the Panama Canal it is clods in the Corozal, Herrera and the Monkey Hill (Mount world.
till his head with booze and go only necessary to cite the fact that less than a month ago, Hope) Cemetaries, as well as in the hundreds of unnamed Anti Slavists.
thome and maltreating his forty colored niasons working on the Mira Flores Locks and unmarked graves all along the Canal banks, where wife and children: and because The Slavist propaganda some are not permitted to do this were laid off in order that (as rumor says) a few white men premature explosions and terror striking train wrecks have might be placed in their jobs so that the job being protract hurled into unrecoverable atoms poor unfortunate Negroes, which has been going on in they think their liberty is taken No man has a ed would be more beneficial to the latter. Again, Mr. Severs would shiver at the partiality and discrimination meted certain parts of the Canal Ad away from the right to do what destroys his fa arrived in this country two weeks ago, and was prohibited out to the most hard working forces of the Panama Canal ministrationer has given fise mâly: no twan hus fiberty unii ho class of Negro leaders chooses. no las will from landing, according to rumour, presumably, that he and the Panama Railroad.
might not be on the Isthmus the same time that the Hon. The Government of Panama, the Social Reformers, who have been compelled, un last unless it is based on the Secretary Baker is here so that the Secretary of War might the Churches, the Courts of the Canal Zone and those of to put on the armor of reas We are to be our brother keepexisting of lowly.
justices as indulged in at the expense of the Negroes inter absolutely unable to solve the vexatious and demoralizing against the high handed autonot get a line up on the inconsistencies, discriminations and Panama and all the various institutions combined will be manhood and speak out er; we are to help one another.
Referring to the law enacted by ests.
conditions unless the Panama Canal Authorities decide Congress making Canal Zone We have begged, we have claimed, we have demanded and execute their decision to give a square deal to the six cracy which is now character Bone Dry, he declared all in vain. Our voices have grown sore and weak from teen thousand colored employees whose families are now izing the actions of many pro emphasis that he will enforce the crying, and no ear was compassionate enough to hear nor facing the gravest and most dangerous predicament that attitude has been stigmatized He ela minent officials. This manly law regardless of race or color.
He elaborated on the responsibil.
eye humane enough to see. We have sent petitions to has ever overtaken a self respecting people.
Washington and opponents from this side have lied Secretary Baker has been to Europe and has seen the But, as a matter of fact, the as agitation and outlawry. Aty of parents towards children stating that, the child learns against us. It was said against us that we were agitators, horrifying sufferings of the Belgians whose women were manly position taken by these of its life than any other period more during the first yet not a single case of disorder or lawlessness has been plunged into moral slavery by the licentious and over representatives of the Negro though it recorded against us in any of the Canal Zone or the Pana heated Germans; he has seen the effects of devastations as race is that of the real anti years thereafter, live seventy two He pleaded manian courts. They said that we were never aecustomed worked out by the deadly munitions of Teutonic invention; slavist who does not want to with his hearers to obey the law; to good food in our West Indian homes, and yet all Ameri he has seen poverty in its worst and basest forms and his see the advent of revived sla and this can be done said bez bir cans who have ever visited the West Indies have been sur sympathy has been aroused. He returned to the United very no more than he wants the dictionary: NO.
learning word in han prised at the physical appearance of the inhabitants which States, and he told the people of his country that it was to witness a reign of terror on htat colored people do not know they all ascribed to the use of good and healthy food. They their duty to assist in the alleviation of the wrongs and the Canal Zone. The people www to suges how NO. Any whitemau claimed that a few agitators and local newspapers were sufferings of the European victims.
to commit disturbing the quiet elements of the West Indian popula. If therefore, the Honorable Secretary of War, were made are the ones who have the binself. The lwhite man who are precipitating trouble crime worst than the devil tion, and yet they had to bow before the facts that have to become conversant with the true situation of things power to alleviate any form of had 6, 000 years education and has been aired in these columns and in the lines of other perio among the Negro employees of the Panama Canal on discontent and obviate any culture and he is not perfect dicals. They argued that we were not half starved, and at the Canal Zone and in Panama, he would evince that same sort of disorder; but selfish bow, much less is the colored the same time the hospital records of debility and malnu broad spirit of conscientious consideration for the op ambition has so seized them man! want you who are here trition among the West Indian people were their greatest pressed people here, as he has for those across the Atlantic. that they would go to any ex many as you can, at least each contradiction.
We hope that arrangements will be made for the repre treme to make life unpleasant one of you can tell it to five If it is required to know the depressing condition of pentatives of the Negro working men to meet the Secre and oppressive for the Negro others because, cannot do more things among West Indians and the whole mass of Silver tary of War and that they will make profitable use of race, if even it means that the that what the law says.
Employees, including European and Panamanian laborers, the opportunity. The United States is the most demo whole country be plunged in The law is for all people; those information must be sought from the Panamanian Officials cratic country in the world, and when such men like Mr. to revolution. The Negroes, trihine e hodiac ante tined fishigahla who are educated who are daily brought face to face with the distress and Baker come into our midst we can help hoping for a however, are determined to they e a rekomorobe responsiwania privation of families of which the head is generally em touch of that impartial justice as it is exemplified in the break the neck of this slavish they violate it. white man ployed on the Canal. Ask the landlords and merchants of Congressional Legislation of the country, and echoed in tendency, and it will be done should be more noble, Panama who have to deal with the impoverished Negroes. the administration of the exalted officials of the greatest at the cost of the greatest sa proud. especially if that man is Ask the conscientious agents of the Red Cross Society who Republic on earth.
crifices, if needs be. Continued on page matters not is Start. say you more (N3


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