
Canal Zone Notes American Bazaar Walt Overi The Shoe for you soooo is hoped as car 0:00 ناو rent situation is proprietors where greatest will des able 0:00 tack creases, is these The Silver oooo00XOOX90 who in a THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1919 PAGE FIVE SXS0S0SSSSSSSS The Landlords of City Bible Agency.
New York The City Bible Agency begs to call the attention of Christian LA BOCA Are Adding Fuel to the So Workers and Bible Readers to clal Unrest which Unless the fact that we can supply them The usual song rervice will be held at RELIABLE HABERDASHERS with the former translations of the clubhouse on Sunday evening at 8 Abated Portends a Se Bibles compared and revised, selfo clock sharp special musical pro.
rious Catastrophe. pronouncing editions and standKramme has been arranged. The ad ard Concordance of the Bible, also dress will given by Mr. Allan Date Sunday School Teachers Bible; The Challenge. Oct. 1919, The young fellow who come back, Lodge. Pulpit, and famils Bibles Mrs. Campbell Crin willing The Among the Colored inhabi. We handle bibles of various se Father Love Vilar invited out tants of New York there is more cieties, especially the Oxford Uni No colection. Sest acute suffering is the direct reversity Press, real morrocco bindsult of extortionate rents than ing Concert at the La Boca has ever been known since the We also handle all other kinds Ciubhouse Civil War, and along with this is of religious books in addition to grand secular concert will be given an unrest as pronounced as any bibles.
that ever led to revolution which See us for prices and terms.
at the club et on the even ing of the 12th inst, by the Life Prot even among these patient, toler.
lemn Club Street: This concert is for the pur.
ant and Christian folks is gra accumulating funds for the childdually precipitating revolt: not House No. 32 (npstairs)
ren Xmas treat, which it is customary QUALITY against the system of Govern. O, Box 1079, Panama for these ladies to give the children of ment, but against thre Czarist inethod of exploitations ALGUSTUS FARRIER, Boca at mas time ried out by landed uscar APPEARANCE, Agent.
that the public will show their apprecis tion of this worthy caue, by their hearty is precarious New York, yet no co operation to make this concert aus Prices of admission. 25 cents and among its six millions of people JJDGE HANAN SPEAKS 15 cent DIVERSITY OF STYLES, is misery felt so keenly as among the Ore Hundred and Tên Thous Continued from Page 4)
Activities of the Girls Friendly and Colored people packed into wearing the uniform of the Society an area of less than one square A, than to ask you to AND DURABILITY ARE very large sittendance was present mile.
commit a crime by offering you at the meeting of YW FS on Thurs.
Among them it is not simply tilthy lucre, Can you say div. ith inst. The chaplain, the Rev. Ji the working of the law of supply NO? Many of the TMulente, was also present he gavel BEHIND THE WELL KNOWN and demand: coupled with this scientists affirm that alcoholi short talk to the society, congratulating stern and immutable law of hu deverage is neither a food nor a them on the noble manner in which they man greed is the desire of un inedicine it destroy had been working. He also extended scrupulous landlords to exact brain, your hom your charac: MARK OF them an invitation to the Rectory on the from the pockets of those least ter. The judge said that many evening of the 11th grand time is Al.
to resist it, the last honest criticisms have been directed at ticipated. WALK OVER Suu.
the bench, charging him with Say what you wish about in being too lonient with colored PARAISO creased cost of materials, fuel, people, but he would rather be taxes and other items entering Let your next pair of Shoes be into apartment unkeep it is not than with being too merciful to be cruel In conclusion There will be Memorial Service bold slight matter for Colored men, he said: am going to give at the Wesleyan Chelon Sunday, overworked and underpaid for justice though the heavens fil Dec 7th, at 3pm. for the late 11. WALK OVERS their labor, to find a notice Prolonged Morrison This service was posted on their doors every tive or from the vast audience as the applause burst poned from last Sunday, Dec. 18, WINK six months asking new rent in judge took his seat to the inclemency of the weather It is men who lits band then rendere The members of the Wesleyan Chape!
soon lose faith in God and man. strain of music reu a lisely are working and preparing for their aid drift reluctantly back to the as it were came to earth ta. te croc Harvest Fistival Services, which will be instincts of the fathers in despa Mrs. Millington held on Sunday, the 14th int.
ration and despondeney accompani.
ment on the piano was well ren.
superintendent Rev. Ewers will We have investigated namer: dered. and Mrs. Julien and Mrs.
be the preacher for the day The ous rent and eviction cases, and Finn sang nicely. Much credit o clock service will be the presentation discovered that lessees have insti.
is due to the committee a veritable of offerings by the children.
ar tuted a reign of terror, range EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc.
and dispossessing every Sunday afternoon intimidating for the Song Service The cost of living is still soaring up Panama and Colon.
without a a sensible cause. We word every day we find the things in the bave seen landlords good speaker is booked for to have seen the morrow All are invited Commissary going higher and higher, 0:50 SX50X50CMOON 00:30:08 church evict a mother with six and the ladders to reach them remain the same height. Even the clubhouse children, one still hanging to her breast; seen another shyster Final Notice to West has increased the fee to the movies 100 curse doch not detract from the intrin disposess wholesale because his Indian Tailors per cent. How can we continue to build IT unless we get more material to lengthen 11 sic value of her productions, but in a tenants could not afford to pay our Inddere?
house whose acoustic properties are not a full month rent in advance; Local Union No. 307 of the pronounced she has of necessity to have heard them boast of their strive to reach the outskirts of the power and ability to pile on other Journeyman Tailors Union of RED TANK audienen. Miss Simpson rocited the burdens, other taxes. They have America, having received its Drowning Singer in good style, and become as eagles in the plains, Charter, invites every Tailo!
No. 1, Tivoli Road, Panama it was well received ly the audience. And wherever you turn. you cleaner and Presser in the city The Physical culture class, which is conducted by Mr. Terence De Bourg, is The female vocalists included Miss These folks know they are not hear an audible cry of unrest. of Panamna to attend a special The Shop of Personal Service Mayer Mrs. inder. Miss Sampson, the victims of high rent only. Song, at the Tailors Hall, on these for receiving new impetus. Similar classes 11.
Dec, 7th at at 30 to are being started at Paraiso and La Barn and Miss Brossard all of whom hendered. They are the blood otřering upon ancang her in election of torticers Clubhouses by Mr. De Bourg, who has to uvantage. The sonk the Aitar of private greed and and other been appointed by the Bureau of Clubs important hits of the cvening were undoubtedly ree The In connection with this Union and Playgrounds as Director of Physical of Mess Lord. Harper, greatest movement ever Culture in the aforensmed clubhouses. To develop a personal Mode for the tourisme meillera The station de practices of smaller men can be is The director uses the McFadden Sys.
produced rear of lughter we com readily understood. They are conceived by West Indians on the tem of health building, and his pupils each Patron is the special function of gratulate theee gentlemen on their per naturally poor, trying to get Isthmus of Panama West Indian Tailors are given find that his enthusiam in catching!
formance and lange that we shall have something by all means, fair and our establishment.
foui. Mr. Brown is the privilege of hearing them in the tirst privilege on the the He has more of the top and his mastery of this system is inspirto benefit by ANN THOMAS, Proprietress. future ing world this movement The Tailor who dispose Special lectures were delivered at the e Tlie great serial Picture, the great before he goes down under the lose his correspond to this call, will his orportunity for ever. We by Mr. De Bourg during the secret is still running, and those who tum tum of the medicine man are determined that those Tailors st week, following each of which there have been following the ep sodes will He has no excuse for imposing who will not unite shall not hindwas a demonstration presented by the have an opportunity of seeing this such rents as prevails in the six er the progress of the race.
Red Tank class, which was the first of absorbing picture on the screen, both big houses over which he rules The Union is det is determined to cothese classes. The perfect sychronism be on Tuesday and Thursday night of this. If tween the exercises and the phonograph he would win the operate in the best possible manI week.
eternal gratitude of his people, ner with the aspiring and demomusic literally brought down the house will always prove a valuable asset to its possessor, particularly to ambi.
are looking forward to the he must perform other functions cratic Republic of Panatna. the on each occasion.
tious youths and youngmen who are desirous of entering professions in Christmas senson not because we hope closer connected with the under indispensable West Indian Red New members are daily being added. which a knowledge of classics and mathematics is indispensable: to enjoy a entitude of the good things dog than checking up accounts. Cross, and the Universal Negro The Great Secret is yet being exof us and which are in store, but because of the He must show us he provement ROBERT Associations in LINDSAY, hibited at the clubhouse each Friday that Christmao brings with us.
better conditions for the night, always to a packed house.
Residence No. Calle Domingo Diaz mesenge of hope to the expressed and of Bnt the day is drawing nigh ployed of this country, poorer classes and the unem.
The clubhouse gives a dance on the 16th good time comin when right and Box No. 1044, Aneon, CZ Apartment Upstairs Inst. Music by Soja (Hamilton) band.
not time honored might shall be the Take notice that this is the a holder of the CAMBRIDGE SENIOR CERTIFICATE, is willing for All are invited to come and enjoy themlord. We might be premature, but el this town on Thursday, 4th inst.
moderate consideration to assist anyone who may be desirous of obtaining selves.
let us keep before us the words of the Among those noted were the Governor very last call. So wake up this a higher education good old poet Tennyson Ring out the mander of the troops on the Panama Smake an effort for the Goal of Inand his wife, General Kennedy, Com time for once in your life and Red Tank Friendly Society GoSubjects taught. Arithmetic, Algebra, Practical and Theoretical old, Ring in the new.
Canal, who came over to meet the Sec your life can be overcome if you dependence.
Ing Some Every obstacle in Geometry, Elements of French and Latin, English including Grammar and The Red Tank Friendly Society had retary of War Baker. Wonder if they attend this meeting, even if you Composition. Business forms, letters, etc. other subjects taught as demand Death of Child its first installation on Monday Dec.
may arise students prepared for Cambridge Local Examinations.
It is with deep regret we chronicle the Daw how hard the poor silver employees have not a cent to join right now, were working on the locks.
24th 1919. The officers installed are as Hours. 00 to 10. 00 Call or write. death of Lillian May Parris, daughter of come and make yourself known!
follows Robert and Tallis Parris of this district. Quite a large number of Whist play. There a reason.
Benj, Gilkes, President.
which took place on Monday, Dec. 1st. ers turned out at the Silver Clubhouse Fitx Mappe, Vice President.
The 15 month child was beloved by all on Satutday night last when they wit, Queely, Secretary sumptuous time spent by the NOTICE. Morgan, Asst. Secretary this Local Benefit Society which they his reindeer team and pretty sledge, on her little friends who joined in following nessed are so much accustomed to at their orabout the 24th, night of the current Laurie of St. Georges Church, con of the gold challenge cup to Blue Bell her to her last resting place. Catechist playing members and the presentation Blackman, Marshall Blackman, Want to know the present ad.
month. The stage setting reflects great The ceremony was performed by credit on the stage manager, and the ducted the service.
Champions of the valuable trophy. dress or whereabouts of James (Sgd. QUEELY Past President Carwell, who after chiarascurie effects produced by the ma. wife In the new games which will take Spooner. a Barbadian, and wards delivered a stirring address which Secretary nipulation of the light was fine.
Malcom, Stewart, employee of the com: place some time next year, there will Gregory. Jamaican, both shoebe no less than six teams entering, so makers by trade.
will be long remembered by those present, other addresses were also made by The program consisted of Songs, re missary Dept. Cristobal, and three child Mr. Springer will have to look out and Bros. T. Queely, Mappe, and GATUN citations, and plays. All the perfor. ren, sailed for their native home on give his team new name, what do you FISHER Gilkes on behalf of the welfare of the mers rendered their parts in good form, Thursday, 4th inst. All join in wishing say skipper, old boy do you think you Prov. Chiriqui. David, considering the that they had only them a safe and pleasant voyag can win trom five other clubs?
Society of The concert staged by the Ladies about ten days of actual preparation. We thought the rainy season was of Committee on Christmas Brossard has makings of Remember the song service to night rendered a most beautiful and enjoyable 28th. Mis Smellie was pianist, and are alocution in taler rendition y the poor hard workinging. caplan in te hace but try and keep off the billiard tables Black, will have to answer to Red Tank Choral Union, and his Choir como rot on Friday evening, November Migodrelocutionist boleh bene cost more to handle in two inobes don mind the high price of the movie when all profiteers, White and occupants of houses time, the best applause was given to Mr. Smellie was musical director. piece People will talk was Mr. Howard and bis Choir. The fune Tickets for this concert were sold in ad effort. She is delightful free of that which lead to their quarters, also and children to look ater and put that sood and 57 are suffering from the bad road you young men, who have your wives the people.
tion was also attended by the ladies vance, and a record crowd turned out species of nervousness known as stage long grass which surely hide snakes and come to your service in old age.
the precious time into something which will Comment, and gentlemen of Red Tank and Paraiso, to hear the local artistes on the foot fright, and her enunciation is good. other dangerous insects; what do you The above explains the situaafter which refreshments were served in boards. The object of the entertain Mrs. Laurie also recited a very catchy sy Mr, will this grass and rond Now that the movies are costing tion of Colon so fittingly that general.
tainment was benevolent, visto pro piece entitled Mischief Makers. be ready for Xmas? It a shame to me 10 cents for Adults and Scents for chil an asking you to read it over hope this will serve to encourage the vide the children of the community with This lady promises to be one of our the boys felothing and shoes when they dren that wonderful pieture the great again; using the word COLON folko of the twin Cities of Red Tank the material evidence of the visit of Good best ofisets the draw back of a voice reach the traih inte tion from their quarters secret will be out of luck to comnand instead of New York.
and Paraiso to cast in their lot with Old Santa Claus, who is due to arrive in with deficient carrying power. This of EDUARDO MORALES Quite a large number of official visit packed bouse.
The Woman Exchange DRESSMAKERS recklessness.
the club houses High School Education We message

    Civil War

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